We have added some details about our plans for the extension of the campaign to the bottom of the
Story page on IndieGogo (under the "EXTENDED" header).
The new end date is
27 December!
Update 1 (2 November)
Update 2 (15 November)
Update 3 (18 November): 3D prints!
Update 4 (21 November): new perks!
Update 5: Lina!
Update 6: Campaign extended to
27 December!
Update 7: tin deer WIP
Update 8: Sun Deer print
AHHH I'm so excited for this
Yes! Some lovely news to
Some lovely news to cheer us up :3
No wonder my TEFc senses were
Oh man I'm super excited
while this is great and im
while this is great and im super excited to see the plans laid out with new content in mind, the price thresholds seem very high. i'm guessing this is for 'padding' and not necessarily required to remake the game on the new engine? especially since the original goal was 6,000 less than what's listed here. i'm a bit confused.correcting myself here, i misread. 46k includes new content. still concerned about the below, however!
also, on the indiegogo page, it's stated that perks won't be implemented until 34,000 euros are raised. is that purely intended for the new engine, with the intention of releasing perks earlier in the current game as it is, or will we only see the perks in the new engine after we've raised 38k?
I'm so glad you guys decided
Having a visual guide for
absolutely hoping we get to
I'm super excited about that
AAAAAAH Okay now that that's
Okay now that that's out of the way...
M&A - the images for two of the goals/phases are switched on the campaign page (The ones with turtles and grazing)
Not gonna lie, kinda
Personally I'd much rather be
These goals make me soooo excited. The 'Turtles'. <3
What's 'magic safekeep'? Kind
What's 'magic safekeep'? Kind of hoping that doesn't mean set-saving, since 52k is quite a big goal for that. ;; Sob.Okay I didn't see the descriptions for the things before, here's what the magic safekeep thing is if anyone else is confused:
THOUGH I have another question - will we be able to keep our old pictograms (and their sets) for the remake, assuming we reach 40k+? Or do we all have to use new pictograms (gen 5)?
this is kind of going on with
Oh gods. I have no idea of
I have no idea of what is the best between the new actions, the valley, the sadawaar, turtles or...
If we remake the game, we
The perk sets can logically only be implemented in the remake once the logic that supports Forest Magic is implemented. And that's a Phase Two feature.
But I don't think we need to worry. We will get there! Either via IndieGogo or later.
I have corrected the images,
I doubt we'll be able to
Yes, the old pictograms and
My preference is to release
Indeed: Tortoises, not
I'm glad to see how the
The new area sounds amazing. The perfect place to sunbathe in summer!
I`m very much looking forward
I really don't want to be
I mean, if you donated 500€, from what I am reading, you will only get your set design perk if the campaign now reaches 52.000€?
I just don't think that that is quite fair and is not what was promised when the funding started.
BloomingSkull, we will be
I am VERY excited this was
I have had a job for three weeks and I REALLY want to donate but I haven't even gotten my first paycheck yet
BloomingSkull, a remake was
E: I'm sorry. Perkwise you're quite correct. Though it is in the rules of Indiegogo, that something applicable has to be given, should the goal not be reached if the campaign has a flexible goal.
Over fifty thousand? We'll make it. We'll have to! <insert struggling hero here>
BloomingSkull, Claimed perks
Claimed perks are not subject to change.
This one has nothing to do with Forest Magicians, as it's been something they planned to do for a while: add more user content into the game.
This part means anyone from the community will get a chance to propose a design and have it made real by the devs.
^And this is what you were looking for. It's been a tradition to introduce new magic on Mardi Gras.
If we can get enough to at
But I'm really excited for the possibility of new content! Especially a new area! I have actually had dreams about coming back here and finding something completely new added.
We will implement the
The separation in phases is symbolic to some degree, to encourage contributions.
The goal is to remake the entire game. And when we do, the perks will be included. Even if we don't get to expand the game yet.
Quote:The separation in
Doesn't deliberately delaying functions needlessly slow down production...?
I don't see the technical advantage to separating the first and birch forest when it's presumable all already put together.
I suspect doing so wouldn't encourage donations more than seeing new content either.
I might be missing something though, if so, forgive me.
Wow! What a great idea. I
I think there will be more and more new players. Simply class. Keep it up!
Very belatedly seconding J!n
The impression I got was we were getting a full remake of the game, not a remake of the phases? Everything that's been done has been done, as in the forest is what it is now. I never thought it was a 3 part-er or a trilogy or something like that, but more that patches, dlc, updates to the game have been made and TEF in the third phase is what it's meant to be. As in finished.
So it's confusing to see the first, incomplete portion of the game have money thrown into it instead of the current game, all in one go?
I haven't seen any modern game remakes go back and create previous patches and while I understand that we're building system from the ground up, I can't imagine why it wouldn't make more sense to instantly work on implementing the fawns, the spells, ect when you now know that's what the forest is. It's almost as if we're going back and remaking the unfinished version of TEF unnecessarily when what it is now, is the complete game.
Excitement stems from the prospect of a remake and additions, but if the game is being split up in phases and we're seeing 23k when we check donations, the thought of getting to 28k for what comes off as a beta version of the end forest doesn't seem like a lot of incentive to go scrabbling at our wallet. Especially when we'll need 40k to get to a point where we get our perks and to play the game we love now, regardless.
The previous two steps seem like an obstacle. I hope that doesn't sound harsh!
Pretty much I agree in thinking it would make more sense to just remake it all in one go, and too feel like it's unnecessary to split a game that was made complete over a few years into different parts when it's remade.
And I'd also love if it could be cleared up because I too might me missing something here.
I have been under the
With 40k we could remake the
But if we close under 40k, we will have to be very rational and build the essentials first and see how far we get.
Really glad to see that you
What nature divides, the spirit unites.
I can't believe how much
^Same Didn't think we'd sit
Didn't think we'd sit at the same number for days on end. Not sure where else to advertise at this point, personally; I don't carry much weight in most forums.
Has anyone tried hitting up the Meadow and NIVA crowds? I'm not sure if those games have forums anywhere, but the people who enjoyed them might also enjoy TEF.
The forum for Meadow on Steam
idk about the other one, never heard of it
I lurk in the Meadow Steam
Just a bump. A little over 2
A little over 2 weeks left.
If the 551 current backers gave another €30, we'd hit the goal.
If they gave another €10, we'd at least secure Phase One.
It's a lot closer than it looks, guys! Keep spreading the word.
I'll ask the Meadow guys.
Thatgamecompany (Journey) have tweeted about it already.
Michaël Samyn wrote:I'll ask
Any update?
It'd be rad of them to pay homage to TEF by announcement or something better:
They could make a special call/emote/action/animal and make it available ingame to those Meadowers who donated a certain amount to TEF,
if not to this campaign, then the upcoming paypal fundraiser.
That's what I'd do if I were in their place, why not.
Uitleger wrote: It'd be rad
Since when Might and Delight is related to Tale of Tales (like Thatgamecompany)?
Did I miss something?
Do they gotta be? M&D are
M&D are cashing in on the same genre: peaceful animal interaction multiplayer, which was discovered and tried by ToT 10 years ago.