Love is a touchy subject.
During her stay in the forest, she has been witness to the fallout of countless relationships, many of which with whom she had been close to. She does not seek a mate, nor does she have any real desire to be paired off; still young and innocent, the concept of love is not yet within her grasp.
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
Yay, bio! =D
Yes! But It's just a 'rough
She's just looking for a
Unfortunatly, that place is probably found on four weather-chipped hooves.
Aw, I wish she didn't feel
Thank you...that means a
I'm afraid Rowan probably won't last to see Lin into a young doe, she seems to killing herself with misery. Though I must say, if not for Lin, she may very well have been a forgotten carcass already. Lin really gives her something to live for...Thanks...
Well, I'm glad Lin is able
Oh you're the one with the
Nice to meet you!
^To my Updates! See who's online!^
I guess that is what I'm
Likewise! Hope to see Martisol in the forest!
P.S. I think that pic up
^To my Updates! See who's online!^
;__; We would beat up your
But if they show up we'll fight anyway. Cause we loves you and you don't waste our time at all. ^^
=o!....Darcy is going to
Darcy and Shyla's Updates/Bios
Rai: It was really
I heard roaring, and when I came back, they were bucking and rearing at her, running around her in circles! Poor Lin high tailed it out of there. xD But not unscathed, of course. A few cuts and bruises here and there, and she's limping, but nothing to serious.
Shi: xD
Ever since the Baal incident with the dead fawn happened, the forest has been pretty alert.
A few days before my computer crashed and I had to remove TEF, Walter was messing with a fawn, but Ephra, Virgil and the others came right away and warded him off. Lin was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.
-glares at Darcy- Oh, no! No more sparring for you, mister! -huffs-
Was that you who was being
@Terabetha: You mean the
Wait now he's out again and STILL won't be quiet. At least I made Maverick get pretty far from the Pond XD
^To my Updates! See who's online!^
Might have been my deer
Oh yeah. And that deer that
^To my Updates! See who's online!^
I'm done. I'm sick and
Oh Lin... -sighs and
Darcy and Shyla's Updates/Bios
Terabetha; You're guess is
You're guess is as good as mine! Oh, it's fine, you really shouldn't be the one to apologize! Lin appreciates your help, along with all the other deer who so bravely defended her! He only seemed interested in her, so I thought it best if I logged off, seeing as he was only after my Lin. Although it didn't seem to do any good, from what I hear.
AA; So that was Maverick! I was wondering who that nice fellow was; to bad I didn't see his picto!
Shi; -looks down, shuffles feet- I-I'm sorry, D-darcy!
I just couldn't stand to see him harass everyone..and because of me! I hate seeing my friends get hurt...I couldn't help myself! Please forgive me..I..I knew you were still a bit wounded from that one fight with Darkweaver..and I just snapped when he began bucking and rearing at you...-looks up-
As for my wounds...I'm fine. Not as badly injured as some of the others, I'm sure. -nuzzles- Besides...I fought well..right? -cocks head-
Sadly it wasn't just you, it
They were trying to protect
Darcy and Shyla's Updates/Bios
-scowl- I know, I know...
-scowl- I know, I know... It's just that, I've never been attacked before, so I didn't know how to defend myself. I only stood there because I was startled, and I didn't know what to do..It should've been run, I mean, but he caught me off guard, and everything just happened so fast! Heh. But in my defense, even if I did run away, he would've just chased me down, like before, and everyone would've followed. Eventually, it would have turned in to some wild goose chase. -frowns- Alright, I'll try not to get in any more trouble..but only if you teach me how to fight! Nobody will be expecting a girl to fight back, so I'll take 'em by surprise! -bounces around-
I will die from the cuteness
Darcy and Shyla's Updates/Bios
She is one confident
Lin was wondering why Darcy was so happy go lucky today; she's to naive to figure out it was the mushrooms. All her little brain told her was that Darcy was hungry. xD
Ohgawd XDDDD''' He's such a
Darcy and Shyla's Updates/Bios
All the more reason to enjoy
She was extremely suspicious when he started dancing on Virgil. xD
Omg <3 Lin makes me smile
Thanks for the good times xD <3 I always look for you inforest D8
-- Dannii <3
;_________; -sputter- Darcy
Darcy and Shyla's Updates/Bios
;__; <3 Nuwa will do her
-- Dannii <3
ohnoez. I really wish I
I really wish I knew what the motives of that stag were...why he seems out to get Lin. >< I know s/he bothers other fawns to, but every time I log on, they're there.
-sigh- Thats so
Maybe you should jsut...ignore him next tim? >__< Or NUZZLE SPAM XD -fail-
Darcy and Shyla's Updates/Bios
I'mma trying. Sitting down
Sorry Dannii, I completely skipped over your posts.
It was nice to finally meet Nuwa today; Lin had fun with her! I do apologize for getting her involved in that fight though. It seems you met her demonic stag 'friend'? ^^;
Oh, and they do share similair pictograms, except that mine kinda hooks down in the middle...if that makes sense. Lin could almost pass for Talienes daughter.
xD She was more than willing
o3o <3 FFFF Taliene would probably adopt Lin D: Lin's a sweetheart <3
-- Dannii <3
Gah, that deer is so
I saw it again today, but we've managed to discover it's weakness! Nuzzles! lol, it seems to not like when people nuzzle and laugh at it (heck, if I was a bully, I'd feel the same!) so maybe next time, try a little tender loving care lol xD
Darcy and Shyla's Updates/Bios
-- Dannii <3
Darcy can have her on
That's jsut creepy though!
Darcy and Shyla's Updates/Bios
LOL -DIE- -- Dannii
-- Dannii <3
Lin is on the mushrooms! =O
-sputterdie- Are you trying
Darcy and Shyla's Updates/Bios
She was angry because she
But Darcy,
all the other fawns are doing it.Why can't I have some? If you're eating it, it must be Ok...OH MY GOD. -DIES- NÜWA:
NÜWA: ...-blank stare-
-- Dannii <3
Because! Only silly,
^___^'' ohlawd
Sorry I poofed >< I minimized...But I was actually going to go anyways >< I hope she'll be ok @___@ You got me all paranoid now -squeak-
Darcy and Shyla's Updates/Bios
That's fine, I was about to
Hi Nuwa! Hehe...I didn't mean to. And you're not stupid, Darcy! You're the coolest, stag I know, and one of my bestest friends! Silly, yes, but not stupid!. I won't do it again, never, ever! I promise! Besides, I feel kinda funny...
Shyla Clone!
RUTILUS: -growls- Don't you
LOL. He's so badly beaten |DD Not a surprise.
-- Dannii <3
You should not need to face
*snarls* I am no coward!
Dannii: -wails- But it's
Terabetha: Thank you, Queze! Like I said before, you shouldn't be the one to apologize..thank you really, but you guys shouldn't be the ones to..suffer. This has gotten out of hand, though...I appreciate your concern, I really do, but I hate it when you all suffer because of some deer's...grudge?
VIPIN: -cocks his head,