The Fortress; Iaurdagnire

Iaurdagnire's picture

  • PLAYER / CONTACT 08.03.20

    Jay's passing is still sore, I find myself thinking about him if I'm driving in the rain. He has brought to light that I've not really been living for a while; my hobbies were consumed by work, so I'm making an effort to get those back or at least find new ones.

    One of which is enjoying a certain fantasy deer characters again, at least low key now that I've brought my old pc back from the dead. Maybe Dag will see you in forest sometime?

    He'll be 11 years old on the 21st March (:


    Uuo (OOC) False God (special use)
    Kusakage (inactive) Kyte (inactive)
    Sulfur (event demons)

    Contact Info

    Discord: Find me as 'Dag' in The Endless Forest Server, feel free to add me!

"His presence seemed to be the Forest itself, loving and wise and without grudges or harbored shadows." - silentlikethat

{ I a u r d a g n i r e THE FORTRESS

Respected - Wise - Humble - Good-humoured - Articulate - Righteous - Authoritative - Dutiful - Fearless - Fatherly
Timeworn - Intelligent - Diplomatic - Limitless - Reliable - Altruistic - Resolute - Gentle - Charismatic - Genuine

"He walks with a gawky elegance, breaking the top of the hill. His hill. Though he hardly guards it with the malice of a dog.
Instead, this is where they gather. To play, to know that not everyone will belittle them." - Mjrn

     A sight-seeing tour of the forest with his lady love as if everything was brand new.



    Identity }
    Dag's full name is pronounced 'I-or-dag-nyre', and was given the title 'The Fortress' in recognition of the guardianship he gives to and inspires in others. He is a symbol of unyielding strength of will and exhibits an impenetrable, one-pointed focus to rise above any situation. The emblem of victory - the Peregrine Falcon - still remains with him from his first and very old title of 'Wings of Peregrine'.
21st March 2009 | Pictogram
Stomping Grounds | Fireside | Valley View | Dandelion Hill | Sanctuary

    The Fortress }
    Voice - Deep bass; an equal balance of gentility and authoritative power associated with a voice of moral substance and leadership. Feral vocalizations are rare from him, though he is known to produce brontidal rumbles and has an extraordinarily low, growling bellow.
    Scent - His scent is very gustatory - likened to the smoulder of a warm, damp bonfire in the middle of open fields; burnt soil of old forests long gone.
    Build - Based on an old-world ice giant Eucladoceros species; the first species of deer genus to have highly evolved antlers yet is a primitive mass of strong bone and muscle. His body type is a visually solid domination with a dense muscular structure most noticeable around his barrel-chest and shoulders, reinforcing the relatively short, strong neck that bares the weight of a heavy square skull - resembling more bull than deer - and its gargantuan artillery; both of which being the most prominent indication of his skeletal bulk. Being top-heavy, his posture is almost restricted to one position when still. A long body means legs are stationed far apart to accommodate and spread the weight, and his head is always held high in balance giving him a kingly air, which is also reflected in his fluid and powerful gait. At full speed, there is very little that can stop his bulldozer momentum.
    Antlers - Fortress by design. Supernumerary, elongated branched-antlers where the beam has grown outward behind him, tines growing upward; his outer primary tines are the largest and grow into long forward-facing pincers. There are 12 tines per pedical and are split into four sets, all of which together are specifically designed to interlock with any antler type. Central clusters suited to single beam pronged deer, outer and brow tines designed for the larger supernumerary or palmated antlers such as Irish Elk. They are incredibly thick, astonishingly heavy, and an impenetrable defense that cannot be breached.
    Visual - His coat is made up of dense, varying shades of grey that give him an overall arsenic colouration, but his mane and face are the most striking; dirty white for the most part with a carnelian-red pattern draped around the contours of his beady-eyed, frill-cheeked face. The white of his mane continues only half-way under his stomach, and ends in a point with a very thin separating line of charcoal.
There is also an enormous patch-scar that tears through the left side of his neck which is coupled with the nick in his ear on the same side. This was given to him by the Spring Wolf in 2010*.
    Conqueror - Being the placid giant he is, Dag never lowers his antlers without reason; rarely has his combat been seen within the peaceful confines of the forest. However, heed the warning of his scar. Events leading up to his present existence shed further light on this war-hardened battler. There is something prehistoric and almost predatory about his combat - the misfortune of colliding with such a monolith is simply an all-sensory deluge.

    Antediluvian }
     Iaurdagnire's story has become that of Endless Forest legend, starting in 2009 and ending in 2013. His story involves the Forest, the Gods, and the spiritual embodiment of the Seasons whom he served with perpetual lives as a God-given duty. Dag wanted to escape, and continually fought for a life and death that was his to dictate; to cease to be a higher power's fuel for intellectual evolution. But in learning about his place in the world and a way to put an end to his duties, he became even more lost. Ultimately, Dag's story is an exploration of purpose and morality in all forms, and almost entirely community driven. The community has been involved in each section in some way, and these are referred to as "Season Events" by those who have participated; the events were designed for everyone to enjoy, regardless of the story.
Winter '09
Crackéd Smile
"I am here as a friend."
Autumn '09
I: Collapse the Light
II: Numb the Infection
III: I'd choose right now
Spring '10
I: Brontide
II: Thunderclap*
III: Colossus
IV: Oblivion
Summer '10
I: Fissure
II: Ignite
III: Mountain Masquerade
Autumn '10
I: Duty
II: Ender
III: Nothing Gold can Stay
Winter '11
I: Splinter
II: Restrain
Spring '11
I: Hesitance
II: Acrid Lullaby
III: Amalgamate | †
IV: Play the Hand
you are Dealt | †

Catalyst '11
Incubus | Reprise
I: Jack to the King
II: Overthrow
III: Start Your Descent
War Drum '12
I: Long Live the King
II: Dandelion Hill
III: Warrior Hysteria
IV: Wasteland Soldier
V: Your Supremacy
Elysium '13
The Fortress and The Raven | Epilogue

Background art by J!n

    Core }
    Ravenflight - The Queen His love and greatest treasure; indescribably bound to her like no other. Their history had long ran parallel, and although their paths crossed only rarely in bygone years, they were connected by a deep empathy for their respective trials and desire for freedom. Behind closed doors they each played a part in helping each other fulfill a purpose in order to escape, and then found themselves lost without it. When Dag returned to the forest, Ravenflight tried to help him re-adjust through her understanding of what it is like to feel truly detached from the world around you. As they spent more time together, Dag increasingly began to dote on her and fell very deeply in love. Captivated by her in every way. Ravenflight has given him a new purpose, and Dag is utterly devoted to her continued happiness. Adores and is enchanted by everything she is.
    Cry - The Ace Guardian; a source of security; life indebted to. Dag has known Cry for a long time, and upon his return was healed by him (see 'War Drum' Act V). Displays an affectionate "big brother" attitude towards the small white stag when around him.
    Ephiré - The Jack An unspoken natural affinity; indebted to. The two giants have much in common with the way they cope with the world around them, and it is this understanding that lead Ephiré to become the catalyst in Dag's journey (see 'Catalyst' story arc Act I-III). Has a profound trust in him and admires him greatly. He is also the only deer within the forest to have witnessed the full brunt of Dag's combat.
    Virgil/The Red - Part of the Fortress' strong foundations. One of his oldest friends of a different world to his own, wild and unrestricted. At the time of his trials, Dag thought of Virgil's existence as "real", moreso than his own and one he wanted to achieve. Events between then and now strongly effected Dag, but their friendship remains strong and has been rebuilt. [to be re-written]

  • Bonus Material

    Autumn '09 Act III: I'd choose right now, was the first song 'read along' blog to appear on TEFC (to my knowledge!).
    War Drum '12 Act V: Your Supremacy was my most successful community-wide event, where 68 TEF players participated.

    Antediluvian - There are two reasons why I chose to use this word for Dag and his story. The first is that it was originally a biblical word meaning the time between the creation of earth and the great flood/deluge myth; a narrative in which a great flood is sent by a deity to destroy in an act of divine retribution (the Spring Wolf). A parallel of this is a metaphor of rebirth, which was the premise of Dag's rebellion against his original purpose. Secondly, the modern meaning for this word is simply to be old fashioned/ancient in the most possible way (as if they lived before the great flood).

    Playing card references - A great metaphor for life in general, where one must simply play the hand they are dealt, good or bad. One of my favourite card games is Whist, where the object of the game is to simply score the most "tricks" by having the highest card in the suit that is being played. Therefore the cards you would like to see in your hand are the highest: Ace, King, Queen and Jack. The Jack is a good card to have, because it will generally weed out the other players higher cards in their desire to win the hand, so it is more common for you to lose that round but win others as you have exhausted the other players good cards. The Jack was the role of Ephiré, in Jack to the King. He killed Dag - referenced as the King - and although the hand appeared to be lost, the game was not over. The card that trumped Velocity's hand was the Ace, Cry, in Your Supremacy.

    As a character, Dag was originally inspired by naturally powerful characters like Mufasa from The Lion King and Riki from Ginga Nagareboshi Gin - characters the hero-type protagonists typically look up to for guidance and leadership.

Seed's picture

"I think that was when I

"I think that was when I wrote it. A day when the rain mixed with flowers, and words came out as bubbles... I wrote them both on the same day, if what I'm saying is indication. I remember the day, but not when it was or what I did in it..."

He listened to the remainder of Dag's comments, his brow knitting thoughtfully beneath his mask. The material was light enough that the motion of his eyebrows, the little snarl where they furrowed his face in the center, was clear.

"I'm not sure I would call it subli..." He paused mid-word, his head tilted in the way it did sometimes when he spoke. His eye fell on their shadows, which sat on the grass beside them and looked out at a different landscape. He smiled. "Well, I thank you. I suppose it needs a title before I write it out somewhere more...public."
Kaoori's picture

(I'll even give you free

(I'll even give you free shipping! :3)

Kaoori lightly touched her nose to the bridge of the gentle giant's muzzle.
I needed that laugh.. even if it was at your expense. And well.. perhaps you did, too.
She grinned.
Munkel's picture

"I remember you Sir..."

"I remember you Sir..." -smiles shyly- "Has been a long time though."
+ +
Iaurdagnire's picture

>>>>Azura     Dag falls

    Dag falls silent and simply stands there, wearing an expression that hid him from watchful eyes whenever he had heavy things to consider. This face - this stance - is the very same he takes when witnessing something distasteful, dishonorable. Virgil and Saosin's eyes flash in the back of his mind.
However, this is not to say that the way he looked was angry, or even distressed.
There was simply nothing that could be given away by it.
But whatever tossed and turned behind his robust and heavy skull, this tactic made him a book that could not be read.

He didn't linger for too long; Lacie was more sensitive than most. The slightest mistake on his part could send her running, and he didn't want that.

"Control." Came a blank, monotone reply, "I am insecure when there are things I cannot do, or if my judgment is clouded by emotion."
His brow furrowed,
"I cannot allow myself to be closer to one person than I am to the next... I dislike favouritism, I suppose. And when innocent things happen that sway my emotions too far, well." He sighed,
"That is when I am the most troubled... Being rational to solve problems and keep everyone happy is my only strength."

Dag shifted his weight a little and rested his chin on Lacie's back,
"When things do go wrong while I am not around, that is when I feel my weakest; because I could not help... Mm. Silly, isn't it, calm one minute and chaos the moment ones back is turned. I don't understand it sometimes."

    "Nn. That's an interesting thought." Dag slowed his walk a fraction; his strides were a lot longer than Virgil's.
"... Virgil," he asked with a slight inflection, "has the forest seemed strange to you lately?" He tilted his head awkwardly to scratch his upper shoulder with the longest tine,
"I feel as if everyone around me has moved, but I've stayed stationary. Detached more-so than normal."
Perhaps he hadn't worded it right; it was a difficult feeling to describe,
"I'm not quite feeling myself; like I'm forgetting things that should be effortless."

    "How would you know whether it is sublime or not? You wrote it, but you cannot dictate how far the listener's mind takes it and runs." Dag smiled fondly, "I spent hours that day simply watching and listening to the petals fall, watching everyone send their bubbles back up to whomever was sprinkling them."
He nodded, mostly to himself having been content with his reasoning's. Seed was always so modest.
"Now then, what of the second?"

    "..." Dag's eyes softened; he did need a laugh. In appreciation for her company, he curled himself around her tiny body and closed his eyes. He was ever so tired, and hoped Kaoori would stay with him just for a little while longer.
"Deer like you are what reassure the existence of others, you know. I hope nothing ever harms who you are."

The giant opened one eye to look at her, "And if something ever changes that, the culprit will have the delight of involuntary sitting on my crown." He winked.

    "Ah, hello young Sir." Dag greeted and smiled back warmly.
He remembers Crybaby as a fawn very well, but didn't know him as an adult as well as he would like; he always noticed him, at least. Incidentally, there had been times when Dag had been in the company of what he fondly refers to as Crybaby's 'twin', due to a similar appearance and pictogram. Either way, his knowledge of him was nothing and all but pleasant, but still he felt the need to approach him formally seeing as though they has never spoken to each other at length.
"It has regrettably been a long time since I've seen you. I trust you are well?"

((.... *collapses* Thank you everyone for keeping Dag alive <3 ))
Pegasicorn's picture

I would love to start an RP

I would love to start an RP here, but I need to figure out how to start. |D
Munkel's picture

(Awe :'D poor Dag. Oh lol and

(Awe :'D poor Dag. Oh lol and yes his 'twin'... people have been confused so many times |D jlkafg)

He approached slowly, sniffing the air around him a bit.
Crybaby didn't know much of this big stag either, but he knew he was a very good friend of Virgil and a very wise deer as well.
"I'm... fine." he lied, giving him a forced smile "Apart from this one thing." he said, lowering his gaze for a moment. This 'Virgil-Saosin thing'... and Sao was ignoring him lately, walking away from him away from him. He felt like he annoyed him and it hurt him deep in his inside... although he didn't want to admit it to himself.
"I'm sorry... and how are you?" he asked, apologizing because he apparently didn't want to show his feelings and emotions. He lifted his gaze towards Dag again.
Kaoori's picture

Kaoori was delighted, and

Kaoori was delighted, and honored to stay with Dag. In the time she had gotten to know him, he had become a great friend to her. When she was with him, she knew no harm would come to her, and as she spoke, her tired eyes drooped, much like a child listening to a trusted one telling them a fable. She curled close, and was soon fast asleep in the giant's fluffy, soft fur.
Iaurdagnire's picture


Pega! <3 You can start one here whenever you like (:

Kaoorijkfhsdjkfh the cuteness burns! Thank you for entertaining me hehe <3

(Hehe, well you're lucky that your twin is very nice to be around! Dag had a twin a while back who was not very nice and played by "the flea" haha.)
"Mm," Dag murmured, noticing the falter in the smaller stag's voice "it's alright; you needn't say anything. I know that you have grown closer to Saosin as of late, and the subsequent rivalry he carries with our friend Virgil." He hoped Crybaby didn't mind Dag saying this so openly, but the confidence in his voice should have reassured him that it wasn't as delicate a situation as it seemed - even though it had gotten gradually more violent while Dag had been away.
"I can sympathize with how you must feel... They are both close to my heart, too, and there was a time when I secretly wished I could put myself in between their tines and make them physically see that they are not just hurting themselves. But such things aren't as simple as we would like."
Dag took a step or two forward and mimicked Crybaby's behaviour,
"... I apologize," He smiled sympathetically, "they tend to be the weight on many shoulders; I'm sorry if I came off a little strong.
Would you like to sit down with me?"
Kiraki's picture

*Want to have a Dag rp too*

*Want to have a Dag rp too*

But you seem quite crowded already :3

Munkel's picture

(Oh geez x'D ) "He's... like

(Oh geez x'D )

"He's... like a brother to me." he said, smiling weakly. Although he didn't even know how it was to have siblings... he never had any.
But his smile faded again for a moment "Uh... I-I thought about doing this too... lately." he stuttered in a low tone. He bit his lower lip.
"Yes of course." he said, smiling back at him then and slowly sitting down.
Seed's picture

"You're right," Seed said. He

"You're right," Seed said. He wasn't sure if Dag was right about it being sublime or not -- perhaps it was, in the style of the sublime in a Gothic novel, yes... He could accept that. Dag's next comment made Seed laugh a little.
"That is exactly the topic of the other one -- sending the bubbles up."

He cleared his throat and began.

"We stand in the light and let the rain come down.
Everything is cold, from the bloody flowers
to our drenched sides. We gather beneath the chilled
light, our heads lowered in grief, in memory.
And we start to say the things we always meant to say.

We coat them in pure radience, in delicate echoes of time;
we whisper them round in our mouths as the shape of a perfect world.
They are baloons, the thin irridescent bubbles of wishes, thanks, regrets.
We send them into the pounding rain, hoping they reach heaven.
We pray, as they pop, that they'll go all the way up."
Verycrazygirl's picture

In responce to Iaurdagnire's

In responce to Iaurdagnire's words, the deer raised his head to sniff the air, proceeding afterwards to shake his entire body in the same fashion one would after a bath. He had to think about Dag's words, carefully - he may not really understand exactly what the Eucladoceros is talking about.

"Just... the heatwave sir... Though, everybody changes as we age, if that is what you mean." The Hart looked back to his friend again.
"You say that in the mind you are ancient, perhaps it is because of this the world seems to change at a slower pace for you." Virgil does not intend to offend, it is merely how he thought.
A few steps closer and he stood beside the giant, exposing his side before turning around after a moment to look in the same direction. He waited to be corrected, or to be given the chance to understand more.

OokamiAzura's picture

The air felt...heavy at best.

The air felt...heavy at best. And she wasn't quite sure what to do about it.

Ring the bells, my merry men; Lacie has no clothes on!

But she stays, listening, searching for that tone, that implication that she overstepped her boundaries.

His monotone voice makes her mind work, process, still searching for that sign to leave.

Houston, we have a problem.

But when he places his chin on her back, she just about buckles underneath him. Not from his weight - far from it.

She stays silent for a moment, the birds the only thing creating sound. She shakes her head furiously.

There were times she hated silence.

Have you ever chased something that didn't wish to be caught?
Verycrazygirl's picture

Fact of the day: Dag is sexy,

Fact of the day: Dag is sexy, and so is his bio.

Iaurdagnire's picture

Kiraki! Of course you can

Kiraki! Of course you can have a Dag-RP, please start one whenever you're ready - I'm not imposing a limit on how many people I can reply to (;

    "Yes..." Dag's smile was understanding as he essentially agreed with the comparison of Saosin as a brother. He felt like an elder brother to both of them, especially when they fought while he wasn't around to... babysit, shall we say.
Dag chortled as an image arose of him banging their heads together and telling them to stop the eternal squabbling over - what he presumed to be - absolutely nothing of any significance.
"But you must promise me that you will never get yourself hurt by coming between them. It'll only make things worse... They'll either blame themselves, or blame each other for hurting someone they both care about. Do you see?"
A low 'hmm' rattled in the giant as he thought something over.
"I think it could be in your best interest to - if you ever see them fighting - inspire some guilt in them. Simply show that you are unhappy with the situation and pay neither of them any mind once they come to grovel. It is very important not to give in to them."
He sighs heavily and shakes his head,
"I sincerely hope they both realize that the moment their antlers hurt anyone else other than each other..." He trailed off.
Dag had vowed never to use his antlers to harm, and he never has.

But there has been an inner fear for a while now of Saosin and Virgil breaking it.
He just hoped they both knew this.

    As Dag listened, his expression slowly dissolved from a bright smile to a more solemn and respectable one. He had deliberately remained quiet about speaking of the bubbles he gave to that same memory.
"I don't think anyone could have described it better without being blunt about it." He looked at Seed knowingly,
"It's strange... I gave bubbles, too. I never knew the memory, but I didn't need to; I could see it. Clear as the bubbles." A short, sharp exhale sounded like the beginning of a laugh - he was willing to admit that his last sentence was a fairly cheesy one. But that didn't make it any less true.
"I think this poem is my favourite of the two, but one cannot exist without the other."

    His smile gave away that Virgil didn't quite understand what he meant, but that didn't matter. Perhaps he couldn't explain it anyway; it was sort of like... the times when the forest is clouded with fog, and you see friends. But, they slowly turn their back and busy themselves with others. But not so literally, and not as if the friends are doing it deliberately.
"If anything the world changes too quickly." Said Dag hurriedly, having been silent for a long enough time to arouse suspicion.
"Noelle and Esll, her predicament... I didn't exist for those times, and it's changed everything. Even the growth of Sterre and Otis; I know I will miss their fawn-hood just like I have done with so many others."
Dag stopped - they had reached the edge of the pond.
"When I sometimes wished for my own company, I don't think I ever meant it. I now feel as if just being around others is what keeps me alive. Whoever I meet and whatever we do together, I talk about; that is all I have ever done."
He looked sternly at Virgil as if he were demanding something,
"If that is taken, I see not a face and therefore speak not a word. What of me then when my wings are taken?"

And yes, Dag's bio is getting sexier. My firebug works now so I can tinker with the title and comment colours finally. Next is changing the green text up in the corner *is eradicating green*))

    Dag lifted his head to look at her with a raised brow. He couldn't place the origin of where that question might have come from - had he said something wrong?
"Hn." He shrugged, but not physically.
"I may occasionally chase things in order to see them for what they are, but never to catch them... Why?" Dag nestled his chin back just behind her shoulders and closed his eyes,
"Is there something escaping you?"
Munkel's picture

Crybaby first widened his

Crybaby first widened his eyes a bit and then sighed, lowering his gaze "Uh... yes I... I promise." he said, even that he didn't care if he got hurt. But he understood...

He calmly listened to his advise, still looking down at the grass though.
"I'll... I'll try..." he said sadly, but he didn't know if he could do it.
He looked away while a small tear rolled down his cheek all of sudden, only seen when it reached his chin.

(He isn't Crybaby if he doesn't cry from time to time :'D )

Iaurdagnire's picture

(Nng >.o *twitch* Must...

(Nng >.o *twitch* Must... not... smother with cuddles.)

When Dag caught a spherical bright dot out of the corner of his eye, he thought it was just a peice of flora falling and catching the light as it went. He did a double take when he realized it was a tear.
"A-Oh, I-" his charcoal eyes widened as his ears fell back with worry, "-I-I'm sorry, did I say something you didn't like?"
He didn't like making others upset, not that it was a habit of his in the slightest. The 'gentle giant' always did he best to make sure his friends were happy,
"If I sounded cross, I'm not... I mean, I wouldn't be cross at all with you because of them even if-" He cut himself off and gave an exasperated sigh. He knew Crybaby was... delicate, for lack of a better word.
"It's not worth you or anyone else getting physically harmed for, that's all. It is between them, and only they can make the choice to stop it."
Kiraki's picture

A tiny shape races at high

A tiny shape races at high speed directly towards Dag with no signs of slowing down, but at the last possible moment she somehow manages to dodge to the side, barely missing him. Slowing down slightly she starts to skip in circles around him.

”Dag! Dag! Dag! We play? ” She squeals without bothering to give a formal greeting.
OokamiAzura's picture

In moments of insecurity, she

In moments of insecurity, she often found herself asking questions that had no place. It was simply the way she was.

Ring the bells, my merry men; Lacie has no clothes on!

It marches through her head, on its way to the final battle.

It was just a matter of who would win.

There used to be.

She paws the ground, unsure of what to say next.

There have been many that I've chased after, both "here," and in my dreams. And each time, I either failed, or was attacked. And sometimes, I myself was chased. I was almost always protected for one or two.

....I'm sorry, I'm rambling.
Verycrazygirl's picture

Virgil was first to break the

Virgil was first to break the stare, perhaps it was a form of submission, or maybe he did not want to be read despite the dark. He could even be nervous.

The Hart took his time to consider Iaurdagnire's words further, deeper. He looked down, into the water, staring at all it is reflecting: Treetops. the clouds, the rare gaps between them, the stars.

He then looked ahead to gaze at the tree growing from the middle of the pond.

"... A grounded hunter becomes the hunted." The deer simply replied before lowering his head to graze on some of the more youthful and tender weeds, on occasion pawing at the earth below for access to the more awkward hard-to-reach young ones.

He said not a thing after that.

Munkel's picture

( :B poor (cute) Dag x'D

( :B poor (cute) Dag x'D )

He smiled embarrassed "N-no it's ok... not your fault at all. Ugh..." he bit his lower lip.
"These l-last days... were just too much..." he stuttered, moving closer towards the, compared to himself, giant stag and lied his head down on Dag's furry back near his neck.
"I... I hope they m-make their choice soon..." he said, slightly sobbing on his cuddly back.
Seed's picture

"I think Run's star must have

"I think Run's star must have been out that day -- the original draft mentioned starlight..."

He shook his head a little, wistfully.

"I met her only once... It's a very strong memory, though. She looked so sad and lonely that day; one of my dearest friends had been somewhat clumsy with her heart. I went and sat beside her... and wished that she could be happy. It's all I really remember of her. For one moment, she was alone. For one moment, I wished she could be happy from the bottom of my heart."

He sighed. His eyes rose, trying to spot a star that couldn't be seen in the daylight. With his head lifted very slightly and his lips parted, as if to say one more thing, he looked almost like he was praying. Instead, he spoke.

"Death wasn't everywhere, back then. I usually don't agree when people say the forest has changed, but that... that has changed. Back then, no one died; they just sort of faded away. Now everyone dies, and growing older means burying opportunities along with deer."
arrowdoe's picture

The young stag lowers his

The young stag lowers his head closer to the small flower.
His ears droop as a single tear trails down his cheek.
Iaurdagnire is missed.

Kaoori's picture

fffffffffffg i love your art

fffffffffffg i love your art arrow. ;_;
Iaurdagnire's picture

sjdhasklje, Arrow. I was

sjdhasklje, Arrow.
I was admiring your signature picture the other day too thinking how awesome just the coloured lines were, and then you do this... It's gorgeous, Dag looks so handsome ♥
Thank you so much ;;

... I miss seeing Aleit. I miss everyone, really.

Edit: I didn't realize it was a tear until you wrote it... Gosh, now I miss the forest even more.
I wish there was something I could do about it, I really do...
arrowdoe's picture


Kaoorikins; <3 Thank you (:
Daggykins; I'm glad you like it. (:
It wasn't intentional until I saw it that way too xD
It's not a tear on Dag's though.

I just hope we can figure this out soon. ):
Seed's picture

I second comments concerning

I second comments concerning the excellent picture. I second comments about hoping Dag's game gets fixed.
Iaurdagnire's picture

Yeah, I know it's a tear on

Yeah, I know it's a tear on Aleits (: <3
It's neat that Aleit is a subspecies of Irish Elk btw! I stalked his bio recently.
Dag's species is one of the two that evolved parallel to the Irish Elk species (Irish Elk is the Palmation Antler evolution, Dag is the Supernumary Antler evolution, and there's another that was just the simple 6-tine antler pattern).
They should form an Old World Deer Club.
Haha xD
arrowdoe's picture

Thank you Seedly 8D Ah sweet!

Thank you Seedly 8D
Ah sweet! I've been looking at Irish Elk pictures and stuff lately and every time I see one I either think of Dag or Aleit xD
"No school like the old school." xDD
Iaurdagnire's picture

Old schooooool *complicated

Old schooooool *complicated high-five-cool-guy-thing* Paha.

I'll be back to replying to rp posts now. I can't reply to everyone tonight, but I'm going to reply to Kiraki just because (:

>>>> Kiraki
    "Ah-... W-Wow! Slow down, Kiraki!" Dag laughed as the brown blur approached. He then pivoted on the spot to try and follow the little fawn around in circles, but he was quite a long deer and couldn't exactly... corner well. He eventually gave up - as he always did - and resorted to jumping about after her instead.

All was well, until the blue stag got closer...
Closer still, until-
"-Tag!" Dag touched his nose to the small of her back and dashed away. Onlookers might have thought it was hardly fair for him run, being as fast as he was. But Kiraki had always been faster; he was running to genuinely try to not be caught! Which makes a change from adults deliberately slowing down for children to beat them.

Their play times had become rare these days, for Dag usually was always with company, so couldn't run laps around the forest with her without feeling guilty about leaving them. They may join in for all he knew, but he could never be sure. Besides; he liked it when it was just the two of them.
Kiraki's picture

(Dagkins ~

(Dagkins ~<333)

Kiraki giggled as the large stag joined her in play, she knew he always made time to play with her a bit before he went back to sitting like the adults always seem to be doing. It had been quite a while since she had last seen him and she was quite happy to have run into him.

Far too absorbed in play she did not notice him getting closer at all, not until she felt something nudge her back. She blinked in surprise, pausing for a moment to glance behind her at what Dag was doing, only to see him dashing off.
Her eyes grew wide in surprise, but her legs had already started moving her forward by the time the realization of what had just occurred hit her.

”Daaaaaaaaaag! ” She squealed in delight as she set off after him at an alarmingly fast pace.
Iaurdagnire's picture

>>>> Azura     "My dear, you

>>>> Azura
    "My dear, you are in the presence of a champion rambler. You'll have to do better than that." His eyes were still closed,
"I find that many deer don't talk nearly enough. Please... Feel free to go on; I'd like to hear what or who you found yourself chasing."

    "And what is that supposed to mean?" Dag growled, obviously very unhappy with Virgil's answer. But it seemed that it was always this way; the way Virgil thought and spoke was very different, more... animal.

Feeling agitated, the heavy stag clomped about almost in a circle and with no particular direction, dipping his head now and again to satisfy his need for some movement other than... slow. Perhaps that is what was paining him; everything felt like it was coming to a stop, and he needed his mind to remain busy.

Without saying anything or even looking at Virgil, Dag trotted off around to the back of the pond and stood under the large willow. He leaned his shoulder against it, still standing, and remained there.

Virgil was not to follow.

    Dag's hair bristled momentarily, not expecting Crybaby to feel comfortable enough to literally cry on his shoulder so soon.
"Come now, let's not get upset." He moved his head around and put his nose under Crybaby's ear, then licked the back of his head just once,
"I think this is perhaps as worse as it will get, now that more of their friends are being hurt by their foolishness. I know that Virgil is coming around... But I can say little for Saosi-" He grit his teeth as he remembered a time when he and Virgil were on Red Hill, and Saosin charged and attacked unprovoked.

Dag was so disgusted by it that to even think of it made him feel sick with frustration. He didn't realize it, but he was pressing the side of his head a little into Crybaby as if clinging to him as a distraction.

    Dag didn't know what to say to his friends last statement. Seed was older and knew a different forest to the one Dag knew, even though he had vague memories of what it was Seed was talking about.
"Things change once you are given a voice and given a name. A name and a voice has all these things attached to it - good and bad - and if what we see is good and attracts us, well," he paused, "division and descension is unavoidable. But the ball must keep rolling..."

(I'll reply to yours soon Kiraki, I haven't forgotten about you!)
Pretzil's picture

"Iaurdagnire..." A weary doe

"Iaurdagnire..." A weary doe appears from the shadows, her appearance looking rather old and ragged. She tips her head gravely. "If you can help me... You probably don't know or recognize me... But it is me, Pret. I am old and I am dying." She lowers her gaze grimly. "And I feel as if my passing shall go unnoticed... And that makes me fearful of my own passing. To die alone and without anyone to mourn for you..." She lifts her eyes back to the great stag, her own eyes leaking their once happy color, now becoming a sad grey.

Seed's picture

"Everyone has a name. Always.

"Everyone has a name. Always. They just may not know it yet," he said firmly. He had seen all the names there ever were or would be, and there was one for everyone. He glanced upward, his eyes trying to catch a glimpse of the glow that came from above his flower-cloaked antlers. As if to answer him, a purple flower drifted down.

"But you're right: knowing matters... But that's not what I mean. Maybe it's easiest just to say that things change. Whether you have a name or not, whether you know it or not, things change. It's the marvel of being alive... And maybe the tragedy, too. I think some things can be both."

He seemed pleased at the prospect; he was smiling again, faintly.
Kaoori's picture

She waited until the gentle

She waited until the gentle giant was napping. It had taken a while, but she had finally done it. With no hands, she had to recruit the help of the local squirrels in doing it, but it was efficient and well worth it. When all was complete, Dag looked pretty.

Oh so pretty.

Lilies and dandelions and poppies and purple flowers adorned the antlers of the massive stag, tied together with vines and grass and waterweeds. Some condensation from the waterweeds dropped on his nose; Kaoori twitched with a giggle, ready to flee.

For emphasis, she placed a lily behind his ear, then bounded off, cackling.
The giant would never know what hit him.
Or, maybe he would.

(sorry, I am in such a weird mood right now. xD)
Munkel's picture

"A-are you... alright? he

"A-are you... alright? he asked shyly but in a worried tone and still sniffing on his back, wondering why the bigger one was clinging so tightly all off sudden.

(Bah sorry, it's really short :'D )
Verycrazygirl's picture

Kaoori you rock. XD

Kaoori you rock. XD

Kiraki's picture

Kaoori wow XD ~

Kaoori wow XD ~<3
OokamiAzura's picture

Ramblerambleramble~? She was


She was trying to be funny, but she was unsure if the joke was catching on.

Sometimes, it's more wise to bite the tongue than speak aloud.

Still, she sighs deeply, her rib cage expanding and contracting in motion.

Usually, I chase those that I know; sometimes they run on their own, while other times, they are being led away by someone, anyone. I chase and I chase, whether it is to catch them, hold them to me forever, or simply because I want to chase. I want to feel free, unchained, I want -

She pauses briefly, a trickle of air whizzing through her lips.

I want to feel alive.

Her confession is one not so easily said. She found it difficult to express her true feelings about something; and once it was released, she had a hard time shutting up.

Of course, like I said...sometimes, I lose them forever, and other times, I'm attacked. And other times, it is I who is being chased. It's one thing running after someone, or simply running -

She pauses again.

It's another to be the target. It's funny; I often times find that when I'm being chased by someone, I'm either left behind, or someone is there protecting me. On one hand, it makes me blush thinking I'm being protected, but on the other hand, it's rather awkward...

She stops, and behind her to where his head rests on her shoulders.

Do you dream, Dag? What do you dream of?

Iaurdagnire's picture

>>>>Kiraki     "Hah-ah!"

    "Hah-ah!" Dag's laugh boomed through the forest as he weaved in and out of trees - one of his favourite things to do while running - until he reached the birch forest. He didn't normally occupy that area of the forest, but he found that it was a great place to get lost in the tall grass.

He ran straight into the middle, then stopped to look around. Now, Kiraki was small and could hide in the grass all too easily... therein lay a problem; he wouldn't be able to see Kiraki coming. Out of breath, he stood and waited for any parting of the grasses that indicated her attack.

(Ahahahaha, Jaws music for Kiraki... dun-dun... dun-dun.....)

    "Pretzil?" Dag remembered meeting her for the first time with Saosin, and perhaps only a handful of times after that. She seemed young, full of spirit; how could this be the same doe?
"... But you have not lived in this forest for very long at all, how is it that you are dieing?" He looked her up and down, alarmed, "Are you unwell?"

(What! You can't kill Pretzil D8)

    Dag nodded, despite Seed misunderstanding him. Of course everyone had a name; just because one may not know a name doesn't mean is doesn't exist. But he also meant that names only become of importance to someone else; that is the first stepping stone into knowing all their is about someone; how else could a judgment be made?
"It's only easy because it's true." He replied in an encouraging tone, his gaze flicking back and forth until it landed on a butterfly. They were never short of them in this forest, and they were easy to aid his explanations.
"What I mean is... Hm. That butterfly. Say that butterfly has never known any other flower than the purple ones it feeds from, and knows of no other butterflies in existence aside from those his own colour. The butterfly is happy because it knows no different, correct?"
He didn't wait for Seed to answer, not that he needed to.
"But suppose a different coloured butterfly appears - a pink butterfly who feeds from not only purple, but red, yellow, and blue flowers. Suddenly the first butterfly is given this illusion of choice to contemplate and process. All the new things are seen as better, because it did not know of their existence before. The pink butterfly is suddenly seen as the superior - the more desirable - because it knew no different; the more we are given, shown, told, the more we try to define ourselves in relation to those around us... Whether we strive to be seen the same as another, or to stand out and be different."
His eyes squinted, trying to read his words back to him in his head. Goodness knows if it made any sense, so he simply laughed and said,
"I think, therefore I am."

(I never thought I'd be using a René Descartes quote ever again... damn you, philosophy lecture from 2 years ago)

>>>> Kaoori


The sleeping giant woke up sneezing and sniffing in a less than dignified manner. When he opened his eyes, he looked down the bridge of his nose and flicked his tongue out to lick the droplet that was irritating him. But he could see something dangling above him, close and out of focus. As he moved his head to look up, it also moved.

He heard a distant laughter.
"...W-" He felt something fall on his back as he lifted his head, then saw a colourful downpour of vegetation as he shook his head.
He thought; this is just the kind of trick he would pull. But out of the corner of his eye he saw a small blue behind dissapearing into the grass.
"... Kaoori!" He shouted, putting on a fake scolding tone of voice despite wanting to laugh. He got up quickly and ran after her, shaking his head now and again in an attempt to dislodge her decorations.
He failed.

(Kao-Kao is so cheeky <3)

>>>> Munkel
    "Hm? Oh, yes." Dag cleared his throat and immediatly retracted his head,
"I guess I'm not very good at comforting others when faced with tears. I don't really know what to say to make you feel better apart from... that I understand."

(It's okay <3 We can leave it here if you like; I see you're going on holiday. We can always rp again when you get back (: CB is so cute hehe. I hope you have a great time where you're going!)

>>>> Azura
    Dag listened, but found it all quite hard to understand. He always thought he was a deep thinker, but Lacie had definitely trumped him with this conversation. The question she asked was a welcome one; it meant he didn't need to comment about what had past her lips.
"Do I dream." He repeated, opening his eyes for a split second before closing them again.
"I don't think so." His chin rocked back and forth, parting Lacie's soft white hair and making that spot on her back just right.
He hoped his head wasn't too heavy.
"At least, I do not recall any... I know that everyone is meant to dream, whether they remember them or not. But when deer liken a situation to a nightmare, I don't have any preconceptions about how that feels; I've never had a nightmare, and I always sleep well..."
Dag's expression turned, his brow scrunching,
"Dreams can be anything, can't they? But, can you dream that you are someone you are not? For example, can you dream that your reaction to something is opposite to how you would act in real life?"

I could not dream about what I am not.
Munkel's picture

Ffff I hope he isn't too

Ffff I hope he isn't too annoying :'D

Though yes I would love to, Dag's a sweetie as well haha &hearts
Thanks : )
Iaurdagnire's picture

Of course not! I really like

Of course not! I really like CB, he's all cuddly and emotional, and Dag is the complete opposite so it gives me a chance to play up his awkwardness a bit. He's really hesitant about being close and touchy-feely with others. CB might destroy him D8 ... hahaha xD
Munkel's picture

x3 Aww I hope not :'DDD I

x3 Aww I hope not :'DDD
I love to let him interact with characters that are the opposite of himself : ) makes it somehow interesting rofl
Iaurdagnire's picture

I guess it's different

I guess it's different interacting with a character the opposite of yours, in a good way though, kinda challenging because you can't expect certain reactions you're used to getting from other people...
Even though Dag has a secret cuddling addiction. Shhhh.
Lol xD
Munkel's picture

Yes x'D Brajaljdfl now it's

Yes x'D
Brajaljdfl now it's not a secret anymore! 8DDD
Haha anywayz, see you then :3 <333
Kiraki's picture

(Hehe Jaws with rainbow

(Hehe Jaws with rainbow sprinkles ^^)

Tiny hooves a flurry the little fawn follows Dag with many a squeal of delight, her eyes following his every move, she copies his step and turn. For there were few things more fun than running about, but chasing something or someone in this case most certainly topped it with ease.
However as he entered into the tall grass she quickly lost site of him, and she slowly came to a halt at the edge of it. She look upwards at the tall stems towering above her then looked at the ones in front of her she leapt through them, calling out excitedly.

”Dag! ” She squeals happily, expecting Dag to be right behind them, but instead she found more grass.
Not deterred in the slightest she pounces on the next batch of grass, calling out again, but with the same results. Even more determined she starts wildly pouncing on every bit of grass in sight, which of course by this time is all around her. Her jumps become more and more erratic and random with no clear direction as she continuous to jump on anything in sight and calling out Dag's name with every bounce.
Reyy's picture

So close.

So close.
Seed's picture

"You underestimate the power

"You underestimate the power of dreams and ennui, Iaurdagnire," Seed replied with a laugh.

"While the world and the self becomes more defined by introduction, to assume contentment comes from ignorance... Is not a safe assumption. I have been in the position of the butterfly who knows naught beyond his patch of flowers. I had all I wanted, which was all that I knew to want. I had all I knew existed -- I had sunlight and water, soft soil full of earthworms, flowers and butterflies to watch and admire as they sprouted up and died beside me... I didn't know what it was I could want, and yet I wanted. I was lonely without knowing what company was, perhaps because I did not know. I told myself I should be happy... and, as I think comes from anyone who lives in a very small world, I dreamed of what wasn't, to try and make for myself something I could want until that little intrusion came along."

He thought back to those days; he was more at ease for doing so, having examined his choice more fully in the recent past. He had dreamed of all sorts of things, back then. That the clouds ate the sun and the sun had to fight its way out; what the world would be like if rain fell in reverse. What being a flower would be like. What it would be like to live on the sun.

Then he recalled the present and laughed. He lowered his head and whispered, furitively, to his companion.

"You know...None of this frivolous discussion of the nature of the world from the position of the unknowing changes the fact that neither of these poems have titles."
OokamiAzura's picture

She mulls over his words and

She mulls over his words and his question, a light smile parting her lips.

I find that dreams either forecast the future, or they are meant to open your eyes to something going on around you. Sometimes, they seem to do both.

His chin rocking felt like a mini massage to her.

She was content.

She was in the zone.

She was fine now.

However, I don't see how dreams can't show you something you can't be. And if you truly want to-

She reaches back to gently nudge his cheek.

You can be anything you want to be. Forget assumptions. Forget "fate." Reach for the sky, the galaxy, the universe...

She pauses.

Fuck. I feel like a dweeb now...

She at least hopes her tongue doesn't sting too hard.


/ in a very awkward mood right now lD
Reyy's picture

1,000 ! AHH.

1,000 ! AHH.