I am here asking for your reagents [Seeking interaction on alchemical part harvest]

Vessan's picture
Yo so,
Zuriel is my alchemist and we all know the endless forest is all sorts of magic.
Of course, he is interested in various materials found in here.
They don't necessarily need to be inherently magical.

Here I am asking if anyone would consent to have some of their character's ' hair, hoof clippings, antler, saliva, horn shavings, eyelashes, feathers, scales, shedding, and so on and so on' harvested.
(or if things go more awry, bigger chonks of the body(if anyone needed an excuse to hate on Zuriel and miss and ear or a tail, this is a splendid opportunity))

If so yes~
I'll give a visit in-game when I find the character online, or perhaps vice-versa.

For what reason he is doing this, shall remain unknown.