The Fortress; Iaurdagnire

Iaurdagnire's picture

  • PLAYER / CONTACT 08.03.20

    Jay's passing is still sore, I find myself thinking about him if I'm driving in the rain. He has brought to light that I've not really been living for a while; my hobbies were consumed by work, so I'm making an effort to get those back or at least find new ones.

    One of which is enjoying a certain fantasy deer characters again, at least low key now that I've brought my old pc back from the dead. Maybe Dag will see you in forest sometime?

    He'll be 11 years old on the 21st March (:


    Uuo (OOC) False God (special use)
    Kusakage (inactive) Kyte (inactive)
    Sulfur (event demons)

    Contact Info

    Discord: Find me as 'Dag' in The Endless Forest Server, feel free to add me!

"His presence seemed to be the Forest itself, loving and wise and without grudges or harbored shadows." - silentlikethat

{ I a u r d a g n i r e THE FORTRESS

Respected - Wise - Humble - Good-humoured - Articulate - Righteous - Authoritative - Dutiful - Fearless - Fatherly
Timeworn - Intelligent - Diplomatic - Limitless - Reliable - Altruistic - Resolute - Gentle - Charismatic - Genuine

"He walks with a gawky elegance, breaking the top of the hill. His hill. Though he hardly guards it with the malice of a dog.
Instead, this is where they gather. To play, to know that not everyone will belittle them." - Mjrn

     A sight-seeing tour of the forest with his lady love as if everything was brand new.



    Identity }
    Dag's full name is pronounced 'I-or-dag-nyre', and was given the title 'The Fortress' in recognition of the guardianship he gives to and inspires in others. He is a symbol of unyielding strength of will and exhibits an impenetrable, one-pointed focus to rise above any situation. The emblem of victory - the Peregrine Falcon - still remains with him from his first and very old title of 'Wings of Peregrine'.
21st March 2009 | Pictogram
Stomping Grounds | Fireside | Valley View | Dandelion Hill | Sanctuary

    The Fortress }
    Voice - Deep bass; an equal balance of gentility and authoritative power associated with a voice of moral substance and leadership. Feral vocalizations are rare from him, though he is known to produce brontidal rumbles and has an extraordinarily low, growling bellow.
    Scent - His scent is very gustatory - likened to the smoulder of a warm, damp bonfire in the middle of open fields; burnt soil of old forests long gone.
    Build - Based on an old-world ice giant Eucladoceros species; the first species of deer genus to have highly evolved antlers yet is a primitive mass of strong bone and muscle. His body type is a visually solid domination with a dense muscular structure most noticeable around his barrel-chest and shoulders, reinforcing the relatively short, strong neck that bares the weight of a heavy square skull - resembling more bull than deer - and its gargantuan artillery; both of which being the most prominent indication of his skeletal bulk. Being top-heavy, his posture is almost restricted to one position when still. A long body means legs are stationed far apart to accommodate and spread the weight, and his head is always held high in balance giving him a kingly air, which is also reflected in his fluid and powerful gait. At full speed, there is very little that can stop his bulldozer momentum.
    Antlers - Fortress by design. Supernumerary, elongated branched-antlers where the beam has grown outward behind him, tines growing upward; his outer primary tines are the largest and grow into long forward-facing pincers. There are 12 tines per pedical and are split into four sets, all of which together are specifically designed to interlock with any antler type. Central clusters suited to single beam pronged deer, outer and brow tines designed for the larger supernumerary or palmated antlers such as Irish Elk. They are incredibly thick, astonishingly heavy, and an impenetrable defense that cannot be breached.
    Visual - His coat is made up of dense, varying shades of grey that give him an overall arsenic colouration, but his mane and face are the most striking; dirty white for the most part with a carnelian-red pattern draped around the contours of his beady-eyed, frill-cheeked face. The white of his mane continues only half-way under his stomach, and ends in a point with a very thin separating line of charcoal.
There is also an enormous patch-scar that tears through the left side of his neck which is coupled with the nick in his ear on the same side. This was given to him by the Spring Wolf in 2010*.
    Conqueror - Being the placid giant he is, Dag never lowers his antlers without reason; rarely has his combat been seen within the peaceful confines of the forest. However, heed the warning of his scar. Events leading up to his present existence shed further light on this war-hardened battler. There is something prehistoric and almost predatory about his combat - the misfortune of colliding with such a monolith is simply an all-sensory deluge.

    Antediluvian }
     Iaurdagnire's story has become that of Endless Forest legend, starting in 2009 and ending in 2013. His story involves the Forest, the Gods, and the spiritual embodiment of the Seasons whom he served with perpetual lives as a God-given duty. Dag wanted to escape, and continually fought for a life and death that was his to dictate; to cease to be a higher power's fuel for intellectual evolution. But in learning about his place in the world and a way to put an end to his duties, he became even more lost. Ultimately, Dag's story is an exploration of purpose and morality in all forms, and almost entirely community driven. The community has been involved in each section in some way, and these are referred to as "Season Events" by those who have participated; the events were designed for everyone to enjoy, regardless of the story.
Winter '09
Crackéd Smile
"I am here as a friend."
Autumn '09
I: Collapse the Light
II: Numb the Infection
III: I'd choose right now
Spring '10
I: Brontide
II: Thunderclap*
III: Colossus
IV: Oblivion
Summer '10
I: Fissure
II: Ignite
III: Mountain Masquerade
Autumn '10
I: Duty
II: Ender
III: Nothing Gold can Stay
Winter '11
I: Splinter
II: Restrain
Spring '11
I: Hesitance
II: Acrid Lullaby
III: Amalgamate | †
IV: Play the Hand
you are Dealt | †

Catalyst '11
Incubus | Reprise
I: Jack to the King
II: Overthrow
III: Start Your Descent
War Drum '12
I: Long Live the King
II: Dandelion Hill
III: Warrior Hysteria
IV: Wasteland Soldier
V: Your Supremacy
Elysium '13
The Fortress and The Raven | Epilogue

Background art by J!n

    Core }
    Ravenflight - The Queen His love and greatest treasure; indescribably bound to her like no other. Their history had long ran parallel, and although their paths crossed only rarely in bygone years, they were connected by a deep empathy for their respective trials and desire for freedom. Behind closed doors they each played a part in helping each other fulfill a purpose in order to escape, and then found themselves lost without it. When Dag returned to the forest, Ravenflight tried to help him re-adjust through her understanding of what it is like to feel truly detached from the world around you. As they spent more time together, Dag increasingly began to dote on her and fell very deeply in love. Captivated by her in every way. Ravenflight has given him a new purpose, and Dag is utterly devoted to her continued happiness. Adores and is enchanted by everything she is.
    Cry - The Ace Guardian; a source of security; life indebted to. Dag has known Cry for a long time, and upon his return was healed by him (see 'War Drum' Act V). Displays an affectionate "big brother" attitude towards the small white stag when around him.
    Ephiré - The Jack An unspoken natural affinity; indebted to. The two giants have much in common with the way they cope with the world around them, and it is this understanding that lead Ephiré to become the catalyst in Dag's journey (see 'Catalyst' story arc Act I-III). Has a profound trust in him and admires him greatly. He is also the only deer within the forest to have witnessed the full brunt of Dag's combat.
    Virgil/The Red - Part of the Fortress' strong foundations. One of his oldest friends of a different world to his own, wild and unrestricted. At the time of his trials, Dag thought of Virgil's existence as "real", moreso than his own and one he wanted to achieve. Events between then and now strongly effected Dag, but their friendship remains strong and has been rebuilt. [to be re-written]

  • Bonus Material

    Autumn '09 Act III: I'd choose right now, was the first song 'read along' blog to appear on TEFC (to my knowledge!).
    War Drum '12 Act V: Your Supremacy was my most successful community-wide event, where 68 TEF players participated.

    Antediluvian - There are two reasons why I chose to use this word for Dag and his story. The first is that it was originally a biblical word meaning the time between the creation of earth and the great flood/deluge myth; a narrative in which a great flood is sent by a deity to destroy in an act of divine retribution (the Spring Wolf). A parallel of this is a metaphor of rebirth, which was the premise of Dag's rebellion against his original purpose. Secondly, the modern meaning for this word is simply to be old fashioned/ancient in the most possible way (as if they lived before the great flood).

    Playing card references - A great metaphor for life in general, where one must simply play the hand they are dealt, good or bad. One of my favourite card games is Whist, where the object of the game is to simply score the most "tricks" by having the highest card in the suit that is being played. Therefore the cards you would like to see in your hand are the highest: Ace, King, Queen and Jack. The Jack is a good card to have, because it will generally weed out the other players higher cards in their desire to win the hand, so it is more common for you to lose that round but win others as you have exhausted the other players good cards. The Jack was the role of Ephiré, in Jack to the King. He killed Dag - referenced as the King - and although the hand appeared to be lost, the game was not over. The card that trumped Velocity's hand was the Ace, Cry, in Your Supremacy.

    As a character, Dag was originally inspired by naturally powerful characters like Mufasa from The Lion King and Riki from Ginga Nagareboshi Gin - characters the hero-type protagonists typically look up to for guidance and leadership.


"Codswallop." LOL.

"Codswallop." LOL. <3



You're welcome! Her eyes wandered to the mess of antlers that were his crown; thick and heavy, like a forest left to grow. Her eyes returned to his.

Aw, but come on! Playfully, she reared up again, as if to reach for them. She wasn't quite tall enough though, and she pouted in response.

Her body froze into place as his tongue traveled her neck, and there was a powerful shudder that raked through her spine. She shook herself afterwards, then glanced down to see that she was clean. She nodded in approval.

Mm! Thanks. She reared up again to bump his nose with the nose of her helm; it was an old gesture of friendship.

I still want your tines though. She teased absentmindedly. But instead of trying to reach them, she sat back - dog style again - and looked up to them. Her eyes were unreadable, though one might garner a hint of mischievousness in them.
Iaurdagnire's picture

NOOOOOOO I was going to make

NOOOOOOO I was going to make it two trollfaces in a row! Drats, I've been foiled! And Lacie sitting like a dog is too cute. She's Dag's puppy now. No take backsies.

I've come over a trifle lazy so I'll reply to the rp later ;P I'm also trying to draw on a pad of smooth cartridge paper I found. Is it odd I find it harder to draw on that than on economy printer paper? :|
Melusine's picture

Oh Balderdash and Codswallop,

Oh Balderdash and Codswallop, Dag! :C



FKSKFSK WHAT. NO. SHE SITS LIKE THAT BECAUSE SHE'S - goes into long explanation about how Thylacines sit, and roughly 2 hours later...- SHE'S NOT HIS PUPPY. >8(

La, it's alright! Take your time. And...hahah, I honestly don't know, since I don't draw on paper. Although I suppose smoother paper is harder to draw on simply because of the surface type. Meh, who knows.
Iaurdagnire's picture


AHHHHHHHH MEL-MEL THAT IS FUCKING FANTASTIC! So cute n happy n fat omg ♥ thank you! That has made my day =D


Dag blinked at the bump to his nose, not really seeing it coming but smiling gleefully at it anyway. His ears perked as she sat down and commented on his tines, and he looked her over curiously,
"... How do you sit like that?"
He slowly edged his hind legs forwards in an attempt to mimick and try and sit on his behind, but he soon shook his head and hurridly moved them back again.
"That is certainly not happing; I'm not even sure my spine can bend that way."
Dag glanced at her again, almost jealous of how sweet she looked. Cute in the way that you fight the urge to not shove them over just to see them exclaim or make a noise.

"You're looking at me funnily..."


Also... is that a Marsh Mallow in your icon?





She paused briefly before speaking.

I...honestly don't know. It's how I've always sat. Just another habit from my other self, I suppose.

She giggled teasingly as he tried to do the same.

And even if you could bent your spine, I can imagine you falling over from your tines. She laughed again at the thought, and from remembering earlier.

She snorted quietly as his comment.

I think you're looking at me kinda funny too. What's going on in your head, hm!?
Hraeth's picture





Iaurdagnire's picture

I JUST DID. Okay so I don't


Okay so I don't exactly check my tracking list often >[


Both his eyebrows raised at he looked at the floor. Propose a scenario, and he would always imagine the outcome; falling either onto his chin if he's smart, or squarely onto his nose if the pull would send him hoof-over-head. Being thwacked on the nose is very unpleasant to most, and Dag's nose unfortunately is twice, thrice the size of said most. His muzzle would be black and blue that's for sure.
Glad I didn't. He assured himself, feeling a little sickly at the thought of that numb feeling across the bridge. Terrible feeling.

He cleared his throat after wondering off in his head for so long,
"My head? I was just admiring how sweet you look sitting that way. Like a little bird, perched and sat on its own feet. You know, when they sit in a fluffy ball? Very cute, even if you're not fluffy." Tact was something Dag lacked when it came to paying someone a compliment, or was it a lack of embarrassment for calling someone cute? Either way, there was no sheepishness in his voice, only truth.


*high-fives Hrae*

Lol, I know you don't.

Lol, I know you don't. (:


She watched him as he spaced out; she looked so utterly childish in that moment.

I've seen those before. They're quite adorable. I love poofy things, heehee.

She stood up, shaking herself and stretching. Her spine elongated as she did so, only to recoil as she relaxed. Then, she lay on the ground in front of him, in a much similar dog-like fashion.

On a semi-related note, I've always admired how tame the birds here are. You could never even get within a mile of one before it would take off...

As if to suddenly distract herself, she rose quickly, play bowing, then gently headbutting his chest; it was almost as if she was asking for a light spar.

Iaurdagnire's picture

"Really..." Dag looked up to

Dag looked up to see any birds in the trees. When up in the branches above him, they were fine, but to approach one closely as if tame... it never happened; they always flew away. Though they did often mistake his antlers for places to sit when sleeping. Maybe that was it - fleeing due to the confusion of a blue tree on legs.

"Well now," he cocked his head and looked down at her, "haven't I let you bully me enough today?" He laughed, but not just any laugh. It was one that lowered as it went on, almost into a growl. Sly eyes challenged her playfully as he lowered his front, rear in the air in readiness.


Melusine's picture

^ FFFT LOL. Glad you like

Glad you like mannnggg
Admit it. There had to be a dag somewhere. :I

LOL BAMBI. --- Mm. I think



Mm. I think the birds realize that no one can really hurt them here.

Her voice was a bit low when she spoke, but her emotions were kept hidden.

Her head jerked up as his teasing challenge. She smirked beneath her helm, and it sparked in her eyes.

I don't think so. Methinks you need to be bullied some more. She pawed the ground with a front hoof, lowering her head in challenge.

She charged him, but her aim was to duck under his head and neck and ram his chest again.

She only hoped he wouldn't see it.
Iaurdagnire's picture

>D Dag smiled, but there was


Dag smiled, but there was something very raw told in his next action. He saw it - anticipated it, even - and turned his head 40 degrees to catch Lacie's small antlers against his frontal tines that extended out from his forehead. A skilled swordsmen will not limit himself to one blade, and find a use for all of them; he had just shown Lacie his choice for her.
"Other giants like me are fooled into thinking that deer like you are no bother. I am far wiser to the daggers on your head." A light-hearted laugh showed her that although his direct counter might have seemed confrontational, it was far from it and just another game. Little was known about Dag's fighting style, but it was clear that a part of it was about being a step ahead of the opponent in defence,
"Are you any good at parrying?" He gave her a gentle push so they could settle back facing each other,
"Hm-hm, and I promise it won't all end in tears; I can't hurt you."

FFF --- She grunted loudly



She grunted loudly as her antlers were caught, and a low growl rumbled from her chest. It wasn't aggressive however; it was a lighthearted and playful one.

Heh, not bad. Not bad at all. She steadied herself after he pushed her back.

Unfortunately, I'm quite rusty with fighting and sparring in general. I haven't had a life and death fight in a long time; and my last serious fight in general was but a few weeks ago. I lost, and horribly at that.

She shook her head, as if to erase that memory; though if one were to look carefully, a brief ripple of her muscles were visible, as if her body remembered the damages done.

Bah, I know you can't. She reared up in place, stomping the ground; much like how a fox would pounce on a vole. It was a playful gesture.

She paced back and forth in front of him, as if trying to find the next place to strike. Strategy was key, but she was no tactician.

She rushed towards him, but just as her nose almost touched his, she darted quickly to the left, in an attempt to side swipe him.
parrotsnpineapple's picture

Whilst doing some homework I

Whilst doing some homework I came across this, and it reminded me of dag C:
Iaurdagnire's picture

jksdfhasdfh where did you

jksdfhasdfh where did you find that? I had been planning on doing antlers like that when Dag finishes his... yes. haha no spoilers for you!

That is awesome though -grabby- thank you for showing me <3
Iaurdagnire's picture

Why is it that after a few

Why is it that after a few hours I can't edit my own post?


He grimaced at her remark for a lost battle. He'd rather no-one fought at all, so being "rusty" was neither here nor there. But it was a necessary.
Anchored to the spot, Dag blocked her swipe with a mere shift of footing and a carefully placed angle of the head. He raised a brow as if baiting her,
"You have speed on your side, and that is a good thing. You're small, but my barricade isn't something you can get past by having a good offence."
He was of course talking about his antlers.
"Size isn't everything in a fight. You can either be small and fast, or large and slow - you cannot be both; to win against someone like me you need to apply some physics."
He pivoted on the spot. Dag could turn effortlessly, but physics dictated that it took twice as long as Lacie would be able to strike him and return to her original position.
"My last green pine cone says you can touch my hind knee and move back to where you are standing before I can turn around and meet your face again."

Because you fail. -Will

Because you fail.

-Will reply in a minute, just wanted to say that because "Lol I'm a twat."-
Iaurdagnire's picture

Yeah. Well. My firefox

Yeah. Well.

My firefox crashed.

Eeee, springing fox.

Eeee, springing fox. <3


She noticed his grimace, and frowned in response.

It was nothing; just a error in judgement.

Not something she liked admitting to, but it was a truth.

She recoiled back, her eyes focused on his as he spoke; her gaze was intent and piercing.

Ha, physics is a poor subject for me. Of course, depending on my form, physics hates me at times too. My body is light, and it doesn't take much to knock me over should I lose my footing or endurance.

Since he divulged some of his weak spots, she divulged some of hers.

I'm not skilled, and I have poor endurance in general, particularly in the other form. I'm used to charging head on and ducking at the last minute. It's a risky move, yes, but it often works out. Unless it's someone like you, who knows better than to underestimate a tactic like that.

She paused a moment before speaking again.

I grapple better with those my size. And my bite's a force to be reckoned with. Deer-wise, all I have are my tines, my hooves, and mostly dumb luck. Anyway.

Her ears pricked forward, and her eyes wandered to his hind knee. It was a play session, but any practice was welcome. Still, she couldn't help but feel...

Hm. You're setting me up.

She backed up, providing more space, and her eyes continued to scan his frame intently.

It was hard to say what she was thinking.
Iaurdagnire's picture

"Hm-hm, you got me." He

"Hm-hm, you got me."
He smiled whilst listening to her, but didn't comment until admitting her last observation.
"When you understand your weaknesses, you can do something about them. You sound as if you know yours, as do I."

He nodded once to end the conversation,
"If I am setting you up, what are you going to do about it?"

But I suppose it's better I

But I suppose it's better I keep out of the fighting. Then again, anything can happen. Mph.

She cracked her neck, considering an answer.

Since we're playing...

She rushed towards him full tilt; only to pause just as the nose of her helm tapped his own. Immediately, she sat on the ground in front of him.

Absolutely nothing, ha.
Iaurdagnire's picture

After a moment of surprise,

After a moment of surprise, Dag snorted a puff of air to her face,
"I wish I could do that."
He was impressed by her control and how she could stop dead at a moments notice.
"I need a long time to stop when I'm running..." he rolled his eyes, "physics." He finished with a laugh.

At the puff of air, her eyes

At the puff of air, her eyes narrowed as if glaring.

Hey. Her voice was playfully scolding, and she stuck her tongue out at him in turn.

Such a misbehaving creature you are today. Tsk tsk. She gently jabbed a hoof in his chest as she spoke. At his words, she rolled her shoulders the best she could; a deer's pathetic attempt at a shrug.

I suppose it's the one thing I can control, haha. At the physics comment, she herself laughed.

I now have an image of you running full tilt, only to try and stop short...and ending up with your face planted in the earth. Laughing again, she jumped circles around him in a moment of playful energy asking to be spent.
Iaurdagnire's picture

"Misbehaving? Hm-hm,

"Misbehaving? Hm-hm, regardless of who is to blame, I will place it squarely on you; you always have a spring in your step that somehow bounces onto me."
He bounced forward together with her circles, and a small one again to turn around in a sort of...bink*.
"Ha! Actually, I have come close to falling. But a fall for someone like me can be very dangerous! So I try to avoid needing to stop so suddenly... or hope that others have the common sense to move out of my way. You know, when running to meet someone I often have to run past them in order to slow down and circle back on myself."

Suddenly Dag's ears sprang forward, and he looked around for something very specific. Taking deep inhales, the stag could not smell what he was looking for. 'Good'.
He spoke in an almost whisper,
"... Fancy a race to the pond?" The valley leading from them made the perfect race-track.

*rofl dagbunny

Sage was binking last night.

Sage was binking last night. Nothing is cuter than a binking bunny. ;;

Speaking of which, I had a horrible nightmare about him...


Whoa, hold up now! She exclaimed, feigning being upset. You don't have to let my "spring" affect you, you know. And again, she jabbed his chest. It was starting to become habit almost. She laughed in the end though. She watched as he binked near her.

A binking Dag? Dear god, you're adorable. She commented, binking in turn as well.

Not to be cruel, but I would have loved to have seen that near fall, hahaha. And I've noticed that you've had to run past me, and come back. I always inwardly joke that you've forgotten who I am!

Her ears caught his whisper, and she felt her heart pound. Running. She craved it.

You are so on. She challenged, readying herself for the signal.



What the cock. That new

What the cock.

That new picture on the bottom.

Making me itch for a fight >8/

Sexy Dag picture is

Sexy Dag picture is sexyyyyyy!
Iaurdagnire's picture

Chop Shopped Like a fucking


Like a fucking boss so he didn't look shit any more. (:

I will reply to you Lacie |'D work has me over its knee at the moment. Training on a new machine tomorrow, excitiiiiiiing.


Niiice. <3 (:

It's alright! Take your time. (: Haha, what kind of new machine?
Iaurdagnire's picture

Hm it's a... folding thing is

Hm it's a... folding thing is the best way to describe it. It scores the paper and folds it into any style you want. Sounds kinda lame but scoring and folding like... a 3-fold advertising brochure isn't simple. You need a machine to make sure it scores and folds it to the millimetre. Our one that we have at the moment (which is being replaced), is old and isn't 100% accurate which - as we say in the trade - is... shit. c:

Haha, old technology is old.

Haha, old technology is old. 8D

I'd be nervous having to run something like that.
Iaurdagnire's picture

I'm not too worried as my

I'm not too worried as my boss and manager will be learning it at the same time. That always makes it better when everyone higher than you is clueless as well XD


His face warped into one of confusion, and he stuck out half his bottom lip and cast his eyes up to their corners 'thinking'. Had he ever been called adorable before? Surely he's too much of a brute, but it felt nice to be called it.
"Really? Forgotten who you are! I didn't know that, hm-hm - sorry. Well, now you know that my turn-abouts aren't without reason...

... I'll try not to run too fast lest I have to use the whole forest to slow myself down, then..."

Dragging the point of his hoof across the ground in front of him, he made a starting line to stand behind. He waited until Lacie did the same, until looking at her daringly and giving the signal,
"Three... Two... One... Go!"

Yes, that is always a good

Yes, that is always a good thing. Keeps you out of too much trouble if things go south. 8D


She laughed at the image of the entire forest being knocked down because of him.

The images you paint in my head...good grief. She said, shaking her head as she walked to the starting line.

She waited with anticipation for his signal, and when he gave it, she was on. Her back legs sprung her forward, and she ran as hard as she could. It was safe to say she wasn't even bothering to pay attention to Dag.

It was hard to concentrate when your body was pumping adrenaline as if it was nourishment for the blood.
parrotsnpineapple's picture

Omg I broke your layouts

Omg I broke your layouts conventions.
Iaurdagnire's picture

Oh. My. God. Awesome! -Sends

Oh. My. God. Awesome!
-Sends to all my dubsteppers-


Lunguppie-poo(LOLOLwhat.) -

The moment Lacie sprang away like a jack-rabbit from a bolt hole, Dag smirked and set off after her. It didn't take him long to catch up at all, and he ran alongside her with a very serene and calm expression on his face. It was a nonchalant taunt, as if to say no sweat.

The dense cludding sound of his - oddly leisurely looking - gallop rhythmically accompanied Lacies delicate drumming rush across the grass. Dag's size meant that even though he was moving at a fast pace, it looked as if he were running in slow motion.

He looked at her and raised a brow, wondering if the white roadrunner could go even faster; she'd look like one of the white spiritual things the God's turn into now and again to whizz around the forest.
Silverpaw15's picture

Sorry I vanished yesterday.

Sorry I vanished yesterday. ^_^;
My dad decided to install our new internet connection yesterday, and it took way longer than we expected to start working.
I didn't mean to vanish on you. He just kinda forgot to give me a heads up..>_>
Iaurdagnire's picture

It's okay, I was going to

It's okay, I was going to apologise for being stand-still because my dad came and talked to me suddenly 8|

Zach is the is the persistant King of Peacocking. I almost logged out without loading his set again haha. By the way, I love Zach's natural grunge colours in your signature image ♥
Silverpaw15's picture

It took over two hours for

It took over two hours for the internet to come it's okay. It would've been a long wait for you. XD

Lol..his mischievous side is probably very proud of that title, I bet. If you had, he would've volunteered to help you get the set back, that's for sure. ~_^

And thank you. ^_^ I'm glad you like them. I was trying to draw some sort of a reference picture for him (after one year, I think he deserves one) but I wasn't alltogether happy with how it turned out (I wanna refine his looks a bit more). His colors looked nice though and I ended up placing the image in my signature. XD
I've always pictured him to be more blueish brown than blue, anyway. So I think I'll keep the colors. ~_^
Iaurdagnire's picture

I'd love to see you do a

I'd love to see you do a reference picture for him. I've always liked his set, and I think the combination of browns and blues is always very nice. (: *waves pom-poms* you can do it ;D

Hey n00b, you missed a space

Hey n00b, you missed a space in "III: Nothing Gold canStay"

Iaurdagnire's picture

Is that better little miss

Is that better little miss spots-everything?

Depends, cause - unless it's

Depends, cause - unless it's deliberate, I think Collosus is spelt Colossus. :{D
moonsoverwater's picture

VEE~! ~glomps her and

VEE~! ~glomps her and whispers~ We do not be so nit-picky with the Dag.... did you or did you not see the antlers in the newest story!? They would turn you in to swiss cheese!

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

ROFL Aw don't worry, this is


Aw don't worry, this is just karma for her triple Loose-the-game visual rickrolling and something else pwnt the other day.

Iaurdagnire's picture

Way to notice a spelling

Way to notice a spelling mistake from over a year ago.
My firefox spell check didn't even red-line it... retard (edit: firefox, not you lol)

HA I didn't even notice your comment, moons <3 lmao swiss cheese.

Before I comment on your

Before I comment on your newest entries (I've been sat here catching up), I really like how you've re-written antediluvian. It seems more grown up... if you get my meaning.

Also I suspect you've already read this and stuff but thought I'd link you anyway:

I'd be stupid to ignore the

I'd be stupid to ignore the chance to claim two pages in one day...