QuadRaptor's blog

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I did want to tell you guys that I will be graduating on May 14th. 7 years finally under my belt, haha!

I'll be graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Geology (minoring in Composite Science, which is a combination of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics). I will still be here in town until July or so since I have one more class I have to take (Calculus) and then I intend to move to Texas maybe in August or September. I will be putting in job applications in Austin, Houston, and San Antonio, and will be looking for a job in environmental science or hydrogeology.

It took me a really long time to understand that graduating is a great achievement even if you take 7 years to graduate. I had felt ashamed that I took so long, but not only did I change my major twice, I was also working for six years, so it's understandable. I'm glad to finally get done, get out into the real world, and live my dream job.


I did want to share what I got as graduation presents too XD

Mom gave me a crock pot, cutting board, two grilling tongs, and a leather briefcase.
My oldest brother gave me a 12 megapixel digital camera
And my middle brother gave me the katana I wanted with a wall mount and cleaning case.
One of my mom's friends gave me a set of Really Useful Box storage containers (12 in total, 3 of four different sizes).
My brother's fiancee and her family gave me $30 to the Olive Garden
My aunt on my mom's side gave me $50
My aunt on my mom's side gave me $5 to Starbucks
My grandparents gave me an electric mixer and a rice cooker for my apartment
My aunt on my dad's side gave me $25
My other aunt on my dad's side gave me $25
My mom's boss gave me a set of pizza pans and a pizza cutter
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Describing me? (non-TEF)

I wanted to ask this, not to be in any way selfish or to post more unrelated topics, but just as a general survey from what you guys know about me.

I'm starting to wonder if the kind of person I am can be described a certain way, or if I'm simply too unique (weird) to be put into any kind of category. I find that we as human beings like to lump ourselves into various 'titles' depending on our interests, but I'm having a very difficult time trying to find any kind of clique or description of myself that incorporates all (or most) of my interests. So I wanted to ask you to look at some of the things that define me and tell me if I fall into any kind of category or description.

- I'm straight, but have no interest in physical bodies (sometimes described as 'asexual'). I'd rather get to know someone for their personality than stare at their body.
- I have a broad taste for music, and like pretty much everything including classic rock, folk/pagan metal, country, native flute, and reggae.
- I have an appreciation for art and try to support artists when I can afford to.
- I prefer to support local businesses rather than big superstores
- I am a blood donor, and also try to donate to charities when I can
- I enjoy flavorful food and like to try exotic things if I think it sounds good. I have especially become an avid tea drinker and also love eating sushi.
- I love nature and animals, and am often awestruck by landscapes.
quadraptor's picture


Thought you guys would enjoy this Eye
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The Hourglass Has Turned (short writing)

Another Iugulare writing...though this time it is directed to you, the reader. Enjoy Eye


The darkness has come. It always does, it will always be. You cannot escape it. You cannot run from it.

And with the darkness, slumber often comes. There are few who can resist the urge to sleep.

What is it you dream of? Are your dreams pleasant? Are they nightmares?

Or are you living your nightmare at this moment?

Why do you continue this life?

I offer freedom.

Allow me to make life worthwhile.

Simply surrender your body to me, to the darkness.

I will give you everything you desire. Fortune, fame, power, respect, and love.

Why stay in this world of chaos, despair, and pain when you could have a free life all your own?

The hourglass has turned. Time is ticking away. Make your choice - the eternal dark slumber or your death?

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"Those fools will never see it coming..." (Iugulare's thoughts)

Read up on this here in the comments Eye

Song that comes to mind, though unrelated...



It is such a dangerous thing...

They thought I was on the same page as them...

They actually believed that I cared about their stupid research...


How foolish were they to actually trust me to find another planet for them to study?

They knew I was not like them!

They knew what I was capable of!

Idiots...they fell right into my plan...

Their petty 'research' is a foolish attempt to find any kind of peace in this universe.

They do not realize the capabilities of our infection!

We are able to control others, to manipulate them against their will!

Don't they see how useful that would be?

Don't they get it? That we can control this universe rather than simply study it?

...I chose a terrible planet to infect...

Those stupid Twin Gods keep interfering.

And Quad...oh Quad...how I loathe you...

And yet...if you would only surrender yourself to me...I could give you what you want.

I would freely offer the 'normal' life you so desperately want.

Those lousy Twin Gods keep making you do what they want, but you know far too well that what you want is to relax and enjoy your peace.

I could arrange that.
quadraptor's picture

Nekumbra's trusted and enemies list (want your deer added?)

So I wanted to make a list of deer to refer to when playing Nekumbra. Well, two lists really - deer she can trust to be around and deer who are sworn enemies of hers. A few notes on this:

The deer she trusts do not in any way have to agree with her methods. Woden, for example, wants to help her find alternative foods to eat than fawns. She may still feel very cautious around these deer but will feel comfortable enough to approach and interact.

The "Potential Trusted List" are deer who want to meet Nekumbra sometime.

As far as enemies, it simply would be a deer who hates her, refuses to let her anywhere near them or their family, and would chase her away. I especially need these so I know who would be dead set on running her off, but I will ask if you would please not "RD" me when you do so (chase me seemingly nonstop across the Forest. Nek will find places to hide such as the playground, blue bowl, and ruins, so please when she is in hiding leave her alone). For example, I would assume Kaoori and Wesker would be added to her enemies list as they have a fawn that Nek has had her eyes on.

Also please note that Nekumbra will most likely run and not fight, as she is afraid of deer with big antlers. She may defend herself against mini deer and deer with certain antlers (doe nubs, butterfly antlers, peacock antlers, ect) but even so she still may flee. She can get severely hurt but I cannot let her get killed since I've already written her ending story.

So anyway please let me know so I can make her list. If you wouldn't mind, please give me a reason for her adding your deer to either list.
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Quad's Character Questionnaire

To improve my writings and character development, I wanted to ask if you could answer some questions for me. And you won't hurt my feelings with whatever you say, I really need the critique so please be honest Eye Any responses are appreciated!

For more info on my characters:
Quad's Updates and Stuff has links to their bios
The Deadly Trio Database
Introducing Rock Hounds


Question 1 - Of my 'good' characters (Quad, Blixt, Trunks, Caw, Pent, Hex, Zephyr), who is your favorite and why?

Question 2 - Of my 'evil' characters (Iugulare, Anirapio, Nekumbra, the Rock Hounds), who is your favorite and why?

Question 3 - Of all of my characters, good and evil, who is your least favorite and why?

Question 4 - What do you think about Iugulare's infection? Is it inappropriate for this community? Why or why not?

Question 5 - I sometimes have characters hurt, suffering, or eaten alive in my stories. Is this inappropriate for this community? Why or why not?

Question 6 - What do you think about the Rock Hound event?

Question 7 - Is there anything I can improve on my characters? Do I need to fix anything about any particular character?

Question 8 - Is there anything I can improve on my writing? Is there anything you'd like to see in my writing?

Question 9 - Is Quad in any way considered to be a 'mary sue' character?
quadraptor's picture

Lead me away (Teradeer)

I had a writing muse, so picked someone I wanted to write for. Sorry if I get Teradeer's personality wrong...


The fog is thick in this forest, yet I am not afraid. I see hoofprints buried on the path, and know you have been here recently. I follow the direction they go, peering deeper past the trees for you.

A slight form passes by. I stop and look. Your form looks like a deer, but...where are your antlers? Are you missing your jaw? What happened to you?

You stop and look, your eyes are collected yet haunting. Your fur...is it even fur? You are covered in pale pink like the muscles that hide beneath the skin.

What are you? Are you a monster? Are you a demon or a zombie? Or...are you my guardian?

You approach. My heart races. I stay still, and you stand before me. I see your form here as you look upon me, yet I have no fear. You pace around me, studying me as well. What are your thoughts? Will you reject me? Will you harm me? Or...

You walk away, back the way you were coming. I watch as you turn toward me, not speaking (though how could you without your jaw?), but only peering to me. Do you want me to follow you? Will you protect me from the horrors of this forest? Can I trust you?

...Yes...yes, I will trust you completely. I see your true nature. You are beautiful, you are mysterious, you are...me...

Lead me away, Teradeer. I will follow you to the ends of the Earth.

Lead me away.
quadraptor's picture

Cut down so young (Rock Hound shortstory)

Fly fly fly! Don't look back! Just fly!, she thought nonstop. Her legs carried her as swiftly as they would allow. The doe was not afraid. She had dealt with them before. But this time, they were much more persistent, and so many more than before. It would have been suicide to try to fight them here.

If only I had Dad's powers, I could stand up to them rather than run..., Zephyr thought. Making a turn, she bounded over the rock hounds, barely avoiding their fangs and infection. It was a bold move, and some have attempted only to fall short and into their predator's salivating jaws. Zephyr had learned from the best.

The skeletons skidded, changing course. A few slid into each other, crashing and becoming a mass of infection and bones. Those who kept their footing continued the pursuit. They wanted this doe badly, not only for the satisfaction of the kill...no, her scent was similar to Quad's. They knew she was of importance.

Zephyr ran toward the birch forest. Zigzagging, she managed to lose a few more who were too busy paying attention to her and not the trees they slammed into. Dumb wolves!, Zephyr thought, and nearing Red Hill, she climbed up the side of the highest point in the Forest. Running on instinct, the doe bounded into the air, expecting to make a perfect escape.

It was here that she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. Letting out a cry, she lost her concentration, and landed hard onto the solid ground. The doe tumbled, the bones in her dainty legs snapping. She rolled to a stop, and motionless, she wailed in pain.

The moment she jumped, one of the rock hounds chasing her, an orange variety, shot at her from the distance. It's infection connected with her belly, a perfect, accurate hit.
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My "Easter Egg" Hunt

So this weekend I was home alone since Mom and my brother went on a trip. Of course that meant I was here for Easter.

Well my brother set up a little game for me...a Portal-based scavenger hunt.

Since this was pretty cool I wanted to share my hunt with you:

He called and said there was something for me to read in my mom's closet. So when I opened up a bag, I found...

A Companion Cube plush and a note attached.

I read the note:

[i]"Hello ,

Thank you for participating in this Aperture Science computer-aided enrichment activity. As you know, science is very important, and we're appreciative of your dedication of yourself up to and including possible permanent disabilities, such as death.

State and local statutory regulations prohibit us from revealing the entire nature of the experiment you are participating in today, but be informed that it may involve physics, psychology, thermodynamics, pharmacology, and non-Euclidean geometry. And cake. For the party. At the end. When you're done. Sometimes cake is my favorite part of science. When asking your children if they would like to attend the Aperture Science Bring Your Daughter to Work Day, remind them that science = cake.

To complete the experiment, you must collect and assemble six GLaDOS (Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System) personality cores. GLaDOS is a computer artificial intelligence that will monitor and direct you and other subjects on subsequent tests. You will find the first personality core in an orange box.

Attached you will find your very own Weighted Companion Cube Plush. It will accompany you through the test chambers and generally be adorable and squishy. You expect you to take care of it while it is in your possession.
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