Name: Zacharias ("But friends call me Zach.")
Gender: Male
Age: Five years
Birthday: 2nd of May, 2010
(Doesn't know his real birthday, but that's the day he entered the forest. Is probably a few months older than this birthday claims).
Speaks with: #3090C7
Voice: See song at the top of this bio
Love: None, willing to find one..
Appearance: ("Handsome.")
Fan antlers, Magpie pelt, Real deer mask
Appearance is very close to that what he has in-forest with the exception that his coat is more grey than blue and his antlers have slight structural differences. Has small bitewound scars on his throat, and scars from claws on his rump. A few visible scars can be seen on his face and front legs as well. They are mostly covered by fur but may be visible when shedding or wet. Eyes are golden brown.
Zach has calmed down a little bit from his fawn days. Back then, he used to be a hyper, bouncing little ball of energy - always running around and making others dizzy. While he still has that playful side, he has "toned down" slighty. He acts a bit more calmly, especially when there are does around. He wants to be at his best behaviour around them. Having only been what others consider "an adult" for a brief time, he still finds everything about it to be fascinating. Therefore, he makes sure to keep his antlers and his coat in top condition and can often be seen grooming himself or rubbing his antlers against a tree. He wants to look presentable - it's not just the personality that counts, after all.
Despite growing up Zach still loves running. Walking, to him, seems too slow of a way to get anywhere. If he doesn't feel the wind in his coat and hear his hooves pounding the ground, it's simply not moving to him. So, a game of chase is always welcome.
Personality-wise, Zach is a friendly, playful fellow. It is very rare for anyone to see him angry or frustrated. He always seems to see the brighter things in life. He likes hanging around fawns and his behaviour towards them is always gentle and patient. Violence is something he really dislikes and therefore he tends to avoid confrontations whenever possible. His loyalty to his friends is unwavering, though - and if one finds any of them in trouble, he will do his absolute best to protect them.
"It was a rainy day when a young fawn made his way into the forest. His fur was soaked and the poor thing looked absolutely miserable. Alone, he called out for anyone who would listen. His ears flicked nervously, listening to the few sounds the pouring rain didn't cover. The few deer he met were laying under thick trees, trying to keep away from the rain. He wasn't brave enough to go share the shelter with them, and kept walking. The fawn spent his time searching for a shelter...but found a family instead."
Zach is very quiet when it comes to his past. He hasn't said a word about it since the moment he came into the forest. He must've had parents somewhere but he entered the forest alone. It is very likely that they have met a rather unfortunate end sometime before his arrival. His fear/dislike of Zombie deer may have something to do with this matter as well. He has refused to explain. More will probably be revealed with time.
(Also, the history can be found here but he has not told it to anyone except Lucian, Stelmaria and Dajhi.)
Now, as a young stag, he hasn't changed much. He has grown close to his half-brother Lucian. Without his adoptive family's care and support, things could've ended up very differently for him. He knows that too, and holds deep respect in his heart for everyone who helped him while he needed their help the most.
Yup. Uhh..I blame Lucian and
Nah, in all honesty, it's just how Zach is, really. He grew up with both Virgil and Lucian, so he's bound to have picked up "protective traits" from both of them.
He never starts a fight, though. It's always the other stags who threaten his friends who get him to join one.
"I...I want to thank
"You are very welcome. You
Thanks for playing with Bloo
Aww, and you're from Finland! <3 *hugs neighour*
You're very welcome! Zach
And no worries, it's not the first time that's happened to the deer I'm with. I understand.
*hugs neighbour back*
"Consider yourself stalked
stalkedtracked."Haha..okay. XD Lilly was fun
Lilly was fun to hang out with. Sorry I had to cut it so short, it is getting late.
*curses timezones*
*Joins the cursing* I had to
Tracking~ c:
Track. And Lonhro have a bio
Awesome. I'll add it right
I believe I should be
hehe, no worries. ^_^ Welcome
Track! This bio is pretty
Why thank you. ^_^ The reason
The reason I don't have any is because I was too lazy to add some. XD Besides, I'm pretty happy with it just the way it is. I may change it later, but for now I'm happy.
Thanks for dropping by!
mielenkiintonen ~ tracking.
@HellsBells Kiitos.
Kiitos. ^_^
Finally tracking this!
Guess what? I LUV YOU
You do? O_O.. I did?
Well, hello then! =D *huggles*
I'm glad to have inspired someone! ♥
I'll be sure to be on the lookout for Shane when I'm in the forest. ^_^
Hey you. C: I got your
I got your message on MSN, but I can't seem to reply. ;^;
I think it has to do with the fact that you're appearing offline.
I..am? Weird. It's online to
*shall re-start MSN*
Then it's probably trouble on
I tried adding you because MSN deleted your address from my contact list a while back. But now it keeps deleting you every time I sign in. :U
I'm sorry Peach has been
No worries. ^_^ Zach's just
Zach's just happy to see her, no matter how briefly. The poor boy's just trying to find a way to balance his time between his friends and her since he cares about them all and does not want to create any conflict. XD
Tracking! =D ----- A small
A small smile came across the young doe's lips as she moved up on the side the stag was not paying attention to, eyes gazing at Zach from behind the magpie mask. Carefully she raised her head and let a soft breath ghost out over his ear before stepping back as not to be knocked over if he jumped.
The young stag was deep in
Perhaps even too quiet. The sudden breath made his ear twitch and the stag snapped out of his thoughts in surprise, quickly turning around to see what had caused it. He had been startled, indeed. His eyes soon landed on the young doe and a momentary frown was seen on his face before he recognised his new friend from the other day. How had he not heard her approach!? How embarrassing..
"Ah, hi." he greeted a bit sheepishly. No use in acting all cool when she'd just seen him jump like a scared fawn. "You startled me, sorry."
The sight of him being
"It's ok... everyone gets startled by something." she said, raising her head to look at him, the chuckle having turned into a soft smile. Her tail wagged happily, ears flicking towards him. "The forest is quiet today. I didn't think I'd run into you again."
Zach's ears folded slightly
"It is." he agreed, giving the other a sheepish smile in return to her own. "I don't mind though. It gives me time to think." Hmm..the young doe.. "Why not? The forest isn't that big. I'm here a lot." he added, grinning a little. Where else would he be than here? He hesitated slightly before continuing. "Umm..I'm sorry. Your name seems to have slipped my mind..?" he muttered. How could he not remember? They'd just met a little while ago..
Kaides watched as the pink
"I have to agree... this time is sometimes the best time. The usual dwellers of the forest can get a bit much now and again." she said, tilting her head softly at his words before he grinned. "I guess, but I haven't really run into any deer I know more then once or twice. It might not be a big forest but there are plenty of places to go."
Ears flicking back at the sound of a bird she glanced towards it before Zach's words once again reached her ears and she turned back towards him, the light pink tint to her cheeks hidden by the mask. "Kaizoku Desirée... but most of the deer I know call me Kaides."
Zach still had a feeling that
His ears flicked forwards towards her when she introduced herself to him again. Kaizoku Desirée? Not a common name, that was for sure. "Kaides.." he repeated, memorizing it. "You can call me Zach." he introduced himself next, just out of common courtesy. He'd be rude to ask her name and then not give her his.
"Can I ask what you're up to, sneaking like that and scaring innocent stags out of their fur?" he teased her now, his tone amused.
Maia told me I needed to keep
I should have been watching this a long time ago anyway! :V
His words made the doe nod
"Kaizoku means Pirate in Japanese... Desirée means Desire in French..." she added for a little info on why her name was so different to a lot of the other deer around the forest. "Well it's nice to meet you again Zach..." she answered his introduction before the stag's next question made her shift from one foot to another.
"Oh... nothing really. I was just walking, thinking, singing to myself when I caught your scent and followed it..."
Zach stood rather still, but
She knew that not a lot
"No, no... you were not boring. There are not many deer in this forest that I could say are boring." Kaides added before the sudden invitation to sit caught her a bit off guard and she raised her front rght leg, a soft pink tint now on her cheeks. Placing the hoof back on the ground she moved to lower herself to the ground, legs folding under her small frame. "A Gentleman... I still have to get use to such manners."
"Well, she was definitely not
He smiled at Kaides when she sat down, grinning a bit. "What can I say? I was raised to respect others. Everyone deserves my respect, unless they prove otherwise." he explained, happy to have some company to sit with. "I must apologise if I seem a bit too curious, though. Do tell me to stop if I ask too many questions."
The compliment made her
"I agree... everyone has a chance to be my friend but if they do something that hurts me, my family, my friends or they laugh at my dreams then they will not be on my good side for a long time, if ever again." she stated with a nod, ear flicking to rid of a fly, making her earings jingle softly. "It's fine. Better to ask questions and know the answer then go through life not knowing anything."
He listened, tilting his head
She seemed to agree with him when it came to respect and friendship. "Why would someone laugh at your dreams?" he asked, not understanding. "Dreams are personal. No one has the right to laugh at them or belittle them, no matter what they are." he spoke his thoughts out loud. The little jingling sound caught his attention and his eyes turned to look at the earrings. What were those, then? Heh, this doe seemed to be one big mystery after another to him.
Kaides let out a small
"The problems is that there are others who will laugh at them just because they find another's dreams stupid. But that is only what they think. To the person who dreams them... they are everything..." she said, her voice moving in to whisper the last part, pupils having dialated somewhat as she spoke of the subject.
Her gaze was broken though as the stag lifted his head a little, eyes moving up towards where her ear sat, making her flick it and the earings to jingle again. "Heh... like my jewelry Zach?"
The young stag listened,
He averted his gaze from the rings in her ear, embarrassed to have been that obviously caught staring at them. "Ah, I suppose." he admitted with a sheepish smile. "I've seen a few deer with decorations before. Never really dared to ask how they got them, though."
Aw Zach ♥. It'll be
She shifted softly,
Kaides' chuckled at his obvious embarassment, tail wagging softly behind her as she moved to lean against the stump they were sitting near. "Well.... these I've had for as long as I can remember. My mother has one in both her ears, so I'm guessing she wanted to pass the whole thing onto me."