Spring Rally 2021

The Spring Rally

This event starts in the morning of the 1st of MAY and ends on the night of 15th of MAY

Welcome to the Third Year of the Spring Event!

Spring is the season of new. Where flora flourishes and resources return for another season of plenty. Under the ever warming sun, parents of many kinds will welcome their young into the world.

In The Endless Forest, we like to embrace the Spring with an event for people and families alike. It an organized social gathering and perhaps a blooming annual tradition; a chance to meet new faces and learn new things with characters from all kinds of backgrounds, gathering to celebrate the joys of the new season. It is a perfect opportunity for characters to expand their social circles, and bond over mutual interests.

Discord: https://discord.gg/QjZFxFpQJG


The event is about friends, families, and strangers, primarily meeting in designated areas for two types of Spring Celebratory activities. Here they can socialize with common interests in mind, practice and educate one another. This is an experimental, light-hearted sibling event to The Rut.

The Spring Rally establishes locations in the forest for two types of participation, all under the premise of celebration and education.
In Nurseries, defined by the Blue areas of the map, parents new and wise can gather with their young to seek the company of like-minded families. All gather for lighthearted socialization, where new bonds can be made, games can be played, and knowledge shared. Some have also been known to gather here seeking to trade their wares.
Arenas, defined by the Red areas of the map, are for those who are more rambunctious and energetic in nature. Here they can gather to test their skills between one another and learn from both young and old. Spars break out and techniques are developed, all with little more than pride at stake. From the young wishing to try out their moves, to the experienced out to blow off steam with others of the same intent; those preparing for the upcoming rut, and those spectating simply for the fun of it all.

  • Sensitive Subjects & Troublemakers: Characters of a preexisting potentially triggering dynamic are still allowed to interact in the event so long as their behavior remains mindful to everyone involved; for instance, not go into the thick of crowds if said character is prone to being mobbed and causing a scene. Similarly, the players whose characters are prone to mob up on such characters should look the other way in favor of keeping the peace. It's up to both sides not to perpetuate sensitive subjects within the event. We also ask that people don't involve troublemaking characters of the antagonistic kind, as such would have a negative impact on the event as a whole. After all, who would want bring their kids somewhere they know is unsafe?

If anyone is an active breaker of these rules, they may be reported via message or email to the moderators. We will look into it.
Please understand that some rules may be subject to change or new ones added as we come to understand the event dynamics better with experience.

Events & Stalls

Anybody may host an Event or a Stall. People hosting events will even be given a channel in the Spring Rally's Discord! If you wish to host an event under the Spring Rally, please message the staff so that they may help organize this with you.
Events can be things along the lines of Games and Storytelling, and for intents and purposes should always come with good intentions.
Stalls are for those wishing to trade their merchandise. Just provide a Moderator with a link and summary of what your character/s have to offer.

  • The Competition - A sparring competition that offers characters a chance to test their might, prepare for the upcoming rut, and win prizes. Takes place Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday.
  • The Arena Games - The arena games offer a variety of different challenges for your character to participate in and win prizes. Sign ups open now.
  • Family Days - Gatherings promoting a safe and wholesome atmosphere for fawns, families and other characters to socialise. Dates announced on SR discord.
  • Event Here - Time, Date explanation



Made by WildFlower

Made by Aquilo

Made by Alcinda

Made by Awentia


This page is run by LostintheEcho and LilyBlue. If you need to contact us for any reason, please don't hesitate to message us at:

LostintheEcho: JoKa#3610
LilyBlue: sarawaaar@gmail.com or LilKiwi#3394

If you have any suggestions on how to improve the event, please post here.

A special thanks to Unplugged for the new and improved CSS, and LilyBlue for the Spring Rally modification of it.

ShrinkingRose's picture



(No subject)



Urschanabi's picture

Track indeed!

Track indeed! Smiling

Signature © Draak
HeartClock's picture


Sig by Lathyrus. ♥
wormwoods's picture

Tracking! Thanks to the

Tracking! Thanks to the organizers for putting this together again. :]

Formerly ocean.
Siellby's picture

tracking though I'm not sure

tracking though I'm not sure if I'll participate
Heldoryn's picture

Ohh this looks interesting!!

Ohh this looks interesting!!
olenanet's picture


wyldflower's picture
