The Endless Forest: Second Decade crowdsourcing campaign is live!

Michael Samyn's picture
We are live!

Please share the link as far and wide as you can:
Feel free to use the image above, or make your own.

Do let us know any comments or suggestions! This campaign runs over 30 days, so there's plenty of time to tweak and add.

PS: we're still accepting video, audio & text (see previous post)

Update 1 (2 November)
Update 2 (15 November)
Update 3 (18 November): 3D prints!
Update 4 (21 November): new perks!
Update 5: Lina!
Update 6: Campaign extended to 27 December!
Update 7: tin deer WIP
Update 8 (14 December): statistics
0baf0's picture


Icon - ahimsa.Signature - Qanat. ♥
Aivilo's picture

Woohoo! \o/

Woohoo! \o/


Silverfang's picture


hadoukin's picture

i'm so excited ♥

i'm so excited ♥
alcinda's picture

Curious as to what the

Curious as to what the exclusive Valentine set looks like? Is it new?
Tisority's picture

Omg we're gonna need a lot of

Omg we're gonna need a lot of luck and a lot of love to reach that goal but maybe, just maybe we can do this ♥ if not we'll be getting some nice new stuff for the current forest, so seems like a win-win to me!
Vessan's picture

Lovely :b

Lovely :b
Evern's picture

Sent 30 euro your way and

Sent 30 euro your way and I'll see what else I can do. ♥

tigerart27's picture

(No subject)

LostintheEcho's picture


Sigi by Wake

thelittleraven's picture

(No subject)

quadraptor's picture

Shared on my Facebook, thanks

Shared on my Facebook, thanks so much for being a wonderful game and community for me.
Qanat's picture

&hearts; &hearts; &hearts; !

♥ ♥ ♥ !
riddledrhyme's picture


kiwara's picture


Avatar © Squeegie & Siggy © Caiir + other
Marzi's picture

Shared on my twitter!!!

Shared on my twitter!!!
Whoa, what?
Verdalas's picture

Contributed and shared with

Contributed and shared with friends. I hope to be able to add more as time goes on.

Good luck!

Oooh! Will contribute when I

Oooh! Will contribute when I receive my salary! <3
Michael Samyn's picture

It's not new. It was made for

It's not new. It was made for a festival and has hardly been used. We will post pictures soon.
Michael Samyn's picture

Thank you!

Thank you!
Michael Samyn's picture

Thank you! Once again...

Thank you! Once again... Smiling



eeee &hearts;

eeee ♥
wake's picture

Hope to donate something

Hope to donate something soon. Smiling
bubblywums's picture

Instantly backed.

Instantly backed. <3 I'm very excited to see where this goes.
WayfarerHart's picture

(No subject)


Echosong's picture


Deyna's picture

I am unfamiliar with

I am unfamiliar with Indiegogo; are the contributions a one-time payment or is it a monthly subscription sort of thing?
Aivilo's picture

One time.

One time.
Acurna's picture

Throwing a sizable chunk of

Throwing a sizable chunk of my next pay check this way.
Hope there is enough to back this!
Aquilo's picture

This big ol' deer family

This big ol' deer family deserves great things. I'll do what I can to contribute and get the word out. I'm so excited ♥
Player & Character Hub
Discord: Gulonine#4267
singingbird's picture

Oh my lord my face was in it

Oh my lord my face was in it XDDDD >is the dorky looking girl with short brown hair that talks about TEF as a big family
Foodog's picture

I'm a bit curious about the

I'm a bit curious about the two exclusive sets as well.

How would they work? Would you only be able to obtain them on one account?
Kallonate's picture



Michael Samyn's picture

The new pelts would just be

The new pelts would just be added to the lists of antlers, pelts and masks that the game randomly chooses from. On the backend they would be linked to a specific account, indeed. So if you have more than one deer avatar, you will have to choose which one is special.
Michael Samyn's picture

Thank you all for your

Thank you all for your support so far! It's heart warming.

We have a whole month to spread the word and there's so much enthusiasm here. So I think we can do this together!
Keepiru's picture

Donated, shared on DeviantArt

Donated, shared on DeviantArt and Tumblr, now we're praying ♥
Verdalas's picture

Is there a way to extend the

Is there a way to extend the 30 day limit in case we don't reach the target? I'd like to keep donating whenever I can. Or would it be possible to just donate to TEF as we normally do to keep helping development?
Paleray's picture


ahhh <3

I think it would be great to add a new game locations? If possible.
Evern's picture

I think new locations are

I think new locations are planned as far as I know.
Also, 6% in the first day is good, let's hope we can keep it up~ I'll see if I can do more, soon

ShrinkingRose's picture

Shared and keeping my fingers

Shared and keeping my fingers crossed c:
Flyleaf's picture

Contribution sent ! Wish you

Contribution sent !
Wish you all my best best wishes !!
This game has to stay alive Smiling
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Michael Samyn's picture

IndieGogo offers such an

IndieGogo offers such an extension called Indemand but only if the target is reached.
Of course, normal donations will continue and are very much appreciated!

But we WILL reach our target! How can we not? Smiling
Keepiru's picture

Luu: my dream is a bamboo

Luu: my dream is a bamboo forest part <3
Sithrim's picture

OMG so excited

OMG so excited Laughing out loud

Mozdog's picture

Shared this on DeviantArt for

Shared this on DeviantArt for now, I am excited for this I hope it will go well!

aaaa im so happy! ;v;

aaaa im so happy! ;v;
Veranai's picture

Sent a hundred euro your way,

Sent a hundred euro your way, hoping this all works out!