My Endless Story [My TEF Experience]

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This is my story, and I know it is the story of quite a few others as well.

I am going to be honest. When I saw this comic, I choked up and my eyes got tears in them almost instantly, and the description sealed the deal. This made me cry, because everything that I was and am today in and to this community is right here before my eyes in the form of an immensely powerful comic and description, and the words of comfort I wish so much I had back then, I finally get to see, today...and I don’t want to spam this with my little sob story, this comic has just stirred up so many memories and thoughts in me that I feel that it’s probably about time I share this.


I discovered the Endless Forest game back in 2010. I was a socially awkward and rather derpy little 12-year-old at the time. My Aspergers made it quite difficult to properly socialize with others outside of my siblings and my mom and my anxiety made me constantly paranoid of the kids that did try to reach out to me every once and awhile since through elementary and middle school, I was shunned and bullied for my inability to be...well, normal, back when I thought normal was a thing (then again, when you see a middle-school kid who would rather communicate with dog growls and barks and whimpers rather than words, and even occasionally tried running on all fours, I guess normal would be a thing to be compared to).

And so, I depended on whatever comforts I could find on the internet to try getting that thrill and joy people get from having friends to hang out with in the offline world. I was not very good at expressing myself verbally or socializing that way, but I had grown in my typing skills and depended on it as my means of communication with outside people.

With the continuously escalating drama between my parents also biting at me, The Endless Forest was somewhat of a therapy thing to me when I discovered it. A peaceful, beautiful experience at the time. I got to play a deer sphinx[?] (I don’t know, furry animals with human faces were my obsession at the time haha) and be in an environment where there were no words even available to judge me, and I could play with magic and nature and deer, my three most favorite things in the world back then. I played it for a very long time until I got brave and moved on to Feral Heart being my main game of choice so that I could use my typing skills to play amongst other people who liked RPing as I did (outside of DeviantArt of course). Even so, I would pop into the Forest every once and awhile to experience the serene and carefree environment
(at was that way, back then.)

A couple years passed, and I had eventually lost my muse in the game as other things caught my interests and curiosities, like the RP groups I discovered on DeviantArt, though I would occasionally admire artwork based on the game. And then...I discovered them.

Their artwork was gorgeous, the storytelling beyond admirable, I loved it...and it made my heart skip a beat that all this was in the same world as the game I sought comfort from in the past. I realized from their art that there was actually an entire community of these visual storytellers who also played the game.

I wanted to be a part of that amazing beauty they created, and the love and admiration they received in it.

I was heart-poundingly inspired and overjoyed that I could perhaps join this amazing artist and storyteller in their magical world they worked within. So, unsurprisingly, I gave the character I made a couple traits that were also seen on their character(s). I then bashfully noted the person asking them permission to use the character I had created since I was inspired by them. Although they did not say I ripped off one of their characters, they did tell me the character I made looked too much like a character they would make, so I was not allowed to use it.

I forgot which I did first, but I remember there were two rather bipolar reactions that I had. One of them was a rebellious denial, a claim that after looking at the characters a bit more and comparing them, I did not see them as identical and would use them anyway. The other reaction was a possibly overdramatic apology for my copying of their design style (at the time, this artist was still my art inspiration, so I was quick to submission). Either way, I never ended up using the design at all, and eventually deleted the image altogether.

Time went by, and after my shaking stopped at the realization I had disappointed them and already ruined my chance of being their friend, (I was an overly sensitive yet somewhat stubborn coward, though I guess that didn’t change much) I decided I would give making a character for the Endless Forest community another go before I went to join the site. This time, I decided to simply make a deer with the colors of a barn owl, and a few thin white feathers on the shoulders for some extra something. I felt pretty confident I was okay now, so I submitted her to the DeviantART TEF group to test the waters.

It didn’t take too much time before someone unfamiliar came to me, claiming that my barn-owl deer was a direct ripoff of my art inspiration's newest character. This time, I did not submit to these least not as fast as I did the last time. When I was shown the character that the one I created was “ripped from,” I was shocked at how...nothing alike they really were, even though I was scared at first I would have to go back and try again in making a character. My character and theirs shared one singular thing in common: feathers on the shoulders. Absolutely nothing else was similar whatsoever, so I responded that I did not think they looked alike and that I would use the character, anyways.

At that moment, the artist that I had admired so much, and their friends with them, knew it was now in their power to make sure I regretted that decision.

I was rather heartbroken at the warning. My art inspiration came to me, telling me that if I dared to join the Endless Forest community, they would make sure I was met with trouble. My chest was tight, but a part of me thought they were bluffing. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

With a burst of confidence to guide me, I went onto the community website, registered (since I didn’t remember the password or email password of the account I used a few years before), and instantly discovered the excitement of CSS bios. I was greatly confused at first, but after playing around I managed to please myself with some edits done to a free template I found. So then, I put up my owl doe (I think her name was Aini’ Taiga if I remember correctly).

I almost got a heart attack when I came back to find my art inspiration, which I was quick to discover was practically the goddess of the community, had commented a giant wall of text and a few images picking not only at my owl deer and her shoulders, but also at the old “rip-off” that I had deleted on DeviantArt, which creeped me out a bit since I was unsure how they got the image if I had deleted it. This also added to my newfound paranoia of the person, and to the mixture of feelings I had for them...I still liked them, but I was scared of them at the same time.

That night, with both that and real-life drama overwhelming me, I broke down in my mother’s bathroom (she and I shared the same room at the time, since dad kept disappearing and was coming home less and less and I felt mom was comforted by having a presence to fall asleep I was still uncomfortable with sleeping alone in my own room heh) When my mom came to comfort me, I opened up to her about the TEF artist I admired and how they had started claiming I was a thief of their designs and how they threatened to make my stay in the community I joined a bad experience, and how scared and confused I was about it all.

Mom immediately demanded she see for herself, and it took a while to keep her from flaming the person after she saw what had been commented on my character’s bio (My mom is really supportive, I can’t even begin to express how grateful I am to her for everything).

The next morning, I deleted the bio and went on with my day, but as more days went by, I realized school was even more different than usual in experience. In my usual isolated state, I could not stop thinking of my art inspiration and her friends, and the fear I was growing in them. I was constantly getting moments where cold sweats would appear, and my heart would start pounding. I would get sick in my gut, and my visits to the bathroom grew more and more frequent. Yes, this TEF community experience was getting to me both mentally and physically. I was genuinely paranoid, and although I know that sounds ridiculous, I also have to remember that this was during a time where the internet was my great escape from reality; the place where even though there were occasional trolls, I could find comfort where my interests lie, and with the artist I admired most at the time going out of their way to, rather aggressively, get in the path of really scared me back then, especially since I felt so alone in the situation and was not only getting pushed down by them but by their friends and a few of their fans as well.

Now I will be honest, I made many dumb mistakes and made really bad decisions during my early times on the community, especially. The first major mistake I made was taking entire codes from existing, commissioned bios (I don’t remember how exactly I figure out how, but I somehow found out how) and editing them around thinking it could pass. Someone instantly let me know what I had done was wrong, and that people actually paid for certain codes and formations and such, and suggested I used free templates instead. I went back to free templates and learned certain codes to pretty it up better than the old one I had done for my owl-deer. This experience was much different than the character-design issue, as I did not have people constantly biting me about it after I made the change and therefore did not add itself to my troubled mental state.

I also constantly bumped ancient blogs and my own blogs. I would bump almost all my blogs at once if it even went to the bottom of the Tracker page. I still probably bump too much, but man was I an idiotic kid with it back then. I was craving positive attention, and I showed that the wrong way. XD

Anyways, since I was more than once attacked due to my owl deer, through emails, DeviantArt notes, and the occasional comment that made me delete things and repost them, I decided I couldn't take the constant fear of being bashed about Aini every time I posted something related to her, so I decided I would change her design. I changed her over and over, but couldn’t find a design I was content with. I was content with one for a while, where she was a flower deer of sorts, but my muse eventually died for that, too. I made other characters, but none of them ever truly stuck with me.

Now during my time on the community, though some memories are blurry, I came to realize I was not the only one with this issue. It comforted me in the fact I might not be being attacked just because there was something wrong with me, there were multiple people with this same issue from the same people...but I was also sad, because here come these adored, respected people who were looked up to who were picking at people for little design things. Now, the fact these people were the most adored and popular in all of the community made things even more difficult, and probably also made it so a little part of me still wanted to gain their approval.

I was once called a retard by that artist I was once so deeply inspired by, after sending them a kind comment on one of their images on DeviantArt.
I once wished them good health when I saw they were getting sick on their personal updates blog on TEFc, and I was replied to with an email saying how I had wronged then too badly and my wrongdoings had consequences, and so I was never and would never be welcomed by them.

Now in their defense, I should have probably just never tried reaching out to them, but a year or two had passed since the design drama and I thought they had moved on, plus I still really liked their art and I made that foolish decision and got my heart torn in two from it. I was not mad at them, but I was devastated at how disliked I was because of their strong grudge against me. I blocked them on DeviantArt to help prevent me from commenting on their art again, but it didn’t stop me from admiring her art from afar.

Their fans and friends, which was most of the community, came to follow in their footsteps in their dislike for me. Even after I eventually made a new account for a fresh start, my blogs were mostly ignored when people realized who I was except for a few very kindly people I knew, and this is still the case today (or maybe that’s just my anxiety talking).

Quite a few other really beautifully talented artists on TEFc, that I had never even spoken to before, blocked me on DeviantArt so I could never express to them how I liked their art. I felt like a shunned pit bull dog that had accidentally nipped someone once the wrong way when still quite a small and inexperienced puppy, and would now always be a hated criminal because of it, and nothing would ever change that; not even time, itself.

I went in and out of my activity on the community site as a couple more years went by with what was supposed to be my fresh start, especially after shocking things about certain family dramas were revealed, and my parents divorced; leaving my mom alone with the four of us, and deeply depressed. Her depression was contagious, and I lost a lot of my muse for the community and even art in some cases. The loneliness I had learned from my bad reputation, except for the few kindly acquaintances I met, really didn’t help. A traumatic incident with my best friend, Ginger [emergency kitten] also added itself to the acid that was eating away at my heart and mind at the time, and finally I made a blog that I was leaving the site, with a little blunt reminder of one of the main reasons why I was leaving, but I did have a little “maybe” that I would return.

A year and some moons passed, and I rejoined the community. Almost none of the few people who actually showed they liked me and wanted to be a part of my life on the site were still there, but I had a new confidence I could rebuild myself to the community, especially since the people I feared the most were no longer active. Fortunately, things were calmer for me, especially since my life had calmed in the time I was gone and I had matured since my last visit. Unfortunately, I was quick to realize I was not going to have much luck in being noticed, as I was still ignored-ish. I know my past reputation and situations might have ruined my image for this community, forever. My mistakes have made it so that though I no longer live in constant fear of being sent flame-emails, notes, comments and the like, I have the fear I will always just be...a ghost, or an irritating child to the eyes of those who still haunt this place since those times.

I don’t know what I am to this community, anymore...or what I’ll be in the future. I know it is just me still lingering on my scars, but I feel that if it wasn’t for those mistakes I made, or the reputation I was given, maybe, just maybe, I could have better hope in being...or at least feeling...more welcome, here.

But I have hope now that maybe things can, and will get better.

CSS template/codes from Unplugged

WayfarerHart's picture

You have my understanding and

You have my understanding and friendship. You did not deserve to be treated the way you have been.

I am so sorry for all that

I am so sorry for all that you went through.
Mozdog's picture

;; You know I've dealt with

;; You know I've dealt with things in the past similar to some of the things you said, not here but at an old community I used to be in. Right now a lot has changed now and I am very glad for a lot of things that have happened and are happening right now, but of course there are some things I regret doing and saying in the past... I didn't get a chance to read this all in detail but I will take my time to sit and read everything, cause just wow. If you have a Skype would you like to chat? Maybe it would be cool to talk about stuff, not just about this too.
Jiaruqa's picture

Its a terrible thing to go

Its a terrible thing to go through, I know. I was in a similar positiion when I discovered TEF. I had just turned 12 around that time, ironically. Thank you for speaking up, Flora. I had a surge of flashbacks while reading this, and we have- and have had- a lot in common.
Jacklo's picture

You have some good friends

You have some good friends here who will hopefully show you the light. I believe that your past mistakes were because of your youth and potentially because of your Aspergers and such.

You've already mentioned your 'mistakes' up there, you need to try and stop making them. Its ok to be anxious, but let your blogs settle off the front page. Its okay to try and get community events and fun things up and running, but not everyone wants to see them flashed up in the recents all the time.

You can really see who your inspirations are, and thats okay! My inspiration is 5019. Every day I look at their stuff, see in my dA feed or on my tumblr, every day I wish my art could be at their level, that my characters were as well designed as theirs. But there are few similarities in my work and hers because I don't live to reach her level.

You need to step out of sights shadow, think about what you want for you. If its feathered does go nuts, look up rare bird species, put feathers in odd places, use odd cervines, try and think of things no one has done rather than what /she'd/ have done. Sometimes you're going to do something that was done before (theres only so many feathers-on-heads possible) but your spiney head doe was well thought up for instance so you are capable.

Here is a nice comic by my insp for u even.

//also apologies in advance if this posts like 8 times, my internets being fickle.

Jacklo's Characters/Hub
Discord: Daddy#4977

@Veedeer} Thank you again,

@Veedeer} Thank you again, Vee...I can't really stop telling you how grateful I am to you and how supportive you've been/

@J!n} Your care means a lot, thank you J!n. I also heard a lot about your cleverness and how you helped with that comic. I appreciate that a whole lot!

@Mozdog} Awwww...*hugs* I know the feel, and I do hope things have been better for you, now. I have a tooon of regrets regarding to this site, alone, and I am still struggling to move on from a few of them XD
And sure ^^ we can Skype. I think you'll find me if you look up Fainalotea hah I'd love to talk with ya.

@Jiaruqa} Ohh, I know that must have been terrible back then, I really wish that older members, back then specifically, kept the fact that mature adults are not the only dwellers on the site in mind for that reason, and a few others. It also means a lot that my speaking up is appreciated, so I thank you.

@Jacklo} Thank you for the supportive critique in my actions. I believe I have been, and will keep trying, to improve on my habits.

I like that comic, by the way, and the artist has a cute style!
Bayleen's picture

Flora, thank you for speaking

Flora, thank you for speaking out about your situation..

I can empathize with your parents divorcing and the Asperger's (my parents are divorced, and my older brother has Asperger's).

To be honest, I have seen similar events happen to other new members-- especially the new and very young ones. I, myself, can especially relate to regretting certain things I did when I was a wee pre-teen to get attention/noticed by the "insert-player-everyone-loves-here." In my opinion, I sounds like something a lot of members have gone through; that "derpy" phase -if you want to call it that. I don't mean that in an condescending or dismissive way to these situations, I say that with the notion that- you're not alone.

Even now, I can assure you that in the occasional worries of "What am I to this community?" and will-I-be-noticed, etc-- you are not alone. Hell, I have a fair share of personal issues that can certainly make me think these things and feel lonely-- and I think it's important to note that you are completely valid in feeling this way.

I hope what I said makes sense, aha. I completely respect and admire you as an individual, even more so after you shared your story with us. Should you ever need a friend to chat to, I am always here to lend an ear. ♥ ily

Everybody makes mistakes

Everybody makes mistakes (heck, I'm an expert at making mistakes), and I'm glad that after all of this nonsense you had to go through that you're able to use it as a learning experience rather than allowing it to discourage your artistic muse. I'm not saying that I'm glad that it happened to you, though!

It's very hard to put my thoughts into feelings, but I am very glad that you are still here and if you ever need somebody to talk to, please let me know, ok? You can add my skype: zuperfisch.
onowl's picture

Live and learn. My characters

Live and learn. My characters are open to interaction from any of your characters, and please feel free to add me to Skype if you would like: superfeesh
Aquilo's picture

You have always seemed like a

You have always seemed like a very kind person to me, Flora. I'm sorry your experience joining TEF was such a negative one and I truly hope your time here is full of positivity and creative growth this time around. I look forward to seeing you around as an active member of the TEFc community ♥ Best of luck to you from here on out!
Player & Character Hub
Discord: Gulonine#4267

Ohh my gosh you guys T////T

Ohh my gosh you guys T////T You guys have given me tears with these touching feedbacks. I really can't thank you guys enough for the support. I was nervous at first when I posted this, but seeing all of these kind words from you all has really been an amazingly pleasant surprise.

Thank you so much..
Wendingo's picture

i think everyone kind of

i think everyone kind of deserves a free pass from a lot of their younger mistakes, if i'm honest. :v i joined tef when i was a very naive eleven year old and i remember i was quite eager to try butting my first character into plots that he didn't really have any spot in (distinctively remember him getting completely wrecked by three demons in a fight as a consequence of this. lmao) people seemed to humour me rather well at that point, and i am super thankful towards those players (many seem inactive now) that i was left with a good impression of the community. but i still cringe thinking about how invasive i must've seemed ohgosh.

unfortunately, old grudges will stick around for a while in a community as small as this, especially with something concerning character designs, as you've seemed to experience. hopefully people will appreciate seeing this and will recognize that you're intent on changing whatever impression you gave a few years back.

with the bumping thing--generally bumping things constantly even when they're still on the front page or not far off from it is kind of grating, especially if it's multiple times in the same day. it may actually have the opposite effect if you want people to see them or comment on them if they feel like it'll be clogging the top of their tracker constantly on top of already being in the recent posts. also, there's other people with commission posts that are hoping to also stick around the front page for a bit longer, i doubt it's fun to watch a thread fall while another one gets bumped to the top in excess.

made by foxofthestars!
CydaLuva83's picture

I understand how you feel. I

I understand how you feel. I never brought a lot of characters to light because I was worried about them being too similar to others. I'm sorry for how you were treated.
Signature By Aihnna, Avatar by YaraMyst
Snail's picture

Wow. Just wow. This is so


Just wow.

This is so powerful, I started crying halfway through thinking I was the only one to have suffered a fate like this. I suffer from the same haunting feeling of those who I used to know staring at me when I creep into the forest to simply have a good time.

Even people I tried to reach out to for help on developing my characters shunned me for being too attention needy or just flat out didn't care because they're well liked / popular around the community and don't have time to deal with someone who struggles to stay positive.

I've been a member for 10+ years and I honestly am terrified to make characters for the exact same reason. There's so much inspiration and sometimes you just don't know what to make different / unique to set them apart from the others. I just stopped visiting the community after a while afraid to see certain usernames that would cause me great anxiety and even deleted my skype three times to try and get a fresh start. I learned that this place is toxic (to me, it is), but I love this place and the atmosphere. Half the time I wish I never discovered the community.

You're not alone and if you ever, ever want to hang out and interact or just talk, just shoot me a bump on Crowley's biography and we'd be more than happy to help you settle back into the forest or just talk nonsense and fangirl/boy over a candybar or something. I hope things get better for you on here.

And for anyone else who doesn't feel like they belong.

You do, just hang in there. Things take time.

We were in part of that

We were in part of that together. When you made that gift art for Junalia and -you- got in trouble for it when it was my design I had made for her. The only reference I had used for her was the DotD set, along with the water element, and that was all. I knew the one was heavily influenced off that set, and so I tried my best to make it as different as possible, and it was still nitpicked. Looking around on here, I see many that were -much- closer to "being copied" without being related than that doe had been. That should never have happened, and I'm sad all traces of that art have been deleted from existence. Just know that tiff was -not- your fault. They should have only been yelling at me, if anyone, even though it was uncalled for. Many hated me, and would do anything to make me look worse than I really was.

Kamaya's picture

Usually, when there is a blog

Usually, when there is a blog or a conversation on chats that talks about drama like this, I avoid them because I have always been in the bad habit to carry people's problems on my back and therefore made me depressed everytime I knew about dramas people had. My mother always told me I should not because it is not my 'job' but it became a part of my nature and personality...

Yet I could not help myself but to read this entire post of yours. I am deeply sad about what you went through on the TEF community, but like everybody says (and probably those who commented here, I did not read all of the comments): everybody makes mistakes, because they are a part of the learning process.
All of what you had lived in this community, I lived it in another community. I could never find my place and so I had to leave. It broke a bit my heart though, because I have met a lot of people there (including a boy who became my best friend and big brother today).

For me, I have always admired you and your art. I have always considered you as a part of the community (like I consider everybody (or almost, maybe except the ones who keep bad-behaving despite the others telling them it is wrong and asking them to stop)). I have always thought (and I still think) that you were a kind and nice person.
If you wish to contact me someday or another, you can add me on Skype anytime you desire. But I prefer warning you: I am very very shy and so I do not talk a lot or do not dare make the first step when it comes about people I do not know a lot or barely. (Yes, I am very anxious too, that is probably why I do not always comment on a post.) Nonetheless, it would be a pleasure for me to chat a little with you about anything.

Also, I know I already did but...I cannot help myself either but to say that I really love your art.
And I still owe you one as well for the Niriya reference you made. I know you do not wait anything in return, but I really wish to draw one of your characters anyway because it is natural for me to return it.
Comen's picture

This is so sad that people

This is so sad that people would treat you like this! Sad

People used to bully me when I was 16, and one day at work it was really getting to me (I was crying) so I went to my boss and told them that the other employees were bullying me. You know what she said to me? Go do something about it. You know what I did? I went and did something about it. I walked right up to that group of girls and said "If yall got something to say then you can say it to my face." (Of course I was younger and smaller than all of them, but I had the heart of a lion at that moment.) They went to the boss and told on me, but she knew they were bullying me so they all got wrote up. (lol)
From that day on, I did NOT let anyone talk bad about me. Those words she told me have been planted in my mind since that day, and to this day it's still a huge motto I go by.
I'm glad you're accepted and one of the most popular on the community now! Everyone loves you <3

I think what is necessary is

I think what is necessary is for you to acknowledge, admit and apologize for ripping off Sight's characters.

You're getting there with this blog, but you still somehow manages to make it sound like you're the victim while Sight is some crazy psychopat who nitpicks on all designs that resembles hers. That is not fair to anyone.

I don't even remember that owl deer you're going on about, but I do remember very well how you copied Misako's CSS and that jazz. But you're not at all mentioning that you had some non TEF characters on DeviantArt named Herla and Neela. Coincidence? Not at all. I guess Neela was deleted shortly after you were confronted about it, and Herla changed name to Huerla or something. But now it seems she's deleted too. And then you created a fawn named Gerla (Gehirn/Herla), though she didn't last long either. And I admit I had been keeping a close eye on your characters to see if you continued copying when you created Flora, a character I was positively surprised by, as she was both gorgeous and original – the only similarity was being a faerie, like Herla and Neela. So it was sad to see she developed more and more into a Neela rip-off. And was it Flora's father who was a dark stag with red eyes, just like Herla's father was a dark stag with red eyes? And sometimes after Sight posted this picture of Neela on DeviantArt you made a comment on this blog where you talk about adding wings or feathers to your character, and I quote; "Or fairy wings with feathers at the base of them where the shoulders are"... like in the Neela picture I linked to?

There is of course more, but it's difficult to link to any proof when you've deleted all of your stuff.

I am sorry for all the difficulties you've had in real life, and I don't necessarily agree with how Sight and her friends have handled things but I think it's only fair that you admit you ripped off their designs on purpose instead of playing the victim, and perhaps people can see that Sight had her reasons to act as she did instead of being demonized. An apology probably won't help Sight much now as she has removed most of her art from DeviantArt because of art theft, but perhaps it will at least bring some closure here.
Nazzard's picture

I fully agree with FallenOne,

I fully agree with FallenOne, some of the things you did and said to Sight were atrocious and wounded her deeply. Like the time you berated her for Herla becoming pregnant, only to turn around some time later and begin toting that motherhood is beautiful. That is only one example out of many.

Her struggle with having to deal with your theft and copies time and time again were what, in the end, caused her to stop sharing her art and her stories both here and on DA. Your slander to her name added stress that she didn't need in her already difficult life. She's been sick for a long time after all, and the stress that came from this, over a year, ordeal made her illness worse. I know that in the beginning she was kind to you and that as time went on that stopped as she bit back in retaliation to you being cruel to her. I truly hope that you intend to move on. I hope that you will stop taking ideas, plots, and even designs from others.

Everyone can change, and once you do I too, may, be willing to forgive you for what you've done. But you have to show us that you're actually changing. There are so many ideas out there Faina, so so many unused ideas and unique designs to be had. Just reach out and grasp them, do some research on various animals and birds. Listen to those who are here offering advice and learn from past mistakes.

I hope the best to you and I dearly hope that you mean what you say.

Discord:Nazzard#9068 ||Click for bios.

Thank you all for your

Thank you all for your support, I honestly cannot give you guys words to describe how much they mean to me, but I truly wish I did have the words


As for this...well, I saw these coming, and I want to say some things to respond to them, things I should have said a long time ago, and probably in this journal, too.

For one thing, I will not deny that I was a victim. I suffered, I became sick from stress and anxiety, I cried, my real life got affected by these things, and it affected me on both a mental and emotional level.

But...I can willingly, without hesitation, say that I know I am not the victim, no one is the particular main victim, and I definitely was/am not the only victim at that.

I am aware sight must have suffered, too, and acted the way she did because she was stressed and confused that here come these things that seem quite a bit similar to her hard work, and she didn’t know any other way to deal with it at the time.

I did not, and do not plan on demonizing her. I wrote the journal in the point of view that I had at that time, in the past. I know sight is a good person, but this journal highlights the things I felt then, in the past during those situations.

Now, though I won’t go too far into details about these things that happened years ago, some of those things I saw mentioned, I can either explain or do not even remember.

I’ll start off with the names thing, first. At the time, yes, I saw those names and thought they were pretty, and wanted to use them somehow, somewhere. What gave me the courage to use them was how I saw that they were names indeed used by other characters on deviantart. Since they were names, and names cannot be copyrighted, I did not think there was a problem.
When it became clear those were problems, though, I went to renaming and deleting.

As for that time I made the suggestion to that artist about those feather-based fairy wings, I had no idea sight had posted that image at all, and I truly did not intend on ripping off anything related to Neela. The shoulder-feather inspiration with wings was made alive by one of my most favorite fictional species at the time, called Beauties ( .
Additionally, I had seen a couple other artists use similar design traits around the time, so again, I did not think there was a problem.

Concerning Flora, I actually killed her off when I realized she had become so much of a ripoff character; becoming a lot like a hybrid between Neela and Elsa from Frozen. I over time became ashamed, and got rid of the character all-together.

Now on behalf of my own actions, I am very well aware, and can admit at this time, I was a foolish, immature, idiotic kid who wanted good things, but went at it the completely wrong way. I made foolish decisions, said foolish things. I know that, I am well aware of that, and I deeply, sincerely apologize for my faults and any negative effect it had on others. I did not take the time to see or even care about what my actions related to those things could do back then, and I do apologize for that, it was wrong of me, I know. Some of the things I did are very far back, and I cannot even remember them. Like that...motherhood issue? Nazzard mentioned: I genuinely don’t remember that happening at all, but I am not saying it never happened or could have never happened, because I was an immature little fool back then and made some terrible decisions: word-wise and otherwise, and I know it could have been possible.

I was an inspired, excited child and I was still finding my way, but I know I stepped on the wrong pathways on that way I was trying to go.

I sincerely did not mean any harm back then. I did not want to harm anyone, and even attempted to make up for it at times, though can admit I failed; miserably, too. But I also can’t deny that I did cause harm. I won’t deny that harm was done to me, but I admit I am aware that the things I said and did back then could have, might have, and did cause things to happen that I truly regret, today.

I do not expect some of you, or any of you for that matter, to forgive me or believe that I have changed, but please see that I do acknowledge I made bad decisions, and my deepest intentions today are to move on.

I'm trying my best, I hope it's enough.

Thank you..
Mjrn's picture

I've seen similar things

I've seen similar things happen on this sight before, Flora, along with lots of other drama. It's never fun seeing it unfold, and it's never fun seeing people leave because of it. I've had my own share of crying and anxiety about this place; it's a Heaven, but it's also a Hell.

You just have to keep trying, keep learning from mistakes, and make up for those. It's a long road for sure, but you'll get there. I believe in you hun. You didn't deserve this. ♥
Account previously Mjrn, returned to Veedeer.

In Flora's defence, the idea

In Flora's defence, the idea of having fae attributes and various wing types on deer and other creatures is NOT an original idea. There are hundreds of characters out there like that that were created long before Herla's Fae story really took form, and way longer before Neela. Sight drew inspiration from somewhere, just as everyone does. So they are fae...does that mean Herla's line are the ONLY fae allowed to be existing? As long as they came from their own line of fae blood....who the fuck CARES!? I saw no similarity that others hadn't already been using before. Neela was FAR from being the first to have lacewings with feathers on the shoulders.

@wilted You took the words

@wilted You took the words right out of my mouth.

I think it also needs reminding that Flora was a child. Very young, at that. The adults handled the situation poorly. I think it's time the situation is moved on from this. Mistakes were made, and realized. The apology is here. Accept it, or don't. Either way, what's done is done.

I relate to your situation lots, Flora. If you ever want a friend, I'm always willing yo talk, though my english may not be great.

~a fellow aspie

You're not a victim. Any pain

You're not a victim. Any pain you feel like you've suffered was the consequences of your own doing.

But I am glad you are able to see you have done wrong and I'll just agree with Nazzard: I hope you mean what you say.

And about having the same name or the same species: I agree that Sight doesn't have any copyright on characters named Herla or Neela, or characters being a fae. Had any of it appeared alone on Faina's character then I would have thought it was a coincidence: that she just happened to have a character named Neela or that she happened to have a character that was a fae, but put together with everything Faina had already ripped off from Sight onto various characters it was too much of a coincidence to really be that. And if I had been in trouble with someone and accused of ripping off their character, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have given my character the same name as their character or made it the same species, not when there's so much else out there the character could have been based on and inspired by.

But I'll leave it at that (probably), I'm not comfortable being the bad guy but I have been watching this going on for too long over the years without saying anything because it wasn't really any of my business, but finally just had to get this out.
WayfarerHart's picture

Tea was a young child, who

Tea was a young child, who has also had to deal with aspergers in addition to that.
Also being autistic myself, I can vouch how extremely impressionable people like us can be. And we are absolutely more likely to make mistakes that I promise we'll end up cringing over as we grow.

Rather than aggression, and expectations of function being the same as someone who's neurotypical, it's absolutely necessary to address such with patience and understanding. That being said, I also understand that patience can be limited, especially after such a prolonged time.

Tea has said all that needs to be said, and in doing so has been very brave and mature today. There's nothing more that can be given without time, and hopefully a better understanding between everyone in the future.

As for the comment about her not being a victim: It's not fair to invalidate the bullying (yes, there was definitely bullying. See: Blunt) and isolation Tea had to go through. She is as much a victim in this as Sight, even though she had made mistakes leading up to it (I'm not going to invalidate the other side). But as has been stated prior to this: They were grown adults, and Tea was just an autistic, impressionable child who had yet to learn how to handle herself.

I think it's for the best that we leave it at that, and let time take it's course.

onowl's picture

Bullying is unacceptable and

Bullying is unacceptable and there is no excuse for it. To minimize, trivialize, or otherwise ignore that Tea was also a victim in the name of making someone else seem more hurt is emotionally abusive. Only the person who has been hurt has the right to say if they have been hurt or not. That is not a decision that anyone else can make for them. This applies to everyone.

Tea, I'll reiterate and say that I'm proud of you for doing this, and there are good people here who would love to help you grow and mature even more than you've shown here. It takes courage to admit you did wrong, and I knew few who would do as you've done here.
Mjrn's picture

^ Thank you Owl and Vee.

^ Thank you Owl and Vee.
Account previously Mjrn, returned to Veedeer.
Snail's picture

Preach it, Vee, Owl. Preach

Preach it, Vee, Owl. Preach it.
Aquilo's picture

It is not right to say that

It is not right to say that Flora was not a victim and "had it coming". Do you not remember accounts like blunt that was made specifically to cyber bully a minor?

That is not to say that Sight did not suffer in this situation, either. I do not want to invalidate anyone's experiences. I think what Vee and onowl have said is important, too. Patience, understanding, and a desire for things to be better this time around (for all parties involved) are a must.

Everyone who has been negatively impacted by this whole ordeal has my best wishes. It pains me to see rifts in the community when there can be positive, beneficial solutions.
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Discord: Gulonine#4267
Aivilo's picture

Best wishes.

Best wishes.

Owl and Vee

Owl and Vee <3 <3