Community Events

Gooke6's picture

Fan art in the game!

Hello there!
I am Margo Putzeys, a student Game- and Digital Design and I am currently doing my internship with Tale of Tales. I am still studying but I will be entering my Master year next schoolyear.
For my internship Auriea Harvey and Michael Samyn asked me if I wanted to work with the players and make models and concept art together. And with great pleasure I accepted this of course! This means you will be able to add art to the game!

But there are some 'rules' attached to this: If you make a 3D model, pleas send it as an .OBJ file to me. But a .Blender file ( Blender's file extension ) would be even better! But a .OBJ is good as well! As for the concept art you can send a photoshop file, PNG of JPEG.

So what can you make? Well it's like a set that the deers can wear in the game! This set includes: a mask, antlers and a pelt. Both made for the adult deer AND the baby deer. You can (if some of you know how and want to) texture these models by using a UV map. If you do texture them, send texture files as a PNG. ( PNG supports transparancy )
But of course you are never obligated to making more than you like. The meaning of this task is also for me to make stuff, so if you only would like to make the adult deer's models, that's fine by me. I can always texture them, add models, etc.

So if any of you are interested in putting your art or 3D models in the game. Send them to me and I can adjust them if necessary or take a look if something needs to be changed and so on.
You can of course also send your concept art to me and I can realise that concept art into a 3D model which may have a chance to be put in the actual game: The Endless Forest!

My e-mail adres is : I hope I will be hearing soon from you guys!!


EDIT: from Michael and Auriea --
To be clear, we want Margo to do ALL of the modeling and ALL of the texturing. Because that is what her internship is about.
Widmung's picture

Need Help moving Signature to the Right

I am having trouble moving the signature to the right side of the page. If someone could help me, I would really appreciate it.

returning veteran!

good afternoon all!

i'm curious to hear whether any other Mac users have been able to alpha/beta test the builds in progress, if at all? i'm a backer for the second decade, on a 2012 MacBook, and i have not been able to test a single step of the game yet! i know we reached sufficient backing to unlock mac and linux support as well (hurray!) but am curious to know whether other Mac-user backers have been able to play with anything yet!

regardless of my ability to play, i have still been happy to support the rebuild of TEF; i have fond memories of playing it in 2005 while attending university, just barely able to access it with an ancient white-shell MacBook back in the day! <3

how have other Mac users been making do, i wonder?

. The Rut 2023 . (Finished + a Poll!)

Please consider taking this brief survey regarding a proposed change to the Rut event!

The Rut

This event starts on the 16th of September and ends on the night of the 1st of October

Welcome to the Fourteenth Year of the annual Rutting Event!

In reality The Rut is a time where does gather and stags attempt to round them up for breeding. In their quest for romance, the stags battle one another to win the attention of the does, who only want the best of the best. It is an impressive spectacle for nature enthusiasts all over to observe.

In The Endless Forest where the rules of nature do not apply, The Rut is an organized contest and an annual tradition; a competitive game in which characters of all types and backgrounds gather simply for the thrill and entertainment of reenacting its concept. It is a perfect opportunity for characters to gain development, prove themselves to one another, expand their social circle, and enjoy themselves.



  • As a whole: The event is about participants engaging in activities such as sparring with or fighting one another, gathering in groups, passing judgement, and most importantly: socializing.

  • Respect & Responsibility: Actions associated with the event only apply to its members, and any poor treatment towards anyone not participating (uninvolved/nameless/newbies) will lead to disqualification.
Urschanabi's picture

TEFtober art challenge

(Art and most of the prompt ideas by SiLu)

Urschanabi's picture

Gathering for 7FinalGirl8 (MariaCanker)

As some of you might know, MariaCanker is in hospital right now, not doing very well.
The members of TEFru Discord server have suggested that we do something for Maria, just to cheer her up a bit and show her our care and support.

So there will be a gathering today at the river bank near the Crying Idol, at the spot where Maria's character Piaf likes to sit (see the screenshot below for coordinates).
I'm planning to be there all day, and you're welcome to join anytime that suits you.

I know many of you have interacted with Maria's characters and I'm sure she'll be glad to know she's in your thoughts.
Let's make some beautiful screenies and send her some healing vibes!

You're also welcome to contact her directly via Discord, if you'd like. Her internet is slow and she may not always be available, but she'll be happy to read your messages whenever she can <3

Maria, we hope you get well soon!

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