My "Easter Egg" Hunt

quadraptor's picture
So this weekend I was home alone since Mom and my brother went on a trip. Of course that meant I was here for Easter.

Well my brother set up a little game for me...a Portal-based scavenger hunt.

Since this was pretty cool I wanted to share my hunt with you:

He called and said there was something for me to read in my mom's closet. So when I opened up a bag, I found...

A Companion Cube plush and a note attached.

I read the note:

"Hello ,

Thank you for participating in this Aperture Science computer-aided enrichment activity. As you know, science is very important, and we're appreciative of your dedication of yourself up to and including possible permanent disabilities, such as death.

State and local statutory regulations prohibit us from revealing the entire nature of the experiment you are participating in today, but be informed that it may involve physics, psychology, thermodynamics, pharmacology, and non-Euclidean geometry. And cake. For the party. At the end. When you're done. Sometimes cake is my favorite part of science. When asking your children if they would like to attend the Aperture Science Bring Your Daughter to Work Day, remind them that science = cake.

To complete the experiment, you must collect and assemble six GLaDOS (Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System) personality cores. GLaDOS is a computer artificial intelligence that will monitor and direct you and other subjects on subsequent tests. You will find the first personality core in an orange box.

Attached you will find your very own Weighted Companion Cube Plush. It will accompany you through the test chambers and generally be adorable and squishy. You expect you to take care of it while it is in your possession. The Enrichment Center reminds you that the Weighted Companion Cube Plush cannot speak, threaten you, or stab you. In the event that the Weighted Companion Cube does speak, we urge you to disregard its advice.

Should you need assistance, you may contact Black Mesa Research Facility, though it will be highly unlikely that they will be able to help you. Thank you and good luck with the experimentation.

Cave Johnson
Aperture Science CEO"

So the first clue is 'in an orange box'. Well since I have a copy of The Orange Box, which has the first Portal game, I opened it and found...

Personality Core #1, which read:

"This was a triumph. I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS. Oh, wait, it looks like we have more science to do and time, loyal test subject, is not on your side. Yes, time indeed ticking away...unless someone forgot to wind up the clock."

So I figured out the clue was pointing me in the direction of the clocks, but since we have several in our house, I didn't know which one. I began to inspect all the different clocks, taking them down to see if there was anything in them. Then when I remembered it saying "time ticking away", I realized it was referring to a little grandfather clock we have in our living room, and found...

Personality Core #2, which read:

"Who are you? What is that? Oh, what's that? What's THAT? What is THAT? Ooooh, that thing has numbers on it. Hey, look at that thing. No, that other thing! Where are we going? What's that noise? Oh! Do you know Victor?"

"Victor" is a goat plush of mine, so I knew exactly where to find the next core...

Personality Core #3 read:

"Unbelievable. You, , must be the pride of . I suppose you should feel quite accomplished with yourself. If I knew you were coming, I would have baked you a cake. You seem intelligent enough to tie your shoes - perhaps you could bake one yourself."

I assumed the next clue had to do with my shoes, but looking I did not find the clue in there. So then I considered what it said about baking a cake, and went into the kitchen. I looked at the pantry and found a box of cake mix, and behind it...

Hid Personality Core #4, which read:

"Oh, h-hello. I hope you d-don't mind that I was h-iding here. The other p-personality c-cores thing I'm a b-big chicken. P-please do not install me in p-proximity to the n-next personality core."

So for this one I'm thinking it has to do with chicken, but I only have one place in mind to look.

Well, I had to get help with this one. I looked all over in the pantry. I looked where the chicken soup was. I looked in the freezer where the frozen chicken was, so I texted for help. Mom replied with "Something new of his" referring to my brother.

So walking into his room, I looked where his computer was at thinking it had to do with the word 'install'. Then I turned around and saw a giant plastic chicken mask he bought hanging on the wall

And found Personality Core #5, which read:


My brother kept telling me that he left his keys on the counter in case I needed to move his car, so I grabbed his keys to check his car...

And there was Personality Core #6, which read:

"Well, you found me. Congratulations. Was it worth it? Maybe you could settle for that as your reward and we'll just call it a day. I guess we both know that isn't going to happen.

You are a champion. As part of an optional test protocol, we ask you to submit to a query - what is it that you are for breakfast? In answering, we will be able to correctly determine a breakfast for a champion."

So I decided to look where the breakfast cereals were. Couldn't find it. I looked where my waffles were at. Couldn't find it. I was stumped and had to ask for help....three times. My brother told me it was something I didn't eat for breakfast. I thought oatmeal...still nothing. So then he said I don't eat raisins.

Turns out I needed to look inside the Raisin Bran cereal.

And inside...

Another note...and Portal 2.

Here's what the note says:

"Congratulations, !

You have successfully completed the first phase of this experiment. To begin the next stage, please assemble GLaDOS's personality cores. To do this, you must take each core and tape it to the side of your gaming console. This particular type of core is best compatible with Microsoft XBOX 360 gaming system. Once you have all six cores tape to the side of your XBOX 360. Place your Weighted Companion Cube Plush next to it. Please be careful not to set the Weighted Companion Cube too close to the system to avoid it overheating. Now that you have everything in place, take a photograph of the assembled GLaDOS and Companion Cube using a camera phone, then pix-message it to ((my brother's cell phone number)).

Congratulations. GLaDOS is now up and running. You may now collect your prize - Portal 2 for the XBOX 360 gaming system. Please turn on your XBOX and insert the game disc and proceed to play. Further instructions will be conveyed to you through the game.

Thank you again for participating in today's experiment. By the way, did you know you can donate one or all of your vital organs to the Aperture Science Self Esteem Fund for Girls? It's true!"

ocean's picture

You have an awesome brother.

You have an awesome brother. ._.
quadraptor's picture

All of the pictures are up

All of the pictures are up Eye

I kind of figured I'd be getting Portal 2 since it was a Portal-based game.

And yes, I have a pretty awesome brother

pfft...I posted on Facebook and some random person was like "DO YOU HAVE XBOX LIVE?!" XD
Pegasicorn's picture

I wish my family did awesome

I wish my family did awesome stuff like that. XD
Hart's picture

Ahaha that's brilliant! Very

Ahaha that's brilliant! Very creative too!
Spyrre's picture

Wow, your brother is awesome,

Wow, your brother is awesome, he really did some work for this one!
Seems like it was great fun too!
quadraptor's picture

I wished I was able to figure

I wished I was able to figure it out on my own, but a few of the clues I just had no idea. I don't normally go into my brother's room so that's why I didn't easily find the chicken one. And the other one about the cereal was right under my nose, I just didn't think to check inside the cereal boxes.
Zeekii's picture

That is great! I can imagine

That is great! I can imagine how much fun you must have had...wish my brother would do that for me xD
Snowsauria's picture

Awh, how fun. Wish it was

Awh, how fun. Wish it was tradition to hunt easter eggs here as well. xD
quadraptor's picture

X3 *bumps for anyone who

X3 *bumps for anyone who didn't see yet*
Alphafrost's picture

...;.;. All I got for Easter

...;.;. All I got for Easter was A keyboard, two headphone sets, and a mouse with the keyboard.

-sobs and steals GLaDOS v.c (Your companion cubes name, hurr)-

† Life is a Velvet Crowbar
Hitting you over the head
You’re bleeding
Boy you want more?
This is so like you I said
Put yourself on back to bed †

Woah! That must have been so

That must have been so much fun for everyone XD
Makes me wanna do something for my sister next year. ;D

ah! how wonderful! I got a

ah! how wonderful!
I got a bit of candy, I felt very lucky to get it~
Ysrael's picture

That was incredibly wonderful

That was incredibly wonderful and entertaining! I'm glad you shared. x3

This is probably a bit late

This is probably a bit late but I couldn't help myself and had to leave a comment. This is awesome ^^ Your family is really creative.
And this Companion Cube plushie <33 Aahhh, I want it so much!