TEF Etiquette: Demonizing

WayfarerHart's picture

Who's the real monster?

This comic depicts a situation that all too often escalates beyond reason within the community.
It's important to note that some people are more impressionable than others, be it because they're young and haven't found their own identity yet, or perhaps because they experience social disorders that make expressing themselves more difficult. They may find certain characters inspiring and thus might employ some similarities into their own characters.
This is okay.

It's also okay to be concerned if there is a little bit too much resemblance between your character and theirs, to the point where it's genuinely difficult to tell them apart. If that's the case you might decide to address it with the player on civil terms, and if all goes well, come to an agreeable compromise with no harm done. It's not fair to nitpick on details on otherwise unalike character designs, however.

What isn't okay is to treat someone however you like just because you feel convinced that they wronged you. Nor is it okay to backchat to uninvolved people where said person has no chance of defending themselves, effectively isolating and dooming said person from ever being able to redeem themselves, as if you know who they truly are inside, and as if you know what they deserve.

Good intentions don't justify abuse.
Mistakes don't define a growing person.
But you know what does define a person?
How you choose to deal with it.


There is a difference between constructive criticism and bullying. Be merciful to those who've yet to find their place. And bear in mind that sometimes people make mistakes and learn from them.

The real monster isn't a who, but a what. It's mistreatment under the misguided guise of justice.

Disclaimer: This is a situation far more complicated than a comic like this can depict, but hopefully it gets the point I am trying to make across.
More often than not it pays to give people the benefit of the doubt, as most people who take inspiration from others don't do it out of any sort of malice, and are often up for making reasonable changes when fairly addressed.
Comic drawn by me and written with the help and guidance of J!n.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

"This is your community, be

"This is your community, be good to one another." - Auriea
OshiBoo's picture

this, 10000 leagues of this

this, 10000 leagues of this please and thank you
crawling back inside my hole now
Echosong's picture

THIS thank you, thank you,


thank you, thank you, Vee

This is what I have to

Mozdog's picture



I... agree with this to an

I... agree with this to an extent, and I know this post goes beyond the idea displayed in the comic. No to bullying, no to public outlash-- but concerning those that have the capacity beyond a younger individual or someone suffering from a social disorder, I'd like to point out that there is not some limited bowl of ideas where people occasionally pull the exact same strip of paper out. There are people on this community that blatantly take character ideas, CSS layouts, phrases, personalities, physical attributes, etc. and receive credit for an idea that someone--maybe even one of those impressionable youngsters--else made. It doesn't feel good to watch someone else receive credit, praise, for an idea that was essentially yours. This is a teeny tiny community and there are thousands of ideas out there! Take inspiration, sure, but TALK to people before adding it to your character or your biography.

A lot of the times, it's not a matter of wanting to bully someone--it's a matter of wanting to protect your creation. Your baby.

It's not okay to trace lineart or an image. Hell, there'd be an uproar. So I'd just like to point out that... while I do agree things should be handled tastefully, in a lot of cases, they should be handled. Even if that's guiding someone along to discover their own ideas.

C!ssy - I completely agree

C!ssy - I completely agree with you, you know. This isn't about letting theft and shit slip under the rug, though. Deal with it, but do so respectfully, something that some people fail to grasp which is what this post is targeting. I hope the wording didn't seem invalidating in any way, it's not perfect, so thank you for your input. <3
Jiaruqa's picture

Thank you guys for making

Thank you guys for making these comics! <3
Snail's picture

I relate 100000000%. Tysvm

I relate 100000000%.

Tysvm for making this. ♥

(No subject)


You were one of the first two I ever met in the forest, J!n. And it was in part because of this post that I decided to really come back in full. Thank you for this, and the others you've made.

I can't say that I've

I can't say that I've experienced this here, but I'm quite shocked that this seems to happen to quite a few people.

Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!

&hearts; Important.


I think it's a pretty actual

I think it's a pretty actual topic, especially in recent times.
Thank you for your series of comics, Vee ♥

Evern's picture

There are definitely limited

There are definitely limited options in this game due to the sets, and I guess you have to take set popularity into account too. I think it's usually clear to see the difference between copying and coincidence in character design when it does happen. If someone thinks they're being copied they should deal with it in a calm way rather than lashing out publicly on a biography or whatnot. I know myself while designing a character I suddenly think "Oh, that looks like ___'s character actually" and had to change it up a little. So imo those character likeness mistakes do happen. Maybe it's even subconscious, idek
Brilliant comic <3

thelittleraven's picture

(No subject)

Mjrn's picture

Thank you.

Thank you.
Account previously Mjrn, returned to Veedeer.

Agreed.. Cissy also took the

Agreed.. Cissy also took the words from my mouth though.
There's an immense difference between inspiration and theft, and the latter has been a painfully recurrent theme at TEF. I myself have had characters almost completely copied and css directly stolen, line for line, so I'm a bit critical of the thinking that a lot of people get to get away with the excuse that they were 'inspired', when it was the ol' T word of theft that they were trying to deek out of.

But long as people can tell the difference between the two and are able to behave with maturity when confronted by an issue where they may have been inspired/outright taken something, (and the person who brings it up, be mature too pls, ofc), no problems.
Vessan's picture

Probably my favourite comic

Probably my favourite comic of these all that I somehow have not tracked.
Also an annual up-ye-go for rememberance.

I see nobody mentioned but thiiiis situation also goes beyond just inspiration and appearance, but also spreading results from miscomunications as facts which can literally eat up newer/less experienced/less !!popular!! players due the sheer amount of people that start avoiding/hating them for what is literally something which could have been resolved with no harm done.

^^ Totally yes

^^ Totally yes
Keyblade's picture

Bumping this because not only

Bumping this because not only is it one of my favorite comic strips around, it also has a great message. It's come to my attention that apparently people are demonizing others, not for appearance or something of that sort, but are truly going around spreading hateful remarks about people in the attempt to discourage people from speaking to certain players. While I think it is appropriate to disclose to other players YOUR certain feelings about someone, I think it is totally inappropriate to tell people who they can and cannot be friends with and in turn trying to demonize someone.

So thank you Vee for another wonderful message for this community. ♥