

should this be possible?


Why do players AFK so much?

I returned to the endless forest and I often find players that are laying down? Why do players AFK like this?

How to take a screenshot in The Endless Forest, And how to find it and post it here?

I know that pressing the letter P on my keyboard is supposed to take a screen shot apparently, (according to google) But nothing seems to happen after pressing it and I have no idea how to access the screenshots anyways, A blog said to find the local disk drive, And didn't explain how to find it, I'm very confused.

Returning after a year of not playing, Greeted with a large endless plain with no trees, 0 texture on the ground and such,

The ground is a dark green, with the sky being vertically striped cyan blue and white, I am so confused, I remember playing with a forest with grass and textured ground and patches of flowers, I see none of that,
I also found the occasional afk players, is this a problem with my computer? Or the game, How should I fix this?

endless forest bestie

my friend and i have gotten back into the endless forest after i told him about playing it as a kid. we’ve been playing for about two days and have met up with another player - theyre playing as an adult deer with a black and white pelt as well as large black horns with purple flowers. their pictogram also looks like an “A” with two dashes to the left. unsure if they visit this forum but if u do just know that you’re our endless forest bestie and we get so so excited when we run into you online!!!!

cant upload a profile picture or comments?

silly me, deleting my profile picture just to find out i cant upload another one.

Help! I can’t write comments!

Help! I can’t write comments and new posts on my blog or on others’ blogs! Puzzled

writes: You have to specify a valid author.43912

Problem with making profile

I want to have a profile picture here, but I'm experiencing some problems. Whenever I add an image and try to save my profile, I get a message that says "Could not move uploaded file." Has anyone else had this issue, and know how to solve it?
Thanks, y'all are awesome.
karame's picture

Discord Request Art

I'll upload all the requests I complete here. I hope you guys enjoy it. Thank you for requesting!

26th of january edit: Yay! Another quick one is done. And klownda's Fjara is in the works.

27th of december edit: I'll be making more of these, work got really busy in december right before the christmas holidays. I'll be back home after the 5th of january to draw more!

"Night's Cradle"
Art by me, character by Raz/Draak.

"How did he get here?"
Art by me, character by ernst/kadoropp.

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