To improve my writings and character development, I wanted to ask if you could answer some questions for me.
And you won't hurt my feelings with whatever you say, I really need the critique so please be honest 
Any responses are appreciated!
For more info on my characters:
Quad's Updates and Stuff has links to their bios
The Deadly Trio Database
Introducing Rock Hounds
Question 1 - Of my 'good' characters (Quad, Blixt, Trunks, Caw, Pent, Hex, Zephyr), who is your favorite and why?
Question 2 - Of my 'evil' characters (Iugulare, Anirapio, Nekumbra, the Rock Hounds), who is your favorite and why?
Question 3 - Of all of my characters, good and evil, who is your least favorite and why?
Question 4 - What do you think about
Iugulare's infection? Is it inappropriate for this community? Why or why not?
Question 5 - I sometimes have characters hurt, suffering, or eaten alive in my stories. Is this inappropriate for this community? Why or why not?
Question 6 - What do you think about the
Rock Hound event?
Question 7 - Is there anything I can improve on my characters? Do I need to fix anything about any particular character?
Question 8 - Is there anything I can improve on my writing? Is there anything you'd like to see in my writing?
Question 9 - Is Quad in any way considered to be a 'mary sue' character? (As in he has too many powers, is overly loved and respected, has little character flaws, ect)
Thanks guys!
Notes on individual characters -
Quad -
Blixt -
Trunks -
Pent -
Caw -
Hex -
Zephyr -
Iugulare - She may be talking to much instead of hunting and infecting. She has an interesting character design but needs a more developed personality. (Terabetha)
Anirapio -
Nekumbra -Great idea for a character, needs to be explored more. (Terabetha) Possibly more stories and maybe roleplays with her. I need to play her more in-forest so others can get the chance to interact with her/protect their fawns from her. (Quad)
The Rock Hounds - Needs more variety of stories. Maybe I'll write some stories from their perspective (Terabetha)
1: I like Quad best because I
2: Nekumbra is an awesome idea, there are plenty of sub-texts to a fawn-eating spider-doe; motherly over-fondness in that unsettling sort of way is just one of them, but I think I would like to see her explored more. I think there could be more to her.
3: I don't know all of your characters but of the ones I do know Iugulare is my least favorite because I think she could be a much more interesting villain, there is a really cool design and power there but the character herself could use some more filling out I think.
4: I think it's fine. It's not gory, or even overly distressing. It's a fairly safe way of taking over someone.
5: I think this all depends on the level of description you're using to describe these things. I don't think there is a problem at all, but if it worries you a warning at the top of the story should suffice.
6: The Rock Hound event is interesting and I'm pleased with the number of stories it has inspired. My only criticism is that a lot of the stories are quite similar in design, but that isn't really a criticism of you, it's of the authors.
7: Just keep developing them until you're 100% pleased with them, it takes a long time and a lot of effort to polish a character so always keep an open mind to possible changes, even if they fundamentally change how your character behaves.
8: Your writing is a good start, practice your descriptive writing (a good way of doing this is to take an object you own and write the most descriptive summary you can, once you've done objects you can do places, and even people). As far as plots go you often come up with very idealistic and classic themes (ect: average main character who must discover they have power enough to cover-come some evil that threatens his friends) but this isn't a bad thing, maybe just keep an eye on this and make sure you aren't writing the same themes repetitively.
I forgot something I was
The character flaws I've given him is that he's an anti-hero (he doesn't want the responsibility of being the hero, despite doing what he does), is a pacifist toward other deer despite having huge antlers, and is fat, silly, and laid-back. But I didn't know if that was enough for him or if I've made him too 'perfect' of a character.
Thank you Tera, especially with telling me your thoughts on Iugulare. She's supposed to have some kind of love/hate relationship with Quad and is supposed to be very sadistic in nature, but I don't know if I express that well enough in her stories. I'll try to develop her personality more.
If you don't mind me asking, when you imagine Iugulare, what do you see? Is she more snarling and vicious? Is she lurking in the shadows and then pouncing on her prey before they even realize it? Now that I think about it, she may be more subtle when I write her into my stories. Maybe she talks too much rather than focusing only on what she wants to do. It does help me understand where some flaws in her design may be.
I do notice that sometimes my stories seem too much the same, so I'll keep that in mind as well. Thanks again
Is Quad a Mary-Sue
Yes in that he has many traits you yourself posses as well as those you aspire to. Most OOC or personally inspired characters (including Teradeer) fall into this category in my opinion, though my description of Mary-Sue is less venomous than the general internet understanding of the word. I would describe a Mary-Sue as a character created to live out a particular fantasy or to insert ones self (or more commonly, an ideal self) into an existing plot/story/setting/ect.
This Mary-Sue-ness is not an issue to me as long as you are honest about these traits. I do have to point out though that being laid-back and silly aren't exactly character flaws, and the term 'character flaws' is a slippery slope at best. Things that are flaws for one character are boons for another, there is no universal list of 'flaws' one can simply grant a character thereby making them better. An example; being silly would be good for a character who is expected to be funny, but poor in a character that is expected to be serious.
If you feel Quad is unbalanced as a character, look first at what is expected of him from his plot as well as what you want him to become. You're on the right track with him being a pacifist considering his plot will place him in direct conflicts, a situation where he will be forced to fight or suffer harm.
I guess what I really meant
Quad just wants to be a normal deer. He never asked to be a hero, he doesn't want any recognition or glory, he just wants to live his life like anyone else would. What I suppose I meant by that is that he doesn't live up to the expectations or standards of a hero. Most heroes don't fart on a regular basis or have insatiable cravings for food.
I used the wrong terminology there anyway
Thank you again for your input. It really helps me see my characters from another perspective.
prepare for typos, I have an
Question 1 - Quad, simply because I don't know much about the others, I would really love to see more of them.
Question 2 - I love the rock hounds, but I'm biased, I love anything I can interact heavily with
Question 3 - that's a really hard choice. I like them all a whole lot ;;
Question 4 - I think it's just fine, you're not harassing anyone, and it's perfect because it's a community thing.
Question 5 - I personally love that about your stories.
Question 6 - I love it too much for words, seriously, so much fun ;w;
Question 7 - Play some of your good characters more. D:<
Question 8 - It's hard to say, your writing is much different than mine
Question 9 - I think if some people played quad, they'd take advantage of all his strengths, and he would be, but I love how you handle him in such a way to avoid making him a sue. you don't run around in forest starting neverending fights, you don't shove his abilities onto others, and he has many large flaws. I like him~
Thanks X3 I've been putting
I really tend to overreact when I don't know. I think I'm doing wrong things when people really like them. Just a very bad habit I need to overcome.
well I feel like I know a bit
That's actually because I
I'm still developing her character but she is fairly trusting of others regardless of who they are. She believes that there is no other worse fate she could have than the life she lived trapped within Iugulare, so she has very little fear of others. I'm finding that playing her in FeralHeart helps too.
I really hope I'm not making her too much like Theresa from Fable 2 and Fable 3, though. It wasn't my intention, despite both of them being blind seeresses.
1. I always found Pent to be
2. In design, I think Anirapio is probably my favourite villain of yours. Again, she is a bit of a mystery. We know where she comes from, and why she does what she does, but again I sense that there is a hidden depth there, that maybe her hunting is more personal than it seems on the surface. I enjoy that she is more instinct driven than some of your other villains, and her species as a whole would be interesting to explore more. Biologically, I would love to consider her feeding mechanisms, I've always been fascinated by the biophysics of mythological creatures.
3. I think of all your characters, of the ones I know, Iugulare may be my least favourite. I think she has great potential to be a very intriguing villain, but your writings seem to have only scratched the surface. When I read about her it almost seems as though you're holding back from exploring further into her depths, and maintaining this sort of distance from her. I don't get a sense of a deep running theme with her, but her intentions seem to jump around. This may simply be because I haven't read some of your earlier stories about her, but I think it would be interesting for you to write a piece exploring her nature and perhaps her history, to give readers a sense of context for her. I love her physical design however, and I find her infection a fascinating thing.
4. I like the way that you've allowed the infection to have various manifestations, and I find it interesting to read about. I don't think you have to worry about it being inappropriate here, as you've given people lee-way to choose how their character responds to it. I enjoy the visuals of a semi-sentient infection, there is something subtly frightening about that.
5. As long as you post a warning for any writing that you feel may be too graphic, I don't think that it is inappropriate at all. You do not dwell on the events but merely include them as an aspect of your story that cannot be avoided. I find that it does more disrespect to a character to whitewash aspects of death than to portray them as accurately as your words permit.
6. I've enjoyed reading about the rock hound event, and seeing all of the community involvement. It seems to have grown with each contribution. I wish I had more time to have been a part of it, but alas, school sometimes gets in the way of such things.
7/8. I can't seem to think of any character in particular beyond those that I've said, but I encourage you to really explore descriptive writing, not just of the physical, but of motives and psychology and emotions behind events. I find that the writers that I enjoy the most are those that can draw me into a story to the point where I forget the world around me. I think you have the potential to do that.
9. I think Quad is a balanced character. Like yourself, he has his strengths that make everyone love him, and he has his weaknesses that can get inside his head and bring him down. I think by continuing to allow him to confront and deal with conflict however, he can be a great character, and well enjoyed by everyone around him.
I hope this help you.
I was trying to think of a
Skitties suggested that maybe it is going on during the Rock Hound event, maybe she's just bored and offers something where some of the deer can interact or speak to her.
Perhaps it isn't something
Hmm...well i just had an
what if somehow she gets trapped in something she can't get out of, like a strange glass tube or something. I could potentially have a cameo of my cyborg hunter, QuadRaptor, where he happens to catch Iug, but maybe she's trapped there for a while without any means of getting out so others could approach and speak their mind of her thinking she's completely harmless at the time.
Then maybe when Anirapio or Nekumbra arrive, they break the glass open and free her, this setting up her method of taking out revenge on those who spoke ill of her.
Just an idea, it seems a little out there though. What if QuadRaptor stumbled close to the Endless Forest and was gathering creature specimens?
The other thought is maybe the Twin Gods are able to snare her somehow, maybe they create a barrier that traps her inside the cage at the Ruins, though only temporary. it would be more understandable than QuadRaptor's cameo, and would give the perfect way for me to be able to develop her further through conversation while she's trapped.
There are more ways of
I know you like to develop your characters through interactions, and that's a good way to determine their reactions to others, but I don't think that's the approach that every character needs.
One of my favourite books (for many reasons) was Wicked, The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West. Gregory Maguire, the author, took a well known character and gave readers a whole new perspective on her as a person, not just a villain. Perhaps you could take a step back and look at Iugulare from an outside but in-depth perspective, looking at her not just as a bad guy for Quad to deal with, but as a character in her own entity with her own story and motives. It's just a suggestion, but it sometimes helps to just take that little step back and let the character tell her own story.
Hmm that's a good way to
If you don't mind me asking, Terabetha and Trigger, how do you imagine Iugulare, or rather, could you give an example of something you'd think she should do or some way she should act? I hate to ask about that but I feel like I need a little more clarity, as I imagine her a certain way. Maybe the way I write her in stories + the way I have described her do not agree.
I apologize again for bugging you guys over this, I just would like a little more info about what you mean by giving her more depth. I'm having a really difficult time thinking of what I could do with her to make her more interesting.
When I think of Iugulare, I
She is very smart, able to turn a situation to her advantage despite odds being against her. I imagine that she would speak softly, drawing her victims into her with her words and then striking when they are fully enraptured. She is deceptive, seeming as if she isn't a threat, and then betraying that false safety. She enjoys this deception, taking pleasure in the slow manipulation of her prey much as she takes pleasure in watching her infection sap their strength.
I'm not sure if this is how you think of her, but this is the sense I get from her. I couldn't tell you why she does these actions or what drives her, but I sense that she likes to keep a lot of things hidden from public view, preferring to hold her thoughts and emotions inside.
No trouble at all Quad, I'm
When I think of Iugulare I see a villain who's motivations are obviously personal but beyond that are a mystery to most, myself included. I know she wishes to kill Quad, that much is obvious, but why has not been addressed. I don't necessarily see this as a bad thing, no need to go sharing her deep dark secrets because as a manipulative individual that would not suit her.
From your writings (having not read all of them I could very well have missed examples to the contrary) you focus mainly on her physical design. Her powers take precedent over the character itself. She is, to me, a vessel for the corruption that allows her power, beyond that I don't have much impression of her. My advice would be to try thinking about her character without her powers, while they are an vital role in the plot and her own abilities and goals, they tend to overshadow her personality and details. By removing them from the equation for a moment you can work on strengthening and developing other parts of her character.
Thank you both, that's
The thought I have now is that her home planet is covered with the infection, and that there are many of her kind who dwell on the planet. Their objective is to find other planets to infect, with the ultimate goal of total universal domination. They mostly seek out planets that sustain life (since as a virus they must have a host to survive). So they land on the planet and dominate all of the life on it. In the cases that the planet is difficult to capture, they will beckon the world to come and send reinforcements. In Earth's case, that will happen as Iugulare keeps getting foiled by Quad.
The idea was that there is an ongoing struggle between light and dark - the light represented by the deer of the Endless Forest and the Twin Gods, and the dark obviously being that of the infectious world. There are many creatures spread across the galaxy who fight against the spread of the darkness, and the Twin Gods are among those who refuse to let the infection take over Earth. They have entrusted 'the Firefly Deer' (Caw, Blixt, Trunks, Quad, Pent, and Hex) with their light to fight against the darkness.
I'm still working out the kinks of this as Hex was somehow transported through the darkness to Iugulare's world, where she found the coordinates to Earth. While it was unintentional, you can parallel Iugulare to the Silver Surfer and her world to Galactus in the Marvel universe.
So as far as motives, she simply does not want to fail her home world, as many of the other infectious creatures who have sought out worlds to capture have been more successful than her. She has a lot of pride in what her species does.
I really need to work on this then, I did not realize I made her motives unclear, but then again I've only recently started to develop this. Thank you again for all the help
Actually I came up with
Iugulare's species, fundamentally, is not evil at all. In fact, they're fairly civilized, and follow morals and ethics when it comes to interacting with other species. Despite their viral nature, they really have more of a symbiotic relationship with other creatures - they live off of the host for a while, and the host creature gets to enjoy pleasant dreams while the infection cleanses their body of impurities and other diseases. The species really has a goal of research in mind, seeking out other planets to spread their 'peaceful' ways with, offering their medicinal virus to those lifeforms who would be interested in return for being able to study their biology and ecosystem.
Iugulare, however, has her own thoughts. She despises this peaceful nature of her species, and would rather dominate worlds with the infection rather than live symbiotically with the lifeforms. You already know she's pretty sadistic as she loves to torture other animals, so it fits her personality pretty well. She agreed to be a part of her planet's "scouting" party, looking for new worlds to study, but she really was manipulating the situation to benefit what she wants to do. Her true plan is to find a world to dominate, and then to wage war with her own peaceful planet. And Earth seemed to be the most perfect target, as she found it by being able to pull Hex into a portal (she has made them before, for example summoning Anirapio to Earth) and thus setting her trajectory to the blue planet. She knew that if she was able to build her army of minions, she could easily take over her own world and bring about this new rule and war-driven civilization.
But there's a problem - the Twin Gods are getting in the way of her plans. By creating 'The Firefly Deer', they have their own line of defense for Earth. Her plans were semi-foiled each time the Twin Gods wiped the Endless Forest clean of all lifeforms and rebuilding. With each 'Firefly Deer' defeated, they used their magic to jettison Iugulare back into space so they could rebuild in time for her return.
So this idea scraps some of the original plans I had but I think I like this a whole lot better. It seems to make more sense of the two thoughts I had for her origin.
I developed this further here
Edit - I started writing the official origin story for Iugulare here