Iaurdagnire's blog

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TEF on a Mac using WineBottler?

Has anyone out there tried this with any success?

I get the sleeping deer loading screen but it progresses no further.

Alternative question: Anyone running TEF on a mac using something similar or an emulator?

Just curious!
Iaurdagnire's picture

Try harder, 2017, be the comeback-kid

2016, in my opinion, has been dictated by an entitled and self-serving attitude that makes me feel bitter about pretty much everything about the world I live in. All the negative noise seems much louder than the positive and the good, but from what I've experienced this year personally... it's not so much that it's louder, it's that we consciously choose to listen to it over everything else. There's this desire to go out of our way and do one of two things: to argue and to prove it - whatever it is - wrong, or, to take it to heart and retreat. I did the latter for years.

As some of you may or may not know, I lost my job suddenly last Christmas and was forced into taking the scary step into the self-employed world of Graphic Design. Did I know what I was doing? Haha no of course not, nobody really does. But as soon as I did it, looking back on the choices I made to avoid doing anything to do with my uni qualification suddenly became very clear. I chose to listen to the very few people who spoke negatively of me and my work at University and gradually, ever so slowly... I stopped drawing. I stopped collecting adverts and wanting to buy books of logos to look at, I stopped doodling, I stopped everything. Every drawing I did decide to make became hard, even commissions. My mother has her own business and I've always been in charge of her branding, and even that became hard. I would suddenly have a short temper and snap at her for asking me to do things that were well within my ability. There are other effects to, and I'm still working through this type of anxiety now that I understand it.
But essentially I began to hate the industry because of the - in hindsight - few stupid comments and put downs I received from my peers who were just shitty human beings. But for some reason, I cared about what they thought, and didn't care so much about LITERALLY EVERYONE TELLING ME I WAS GOOD AT SOMETHING.

Looking back now, I feel so stupid.
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Streaming Offline


Offline. Cheers for watching~

Really liking Picarto. Goodbye Livestream.
Iaurdagnire's picture

'Your Supremacy' - on hold

I missed my own deadline DISHONOUR ON ME AND MY COW

/More updates to come if I need to enlist actual help with this.
Iaurdagnire's picture

I am Dag - AMA

Iaurdagnire's picture

TEFc Tutorial: Blog Nodes (linking)

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Commissions - Closed for revamp

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The Fortress and The Raven | Epilogue

Iaurdagnire's picture

placeholder for event archive blog

please do ignore and not comment so this is bumped down (:
Iaurdagnire's picture

Screenshot hunt for a video - do you have any screenshots of time with Dag?

Title says it all!

I'm looking for any screenshots you guys have taken of time spent with Dag in the forest for a video (: they can be old, new, screenshots of his events, or any that have some significance to you. Personally I look forward to seeing some nostalgic old ones ;D

If you can find one or two to donate to the video, that would be brilliant!
You can either:
- Upload them and post a link here
- Send them to my email: dagnire@yahoo.co.uk
- Or send then through skype if you have me as a contact (dagnire)

Thanks for your help (:
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