Community Events

. The Rut 2021 . (Finished!)

The Rut 2021

Rut 2021 Event Dates - Dates Announced!

It’s that time of year again! When should the Rut take place this year?

The Rut will take place August 28 - September 12!

Spring Rally Sparring Competition 2021

Jeweleye's picture

Will TEF run on BlueMaxima's Flashpoint?

Since Adobe Flash Player has ended it's support to Microsoft, has anyone accessed TEF through BlueMaxima's Flashpoint?

Happy Halloween 2020! [ +Video ]

Heavy images under cut!
(Move to other tab to see bigger version)
Vessan's picture

I am here asking for your reagents [Seeking interaction on alchemical part harvest]

Yo so,
Zuriel is my alchemist and we all know the endless forest is all sorts of magic.
Of course, he is interested in various materials found in here.
They don't necessarily need to be inherently magical.

Here I am asking if anyone would consent to have some of their character's ' hair, hoof clippings, antler, saliva, horn shavings, eyelashes, feathers, scales, shedding, and so on and so on' harvested.
(or if things go more awry, bigger chonks of the body(if anyone needed an excuse to hate on Zuriel and miss and ear or a tail, this is a splendid opportunity))

If so yes~
I'll give a visit in-game when I find the character online, or perhaps vice-versa.

For what reason he is doing this, shall remain unknown.
Aivilo's picture

Small proposal

I've been holding onto this for a while, and today has me thinking about it again so I figured I may as well post it.

I want to suggest a tradition within the Forest. Thus far, it has been tradition to honor a fallen community member with a vigil lasting a day or a few days. It is one of the things I find most endearing about this place, and I in no way wish to encroach upon that.

But I would also like to see us never forget those we care for, and the bond that the community shares.
Once upon a time there was an annual walk to remember those who have gone, which Quadraptor put together to honor his late father. I would like to revive that, albeit in a slightly different way.

I would like to see the walk start at Run's memorial, in the sun spot at the Ruins. We would walk to the poppy fields, where we gathered for Flyleaf. From there, to Fern Hill for Fincayra. And for every loss thereafter, whatever location the mourners deemed proper for their loved one at the time of passing, wherever they gathered to remember and hold vigil, would be added to the walk the following year.

When the walk has concluded, those walking could visit the memorial places of loved ones, or resume normal Forest life, or walk the route again - whatever their heart tells them is right. And because event timing is such a delicate balance with so many time zones involved across the community, I would like to see some way for those who cannot make it to the initial walk to participate as well. I think a three day event would suit that need.
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