QuadRaptor's blog

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Giving away some pictos (completed)

[s]Okay guys, I've made a pretty tough decision, but I want to slim down the amount of pictograms I currently have from 10 to about 4. I'm going to give away some of my pictograms to those who want them. There are three Gen 1 pictos and three Gen 2 pictos.

The characters who I usually play on these pictograms will be played on Quad's account.

Now, I have a few rules about this though. PLEASE READ THESE BEFORE YOU POST!

First off, there is priority toward Gen 1 pictograms to those who posted blogs asking for them. The following people will be given their first pick of the Gen 1 pictos on a first post, first serve basis:


If a Gen 1 pictogram is not claimed by any of these people, I will allow someone else to 'reserve' it. I don't know if I'll set a time limit on this or what, haven't gotten that far yet. Please understand that a pictogram 'reserved' does not mean you will necessarily get it.

All Gen 1 pictograms have been claimed.

The Gen 2 pictos are available to anyone who wants them. As I noted above, pictograms claimed will be on a first post, first served basis on this blog or by contact. Once a pictogram is gone, it is gone.

Second, I'll need to know a way to contact you if you decide to 'adopt' one of my pictograms. I can be contacted through e-mail at lapras316@hotmail.com or on MSN at quadzilla7@live.com

Third, No fighting or excessive begging over these please! I want this adoption to go as smoothly as possible.
quadraptor's picture

The Three-Toed Hoof (Teradeer Story)

For Terabetha's Great Jawbone Mystery Contest. Yes, this is a parody to The Monkey's Paw by W.W. Jacobs

Slight gore warning


There was a deep scent in the air. The deer was drawn to it, unsure what it was smelling. The forest was filled with strange smells, but this seemed...exotic.

The deer soon found an open place, and saw strange sights. There were giant metal things that spun, odd things made of fabric that rippled in the breeze, and a variety of scents that the deer had never smelled before.

It didn't realize it had stepped into a human's fairground.

The deer caught a whiff of it's own kind, and proceeded to approach the nearest tent. Peeking in, it didn't see anyone inside, but instead saw strange objects such as a crystal ball and other oddities. Nearby the scent of the deer was very strong, but it did not see a deer inside. It noticed something sitting on the table near the crystal ball, and as it approached, it began to see a strange deer limb laying there. It was dried, and upon further inspection, the deer noticed it had three toes on the hoof. The hoof was bent downward strangely, it seemed very unnatural.

"I see you found the three-toed hoof...", someone spoke to the deer. It nearly jumped, and turning, it saw an old woman there, staring at it with a strange look in it's eyes.

The deer tilted it's head here, "How can I understand you?", it asked.

The woman walked toward the table, before giving the deer a glare, "I understand nature. I know why you are here - you are interested in this hoof.", she spoke.

The deer slowly nodded it's head, "I've never seen a hoof like that. It is all very interesting!", the deer replied.

"Ah yes. This is no ordinary hoof.
quadraptor's picture

The Shuriken Story (Quad Human)

Violence and gore warning on this one Eye

The old sushi bar has been a part of this town for quite some time. It may not be a big, well-known restaurant chain (as many others have moved into the town and forced local stores out of business), but the owners are friendly and even their continued business has proven their dedication.

You step inside, and a waitress greets you. She is younger, fairly slim in frame and wearing red attire. You assume she is one of the daughters of the owners, since their family often works at the restaurant.

"I'm looking for someone.", you tell her.
"Ah yes, he is here. Please follow me.", she replies, seeming to know exactly who you are speaking of.

You walk further into the little shop, noticing the beautiful decorations around. There are several paintings of nature and koi, a few wall hangings including luck charms, and even a katana set sits on a little shelf. To your right is a small indoor pond with a little bamboo water feature that fills, drops, and returns with a gentle *clank* sound. To your right is a surprisingly large statue of a geisha in pink, seeming to look down on those who pass by in a courteous fashion. Before you is the place where the sushi chefs work, who smile and greet you as you walk by.

Near the back is man in a white kimono, who is sitting at the last booth. He is sipping a cup of tea when he sees you approach. "My friend! Please, come and sit! I have already ordered for us, I hope you don't mind."

As you sit, the hostess brings you and the man each a bowl of miso soup. Without speaking another word, the two of you enjoy the soup.
quadraptor's picture

"Love Shines" (in response to Dear Community Members)

[center]Please note that I am not at all upset. This is really for you guys. This community means the world to me, I don't think I'd be sane if I never came to TEF. Therefore I wanted to share this with you.

In short - [b]I love you all, and don't ever be discouraged!
quadraptor's picture

Hermit Crab


"Become peace. Bathe all you meet with your serenity. In doing so, peace will be abundantly yours." - Zen Wisdom

The world is one big ocean...

It holds many secrets...

It holds many treasures...

It holds many dangers...

"To love our enemy is impossible. The moment we understand our enemy, we feel compassion towards him/her,
and he/she is no longer our enemy." - Thich Nhat Hanh

We live the lives of hermit crabs in this vast ocean we call the world.

Always afraid of what is around us...

Always hiding in our shells...

Always suffering...

"May we be free from suffering and the root of suffering." - Pema Chodron

We build walls around us...

To keep us safe...

To protect us from those we fear the most...

To protect us from the world...

"The world is a mirror: what we see is who we are." - Zen Wisdom

[=15][b]Are we to remain here?
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Hey guys, please do me a huge favor! (Anyone and everyone please help!)

It's very simple - please draw me a doodle of a hermit crab! It can be realistic, it can be a pirate or a ninja hermit crab, it can be your deer coming out of a hermit crab shell, whatever. It can be very detailed or simple, crudely drawn or carefully sketched. I'd love anything and everything you come up with!

Please make it 150x150 or smaller in size, or...

This size or smaller

Also please just have a white or transparent background for it. I can work with both Eye

Please feel free to draw as many as you'd like, too! There's no limit to the amount you can draw, and I can use as many as are made!

Need some references of hermit crabs? Click here!

Thanks guys, and you won't be disappointed at what I do with these Smiling


Just making a list of everyone who has contributed X3 It'll be for giving credit for the art.

Pegasicorn, OkamiLugia, QuadRaptor, Chickenwhite, Anjali, Bluedeerlegend18, BambooKirin, Skitties, Haru, Bluejay17, Trigger_Mortis, Beaumont13, Xylv, Draak, Ekarai, Innisen, Dannii, Laruna, Kamino, SobetNofru, Ickydog
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The Endless Forest is DEAD.

Show of hooves, people ~ how many of you found TEF from this ad on DeviantART or somewhere else?

I joined TEF in October less than 4 years ago because of this ad, because I was just getting into deer (I really liked goats before I came to TEF, then deer became my favorite animal). In fact, Quad was modeled to look like a goat at first Eye
quadraptor's picture

The Man in the White Kimono - Quad Human

Another WIP...

What do you see before you? A man with a sword, yes?

But look past the sword. What do you see?

A fearsome tiger brimming for war?

A gentle antelope longing for peace?

Or an obedient wolf who looks only for balance?

I am all three, and none at the same time.

By the wonderful Parler!


He walks alone, sandals dusted from the long journeys he walks. He wears white clothing with various tears and dirt on it. His head is covered by a sandogasa, and his belt carries various things including a samurai sword. His journey has not been an easy one...

He barely remembers his past, but he knows he has killed before. Was it in self defense? Or was he blood thirsty? He cannot recall if who his master is...or if he really is a ronin...refusing to commit ritual suicide...

Regardless, he walks on, with two paths before him. The path of peace represented by the Buddha, if he simply chose to let go of his past and find enlightenment through his meditation...or the path of war, digging deeper into his past, learning more forms of death to work with...

The choice is ultimately his.
quadraptor's picture

Question involving your deer having a human form...

I just have a simple question to those who do human characters. I've never officially had a human form for Quad, but in a roleplay I'm doing with Chickenwhite, I'm planning on Quad getting a human form since he has been able to shapeshift into other animals such as a wolf, tiger, and a small bird.

Anyway, my question is this - does your deer's human form have to resemble the way they are as their deer? Are there human forms that are completely different than their deer forms?

The reason why I ask is because I'd like Quad's human form to be that of a samurai. He'd probably much more resemble Quad Wolf rather than his deer form (more serious, very meditative, enjoys answering questions people give him).

If this is impossible for me to do, please let me know. I don't know much of anything about human forms but I know a lot of you have them in TEF.
quadraptor's picture

Rooted (Bodhi Interaction)

Related to this


The creature's eyes opened, brown eyes that almost seemed wooden. It's body was rooted into the ground, taking in water and nutrients from the very earth it slept upon. On it's moss-covered body were tiny orifices that let out gentle spores, those who landed on the ground created little mushrooms.

The mushrooms surrounded it, a tribute to the ground for the gifts it was given. It raised it's body, the roots growing on it's underbelly recoiling and entering back into it's body. The fungus on it's face was worn like a strange organic mask, growing past the face and fanning out like the rays of the Sun itself.

The creature had no recollection of who it was, what it's purpose was, if it had any family...there were only faint memories.

Laying on the ground, watching a large deer walk away...crying...

Closing it's eyes, feeling it's body slip away...

Then gentle roots raised up, they attached to it, gave it a way to live...

The creature was able to stand and walk for the first time, all alone, but always hearing voices. The land was speaking to it, telling it that things would be okay, giving it the body it had today.

The creature was neither male nor female. It simply was.

It had never interacted with others like it, so speaking would be strange to it. It has only understood the whispers of plants and trees, it has never spoken to another deer.

But it is kind, and would never harm another. It hoped to fill kindness and compassion to those it met.

The strange creature continued on in the new Forest, leaving the little mushrooms behind, being very careful not to step on the delicate little creations. It soon found a sleeping fawn, and sitting by it, the creature rooted and watched the other slumber politely. The spores were released, and as they gently floated to the ground, the tiny mushrooms grew on the fawn's dappled fur.
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