The Owl Buck (Comen)

Comen's picture

Comen has returned to the forest!

This his favorite place. Comen's Hill
Company is welcome, hims a nice dude.
Roughly six years old
No longer in his prime. Showing no signs of old age, though.
Skype. Toastmaster_tea

Rut Page

Reference art by This lovely lady
Character and design created and owned by me
No I/Comen do not own Comen's Hill, it is an reference name when IC.
SoliloquyChryseis's picture

Must track this guy ♥

Must track this guy ♥
OshiBoo's picture

Yeeeeeee ♥! A

Yeeeeeee ♥!

A pleasure to have you on the Comm
Comen's picture

Yes, come find me in the

Yes, come find me in the forest Evil


Mauvable's picture

Joeclark it's nice to finally

Joeclark it's nice to finally meet you

We've had a few characters meet before, nice to finally see you here. ♥
cloudandis's picture

(No subject)

<3 prideful babs.
He seems loke he will be quite interesting to encounter again c:
Sabel, Sam

Image © Alhnna
Chizzu's picture

ohh yes I will track this

ohh yes I will track this
ShrinkingRose's picture

(No subject)

Comen's picture

It's nice to finally meet you

It's nice to finally meet you ShrinkingRose

Sorry I don't have everyone's name down quite yet, bear with me Laughing out loud

tracks this fella!

tracks this fella!
Sirius's picture

Nice to meet you today. And

Nice to meet you today. And Sorry for the bad behave in the beginning....
A friend of mine has fear of you. I thought you were mean. but
you're really nice. I hope to you see often in the forest.
And welcome back in the Forest..after 5years- Eye
onowl's picture

Track &hearts;

Track ♥
Calix's picture

Ah Pudge has met Comen a few

Ah Pudge has met Comen a few times before :3
Track <3
Comen's picture

Yes, me and your friend had a

Yes, me and your friend had a bit of a problem the other day. I keep trying to apologize but he doesn't want my apology. But I'm glad that me and you sorted things out, and I hope to see you again! Laughing out loud
Thais's picture

Not that she doesn't want the

Not that she doesn't want the apologies, but Thais is still a bit terrified of your stag after he attacked her (pregnant atm) and a fawn-friend while they were helping a another friend get a pelt two days ago! I imagine he was protecting a sleeping Mrost from them, but still, she is a skittish gal.
Display pic by crabbycrown ♥
Comen's picture

This is my second day in the

This is my second day in the community, I don't quite have everyone on the site paired up with their deer quite yet. I read about your deer last night, and I had no idea it was the same deer from the other day. I'd like to explain the other day, if you'd like to know what was wrong with Comey

Yes, I was protecting the white deer laying down, because not even ten minutes before your doe came up there was another player who was being obnoxious and immature, and kept using my sleeping friend to change my pelt. (And must I say yall had the same mask and pelt) I was so aggravated I moved a few trees away. I thought you were the same deer, but with different horns (I didn't get a good look at the others picto) So when I saw you and your friends up there messing with my friend I ran up to protect him, thinking you were the other deer again.

If we meet in the forest again, you can guarantee I'll try to come apologize again. However, if your deer isn't ready to apologize my Comey will back down like he did today. He's very respectful and protective Laughing out loud
Thais's picture

Well, I see now! I thought

Well, I see now! I thought something was wrong when he acted like that (though I couldn't contact you at all after that to ask, ha), because I always have heard nice things about Comen! They will eventually cross paths again, ofc. Just bear with me, she is pregnant and skittish and still scared @_@

Btw, when a normal sized (not mini) deer uses Devout pelt (like Mrost's) there is no way someone can mess with their set! (: Its like wearing the red one (from the crying idol).
Display pic by crabbycrown ♥
cloudandis's picture

Thank you for your company,

Thank you for your company, stranger.
Sabel, Sam

Image © Alhnna
EmmF's picture

Oh hello! Emm loves your

Oh hello!
Emm loves your picto! She always had respect for you, but now we know you are nice ^^
Bayleen's picture

OMGJOECLARK hallo hallo,

hallo hallo, you've met my doe several times ^^ she absolutely loves Comen's company!! So nice to have a name to a face now.

Seems like a nice guy! I like

Seems like a nice guy! I like his set, makes for a great design <3 I no longer go in-game, I'm always willing to RP with this cutie!
Comen's picture

Why thank you, I wanted a

Why thank you, I wanted a memoriable deer in the forest! I'd be upset if I saw someone who looked like Comen.

I dont understand what you mean when you say you don't go "in-game", Are you saying you stay online and don't get on the game?
0baf0's picture

Hiii! Welcome to the

Hiii! Welcome to the community! Good to finally have a name to go along with the pretty picto. My boy enjoyed the moments he had spent with Comen so far.
Icon - ahimsa.Signature - Qanat. ♥

tracking! &hearts;

tracking! ♥
Wendingo's picture

traaack ouo

traaack ouo

made by foxofthestars!

@Comen} XDAnytime, Yeah I am

@Comen} XDAnytime, Yeah I am online here but I don't play the game anymore.
humi's picture

I think that I've met you

I think that I've met you long ago (maybe when Comen was a fawn) because that picto looks so familiar (:
Comen's picture

Why thank you, thank you

Why thank you, thank you Laughing out loud

He's been my character for two years now, I've tried making him pretty popular around the Forest. I'm glad everyone recognizes him so easily Smiling
cloudandis's picture

-starts burrying him in

-starts burrying him in pinecones-

Sabel, Sam

Image © Alhnna
Comen's picture

Comen wanted to come, but he

Comen wanted to come, but he is SOOO possessive over his tree Sad

The only way he'll leave is if they leave him alone, but they still havent... I'll moo my head off if they do leave me alone and I'LL COME FIND YOU!!
cloudandis's picture

Ahaha xD alright. Sabel is

Ahaha xD alright. Sabel is not int he best of shape right now though, so she won't be jumping about again for a little bit.
Sabel, Sam

Image © Alhnna
Comen's picture

At least Idelle was there to

At least Idelle was there to lead Comen away, she made him realize how immature he was being...

He'll return later to the tree, hopefully they'll be gone
cloudandis's picture

Alright xD x-x" Oh dear.

Alright xD
x-x" Oh dear.
Sabel, Sam

Image © Alhnna
Nazzard's picture

Hi there! I see you've

Hi there! I see you've noticed the discontent among the Ramsiels. Well, as you may have noticed, they were none too happy to have someone sitting at their home uninvited. I've noticed that you are new and as such probably didn't realize that the tree is their home and has been for many years.

Normally the Ramsiels( Ramsus, Isiel, Jhorla, Grimkell, Isabeau, and Z'ev) aren't so aggressive, however, their son (Icarus) just passed away this morning and everyone is in a state of mourning. Therefore aren't very welcoming to strangers, espeically those who are intruding on their home.

I hope this clears up some confusion!

Also as far as sleuthing out pictos and discovering who's who, there is a handy dandy, Map, that allows you to click a picto and be taken to the characters bio.

Discord:Nazzard#9068 ||Click for bios.
Comen's picture

I gotcha, I had no idea that

I gotcha, I had no idea that tree was taken.

I've been playing for a few weeks and have been going to that spot daily, it's never occupied when I'm around it. (Except earlier today, Comen woke up and Ramsus and a mini-deer -Isiel maybe?- were laying next to him.)

ANYWAYS, I'll just have to find another spot for Comen. I personally believe that spot is the beautifulest place in the forest.
Nazzard's picture

The family had been on an out

The family had been on an out of forest vacation for the past week so that was probably why! We really love the place, though, there are plenty of other beautiful trees to be made into homes.

Discord:Nazzard#9068 ||Click for bios.
Comen's picture

Nazzard I dont know if yall

Nazzard I dont know if yall are roleplaying, but if you want to add a little fun into it you can say yall beat Comen up a little bit. I always like to make IC fun, and it'll give me some stuff to roleplay about tomorrow. Comey can be stiff or have a gash on his leg or something.
Comen's picture

*bump* I did some major


I did some major updates to his bio, added a few new members to it! Smiling

Keeping IC and OOC separate
cloudandis's picture

He's certainly becoming known

He's certainly becoming known c:
Sabel, Sam

Image © Alhnna
Comen's picture

Why thank you Sable

Why thank you Sable <3 next time Comen sees you away from Cole/bebes he'll approach you again
cloudandis's picture

I hope to meet on better

I hope to meet on better terms.
Sabel, Sam

Image © Alhnna
Comen's picture

Of course! Comen enjoys and

Of course! Comen enjoys and respects Sabel, if she wants to protect and keep Comen away from babiez then away he shall stay (:
cloudandis's picture

Ehehe xD more like protecting

Ehehe xD more like protecting him from cole at the time.
Sabel, Sam

Image © Alhnna
Jiaruqa's picture


Comen's picture

What do you guys think of my

What do you guys think of my first CSS?
I used Anais and added my own things. Once I get more practice, I'll update it again! <3

*sniffs around*

*sniffs around*
Bayleen's picture

LOVELY JOB srsly kudos

srsly kudos because CSS is hard stuff ;;
Kamaya's picture

Allow me to track this.

Allow me to track this. c:

I got tricked by "Click to make a comment". You should remove it or change the link to "" so it will not send the comment to the blog source of the CSS. ^-^'
Comen's picture

Bumping this so everyone

Bumping this so everyone knows what's going to be happening OOCly for me and ICly for Comen.

I WILL MISS YOU GUYS!!! Hopefully I see everyone at least once a week Laughing out loud
Bayleen's picture

i s2g if he dies I/Bayleen

i s2g if he dies I/Bayleen will cry 5ever n never forgive you ;;
Bayleen's picture

AYYY lovin the new artwork !!

AYYY lovin the new artwork !!