Community Events

Spring Rally Sparring Competition 2020

Spring Rally Competition Hub
Penrose's picture

Sedirea's Flower Stand (Spring Rally 2021) [Closed]

Participants of the Spring Rally may notice a little stand that pops up intermittently among the nursery sections: an arch of interwoven branches covered in flowers, its peak just high enough to offer some shade to the creature resting below. Those curious enough to approach will be greeted warmly and offered a variety of spring-themed wares: flower wreaths, packets of seeds, simple wooden toys and masks, and a little sign with awkward scrawl indicates there may be even more.

*Note: We likely won't be in-game much this year, but we don't have to be online when you post! We'll get back to you as soon as we're able!

Below the cut!
echoing's picture

[II.III] Finale

Spring Rally Discussion [Date Announcement]

Update: the votes are in and while it was close, the rally will take place on the 3rd of April to the 17th of April! Another Easter rally~
The blog should be up for your eyes viewing pleasure in about a week or two, so look forward to it and get ready for the fun and games!


Hey there everyone!

The spring rally was respectfully put on a bit of a hold after all that's happened recently but we're ready to start voting on a time frame! It's going to be a 14 day event; starting on a Friday and ending on a Friday, so that covers two whole weeks! Hopefully that'll give everyone time to roll in and enjoy the event when they can~

If there is anything anyone wants to discuss or talk about, feel free to do so here! Also, please make sure you vote for the dates the spring rally will take place using the link bellow!


- Lily
echoing's picture

[II.I.] Contested

Info's picture

The Memorial Walk

Hub page for the Memorial Walk, a tribute to all who have gone before us.
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