The Fortress; Iaurdagnire

Iaurdagnire's picture

  • PLAYER / CONTACT 08.03.20

    Jay's passing is still sore, I find myself thinking about him if I'm driving in the rain. He has brought to light that I've not really been living for a while; my hobbies were consumed by work, so I'm making an effort to get those back or at least find new ones.

    One of which is enjoying a certain fantasy deer characters again, at least low key now that I've brought my old pc back from the dead. Maybe Dag will see you in forest sometime?

    He'll be 11 years old on the 21st March (:


    Uuo (OOC) False God (special use)
    Kusakage (inactive) Kyte (inactive)
    Sulfur (event demons)

    Contact Info

    Discord: Find me as 'Dag' in The Endless Forest Server, feel free to add me!

"His presence seemed to be the Forest itself, loving and wise and without grudges or harbored shadows." - silentlikethat

{ I a u r d a g n i r e THE FORTRESS

Respected - Wise - Humble - Good-humoured - Articulate - Righteous - Authoritative - Dutiful - Fearless - Fatherly
Timeworn - Intelligent - Diplomatic - Limitless - Reliable - Altruistic - Resolute - Gentle - Charismatic - Genuine

"He walks with a gawky elegance, breaking the top of the hill. His hill. Though he hardly guards it with the malice of a dog.
Instead, this is where they gather. To play, to know that not everyone will belittle them." - Mjrn

     A sight-seeing tour of the forest with his lady love as if everything was brand new.



    Identity }
    Dag's full name is pronounced 'I-or-dag-nyre', and was given the title 'The Fortress' in recognition of the guardianship he gives to and inspires in others. He is a symbol of unyielding strength of will and exhibits an impenetrable, one-pointed focus to rise above any situation. The emblem of victory - the Peregrine Falcon - still remains with him from his first and very old title of 'Wings of Peregrine'.
21st March 2009 | Pictogram
Stomping Grounds | Fireside | Valley View | Dandelion Hill | Sanctuary

    The Fortress }
    Voice - Deep bass; an equal balance of gentility and authoritative power associated with a voice of moral substance and leadership. Feral vocalizations are rare from him, though he is known to produce brontidal rumbles and has an extraordinarily low, growling bellow.
    Scent - His scent is very gustatory - likened to the smoulder of a warm, damp bonfire in the middle of open fields; burnt soil of old forests long gone.
    Build - Based on an old-world ice giant Eucladoceros species; the first species of deer genus to have highly evolved antlers yet is a primitive mass of strong bone and muscle. His body type is a visually solid domination with a dense muscular structure most noticeable around his barrel-chest and shoulders, reinforcing the relatively short, strong neck that bares the weight of a heavy square skull - resembling more bull than deer - and its gargantuan artillery; both of which being the most prominent indication of his skeletal bulk. Being top-heavy, his posture is almost restricted to one position when still. A long body means legs are stationed far apart to accommodate and spread the weight, and his head is always held high in balance giving him a kingly air, which is also reflected in his fluid and powerful gait. At full speed, there is very little that can stop his bulldozer momentum.
    Antlers - Fortress by design. Supernumerary, elongated branched-antlers where the beam has grown outward behind him, tines growing upward; his outer primary tines are the largest and grow into long forward-facing pincers. There are 12 tines per pedical and are split into four sets, all of which together are specifically designed to interlock with any antler type. Central clusters suited to single beam pronged deer, outer and brow tines designed for the larger supernumerary or palmated antlers such as Irish Elk. They are incredibly thick, astonishingly heavy, and an impenetrable defense that cannot be breached.
    Visual - His coat is made up of dense, varying shades of grey that give him an overall arsenic colouration, but his mane and face are the most striking; dirty white for the most part with a carnelian-red pattern draped around the contours of his beady-eyed, frill-cheeked face. The white of his mane continues only half-way under his stomach, and ends in a point with a very thin separating line of charcoal.
There is also an enormous patch-scar that tears through the left side of his neck which is coupled with the nick in his ear on the same side. This was given to him by the Spring Wolf in 2010*.
    Conqueror - Being the placid giant he is, Dag never lowers his antlers without reason; rarely has his combat been seen within the peaceful confines of the forest. However, heed the warning of his scar. Events leading up to his present existence shed further light on this war-hardened battler. There is something prehistoric and almost predatory about his combat - the misfortune of colliding with such a monolith is simply an all-sensory deluge.

    Antediluvian }
     Iaurdagnire's story has become that of Endless Forest legend, starting in 2009 and ending in 2013. His story involves the Forest, the Gods, and the spiritual embodiment of the Seasons whom he served with perpetual lives as a God-given duty. Dag wanted to escape, and continually fought for a life and death that was his to dictate; to cease to be a higher power's fuel for intellectual evolution. But in learning about his place in the world and a way to put an end to his duties, he became even more lost. Ultimately, Dag's story is an exploration of purpose and morality in all forms, and almost entirely community driven. The community has been involved in each section in some way, and these are referred to as "Season Events" by those who have participated; the events were designed for everyone to enjoy, regardless of the story.
Winter '09
Crackéd Smile
"I am here as a friend."
Autumn '09
I: Collapse the Light
II: Numb the Infection
III: I'd choose right now
Spring '10
I: Brontide
II: Thunderclap*
III: Colossus
IV: Oblivion
Summer '10
I: Fissure
II: Ignite
III: Mountain Masquerade
Autumn '10
I: Duty
II: Ender
III: Nothing Gold can Stay
Winter '11
I: Splinter
II: Restrain
Spring '11
I: Hesitance
II: Acrid Lullaby
III: Amalgamate | †
IV: Play the Hand
you are Dealt | †

Catalyst '11
Incubus | Reprise
I: Jack to the King
II: Overthrow
III: Start Your Descent
War Drum '12
I: Long Live the King
II: Dandelion Hill
III: Warrior Hysteria
IV: Wasteland Soldier
V: Your Supremacy
Elysium '13
The Fortress and The Raven | Epilogue

Background art by J!n

    Core }
    Ravenflight - The Queen His love and greatest treasure; indescribably bound to her like no other. Their history had long ran parallel, and although their paths crossed only rarely in bygone years, they were connected by a deep empathy for their respective trials and desire for freedom. Behind closed doors they each played a part in helping each other fulfill a purpose in order to escape, and then found themselves lost without it. When Dag returned to the forest, Ravenflight tried to help him re-adjust through her understanding of what it is like to feel truly detached from the world around you. As they spent more time together, Dag increasingly began to dote on her and fell very deeply in love. Captivated by her in every way. Ravenflight has given him a new purpose, and Dag is utterly devoted to her continued happiness. Adores and is enchanted by everything she is.
    Cry - The Ace Guardian; a source of security; life indebted to. Dag has known Cry for a long time, and upon his return was healed by him (see 'War Drum' Act V). Displays an affectionate "big brother" attitude towards the small white stag when around him.
    Ephiré - The Jack An unspoken natural affinity; indebted to. The two giants have much in common with the way they cope with the world around them, and it is this understanding that lead Ephiré to become the catalyst in Dag's journey (see 'Catalyst' story arc Act I-III). Has a profound trust in him and admires him greatly. He is also the only deer within the forest to have witnessed the full brunt of Dag's combat.
    Virgil/The Red - Part of the Fortress' strong foundations. One of his oldest friends of a different world to his own, wild and unrestricted. At the time of his trials, Dag thought of Virgil's existence as "real", moreso than his own and one he wanted to achieve. Events between then and now strongly effected Dag, but their friendship remains strong and has been rebuilt. [to be re-written]

  • Bonus Material

    Autumn '09 Act III: I'd choose right now, was the first song 'read along' blog to appear on TEFC (to my knowledge!).
    War Drum '12 Act V: Your Supremacy was my most successful community-wide event, where 68 TEF players participated.

    Antediluvian - There are two reasons why I chose to use this word for Dag and his story. The first is that it was originally a biblical word meaning the time between the creation of earth and the great flood/deluge myth; a narrative in which a great flood is sent by a deity to destroy in an act of divine retribution (the Spring Wolf). A parallel of this is a metaphor of rebirth, which was the premise of Dag's rebellion against his original purpose. Secondly, the modern meaning for this word is simply to be old fashioned/ancient in the most possible way (as if they lived before the great flood).

    Playing card references - A great metaphor for life in general, where one must simply play the hand they are dealt, good or bad. One of my favourite card games is Whist, where the object of the game is to simply score the most "tricks" by having the highest card in the suit that is being played. Therefore the cards you would like to see in your hand are the highest: Ace, King, Queen and Jack. The Jack is a good card to have, because it will generally weed out the other players higher cards in their desire to win the hand, so it is more common for you to lose that round but win others as you have exhausted the other players good cards. The Jack was the role of Ephiré, in Jack to the King. He killed Dag - referenced as the King - and although the hand appeared to be lost, the game was not over. The card that trumped Velocity's hand was the Ace, Cry, in Your Supremacy.

    As a character, Dag was originally inspired by naturally powerful characters like Mufasa from The Lion King and Riki from Ginga Nagareboshi Gin - characters the hero-type protagonists typically look up to for guidance and leadership.

Reyy's picture

You deserve 1,000

You deserve 1,000 comments.

Only 99 more to go.
Verycrazygirl's picture



Edit: ... /ninja'd

*goes off to sulk*

Iaurdagnire's picture

Kaoori Dag watched as Kaoori

Dag watched as Kaoori made her way towards him, looking a lot better than the last time they saw each other. Why did it seem so long ago?
"You're always welcome by my side, Kaoori. You're looking better..."
In his concerned eyes flashed a flicker of guilt for not seeing her for so long; they seemed to keep missing each other in the forest.
"My apologies for not seeing you since P-... well, it's been difficult, hasn't it.
I hope you don't think ill of me for not spending time with you. But I trust you have been well looked after by those much closer to you than I."

Dag was genuinely glad for the tightly bound network of friends who kept her afloat. No matter how much trouble she was in, he knew he could count on them.

Thank you (:
Your glorious bio deserves 1,000 comments <3

Oh diddums. I have a spare emo corner if you need it.
£10 an hour, plus £15 up-front that covers any damages (blood stains, black marker, black hair dye) etc.
I'll comment on your stag beetle later. You're so lucky! The last male one I saw was when I was at primary school. They're rare beasties.
Verycrazygirl's picture

Who needs an emo corner when

Who needs an emo corner when you've got a perfectly good fishbowl on the ceiling. Think I'll take that where I'm out of reach of your money-grabbing hands. <3
Inorite? He was right on the side of the path when I found him and it was like "WOAH O_O *scoops up*
WHY ARE THE BEST THINGS ALWAYS FOUND ACCIDENTLY. But yah, Vee is a happy kid now... she no longer has any bug related targets in her life... ohmai.
Hmmm. Scratch that, I'll just bug you forever now. (:

Kaoori's picture

Kaoori could never feel ill

Kaoori could never feel ill will toward Iaurdagnire; it simply wasn't possible. Feeling content and safe near her friend, she stretched and relaxed in the sun, eyes closed, and even if for a short time in quite some time, at peace for the moment.
Tell me how you have been? What wonderful things have happened with you?
Melusine's picture

"There's a very small deer

"There's a very small deer who I've seen a lot of lately... I wonder what their name is? They're a small, plain looking creature, but very cute"

- I wanna see this deer, they're taking my light!
Verycrazygirl's picture



*Fiyahs laz0rz everywhere*

Iaurdagnire's picture

Kaoori Her body language

Her body language puzzled him; he was not expecting her to seem so... happy and well with herself. The intensity in his expression fell apart watching her make herself at home, and a smile replaced the gloom. Even his chest was puffed just a touch when he took a deep inhale and held his head up high in that... prideful way, when the person you were worried about is the one who changed the atmosphere effortlessly.
"My dear I'm afraid there's very little to report form silly old me. Oseaan has returned after a long absence, and if anything has changed it is that I am worn out in half the time with all the new faces around. It's made me feel quite old! In a good way of course."
He unfolds one of his forelegs so he can lean to one side,
"But what I really want to know is how you are."

Have you not seen them? They're so much cuter than Sofronio.

*hyperbeams yo'ass*
Verycrazygirl's picture

*Toast'd* *Gains revenge by


*Gains revenge by commenting, thus reducing the chances of you fixing typos in previous post, hopefully.*

Iaurdagnire's picture

You failed. I think...

You failed. I think... *checks again*
Verycrazygirl's picture

to report form

to report form silly


No u



G'night. <3
Come on MSN soon. >B ... Please? :D *flails*

Iaurdagnire's picture

Gosh darn it! Nevermind,

Gosh darn it! Nevermind, Kaoori will have to forgive Dag's momentary DUR. Haha.
Kaoori's picture

Kaoori smiled as she listened

Kaoori smiled as she listened to Dag tell of his recent doings. To her, this was some of the best medicine- being able to spend time with a close friend. Iaurdagnire had always had a calming presence for her- it was very hard to be upset around him, either.

I am starting to feel better, sir. I think it will take some time for me to put back on some weight.. but my spirit is starting to feel alive again.

She looked up at him, and in her violet eyes, there was a small twinkle.
Melusine's picture

-goes to cupboard and gets

-goes to cupboard and gets whacking stick-

mwahahhaha. Not so cute anymore!
-goes out and destroys all cute deer while wrapping a huge ribbon around sofronio and makes him have huge cute googly eyes, soft shiny fur and places him under a golden spotlight-
Iaurdagnire's picture

Kaoori "I'm so very glad to

"I'm so very glad to hear that."
He gave a wide smile and lovingly bumped her cheek,
"I've missed my favourite Kao-Kao whizzing around my feet, you know."

From what you've described it sounds to me like you fired an anime-gun at the poor fellow, how cruel! Haha <3
Kaoori's picture


Kaoori grinned as her cheek was bumped, and she nosed the gentle giant in return.
I'll be back to my antics in no time.. and just hope you can keep up with me, ne? She laughed.
Iaurdagnire's picture

"Not possible!" He laughed,

"Not possible!" He laughed, "I wouldn't want to risk running you over anyway, hm-hm."
Funny; he was always scared of that. Not running her over specifically, just, hurting anyone by accident. Though squashing Virgil purposefully was always a good laugh.
"Is Wesker back soon?"
Kaoori's picture

At the mention of Wesker,

At the mention of Wesker, Kaoori's ears and eyes perked right up. She did her best to hide it, but she sincerely missed her mate terribly.
He does, in a few days in fact! It seems like it's been forever. I'm lucky I have such wonderful friends to keep me company, however. She butted him again, gently, with her nose.
Iaurdagnire's picture

"You say that now, but when

"You say that now, but when you're together again it'll be like he never left." He hoped Oseaan felt that way when they last met after a long time apart, too.

"Ah, by the way, I've been hearing rumors of a trick you can do." Dag craned his neck backwards to look in the direction of Kaoori's tail, waiting for the area around the very back top of her thighs to puff up. Nothing seemed to happen, though.
"... What's it triggered by? A want for a soft place to sit?" Of course he knew very well this particular mechanism in Kaoori's species was triggered by agitation, and he hoped his joke would be enough to see it for himself...

XD Had to <3
Verycrazygirl's picture



J!n's picture

^ Jealous are we? ;>

Jealous are we? ;>
Verycrazygirl's picture

^ NO U.


Kaoori's picture

ROFL man. Poor Kaokao.

ROFL man. Poor Kaokao. xDD

At Dag's looks and the mention of her 'trick', Kaoori's ears flattened back in embarassment, and the fur around her rear began to bustle up. O-oi! Na--nande, Dag-san, it's not a trick..!
She always ended up bringing Japanese in when she was nervous.
Verycrazygirl's picture

8th July - 01:46am Overcast

8th July - 01:46am

Overcast and cool. (Notice how I base the weather on our english weather? :D)

He liked the night, always. Completely in his element, quiet, and against the breeze to hide his scent, Virgil was difficult to locate.
He came when he assumed the giant to be asleep; actually he practically snuck up to Iaurdagnire, with every intention to remain undetected until he chooses otherwise. He carried in his mouth, a plant of some sort, but in such dim light one would not so much be able to identify it. It was round, and the stag was carrying it with great care, as though it were fragile.

The Hart approached, not a breath away, holding his own. He placed the plant directly infront of the larger wise stag, and carefully nudged it closer. Whenever Dag next inhales, he'll likely discover rather itchy Dandelion seeds getting caught around his nose.
The older stag stepped back and waited; Virgil was being rather cheeky tonight.

Iaurdagnire's picture

Vee & Sao You are both

Vee & Sao
You are both jealous because Kao-Kao's badonkadonk now has razzle-dazzle. What do Vir's and Sao's do? Nothing, that's what. And Dag is a busy guy, he can't waste his time with such bland asses.
... I'm going to have to draw Dag judging an arse contest now.

"Gosh, look at that!" Dag chuckled, wondering if he would in future refer to the ruffled behind as a separate being. What would he name it though? 'Puff'? ... No, too obvious.
Dag had to stop his mind from wondering too far before Kaoori could ask what he was doing.
"Hm, I'm sorry for baiting you like that. But you're just that adorable!" It was true; Dag had such a trouble faced with heart-meltingly cute things. Kaoori was one of them. Truth be told, every time he saw the tiny doe bound towards him he struggled to suppress a great grin. Usually clearing his throat awkwardly and averting his eyes did the trick - he didn't want everyone to think he was too much of a softy...
"... Could you imagine if I could do that?" He suddenly said, wanting to make up for making her feel uncomfortable the only way he knew how: by voluntarily making fun of himself.
"I think if I had that ability, small creatures would decide to build nests in the acres of living space."

Virgil had waited patiently long enough. The sound was of Dag piercing his lips and blowing a compressed lump of air to blow the dandelion away.
"Surely you know better than to attempt sneaking upon such a diligent observer?" He opened one eye and grinned cheekily at Virgil, "It was a very clever little prank to pull though, I give you that."
Dag stood up slowly and shook his fur, nonchalantly going back on his hind legs and rearing to look as if he were simply... stretching, refreshing himself. But when he got near to the very top, he jerked his head upwards hitting a branch with perhaps more force than was necessary. Half a dozen pinecones fell, but unfortunately none of them seemed to hit Virgil. Karma for ruining the red deer's fun, perhaps.
"Hm, it was worth a try."
OokamiAzura's picture



Iaurdagnire's picture


OokamiAzura's picture




dammitnowiwannaaskdagsomethingbutidunoknowifishouldaskitpfft ;;
Verycrazygirl's picture

((ROFL xD' Doeet, tard.

((ROFL xD' Doeet, tard. <3))

The deer's ears became erect to the sound of his silly little prank being foiled. Playful displeasure briefly flashed across his face but in the dark was not visable at all.
"Sir, you spend too much time here anyway." He said as the giant rose to all fours. "Too much rest and your legs will cramp up." he warned with an invisible smile.

Iaurdagnire reached to the trees and until the last moment, Virgil was fooled. The pinecones came tumbling down from the heavens and the Hart only had enough time to crouch and anticipate. It was only thanks to luck that he was not hit, this time.
He stood up, blinked, and shook his entire body in a more subconcious manner.

The deer stepped closer to lightly brush against his friend - an affectionate greeting. Then he stepped back, looking deeper into the dark First Forest.
The light is very poor, but The Sentinel had good nocturnal eyesight. He wasn't so sure about the larger stag, though...
"Care to join me for a walk?"

Kaoori's picture

Kaoori grinned, a twinkle in

Kaoori grinned, a twinkle in her eye. But, Sir Dag... you're puffed all over. It's certainly cute enough as it is!
Iaurdagnire's picture

Vee "Ah, I spend most of my

"Ah, I spend most of my days on my hooves entertaining. I deserve long periods of rest." Dag replied matter-of-factly, "Big things require more sleep than smaller things, anyway." He smirked, always taking the opportunity to relish in reminding Virgil that he was the little brother.
"A walk would be nice - you lead the way."

Dag gave a short, bewildered grunt at Kaoori's comment. His eyes widened momentarily, together also with the snapping back of his ears as if she'd said something truly shocking; he never quite learned how to take compliments, no matter what form they came in.
"Oh-ah... h-hem."
He couldn't recall ever being told he was cute - not face-to-face at least. Perhaps he couldn't fathom feeling that way about himself, retaining the ideal that only females and the very young could be called cute. But a male? Him? Nonsence... antlers were never cute...
"At least I'm valuable during the winter in that respect..."
The awkward darting of his eyes gave him away; if he were human, his cheeks would have been blushing.
Kaoori's picture

[aashgfask! placeholder to

[aashgfask! placeholder to reply later. xDD d'aww!]
Verycrazygirl's picture


((DAGBLUSH, AWWWWWWWWWWWWW *totally not stalking other rps*))

"Perhaps, but I would still advise from resting too much." The deer fussed.
"Ah but fawns require more sleep than a grown-" He paused, only just realizing Iaurdagnire's humor. He shifted his weight awkwardly and simply finished with an oh. Age difference did not matter between these two.

"Mmm," Virgil raised his head to sniff the air then started in the direction of the pond. They'll cross by Dandelion Hill with this route. After a couple of steps, the Hart paused to look back for Dag.

(I couldn't come up with a very productive post this morning... :/ Feel free to describe the journey there or something... idk)

OokamiAzura's picture

*Cries a waterfall* / will

*Cries a waterfall*

/ will think of something to say, later ~
Seed's picture

...I wish I could think of a

...I wish I could think of a way to start an interaction, but my brain's just blank...
Iaurdagnire's picture

Vee Dag followed and as usual

Dag followed and as usual always stayed a few steps behind. He liked following more than leading,
"You always look back... I'm not the easiest thing to loose, day or night, hm-hm."
Closing his eyes, he took a deep, leisurely inhale of the crisp, fresh air. It was cool, but still very warm; he doubts there are many curling up in order to keep warm tonight.

Recently, deer tend to assume Dag sleeps a lot, but in fact he gets - only just - as much sleep as anyone else. However, during the summer the heat is very uncomfortable for him, and so it just takes a while for him to fall asleep. Most times when he is found, he is actually still awake but unmoving until prompted; Virgil caught him at one of those times. He was tired, and hoped Virgil wasn't planning an entire walk of the forest.

He suppressed a yawn.

As they moved away from the hill and into the view of the pond, Dag stopped. He could just about see light moving on a rippling carpet of the deepest blue, and thought it quite stunning to look at.

"Have you ever seen an ocean, Virgil?"

): I miss you guys.

It's okay (: you have all the time in the world! I'm hopeless are starting them, too, which is why you don't really see me taking part in other peoples hehe.
Kaoori's picture

Kaoori wagged her tail in

Kaoori wagged her tail in delight at making the large stag squirm in return for her own embarassment, her giggle nearly turning into a cackle. She bounded in a circle, snapping off the leaves of a tree to munch on, and settled back beside him.
I am glad you are my friend. In winter, and any season.
Seed's picture

((I've got something!)) Seed

((I've got something!))

Seed paced around the forest, looking for a fammiliar face. He shook out his ears, trying to clear out a sense of sound. It was then that he noticed Dag.

"Ah, Iaurdagnire... I don't suppose I could have your ear for a moment?"
Iaurdagnire's picture

Kaoori "Hm-hm, and I you,

"Hm-hm, and I you, Kaoori." Dag watched her polish off the small mouthful of leaves, seeing an opportunity to perhaps... show off a bit.
"I remember a time where I used to think that the trees grew taller because of deer. Every time time a branch was eaten, the tree would climb higher, taking its lowest branches with it to stop us all from eating its precious leaves."
He hadn't finished, but Dag stood up, chuckling, and walked a short way to the tree Kaoori had taken the few leaves from,
"They still have a while to escape the likes of me, though." With that, he elegantly stood on his hind legs and stood his front legs on the tree for support. Forcing his head up through a cloud of leaves (his antlers bending the branches in the way upwards without breaking), he plucked a long, young branch full of tender leaves and brought it down as gently as he could.

"There," he sat down again and placed it in front of himself and Kaoori, sounding quite pleased. There were enough leaves for the both of them to graze on for a while,
"Care to stay for dinner?" He chortled. With Kaoori, everything seemed to be in need of a joke to get them laughing. She'd had such a hard time lately, so perhaps he was just basking in this wave of loveliness that emanated from her at the moment.

Dag was standing alone in a clearing, not seeming to be doing anything in particular. He had started taking a walk, and probably slowed to a stand still as he plunged deeper into thought. It happened a lot; he was terrible at multi-tasking.
"Oh, Seed!" He laughed one of those laughs where you're glad to see the person who's caught you off-guard, "Of course you can, my friend." He trotted up to Seed and touched his nose to his neck in greeting,
"How are you?"
Seed's picture

He chuckled and gave

He chuckled and gave Iaudagnire a light nuzzle before taking a comfortable place standing at his side.
"Oh, I'm doing quite well, I suppose. No," he said, with a little shake of his head, "This isn't about a deep matter or melancholy of mine, I assure you. I uncovered a pair of old poems of mine that I apparently just never...did anything with. At least, not that I can recall. I've checked my records, of course, but... These seem to have fallen by the wayside. I was hoping you would listen and tell me if you think they are worth pursuing." He then added, with another little chuckle, "They're old enough that I cannot say."
Kaoori's picture

Kaoori was awed by the sheer

Kaoori was awed by the sheer size of Iaurdagnire as he reached through the trees to reach the higher limbs. He found leaves she could only dream of reaching; not even if she leaped her highest could she touch them. She nearly waggled in delight like a corgi as he set them down, and she looked up at him with a great smile.
I would be honored.
Verycrazygirl's picture

(*Noms*) Although Dag liked


Although Dag liked following more than leading, Virgil prefered following those dear to him.
He stopped taking glances back when it was pointed out; looking back wasn't so much a behavior quirk out of choice, it was habit, and maybe even an instinct. Back in the mountains he always had to be alert, and with his lifestyle in this forest now so dangerous Virgil couldn't help but to be cautious, even if he was in company no one in their right mind would mess with.
So he pivoted his ears back to listen frequently as they walked instead. It was more subtle.

There were two subtle things he did as they walked, the other was that sometimes he would miss a step to slow down, but only for the briefest moments. Every time he did, it closed the gap between them ever so slightly. So if his little actions are successful, perhaps rather than leading, they'll walk more with one another. Instead of leading and following. He'd prefer that with Iaurdagnire for some reason.

Consumed by his thoughts, the Hart just about missed the moment Dag stopped, but only by a second. He had failed to keep his guard, he stopped.

The great Eucladoceros spoke, Virgil looked back.
"If one was to climb high enough, in the mountains, they would see a great expanse of water, but it was a long way." He chose not to mention the man places that aswell as the mountains to the north, stood between the loch and the water that lead to the North Channel, not that he exactly knew that.
"I once overheard Osprey speaking of an ocean he had to cross every year."

Iaurdagnire's picture

Seed "Poems?" Dag repeated,

"Poems?" Dag repeated, more out of delight than an actual question, "Ah, you spoil me Seed. You know I'd love nothing more than to hear one of your poems; I will consider two of them a treat. Though, I wouldn't consider myself to be the best fellow to draw critiques from; I'm not very poetic." He smiled, "But I'll do my best to see that any idea of yours is pursued."

Dag was going to ask if he wanted to take a walk and sit someplace, but looking around quickly assured him that they needn't move. They were standing just on the cusp of a sunbeam, and the way the light obscured the trees and reflected off the tiniest flecks of pollen and other plant matter was quite beautiful.
"What is your first poem called?"

(SKJFASKDJF CORGI. Does she do a kibble-dance too?)
Dag's cheeks were beginning to feel the strain of smiling so much, and the way she looked at him and the leaves with that joyous grin only made it worse.

Without saying anything else, he began calmly eating his half of the branch deliberately taking smaller mouthfuls than usual. He didn't want Kaoori to think him greedy.
"... 'oorwi-" Dag murmured with his mouth full of leaves. His eyes were looking down frantically - there was a spiders web stretching from the branch to the leaves in his mouth, and a small - but rather fat - spider was clinging onto what little home it had left for dear life. Now, Dag by all means liked little spiders and anything small and interesting, but what he did not like involved said creatures crawling on him. He didn't want to risk shaking it in case it climbed up and onto his face, nor did he want to accidentally... eat it.
"-Rrrm... 'oorwi, 'ider." He mumbled, staring at it and making sure it didn't move. Cautiously - and triumphantly - Dag pulled his legs out from under him and ever so slowly pulled until the web finally snapped at the bottom. He then began to make his way slowly to a tree a little further away to set it down.

He looked ridiculous carrying it.
He took short, fluid steps and hesitated back and forth - like the movement of a chameleon - every time the wind hit until eventually he set it down.
He was waiting to hear laughter.

(... I honestly don't know. I had to take a spider outside today dangling it from my finger on its web and was deathly afraid of it climbing up and onto me. Pff.)

Virgil lost the game.
The end.

Kidding (; I'm too lazy to reply to yours right now.
Seed's picture

"That's one of the ways I

"That's one of the ways I know I never did anything with it, unfortunately," he replied. He noticed Dag glancing about and decided to settle in place where they were. He sat down, curling his legs beneath him.
"For one of my poems, the title is the last part of it."
He picked which of the two poems he was going to read first, remembering what had been scratched hastily on the stones under the bridge. A smile crossed his lips and he began to recite.

"I stand in this delirious cascade,
the flowers catching on my antlers as they fall.
A breath rises in my throat -- a little gasp.

For in their graceful fall the cold new winds
jostle them. Their petals
become drenched by the icy rains, the red
of them gone thin and bleeding bright.

For in their fall I see a secret hidden far away:
there are flower gardens in the sky,
and they fall down to this water-logged earth."
Kaoori's picture

(rofl, omg this post made me

(rofl, omg this post made me giggle. and yes, Kao does indeed corgidance, she may even kibble-dance. But what made me giggle more was imagining Dag's face.. rroflsj. and I am the same way about spiders. )

At first Kaoori was alarmed, but the sight of a large creature being so terrified of a spider made her giggle softly at first, then louder as Dag 'danced' to the wind as he tried to carefully set the spider in a tree. Soon she was rolling around on the forest floor, legs kicking randomly as she laughed hysterically. Eventually she caught her breath and she sat back up, speaking between giggles.

Y-you..! Dag-sama.. you... can you teach me those dance moves?
OokamiAzura's picture

Gingerly, she approaches, a

Gingerly, she approaches, a question tangled on the tip of her tongue.

She felt awkward at best; the kind of awkward where your parent walks in on you changing your clothes. You feel vulnerable in that moment, and quite furious as well.

Ring the bells, my merry men; Lacie has no clothes on!

She bows politely, and gives the giant a soft nudge before she opens her mouth.

Hey...can I...ask you something...about yourself...?
Iaurdagnire's picture

Vee "An ocean can be

"An ocean can be crossed?" Dag sounded surprised, but he kept his voice low, "Hm."
He continued walking and thought about birds after Virgil has mentioned Osprey,
"I wonder what it is like to fly..." He pondered aloud, not worrying if Virgil thought him weird for jumping from one thing to the other, "... To be able to cross oceans, soar to the ends of everything - if there is an end, that is."
The giant chuckled deeply,
"I hope there is, at least."

Dag still refused that he himself was an endless cycle.
There must be an end.

Dag stretched before he sat down, making sure to refreshingly shake his body after Seed had sat down; he didn't want to accidentally hit the poor fellow on the head with his antlers.

Dag listened intently, his expression showing that he was bit by bit processing what had been read to him. There was a moments silence after Seed had finish before Dag spoke,
"Hm-hm... It reminds me of the day the Gods showered us with such petals instead of rain. A secret flower garden in the sky; it's a wonderful thought. I've only seen such a thing that one time in my life."
The tone of his voice was pleasing,
"Perhaps this should be something you could pursue. To fill lucky eye-witnesses with nostalgia; inspire intrigue and wonder in the young. Either way, your poem spins sublime imagery."

(Could I place an order for half a dozen Kaoori's? I presume there is discount for bulk-buying - I have paypal.)
"Sweetie, it is something that cannot be taught." Dag flicked his head as if he were some kind of show girl, only... not managing to keep it up the charade and buckling under the weight of his own laughter. His laugh was deep bass-heavy boom that could be felt as well as heard. He didn't laugh this hard very often.
"My gosh, Kao-Kao," he sounded out of breath, "the forest will think I have gone completely mad, you infectious little thing!"

Dag trotted over and slumped down again. With a long exhale, he flopped over onto his side and awkwardly lay his head on the floor; his antlers digging into the ground and holding it up an inch or so.
"I think I've made a fool out of myself enough for one day. It's hard work, you know."

Dag bows back, sensing a familiar skittishness in the young doe.
"I am a lover of questions, Lacie, no matter what the answer entails."
He nudges her back encouragingly,

"Go ahead, dear."
OokamiAzura's picture

She swallows hard, unsure of

She swallows hard, unsure of whether or not it was a good thing to ask.

You don't have to answer if you don't want to, but...

She pauses, gracing the earth with a hoof.

I've noticed that...if I do something "cute," as it's often put, you seem you're trying to hide something...

A part of her wants to simply dismiss the question, but she chooses to stand her ground.

Is there a part of you that is...insecure?
Verycrazygirl's picture

(*Stares at update-spammed

(*Stares at update-spammed blog with a funny "intensive staring" look.*)

The Hart stared ahead, listening, and with one of his warm yet subtle smiles finding it's way across his features.

The clouds were breaking up, just enough to offer short views of the stars beyond. Virgil emitted a barely audible sigh of contentment before starting again towards the pond, slower than before.

"If there was no end, Osprey would surely have no reason to go out there in the first place, would he?" A rhetorical question, but it was of a more assurance intent.

((Awmahgawd I love the new text format! It's so tidy and smooth... *molests*)