It all began when I was first introduced to him. He didn't have a name, I didn't even know what he should look like. But he gave me a smile and said, "Whatever you'd like, I'd be happy with."
I always called myself "QuadRaptor". It came from an old shooter game where a power-up was called the "Quad Damage", and my favorite dinosaur at the time was the velociraptor, so the two were combined. I've never had a more suitable nickname, so I called him "Quad" as well. If it really had a hidden meaning, I will never know.
I wanted him to wear the real deer mask and the gazelle antlers so he'd look more like a goat, which at the time was my favorite animal. He found the beluga pelt, and I fell in love with the look, and he agreed. I always thought it made him look like he was smiling with big, puffy white cheeks.
He first started out as a mischief maker, he loved smelling other deer's butts and getting them to react. But then we compromised that it was getting old and we'd rather do something else. Then he decided to be more silly, dancing and laughing every day, hanging out with anyone he could find. Before I got rooted too deeply into the community...
I came up with a story for him, and soon after I invented a species of winged deer called "Talux". Quad was the "Grand Talux", and had four wings to match his name. He was a healer and a fighter for all that was good. He battled an infectious stoat who a friend of mine helped me name "Iugulare", and often he would be defeated by her, only to find the courage and strength to keep fighting and ultimately overcome his adversary.
Quad met a young doe named Mazey, and the two fell in love. Soon he had a daughter named Zephyr who looked just like him (aside from a different set of antlers) and a brother named Axie, and they were part of the story.
But since then, since Mazey had gone away, Quad had wandered the Forest, seeing his friends mating and playing with one another, seeing love in their eyes much like the love he had for Mazey. He longed for another like her, but never thought he'd find anyone who would care for such a silly stag. He stopped dancing and playing as often, many times sitting alone by a tree or sleeping in a patch of violet flowers.
This was often the way I was, too. Sitting alone, just being a spectator to all that was around me.
Times had changed since the days Quad was young. Many of his friends and acquaintances left the Forest, and alternatively new faces appeared and filled in the gaps. The Forest was much like the world around us - always changing, sometimes for the better, other times for the worse.
I understand now that Quad really is a part of me, and not just pixels in a virtual forest. When I am happy, he is laughing. When I am depressed, he sits alone. There were days that I told him how much I loved him and how beautiful he was to me. There were days I didn't want to see him, even if he still smiled at me as lovingly as ever. There were some days I said I hated him, words I never really meant but I couldn't think clear enough. He would still be there for me, even if I pushed him away. I understand that he is very understanding and also very forgiving.
He is very much like me, too. He is dependable, genuine, open-minded. He represents my strengths and virtues (and maybe Iugulare represents my weaknesses and vices).
I understand that no matter what life throws at me, no matter what evils I say toward Quad, he's always going to be protecting me. I just need to find my light, and Quad is the one to do that.
On the days that I lose my light, I have these links to refer to :
Break Free
The Things I've Learned
A Light
On Self Worth
When It Hurts...
"Point Where It Hurts"
For Quad: Touch
Bombshell (for the story Vandettta posted in the comments)
Words of Encouragement
Like a Shot in the Heart
"Just Remember..."
Meltdowns :
Died of a Broken Heart
I promised...
I won't let it happen again
Wasting Away
And something for this community, for all the support you have given me through this difficult process.
If I missed anything important, let me know and I'll add it here.
As always, your writing is
Track to read more, looks
*sits with a bucket of pine
Sorry, I was in the middle of
This made me smile.
*applauds* Well-spoke, sir,
I love this.
I believe I was sniffing
I believe I was sniffing Cyric in this avatar.
Beautiful. I've always found
I've always found that the characters who have meant most to me have been reflections of parts of myself. I'm glad you've found yours :3, buttsniffer
Track ^-^
Bluejay17, I really want to
Today I have come to a decision, that I really do have things to be proud of, and that I am not, and never have been, worthless. I'm going to do my very best to stop all this self-pity I've been feeding into. It stops today.
What do I have pride in?
- I really am a good person with hopes and dreams that I am genuinely working toward.
- Generous as hell. I sometimes give money to those who really need it even when I can't really afford to give it.
- I'm willing to try new things and learn from others. I never would have become a fan of many bands I now love (Fall Out Boy and Sonata Arctica to name a couple) if I hadn't have given them a chance in my life. I never would have liked roe sushi if I didn't try it. I would have never learned about Buddhism and how beautiful meditation is, and how mindful living makes life so much more meaningful if I never gave it a chance.
- I make an effort in life instead of giving up. I've contemplated what things would have been like if I was never born, or if I had run away or done worse to myself. I now understand that I really do have a purpose in life, and that is to make the world better, through my writings, through expressing kindness to others, through openmindness, and through charity.
- I did perhaps the most challenging course in the entirety of the geology program at my college - Field Camp - and passed. For almost a month I was living in a tent, going on hikes, mapping rock formations, ect. I learned teamwork, I learned confidence (I actually jumped off of a cliff into a lake), I learned to have an open mind (I was very, very fascinated with the people in New Mexico and Arizona, especially the Natives and their culture out there)...I hiked halfway down the Grand Canyon for heaven's sake! At the end of the course I got to sign a flag with everyone else who went through Field Camp, and that flag is now displayed in the office at my school.
- I'm proud that I will be actually living my dream. I wanted to study fossils and rocks when I was a kid, but I was pressured into going into a more 'practical' field such as to be a teacher or to work with computers. But look at me now, I'm about to graduate in Geology. I'm going to get to do what I've always wanted. I think my inner child, the one who wanted to dig up velociraptor skeletons, is thanking me right now.
So what I need to do -
- No more self-pity
- No more feeling inadequate
- Remind myself that I'm a smart person
- Remind myself I'm one-of-a-kind and unique
- Remind myself I'm skilled
- Remind myself I'm loved
- Go save the world
After reading that I feel
Anyways, I don't know you too well but I can see that you're a good person, so just keep in mind that fact. And, yeah, it would be a good idea to look at this "Quadraptor is Awesome" page once in a while.
This is on my updates page
This is on my updates page now so I'll see it whenever I need to look at this page again
Anyway, the reason for all of these words of encouragement really comes down to what I have had happen in my life. My dad passed away last year, and since then I have been in a bad emotional snowball, feeling very regretful for things I didn't do, being ashamed of who I am, questioning if my life is even worth it.
But after going to some therapy sessions, speaking with others who are suffering depression, and learning so much from Buddhism, I'm nearly out of this ditch and on my feet again. I stumble, but we all do. I'm now taking proactive steps to not only accepting who I am, but being proud of who I am too. It's difficult to do so when you put up barriers.
It took a very long time to understand who I am. I'm still learning about myself, but at least now I'm much more accepting, and also I realize that I'm me and noone else, and if someone has a problem with me being me, then that's they're problem and not mine.
*long-distance nuzzles* Thanks again. Hope to see you in the Forest sometime so Quad can give you a nuzzle too
We all know what it's like to
Keep posting positves everyone - especially you, Quad *nuzzles back*
This made me cry.
Hitting you over the head
You’re bleeding
Boy you want more?
This is so like you I said
Put yourself on back to bed †
It's so beautiful!!!
Oh Quad.... *big hug* This
Wild Thing and Quad need to get together and sit with each other. Wild Thing is my version of your Quad.
Just... Love for this page. Lots of it.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3