The Fortress; Iaurdagnire

Iaurdagnire's picture

  • PLAYER / CONTACT 08.03.20

    Jay's passing is still sore, I find myself thinking about him if I'm driving in the rain. He has brought to light that I've not really been living for a while; my hobbies were consumed by work, so I'm making an effort to get those back or at least find new ones.

    One of which is enjoying a certain fantasy deer characters again, at least low key now that I've brought my old pc back from the dead. Maybe Dag will see you in forest sometime?

    He'll be 11 years old on the 21st March (:


    Uuo (OOC) False God (special use)
    Kusakage (inactive) Kyte (inactive)
    Sulfur (event demons)

    Contact Info

    Discord: Find me as 'Dag' in The Endless Forest Server, feel free to add me!

"His presence seemed to be the Forest itself, loving and wise and without grudges or harbored shadows." - silentlikethat

{ I a u r d a g n i r e THE FORTRESS

Respected - Wise - Humble - Good-humoured - Articulate - Righteous - Authoritative - Dutiful - Fearless - Fatherly
Timeworn - Intelligent - Diplomatic - Limitless - Reliable - Altruistic - Resolute - Gentle - Charismatic - Genuine

"He walks with a gawky elegance, breaking the top of the hill. His hill. Though he hardly guards it with the malice of a dog.
Instead, this is where they gather. To play, to know that not everyone will belittle them." - Mjrn

     A sight-seeing tour of the forest with his lady love as if everything was brand new.



    Identity }
    Dag's full name is pronounced 'I-or-dag-nyre', and was given the title 'The Fortress' in recognition of the guardianship he gives to and inspires in others. He is a symbol of unyielding strength of will and exhibits an impenetrable, one-pointed focus to rise above any situation. The emblem of victory - the Peregrine Falcon - still remains with him from his first and very old title of 'Wings of Peregrine'.
21st March 2009 | Pictogram
Stomping Grounds | Fireside | Valley View | Dandelion Hill | Sanctuary

    The Fortress }
    Voice - Deep bass; an equal balance of gentility and authoritative power associated with a voice of moral substance and leadership. Feral vocalizations are rare from him, though he is known to produce brontidal rumbles and has an extraordinarily low, growling bellow.
    Scent - His scent is very gustatory - likened to the smoulder of a warm, damp bonfire in the middle of open fields; burnt soil of old forests long gone.
    Build - Based on an old-world ice giant Eucladoceros species; the first species of deer genus to have highly evolved antlers yet is a primitive mass of strong bone and muscle. His body type is a visually solid domination with a dense muscular structure most noticeable around his barrel-chest and shoulders, reinforcing the relatively short, strong neck that bares the weight of a heavy square skull - resembling more bull than deer - and its gargantuan artillery; both of which being the most prominent indication of his skeletal bulk. Being top-heavy, his posture is almost restricted to one position when still. A long body means legs are stationed far apart to accommodate and spread the weight, and his head is always held high in balance giving him a kingly air, which is also reflected in his fluid and powerful gait. At full speed, there is very little that can stop his bulldozer momentum.
    Antlers - Fortress by design. Supernumerary, elongated branched-antlers where the beam has grown outward behind him, tines growing upward; his outer primary tines are the largest and grow into long forward-facing pincers. There are 12 tines per pedical and are split into four sets, all of which together are specifically designed to interlock with any antler type. Central clusters suited to single beam pronged deer, outer and brow tines designed for the larger supernumerary or palmated antlers such as Irish Elk. They are incredibly thick, astonishingly heavy, and an impenetrable defense that cannot be breached.
    Visual - His coat is made up of dense, varying shades of grey that give him an overall arsenic colouration, but his mane and face are the most striking; dirty white for the most part with a carnelian-red pattern draped around the contours of his beady-eyed, frill-cheeked face. The white of his mane continues only half-way under his stomach, and ends in a point with a very thin separating line of charcoal.
There is also an enormous patch-scar that tears through the left side of his neck which is coupled with the nick in his ear on the same side. This was given to him by the Spring Wolf in 2010*.
    Conqueror - Being the placid giant he is, Dag never lowers his antlers without reason; rarely has his combat been seen within the peaceful confines of the forest. However, heed the warning of his scar. Events leading up to his present existence shed further light on this war-hardened battler. There is something prehistoric and almost predatory about his combat - the misfortune of colliding with such a monolith is simply an all-sensory deluge.

    Antediluvian }
     Iaurdagnire's story has become that of Endless Forest legend, starting in 2009 and ending in 2013. His story involves the Forest, the Gods, and the spiritual embodiment of the Seasons whom he served with perpetual lives as a God-given duty. Dag wanted to escape, and continually fought for a life and death that was his to dictate; to cease to be a higher power's fuel for intellectual evolution. But in learning about his place in the world and a way to put an end to his duties, he became even more lost. Ultimately, Dag's story is an exploration of purpose and morality in all forms, and almost entirely community driven. The community has been involved in each section in some way, and these are referred to as "Season Events" by those who have participated; the events were designed for everyone to enjoy, regardless of the story.
Winter '09
Crackéd Smile
"I am here as a friend."
Autumn '09
I: Collapse the Light
II: Numb the Infection
III: I'd choose right now
Spring '10
I: Brontide
II: Thunderclap*
III: Colossus
IV: Oblivion
Summer '10
I: Fissure
II: Ignite
III: Mountain Masquerade
Autumn '10
I: Duty
II: Ender
III: Nothing Gold can Stay
Winter '11
I: Splinter
II: Restrain
Spring '11
I: Hesitance
II: Acrid Lullaby
III: Amalgamate | †
IV: Play the Hand
you are Dealt | †

Catalyst '11
Incubus | Reprise
I: Jack to the King
II: Overthrow
III: Start Your Descent
War Drum '12
I: Long Live the King
II: Dandelion Hill
III: Warrior Hysteria
IV: Wasteland Soldier
V: Your Supremacy
Elysium '13
The Fortress and The Raven | Epilogue

Background art by J!n

    Core }
    Ravenflight - The Queen His love and greatest treasure; indescribably bound to her like no other. Their history had long ran parallel, and although their paths crossed only rarely in bygone years, they were connected by a deep empathy for their respective trials and desire for freedom. Behind closed doors they each played a part in helping each other fulfill a purpose in order to escape, and then found themselves lost without it. When Dag returned to the forest, Ravenflight tried to help him re-adjust through her understanding of what it is like to feel truly detached from the world around you. As they spent more time together, Dag increasingly began to dote on her and fell very deeply in love. Captivated by her in every way. Ravenflight has given him a new purpose, and Dag is utterly devoted to her continued happiness. Adores and is enchanted by everything she is.
    Cry - The Ace Guardian; a source of security; life indebted to. Dag has known Cry for a long time, and upon his return was healed by him (see 'War Drum' Act V). Displays an affectionate "big brother" attitude towards the small white stag when around him.
    Ephiré - The Jack An unspoken natural affinity; indebted to. The two giants have much in common with the way they cope with the world around them, and it is this understanding that lead Ephiré to become the catalyst in Dag's journey (see 'Catalyst' story arc Act I-III). Has a profound trust in him and admires him greatly. He is also the only deer within the forest to have witnessed the full brunt of Dag's combat.
    Virgil/The Red - Part of the Fortress' strong foundations. One of his oldest friends of a different world to his own, wild and unrestricted. At the time of his trials, Dag thought of Virgil's existence as "real", moreso than his own and one he wanted to achieve. Events between then and now strongly effected Dag, but their friendship remains strong and has been rebuilt. [to be re-written]

  • Bonus Material

    Autumn '09 Act III: I'd choose right now, was the first song 'read along' blog to appear on TEFC (to my knowledge!).
    War Drum '12 Act V: Your Supremacy was my most successful community-wide event, where 68 TEF players participated.

    Antediluvian - There are two reasons why I chose to use this word for Dag and his story. The first is that it was originally a biblical word meaning the time between the creation of earth and the great flood/deluge myth; a narrative in which a great flood is sent by a deity to destroy in an act of divine retribution (the Spring Wolf). A parallel of this is a metaphor of rebirth, which was the premise of Dag's rebellion against his original purpose. Secondly, the modern meaning for this word is simply to be old fashioned/ancient in the most possible way (as if they lived before the great flood).

    Playing card references - A great metaphor for life in general, where one must simply play the hand they are dealt, good or bad. One of my favourite card games is Whist, where the object of the game is to simply score the most "tricks" by having the highest card in the suit that is being played. Therefore the cards you would like to see in your hand are the highest: Ace, King, Queen and Jack. The Jack is a good card to have, because it will generally weed out the other players higher cards in their desire to win the hand, so it is more common for you to lose that round but win others as you have exhausted the other players good cards. The Jack was the role of Ephiré, in Jack to the King. He killed Dag - referenced as the King - and although the hand appeared to be lost, the game was not over. The card that trumped Velocity's hand was the Ace, Cry, in Your Supremacy.

    As a character, Dag was originally inspired by naturally powerful characters like Mufasa from The Lion King and Riki from Ginga Nagareboshi Gin - characters the hero-type protagonists typically look up to for guidance and leadership.

Melusine's picture

2100 comments! congrats.


case dismissed, bring in the dancing lobsters.

(don't rush or anything, take your time. I don't mind. Hope you feel better~ )

It's alright. Take your time.

It's alright. Take your time. (:
Iaurdagnire's picture

omg lobsters. Mel - Awh

omg lobsters.

Mel - Awh lazy-sack XD
Dag watched Melusine's gaze slowly float from the ponds surface back to land and beyond. Despite her relaxed presence, there seemed to be something more to her.
"Hm-hm, I bet there are some deer who wish to trade for your stress-free life. There never seems to be a good balance of the two."
He hummed at her question. There was a time where his answer would have been instant - everything. All of it. Didn't matter who or where; he found fun in everything. But he had lately found himself sucumbing to sitting and lazing around like so many of the deer who had lived in the forest as long as he had. For a moment, it saddened him. He couldn't let his zest go, not yet.
"Climbing things." Came a firm answer, "I don't lug myself up on things very often, and that is why it is perhaps... a treat for me. I like fooling around with friends and not being serious... for my sanity, hm-hm. But I have my quiet moments."
He took a step forward, and his faux whisper was followed by a soft laugh,
"I'm good at lying around, too."


Lung - What is your avatar? I can see it's a Dog... but that looks like a porthole... and I want to believe it's a dog looking out of a submarine... haha?

Dag mouthed along with her words to further his taunting, but stopped and laughed after Lacie protruded her tongue out at him in return. The roaring laughter was just the reaction he wanted after his moment of crudeness.

"Ow!" He laughed along with her sarcasm and rolled onto his other side in the same instance after the lightening fast second jab.
"You're very pointy! And yes, yes you are. I'm sure if the sun hit you right you'd go about blinding people.
His tail - seldem seen or noticed - wagged once, happy. His white underside ended half way down his stomach to a point, so he didn't have white extending down the inside of his legs. Yet, in that brief moment, his buttoned tail revealed a white side.
"Ah yes, you would be right about my coat. It is why I stay around the ruins area; I find it the coolest there as shade is abundant. The birch forest may as well be on fire for me."
He chuckled, slightly jealous of Lacie's ability to deflect the suns heat with her white pelt.

My avatar is from this music

My avatar is from this music video. It's so sad, yet the song is absolutely beautiful. It's supposed to be Laika in a spacehub.


She smirked playfully as she jabbed him.

Aw come on! You barely felt that! She chided playfully, laughing as he rolled onto his side.

I suppose everyone would have to invest in sunglasses then. I'm not the only white deer around here; the Forest is full of them. The Birch Forest is alright I suppose, though I prefer the First Forest myself. It's closer looking to my original home.

She fell silent after that, but she quickly distracted herself upon noticing his wagging tail. Without a second thought, she shot up and leapt for it, grabbing it gently with her teeth, attempting to mimic what he did earlier to her.

Okay, thso maybeh thsis wasth a bad ideah...
Salome's picture

thank you hun for keeping

thank you hun for keeping Djinn company (: ♥

Btw have I ever told you how much I adore this biography and the character? No? Well now I do <3
Iaurdagnire's picture

Awh, thank you and you're

Awh, thank you and you're welcome (: it's nice to see Djinn while I'm playing Dag, feels more comfortable.
Salome's picture

She will definitely seek out

She will definitely seek out this lovely big fellow more often :3
Iaurdagnire's picture

Awesome c: Kusa will have to

Awesome c: Kusa will have to bump into her again soon, too. She's been a crazy-cat-lady recluse and Djinn needs to put a leesh back on her XD lolol
Salome's picture

LOL Oh god no. Djinn will run

LOL Oh god no. Djinn will run for her life. x]

Naaah I saw Kusa ?yesterday? or well a few days back and wanted I to go to her but my evil connection died. D|
Iaurdagnire's picture

Just as I read this, my

Just as I read this, my dongle dropped my connection. I love saying dongle, it sounds so dirty (oh-ho-ho). And just as the fun started, too! I can't connect to the forest again, so I'm calling it a day (: see you.
Salome's picture

dongle dongle dongle dongle

dongle dongle dongle dongle dongle... yeah sounds dirty. x]

Nevermind! Wanted to go to sleep anyway I just searched for a reason. My dog thanks your connection because she can go to sleep with me now. ♥
Kaoori's picture

(No subject)

Melusine's picture

She stood for a few moments

She stood for a few moments with her mouth open but the words didn't make it out. She had to re think her sentence before blurting it out. "...It's kind of sad though. I feel so wasteful. Time just slips by so fast." She went a little dramatic, but it was in her nature. Catching up with his answer she replied "...Its probably why I've had so much practice in the art of lazing around" her sentence almost turned into a joke a bit. "But I have to admit, climbing is fun. Unless you're me, my hooves just slip everywhere. Even when its dry. But its good lazing around on the rocks that get heated up by the sun." she laughed. Her words didn't make much sense but she tried to scramble them out any ways. In a conclusion she tilted over "Want to go over to the playground or... somewhere?".
brain don't under stand why sentence something something confusing words don't fit togethr. e__e ignore me. My mind is half asleeeeep.
Kaoori's picture


Iaurdagnire's picture

Gif battle accepted.

Gif battle accepted.

Corell's picture

Please, trust me Dagie..I

Please, trust me Dagie..I will give you something back.
My drawing program is broke so I'm trying a new one now...=} <3
Kaoori's picture

see more Gifs I find this

 - Faucet, You So Interesting
see more Gifs

I find this gif battle relevant to my interests, sir.
Iaurdagnire's picture

Corell it's okay, I don't

Corell it's okay, I don't even know when I'll get around to drawing them together X3 It'll be when you're not expecting it... ;P

Kaoori! More MLP gifs just because I can.

Kaoori's picture

(No subject)

Corell's picture

Thats alright, take your time

Thats alright, take your time <3
Iaurdagnire's picture

I've only ever watched half

I've only ever watched half an episode of this MLP cartoon, yet I have a tonne of gifs XD Bring it Kaoori!

Corell's picture

Haay..Dag, I need your help,

Haay..Dag, I need your help, is there ok if I'll email you?
Seed's picture

I begin to notice that Dag is

I begin to notice that Dag is both always on during gametime, and always unaware of it. Clearly, the best way for me to spend loads of time with Dag is for me to schedule and then cancel Gametime all the time.
Iaurdagnire's picture

Corell - Of course you can

Corell - Of course you can email me (: use the msn email at the bottom of the bio.
Seed - ... I don't understand what you're talking about xD I don't play tef for very long anyway so no-one can really spend "loads" of time with Dag haha.
Seed's picture

Today was a Forest Game

Today was a Forest Game Session. Last time we had one, you also showed up briefly and played a bit without knowing what was happening. Ergo, this will continue happening via the machinations of the universe.

And I'm not in for terribly long either, so I guess I meant that Seed would see Dag more often.
Kaoori's picture

I must search the web for

I must search the web for these pony gifs. I have never seen the show but it intrigues me. |D
Iaurdagnire's picture

Seed - Ohhhh I see, haha,

Seed - Ohhhh I see, haha, nice XD
Kaoori -

Mel & Lung - You'll be replied to tomorrow, honest xD

All this MLP stuff makes me

All this MLP stuff makes me want to throw myself in the canal. 8x

As I've said a hundred times before, there's no rush. You have a life to tend to. Even if that life mostly consists of cut up fingers and malfunctioning machinery. 8'D <3
Kaoori's picture


Iaurdagnire's picture

Lung - His head rose in a

Lung -
His head rose in a start to the sudden contact to his tail. It was an odd feeling - Dag's tail wasn't the usual thin item with long hair making up the bulk. His was... well, 'fat' is the only way of putting it. Physically, it wasn't fluffy but felt fairly heavy and dense. Luckily for him, there were very little in terms of nerve endings on it, but he could still feel Lacie's teeth.

He looked at Lacie strangely puzzled, and in an unsure yet curious tone he said,
"... I want to try something. Don't let go now..."
Slowly righting himself, Dag shuffled in hooves inward and cautiously began raising his rear off the ground. Satisfied it wouldn't hurt very much if she bit harder, and slowly but surely stood all the way up. Lacie was almost hanging completely from it, save for her hind legs still touching the ground.
"It worked! What a super tail I have... ha!"


Mel -
Dag nodded along; he completely understood what Melusine meant.
"The next day comes no matter what we do in the present. It's easy to feel wasteful if a day turned out to be unproductive, whatever you consider that to be. Lazing around with friends is the best kind of wasted time in my opinion, though."
He smiled and took a step to the side,
"The playground sounds like a great idea. After you; I'll follow."

Kaooi -

Well-rounded hah Solid, all

Well-rounded hah
Solid, all of this.
His story has been an inspiring and enjoyable one to follow.
Iaurdagnire's picture

Thank you very much, Uitleger

Thank you very much, Uitleger (: it's been an enjoyable one to create, too.
Hart's picture

(No subject)

Kaoori's picture

'Kaooi', eh? xD EVERYDAY

'Kaooi', eh? xD


Melusine's picture

Melusine trotted a little way

Melusine trotted a little way forward, but still quite aligned with Dag. She trotted, hooves dancing along the ground, her wet coat still dripping a little with beads of water floating down from her shoulders. The playground didn't seem that far away from the pond, but this being an 'endless forest' everything seemed to change around to her. "Y'know... Sometimes when I start walking from one end of the pond and walk through the forest then I end up back at the other end! Its strange this whole endless buisness, right?" she tweeted, trying to fill in the awkward silence of concentrating on walking.
The playground came in to view quickly, its slabs of rock inviting for the rebellious deer. Never a dull moment was shared at this popular place. The birch forest glowed a radiant white and orange, the tough yellowish grass being parted by the deer's trodding through.
Its very hard to write with a shuffling gif above. x)

Oh good lord. I laughed so

Oh good lord. I laughed so bad, rofl.



The girl wasn't quite sure how to react; she contemplated swinging around on his tail like a dog to a tree branch, but she wasn't quite sure his tail was that strong. She felt her hind legs just tapping the ground beneath her, and she inevitably let go, a loud thud welcoming her as she contacted the ground. Vigorously shaking her head, she let out a snort followed by hearty laughter.

It would seem so! I'm actually quite impressed! Mine would have probably broke if I had tried to do something like that.
Iaurdagnire's picture

Bahhhh I'm running out of

Bahhhh I'm running out of gifs! This one has me laughing so hard though:

Every day they're shufflin'
Kaoori's picture





So this is who that stag from

So this is who that stag from the other day was. Seems like that is the same fawn too. The white deer that Iaurdganire and the fawn "helped" the other day was my Clavicle in its female form. Today, Clavicle was doing its usual round of sniffing sleeping deer, and it realized your stag was the one who helped it the other day. Iaurdagnire spooked it though when he woke up; FemClavicle is very wary around deer aside from mini deer and fawns. It was thankful, but it was still nervous - but it felt bad once it ran from him, so its currently in its male form as penance.

This is a lovely biography, by the way. Your stag has such an amazing story as well, by the look of things. I'm eager to see how his story progresses.
Iaurdagnire's picture

Mel - I know what you mean

Mel - I know what you mean XD

As Melusine trotted, Dag followed keeping to her side but just shy of being level with her. His walk was light and had a bounce to it, and a heavy clod sounded with each stride.
"Yes, this forest is interesting. When I look out from Dandelion Hill, I can see the pond and know the Oak is just to the left. Yet, it is also behind me."
The force of his walk dragged the water from his mane and stomach, forcing him to shake mid-air every now and again. Soon there was a change in the earth underneath him, and his hooves made a sharper more distinct sound as they crossed over.
"But id deer wish to break from it, they can. It happens when your own walls come down, or if simply you have the need to escape. That is why I like about this place; it is only endless if you want it to be."
He stopped as the rocks were now in front of them, then hopped onto one of the smaller ones with a step.
"I know the biggest one is the most popular, but I prefer the more... modest ones, hm-hm."


Lung -
Dag winced as she let go and fell to the floor, and turned around to check on her only to be greeted with laughter,
"I think my tail simply wants to be in the same league as my antlers. Who knows, maybe having a... fat... tail will come in... handy."
The corner of his mouth pulled inwards partly in embarrassment and disgust. He must have sounded so silly; it was one of stupid things you say and regret immediately even before the last words are flung from your mouth.
"I sound as daft as a thistle-brush."

Okay, so that was a play on the "daft as a brush" saying we have... but it's occurred to me... why are brushes daft, anyway? They're quite useful... thistles, perhaps not.

Ergh I'm tired.
Corell's picture



I honestly have no idea,

I honestly have no idea, rofl.


She couldn't help but turn to look at her own tail. Which was...well, fat.

Though I doubt it'll ever be in the same league as your antlers, I'm also not sure what a fat tail could be used for.

Though that was a lie; she knew of a purpose for a fat tail...but kept her mouth shut. Not everyone enjoyed gutter humour. Though she did yelp in playful surprise at his own reaction.

Trust me when I say I'm likely much more daft than you, good sir.

Iaurdagnire's picture

Corell -

Corell - Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
Corell's picture


Dag- Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Iaurdagnire's picture



Lung -
Dag nodded,
"I agree; you are; I lose."
He chirped, nudging her with his fore-knee. It was then he really noticed the scar on her back as she moved, and paused to look at it.
"... That happened when you were in your Thylacine form, didn't it?"

...Hn. 8

...Hn. 8<


She couldn't help but smirk in a playful victory, chirping herself when she was kneed.

There was a long pause at the mention of the scar; she herself turned to look at it as best she could. Looking away from it, she turned to Dag and nodded.

Mmm. It was quite a long time ago. It had healed up, but because he's back, it opened up. Heh, we were played like the fools we are.

But as opposed to continuing to sulk, she smiled brightly.

Quite the shiner, no?
Melusine's picture

I will reply, I promise.

I will reply, I promise.
Sorry, been really busy. :c
Iaurdagnire's picture

Mel - I'm hardly the advocate

Mel - I'm hardly the advocate for speedy replies, am I ;D take your time bro B]

Lung - Wussat face for 8<

There was a momentary frown as Dag felt he may have stepped on a nerve; not everyone felt the same way about their scars as he did. But the change in expression didn't last long, and he smiled,
"It certainly is - like my scar has a sister."
He joked, hoisting his front leg up just a touch so he could look at it without straining.
"I... don't know much about the creature. And to be honest I don't think I want to know. But the reason I ask about you being a Thylacine at the time..."
Feeling awkward out of curiosity, he stopped to form his words correctly.
"I see you as you are now, or as your alternate. I have not ever seen you... change. From one to the other. I've seen many things in my time, but to shift as you must..."
Sounding very sincere and genuine, he finished by saying,
"I'd... really like to see it, if I can."

I like dat face! Y U MAKE FUN

I like dat face! Y U MAKE FUN OF MY BUG EYE EMOTE 8<


She giggled at the "sister" comment

It would seem so! She eyed his own scar, still smiling though. It creased into a tiny frown upon the mentioning of the "creature."

To me, he's like a bacteria. Comes and creates chaos, only to seemingly be defeated. Only to then stew quietly for a while before coming back to cause more damage. In fact, he's the sole reason this scar won't ever go away now.

The scar itself seemed to flinch in response.

In that fight...when he and I touched each other...he somehow embedded remnants of himself inside me. And when he declared his return, his remnants proceeded to escape by opening up my wound. Because of them, the scar didn't, and won't ever heal properly. So it'll always be like this. Not like it matters anyway.

She showed him the side of her neck, showing the scar that was her new "name," carved there by the gods.

I've got this shiner too besides. And this one won't be going away either.

There was a long, near suffocating pause as his "request." But, much like before, she turned. Though her helm hid her mouth, there was a still a hint of smirk in her eyes.

Asking me to change in front of you. Tsk tsk, pervert. She jabbed him lightly with her tines to verify it was a jest.

I only hope you can find ways to deafen yourself. I don't think you'd enjoy the sound of bones and muscles crunching.

Taking a deep breath, she slacked her body, allowing it to relax. It was more out of nervousness of showing someone the change in a relaxed environment, where all the attention was on her, as opposed to something else in the heart of battle.

She turned to walk off a few feet away. Finally reaching her spot, she turned to him, once again breathing deep.

She began to run, though not at full tilt. The body began to carry a blurred appearance, a faint light emanating from it. As she approached a nearby tree, however, the light became more intense. The sounds of muscles and bones snapping became audible. Just as she seemed to land on branch, the light was nearly blinding in its presentation.

The light seemed to carry off like a blanket of smoke, slowing revealing a sandy brown coat patterned with black in its wake. Standing on the tree branch above him, and making its way down, was Lacie in her truest form. The marsupial shook her head, as if she was just waking up. When her eyes opened, dull golds were in the place of smokey greys, and she approached, sitting in front of him as she had done much earlier.

That's all there is to it, really. I suppose it looks flashy, though it's quite uncomfortable in a time like this, where everything is relaxed. I don't think about it much when in a fight. I'm getting used to it though.

She stood and stretched a bit, hesitantly meeting his eyes with her own. But she said nothing.


Melusine's picture

A summery haze settled among

A summery haze settled among the playground, streaks of light beaming through the trees, illuminating the little flies that were fluttering about. The stag stood on the rock, his frame so strong and sturdy, it was one picturesque scene with him on the boulders. The tips of his fur being highlighted by the streams. Something seemed more noble about him at this point.
Melusine struggled her way up. Her hooves scratching the hard gray rock like nails on a blackboard, making tiny white lines that joined many other previous marks from other deer. She ambled her way over to the stag, standing beside him.
"I'm not as fit right now..." She squarked, laughing and trying to hide her panting. "... It's all the lazing around!" she exclaimed shaking her head around.
Continuing on walking on the rocks, hopping about. "I particularly like sliding down." Melusine giggled before pushing herself down the sloping rock like a mindless fawn. She sat at the bottom in hysterics getting back up to do it again.
OKAY I DON'T KNOW. I always thought it looked fun sliding down those rocks. :0