The Fortress; Iaurdagnire

Iaurdagnire's picture

  • PLAYER / CONTACT 08.03.20

    Jay's passing is still sore, I find myself thinking about him if I'm driving in the rain. He has brought to light that I've not really been living for a while; my hobbies were consumed by work, so I'm making an effort to get those back or at least find new ones.

    One of which is enjoying a certain fantasy deer characters again, at least low key now that I've brought my old pc back from the dead. Maybe Dag will see you in forest sometime?

    He'll be 11 years old on the 21st March (:


    Uuo (OOC) False God (special use)
    Kusakage (inactive) Kyte (inactive)
    Sulfur (event demons)

    Contact Info

    Discord: Find me as 'Dag' in The Endless Forest Server, feel free to add me!

"His presence seemed to be the Forest itself, loving and wise and without grudges or harbored shadows." - silentlikethat

{ I a u r d a g n i r e THE FORTRESS

Respected - Wise - Humble - Good-humoured - Articulate - Righteous - Authoritative - Dutiful - Fearless - Fatherly
Timeworn - Intelligent - Diplomatic - Limitless - Reliable - Altruistic - Resolute - Gentle - Charismatic - Genuine

"He walks with a gawky elegance, breaking the top of the hill. His hill. Though he hardly guards it with the malice of a dog.
Instead, this is where they gather. To play, to know that not everyone will belittle them." - Mjrn

     A sight-seeing tour of the forest with his lady love as if everything was brand new.



    Identity }
    Dag's full name is pronounced 'I-or-dag-nyre', and was given the title 'The Fortress' in recognition of the guardianship he gives to and inspires in others. He is a symbol of unyielding strength of will and exhibits an impenetrable, one-pointed focus to rise above any situation. The emblem of victory - the Peregrine Falcon - still remains with him from his first and very old title of 'Wings of Peregrine'.
21st March 2009 | Pictogram
Stomping Grounds | Fireside | Valley View | Dandelion Hill | Sanctuary

    The Fortress }
    Voice - Deep bass; an equal balance of gentility and authoritative power associated with a voice of moral substance and leadership. Feral vocalizations are rare from him, though he is known to produce brontidal rumbles and has an extraordinarily low, growling bellow.
    Scent - His scent is very gustatory - likened to the smoulder of a warm, damp bonfire in the middle of open fields; burnt soil of old forests long gone.
    Build - Based on an old-world ice giant Eucladoceros species; the first species of deer genus to have highly evolved antlers yet is a primitive mass of strong bone and muscle. His body type is a visually solid domination with a dense muscular structure most noticeable around his barrel-chest and shoulders, reinforcing the relatively short, strong neck that bares the weight of a heavy square skull - resembling more bull than deer - and its gargantuan artillery; both of which being the most prominent indication of his skeletal bulk. Being top-heavy, his posture is almost restricted to one position when still. A long body means legs are stationed far apart to accommodate and spread the weight, and his head is always held high in balance giving him a kingly air, which is also reflected in his fluid and powerful gait. At full speed, there is very little that can stop his bulldozer momentum.
    Antlers - Fortress by design. Supernumerary, elongated branched-antlers where the beam has grown outward behind him, tines growing upward; his outer primary tines are the largest and grow into long forward-facing pincers. There are 12 tines per pedical and are split into four sets, all of which together are specifically designed to interlock with any antler type. Central clusters suited to single beam pronged deer, outer and brow tines designed for the larger supernumerary or palmated antlers such as Irish Elk. They are incredibly thick, astonishingly heavy, and an impenetrable defense that cannot be breached.
    Visual - His coat is made up of dense, varying shades of grey that give him an overall arsenic colouration, but his mane and face are the most striking; dirty white for the most part with a carnelian-red pattern draped around the contours of his beady-eyed, frill-cheeked face. The white of his mane continues only half-way under his stomach, and ends in a point with a very thin separating line of charcoal.
There is also an enormous patch-scar that tears through the left side of his neck which is coupled with the nick in his ear on the same side. This was given to him by the Spring Wolf in 2010*.
    Conqueror - Being the placid giant he is, Dag never lowers his antlers without reason; rarely has his combat been seen within the peaceful confines of the forest. However, heed the warning of his scar. Events leading up to his present existence shed further light on this war-hardened battler. There is something prehistoric and almost predatory about his combat - the misfortune of colliding with such a monolith is simply an all-sensory deluge.

    Antediluvian }
     Iaurdagnire's story has become that of Endless Forest legend, starting in 2009 and ending in 2013. His story involves the Forest, the Gods, and the spiritual embodiment of the Seasons whom he served with perpetual lives as a God-given duty. Dag wanted to escape, and continually fought for a life and death that was his to dictate; to cease to be a higher power's fuel for intellectual evolution. But in learning about his place in the world and a way to put an end to his duties, he became even more lost. Ultimately, Dag's story is an exploration of purpose and morality in all forms, and almost entirely community driven. The community has been involved in each section in some way, and these are referred to as "Season Events" by those who have participated; the events were designed for everyone to enjoy, regardless of the story.
Winter '09
Crackéd Smile
"I am here as a friend."
Autumn '09
I: Collapse the Light
II: Numb the Infection
III: I'd choose right now
Spring '10
I: Brontide
II: Thunderclap*
III: Colossus
IV: Oblivion
Summer '10
I: Fissure
II: Ignite
III: Mountain Masquerade
Autumn '10
I: Duty
II: Ender
III: Nothing Gold can Stay
Winter '11
I: Splinter
II: Restrain
Spring '11
I: Hesitance
II: Acrid Lullaby
III: Amalgamate | †
IV: Play the Hand
you are Dealt | †

Catalyst '11
Incubus | Reprise
I: Jack to the King
II: Overthrow
III: Start Your Descent
War Drum '12
I: Long Live the King
II: Dandelion Hill
III: Warrior Hysteria
IV: Wasteland Soldier
V: Your Supremacy
Elysium '13
The Fortress and The Raven | Epilogue

Background art by J!n

    Core }
    Ravenflight - The Queen His love and greatest treasure; indescribably bound to her like no other. Their history had long ran parallel, and although their paths crossed only rarely in bygone years, they were connected by a deep empathy for their respective trials and desire for freedom. Behind closed doors they each played a part in helping each other fulfill a purpose in order to escape, and then found themselves lost without it. When Dag returned to the forest, Ravenflight tried to help him re-adjust through her understanding of what it is like to feel truly detached from the world around you. As they spent more time together, Dag increasingly began to dote on her and fell very deeply in love. Captivated by her in every way. Ravenflight has given him a new purpose, and Dag is utterly devoted to her continued happiness. Adores and is enchanted by everything she is.
    Cry - The Ace Guardian; a source of security; life indebted to. Dag has known Cry for a long time, and upon his return was healed by him (see 'War Drum' Act V). Displays an affectionate "big brother" attitude towards the small white stag when around him.
    Ephiré - The Jack An unspoken natural affinity; indebted to. The two giants have much in common with the way they cope with the world around them, and it is this understanding that lead Ephiré to become the catalyst in Dag's journey (see 'Catalyst' story arc Act I-III). Has a profound trust in him and admires him greatly. He is also the only deer within the forest to have witnessed the full brunt of Dag's combat.
    Virgil/The Red - Part of the Fortress' strong foundations. One of his oldest friends of a different world to his own, wild and unrestricted. At the time of his trials, Dag thought of Virgil's existence as "real", moreso than his own and one he wanted to achieve. Events between then and now strongly effected Dag, but their friendship remains strong and has been rebuilt. [to be re-written]

  • Bonus Material

    Autumn '09 Act III: I'd choose right now, was the first song 'read along' blog to appear on TEFC (to my knowledge!).
    War Drum '12 Act V: Your Supremacy was my most successful community-wide event, where 68 TEF players participated.

    Antediluvian - There are two reasons why I chose to use this word for Dag and his story. The first is that it was originally a biblical word meaning the time between the creation of earth and the great flood/deluge myth; a narrative in which a great flood is sent by a deity to destroy in an act of divine retribution (the Spring Wolf). A parallel of this is a metaphor of rebirth, which was the premise of Dag's rebellion against his original purpose. Secondly, the modern meaning for this word is simply to be old fashioned/ancient in the most possible way (as if they lived before the great flood).

    Playing card references - A great metaphor for life in general, where one must simply play the hand they are dealt, good or bad. One of my favourite card games is Whist, where the object of the game is to simply score the most "tricks" by having the highest card in the suit that is being played. Therefore the cards you would like to see in your hand are the highest: Ace, King, Queen and Jack. The Jack is a good card to have, because it will generally weed out the other players higher cards in their desire to win the hand, so it is more common for you to lose that round but win others as you have exhausted the other players good cards. The Jack was the role of Ephiré, in Jack to the King. He killed Dag - referenced as the King - and although the hand appeared to be lost, the game was not over. The card that trumped Velocity's hand was the Ace, Cry, in Your Supremacy.

    As a character, Dag was originally inspired by naturally powerful characters like Mufasa from The Lion King and Riki from Ginga Nagareboshi Gin - characters the hero-type protagonists typically look up to for guidance and leadership.


What a powerful character...

What a powerful character... reading your stories blew me away. What a design and what a gentle giant this is, yet fierce when needed. Amazing.
Iaurdagnire's picture

F2L - Dag's ears straightened

F2L -
Dag's ears straightened up, feeling like somehow he had been told off in that matter-of-fact comment.
"You think Winter is reluctant this year?" He spoke with a hidden agenda, holding a knowing gaze and a secretive smile.
"If anything, I have never seen Winter in such a hurry to get away. Once it has had its use of the world, and can find nothing else, it has no reason to hold on."
The wise stag took a moment to bask in his success. His own feelings for Winter were more complicated than others, but at least he managed to now understand one thing.
"Winter is a cold, inwardly jealous spirit. It already has what it wants - the simplicity of unquestioned, unbridled rule. Yet it cannot see it until the object of his jealousy, shows it.

Do you think there is a story there?"

He had to stop himself from laughing. The story was already there: him.

ChildlessFather - Your words are encouraging; thank you, especially for saying he is powerful. My goal of him as a character is achieved when people can see that without it needing to be said. I'm very glad you like his story (:

Iolanthe didnt know it, but

Iolanthe didnt know it, but she had nearly caught the peregrine in her net. Then Dag started to speak as if he had spoken with Winter himself. Io's smile mirrored his, though her inner-curiosity peered brightly through her eyes. She pricked her ears forward, though respectably so as not to seem as an overeager fawn. Dag seemed to know what he was talking about.
I do believe there is a story there. It is a good one from how you speak of it. You sound.... like I started to. I want to hear the story you are so excited to tell, Dag. Tell me about Winter and Spring and Summer and Fall. She picked up from Iaurdagnire's speech how he referred to Winter as a "spirit."
What kind of spirits are they? Why is Winter so jealous? She was regressing, letting her curiosity take over and transport her to her human-fawnhood.... childhood and the love of storytelling that kept families together at night back in Ancient Greece.

Iolanthe shifted more comfortably, adopting an odd position of leaning her head on her front left knee... as she used to lean it on her hand during stories back before.

Iaurdagnire's picture

Stalling, Dag leaned back and

Stalling, Dag leaned back and laughed warmly, adjusting his forelegs and sitting in an almost symmetrical fashion. He enjoyed seeing his audience so pensive.
"I don't know of any particular kinds of spirits that can be labeled. I believe a spirit - the core - and what it "is", is simply a feeling perceived. Like how one can comment on a friends spirit... Hm, I'm struggling to describe it. I think what I mean is that theoretically, we all have a kind of spirit. Think of Winter as a description of someone with a jealous nature and cold air about them, and you might understand what I mean."
One ear dropped down further than the other, and Dag cast a pondering look to the sky. Was that good enough?
He cleared his throat,
"Well, Winter's job is is hardly desirable for anyone but itself. The purpose is to help kill anything that should not be allowed to live on any further. 'Only the strongest will survive' is very true, and Winter safeguards the continuation of life by strengthening those worthy to continue. A ruthless King building an ever stronger Kingdom. Winter is loved for its beauty, and feared for the wrath of its snow brigade."
A soundless splat of melting snow fell down from the canopy above onto his shoulder. Dag raised a brow at it before continuing.
"Winter is jealous of those who live off the warmth of others. And like many Kings who fancy a trinket, it sees that it is its right to have it. It spares no thought for the possibility of -not- being able to have it, and acts purely on greed. And so, Winter experiences its own cold in the quest to acquire it. It discovers it cannot bare to be around warm things, to be kind, forgiving, and the concept of loving something other than itself is seen as ridiculous. Winter has no time to consider the feelings of others. Winter has no time to play - imagine that! No, Winter's reason for existing as a bitter wind, or an unforgiving blizzard is very simple.

To make sure things die in order to strengthen those he challenges to live. To ensure a fact of nature, and only a cold spirit without warmth can succeed in doing so."

I think I would want to be

I think I would want to be Spring, then.... wait. Io smiled wistfully. Summer.... wonderful and warm... I always remembered summer back in Greece smelling like your fur. Iolanthe nuzzled the Fortress' neck, taking in his scent in a warm huff of breath. She looked directly at Dag, meeting his troubled, contemplative gaze. I understand your explanation of Winter, Dag. It's as if you know it.

I dont doubt that anyone could know a season, you just have to listen for them, right?
Iolanthe thought the philosophical approach of her words would be enough to calm the giant bull's worried look. She used her cheek to lift his cockeyed ear.

Why is this talk of Winter bothering him? Her mind was troubled. If Winter were a tangible deer, I would dance with it and calm a blizzard or two. This past Winter was one of the worst I have seen. Io joked.
Hart's picture

"The rocks were like stars,

"The rocks were like stars, sir."
Iaurdagnire's picture

I still don't get it... XP

I still don't get it...

XP You disappeared, and I have to go.
Hart's picture

star constellations XD Yeah

star constellations XD

Yeah inet was a butt and died. D8 see ya later.
Hraeth's picture

Noe's in your mind,

Noe's in your mind, corrupting your thoughts. C<

Would've dropped her by to say hi, but she was in revenge mode. |D I had a laugh at some of the games I saw over there, though. xD
gurgelin's picture

Hello x3 I always wanted to

Hello x3
I always wanted to meet Dag and give him a Bloo makeover!
Iaurdagnire's picture

F2L - I haven't forgotten

F2L - I haven't forgotten about you, I will reply tomorrow hopefully (;

Hraeth - After playing Bloo's twin, I was tempted to also blame Noelle for him saying "I woke up as Bloo, and so played with myself... wait." 8[
I &heart; Noelle.

gurgelin - I didn't know who you were at first, and then I looked at the map and was like SKJFHSJKLDFHBLOO. Bloo is awesome and I had a lot of fun playing with you =D
Made me melt with that "Nu ): -shakehead-" by the way haha
gurgelin's picture

Aww really, thank you! OuO I

Aww really, thank you! OuO I had a lot of fun too, obviously! I wasn't sure if Dag actually would play and get silly -he seems like such a distinguished gentleman after all- so we were thrilled when he did! C: I will stalk Dag more thoroughly from now on - he is simply epic. :O'''''

Edit: Bloo's a doe, btw, I only noticed just now that you seemed unsure! Her bio's undergoing some re-work so I'm guessing you didn't find it. Here. <3
Hraeth's picture

ROFL. I would've screen cap'd

ROFL. I would've screen cap'd it and saved it forever. >DD
I &heart; Dag and his dirty little secrets.
Iaurdagnire's picture

F2L - "Listening for them is

F2L -
"Listening for them is right."
Dag said quietly, distracted by her sudden closeness. Rarely was he the one to be affectionate from the off; he was far too aware of his antlers, his body-weight, and the fact that any careless move could hurt someone. He always waited until they came to him, then at least he had something to respond to accordingly.
"Ah yes, this year was particularly bad. My friends are lucky that I am a warm place to sit by. Or sit on... hm-hm." He enjoyed being that big bear to snuggle into, and a... climbing frame.

His reaction to her lifting his ear was a mutual return of the same affection, simply brushing her ear in a 'thank you'.
"My coat smells of summer, where you came from as a human?" Of course, he was not aware of his own smell.
"What was it - Greece - like, as a place? What did you live in? I would imagine humans would need some kind of den without a full coat..."

gurglin - He's a fun-loving gentleman! And like all distinguished chaps it's the silliness in his entertainment that earns him the most points ;D

Hraeth - Rofl oh man I wish I had now. Poor Dag, all so innocent... well, until he met Noe. And Virgil.

Dwelling, yes. It was made of

Dwelling, yes. It was made of stones, all stuck together with mud... thick mud that dried in the sun. And a roof of.... thin stones that the humans crafted to be thin like bark. There were many of them in rows, as many as there are trees here in the forest. Greece was the name of the huge place I lived in. It was warm a lot of the time... and there was an expanse of water right down the paths from my home... an expanse much bigger than the pond. So big you couldnt see the other side. Full of strange trees and many humans. I digress... back to the dwelling. We lived in many rooms, which are areas of the house that are closed off by more of those mud walls that the house was built of. All of the females of the house were kept inside it by the males. They didnt want the other males to see us, unless we were in the company of a trustworthy male. They were made to... well... create pelts for the males out of shedded fur of animals... and take care of them. We, the females, made the food and drinks for the males. The males of my homeland were controlling parasites that kept us locked in those dwellings. The only good things about them were that they were cool in the summer and warm in the winter. She spoke with a hint of frustration in her voice that could only have been brought back by her memories. Her eyes watched Dag as she spoke, his expressions or hidden ones were amusing and entertaining, as well as making her happy to see someone so interested in stories she told of home. She used to take those things such as shelter for granted.

What is Spring like, Dag? Can you describe Spring the same as Winter? Iolanthe was happy with Dag's stories, too. They were interesting.
Iaurdagnire's picture

Dag was very interested in

Dag was very interested in these "houses". They sounded like burrows, but above ground. However, he showed a clear distaste for the male human role she described; a tightened inward curl of his lips, and a large crease running over the middle of his brow gave this away.
"I don't think I would like to be a human."
Came an idle remark. He didn't really want to hear anymore.
"The expanse of water, though. I have seen it in Spring." He exhaled sharply,
"The sea. Am I correct?"
Kaoori's picture

I feel like Kao and I haven't

I feel like Kao and I haven't seen you in forever..
Iaurdagnire's picture

): I know. It's the same with

): I know. It's the same with a few others too... I've been very busy lately and it's been difficult to play tef. I hope it will get better though. You're okay though?

Dag asked of the sea. Yes!

Dag asked of the sea. Yes! Yes, that was correct. Iolanthe smiled and nodded. Yes. They call the one near my home the Aegean Sea. Men went out to catch fish in it to feed the people. She widened her eyes a little in realization. Can you see the sea in spring here? Or was that an adventure you had? Iolanthe was more afraid that the Greeks could get here than that she had a chance of going home.

I dont miss being a human. There are warped and twisted ways to them. I prefer this simple life. She smiled as the breeze that smelled of spring washed over her and made her antlers sing a wavering, short song. Iolanthe took in a deep breath of air, exhaling. I never managed to imagine this place. Shame on my imagination.
Iaurdagnire's picture

"An adventure." He replied

"An adventure." He replied bluntly, tuning in to the subtle sound of her antlers at the breeze's beginning,
"I thought it was the very edge of the world outside the forest. I feel as though the only way to break this forest's endlessness is to run in fear of ones life."
Dag remembered every moment of that day, surreal as it was. He glanced back quickly at his scar, recalling how it felt to have his skin torn away by the jaws of a wolf that should never have been real.
"Spring brings storms from the sea; its violence is what makes the land successful in facilitating new life. The tides create land... but can destroy it, too."
Hm, this story is short.
"I suppose in order to create life, a great force is needed."
He moved onto his side slightly and gestured for Io to look at what he was showing. On his side and around his hind legs - if he positioned himself right - the remnants of his experience could be seen. Thrashed against the rocks, the dents and old puncture wounds that littered him showed themselves very subtly in his coat, buckling in the wrinkles of skin underneath.
"No force is greater than that of the sea."

She peered at his web of

She peered at his web of scars, frowning sympathetically and bringing her face close enough to trace them with her eyes. She pulled her head back to see all of the giant buck again. [+#EDDA74] Dag... It looks like it used to be painful. [/] That was her most intelligent remark? Hm. His Buddha-like words flowed through her ears and lodged in her brain. Storms... that's how I lost my human mother. Believe me, I know how violent the elements can be. The sea... sometimes it is the one thing that can triumph over all, I agree.

Iolanthe closed her eyes, and imagined the smell of the sea when it was angry. The smell of fish and salt and electricity. The sounds of the hurricane. The sights of her family being swept in a different direction than her mother. Bringing herself back, Io realized she had only been gone a split second and that her memories were far behind her, no matter how vivid. So... you ran for your life? I could never imagine you having to run from anything, Dag. She looked him over.
Iaurdagnire's picture

Dag nodded his head briefly.

Dag nodded his head briefly. It was painful at the time, but his luck was in his build; a small deer would have been broken. Perished. He had his doubts sometimes whether Spring actually wanted to go the whole way; drowning him would have been easy, in hindsight.
He tucked that thought away for later.
"I'm terribly sorry..."
He didn't mean to bring up such memories, even though he could not have foreseen Io having lost anyone to the sea.

"Hm-hm, that is the only time I've ever had to run from anything." True; fear was a complicated thing for Dag. Here, he feared nothing and no-one. His reason to run was based on how futile it would have been to attack something that couldn't be hurt.
"Perhaps I need to make some season stories that have a bit more of a happy note to them, hm?" He laughed lightly.

Io smiled at him. There isnt

Io smiled at him. There isnt anything to be sorry for. A summer storm decided it was time to let my mother go back to the gods. The doe spoke matter-of-factly to Dag, and listened to him admit it was his only encounter with a true enemy. It was curious, as was she. He posed a second question to her, and she gave him an answer. Well, that would be nice. It might make the world less fearful of the wrath of them. A little laugh escaped her.

So the Seasons made you afraid? She asked Dag, curiosity getting the better of the doe. That was the only thing she could think of that connected his statements.
Iaurdagnire's picture

Dag took a suspiciously long

Dag took a suspiciously long time to answer her question. He wasn't entirely sure if it was fear that brought on such reactions at the beginning. He remembers vomiting due to Autumn... barking at them all like a defensive dog. They barked back, and it was how they conversed.
"Afraid... Perhaps initially."
Came an answer. Eventually.
"Let's just say that I am adamant in meeting any storm before me with a hurricane."
There was something ominous in his determined smile; his eyes seemed to be unusually focused yet were looking at nothing. Spring in particular knew of his deeply volcanic spirit,
"Are you afraid of anything, Io?"

.......Afraid? Iolanthe

.......Afraid? Iolanthe thought for a second. Naturally.... she was afraid of predators.... but could stand up to them if she had a need. You could say I am wary of predators. But everything with a brain should be wary of things that can hurt them. I am not afraid of spirits or of demons. I am not afraid of storms. I am not afraid to die as long as I die trying. I am not afraid of anything. I am just aware of what could hurt me. And I am certainly, Dag,.... She looked at him in strong defiance, the fire-lit spirit of Grecian warriors in her eyes as a grin spread across her face. not afraid of fighting or harming anyone who wants to hurt me or my family and friends. I don't care how strong they are. Io snapped out of her growing mindset and spoke as she had before, the softness of violet petals drifting back in to her voice.

So, in blatant terms, No. I am not afraid of anything. One can be aware of his or her surroundings and what could hurt him or her, but not fear. Just be aware.

Iolanthe was raised as a Greek and Greeks are fighters by nature and nurture, inside and out. She had her father's spirit inside her. He was a soldier, after all. All Grecian men were in her village.
Iaurdagnire's picture

"Hm, to simply be aware." He

"Hm, to simply be aware."
He repeated, clearing his throat.
"It is good to be. I do find there is a fine line between awareness and seeking what wishes to harm you, however. I have seen some deer actively hunt... Revenge or otherwise."
Dag didn't say that he had experienced this feeling himself.
"I do believe I was on the cusp of a ramble just then; the notion of fear has so many ins and outs. I can reassure that you have very little to fear in this forest."

Sorry that was short - tired (':
spiritslife's picture

when you say little sticky

when you say little sticky fawn do you mean the one that followed you and kept loading a set when it was sat down next to you? if so that was me on my new fawn Lady Adora ^_^

Leea, Leeon,Lady Masquerade amd Lady Adora
Iaurdagnire's picture

Haha, yes I did mean her. I

Haha, yes I did mean her. I didn't know you had a new one! He called her sticky-fawn because she stuck to Dag's side like glue (; I'll remember for next time (:
Snowsauria's picture

I and Illrose does always

I and Illrose does always have a lot of fun when Dag is around. Thank you. <3
J!n's picture
This cracked me up, rofl. It was nice spending time with you in game again.

(I am sorry I havent been

spiritslife's picture

here's her bio

here's her bio
and because you have not seen it yet i made her as a reson for why i've not been online most of last year lol

and she did that because she remembered a story her aunt told her that you protected her from Bailar (can't spell it lol). see before you came on she was playing with 2 orca pelted deer i think they were male and female but not sure as the map was not working for me so could not find out who they where but any way the male one went to sleep so i followed the other one to a mushroom tree where we started spellspaming each other was great fun then the male orca pelted one came chargeing up and lowered his antler's and rearing at adora so i did the scared emote and backed off at the same time i think the other orca pelted deer was just as confused as i was XD and when adore was what i would call a safe distant from them the male started scratching the ground as if to say come here or some thing i thought no way dude you where just mean to me so i just stood there and every time he walked toward me i'd back up again i still wonted to play with the other deer so i followed them when they ran off and that's when i found you so stuck to you like glue as you said XD lol that was lonnnnnnngggggg XD hehe

Leea, Leeon,Lady Masquerade amd Lady Adora
Iaurdagnire's picture

Snow - Dag always has fun

Snow - Dag always has fun with Illrose too <3
Jin - Lol! I didn't know it was you until I saw the blog today; I was wondering why they suddenly appeared and nuzzled a lot.
F2L - It's alright, I've been busy too. With rps, I don't mind if replies take a long time; it's not like there's a time-limit (;
spiritslife - Awh, poor Adora! I do like her set, and she can stick to Dag anytime (;
Hart's picture

"Little bird was flying high,

"Little bird was flying high, dropped a woopsie from the sky. I thought to myself as I wiped my eye, boy I'm sure glad Dag's can't fly."
Iaurdagnire's picture

lmao I love that so much!

lmao I love that so much!
Kaoori's picture


Iaurdagnire's picture



Reyy's picture



I hope you enjoy your time. <3
Kaoori's picture



Iaurdagnire's picture

You? Be good? Oh god no.

You? Be good? Oh god no. You're a bad-news-bear 8]

Oh have fun, You! I was glad

Oh have fun, You! I was glad to play today, even if I was lounge-y most of the time.

I WILL have you a reply by the time you get back!
Pegasicorn's picture

*hides the matches* >>

*hides the matches* >>
Fincayra's picture


ocean's picture


Because I won't. >D
Iaurdagnire's picture

Hey guys c: I be in america

Hey guys c:

I be in america :B

Yesterday I found a full, complete with antlers, white-tail deer skeleton. We couldn't go and get the skull (with the antlers attached) because it was on private property D: and on a main road. But it was really quite something! A young deer though, 2-prong. We're still going to go out on antler-searches though which should be fun (:

I watched Legend of the Guardians yesterday too, it was an awesome film. I'm not a big fan of Soren... But I like Kludd because he is my new nick-name for having the same hairstyle as him xD

Tomorrow, off to NYC. (:


Kaoori's picture

hgnnngh you're so close

hgnnngh you're so close *reaches for*
Pegasicorn's picture

I'm 20 minutes away from NYC!

Shocked I'm 20 minutes away from NYC! Shocked
I shall wave in your direction!
Starling's picture

I'm so jealous :I Hope you're

I'm so jealous :I
Hope you're having a nice time!

Iolanthe cocked an ear as Dag

Iolanthe cocked an ear as Dag spoke of hunting. He then joked of rambling. I would love to hear you on a good ramble, Dag. She winked.
I dont doubt there are hardly any fears in this forest, but then again I wonder why it is that all the small creatures here do not overrun our forest. What eats them? She chuckled a little, thinking. What was carnivorous in this forest? Nothing? There had to be something... some monster.

Iolanthe watched a squirrel hunt for food on the ground. Was it only crows that could eat them? Most rabbits were too big for crows... what ate them?

Iaurdagnire's picture

*reaches for Kaoori and Pega*

*reaches for Kaoori and Pega* <3
NYC was awesome. Been there twice now (: I like the accent for some reason.
Food is always so deliciously cheap and awesome here. Ice-cream, cake and starbucks is my diet haha.

My 2 year tef birthday is tomorrow :]