I've made up my mind and I'm asking any others who have done the same to join me!
This is not going to be an easy task and one person alone is NOT going to be able to manage it. But I've decided to dedicate myself to trying to make this work - and with the help of other's who are willing to do the same I BELIEVE we can do this!
... so without further babble I present to you:
It takes a lot of time, effort, and FUNDING to keep our forest running and without the funds we don't get updates or repairs. Without funding eventually we loose our Forest! The goal of Project Greenleaf is to help to provide the funding to keep our Forest running! We want to show our support to Auriea & Michaël and to let them know that WE LOVE OUR FOREST and want to see it continue to thrive and maybe even GROW!
We want to see our Forest continue and hopefully to stay free-to-play, since paying a fee each month would seriously take away from the very nature of TEF. By promoting donations specifically to The Endless Forest and raising funds for the same goal we hope to help make a dent in the expenses of keeping our Forest running!
This is a big job - and it's going to take a lot of dedication in order for this project to succeed - but we believe that it IS possible for us to make a difference if we work together to do so!
Donations to TEF are fantastic and if you can afford to do so we will always encourage it! However, everyone has their own motivation and we understand that sometimes you want to get a little something more back - So Project Greenleaf is seeking MEMBERS to assist in our fund raising efforts!
We are looking for:
- Members to help organize fund raising, put together project ideas, and help coordinate our efforts.
- Members who are willing to create TEF related artwork, jewelry, plushies, etc. & donate a portion of their profits to TEF.
- People who want to donate directly to TEF.
- People who are willing to purchase commissions/products through Project Greenleaf to help fund TEF.**
- People who are willing to post a link to Project Greenleaf in their posts/journals etc. and to help spread the word!
code: remember to remove the spaces!
[url = http://endlessforest.org/community/project-greenleaf-keep-our-forest-end... ] [IMG] http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a99/khephrii/pgl1.jpg [/IMG] [/url]
If you can't do anything else - PLEASE link this project post in your journals/signatures/where ever to show support.
(we even made you a pretty banner for it!)
Even if you can't donate, participate in sales, or help any other way getting the word around does an enormous amount!! EVERY PERSON COUNTS!
Right now we are in our 'collecting members' phase - once we have a large enough list of people to start, we'll work together to help everyone get set up and work out the details! So don't let the phrase "I don't know how" keep you from trying - we'll be here to help!
Michael and Auriea have given us a button!! Now you can donate directly to Project Greenleaf/The Endless Forest! Shop-owners feel free to add this button to your store fronts & buyers, note that there are a few shops that will take your direct donations as 'payment' for their services! <3
Donate Directly Project Greenleaf & TeF! Keep our Forest growing!
We encourage responsibility! If you are underage PLEASE get your parents permission before donating/purchasing from shop owners!
Also - for those of us who are in the United States and bad with numbers, here's an online currency rate converter to help you understand the amounts! <3
**Code may be found here!** (as I am having trouble getting it to show up here... < T.T; > )
<img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1">
When you have one and one and one and more suddenly you aren't so small!
If you would like to become a participating member in Project Greenleaf for any of the needs above you may either post in this journal OR send a message to Light the Sky using the CONTACT link found on her main page.
Members So Far:
Light the Sky | Check out her shop HERE | Project Coordinator / Artwork/jewelry/custom items!
Terabetha | Check out her shop HERE | pure awsome deercraft! <3
Drache | art/crafts department | Coordinator <3
Quamar | Check out her shop HERE | artist extraordinary! <3
Vindonnus | art/crafts department <3
CelticMystress | Check out her shop HERE | - forest-style products of all types! <3
Rishawyn | art/crafts department <3
Misako | art/crafts department <3
Paralda | Check out her shop HERE | art/crafts department | shop donor <3
Emiva | art/crafts department <3
Jen | Check out her shop HERE | Plushies of your deer! <3
Ravenflight | Check out her shop HERE | art/crafts department | Plushie Designer! <3
tweatle13 | art/crafts department | <3
Avani | Coordinator | <3 <3
shiori | arts/crafts department!<3
Fledermaus | Check out her shop HERE | Wonderful stuff!!!
Doe | Check out her shop HERE | Awesome painted/plain skulls & forest jewelry! <3
Redkora | & The Stagleaf blog! | & Shop HERE!! |
QuadRaptor | Check out his shop HERE | Jewelry + Lots of Awesome!
MrsHalloween | arts/crafts department!<3
yurei | arts/crafts department!<3
LexFirehind | Adorable deer ornaments! Arts/crafts department <3
Supporters Think you've got 'no' skillz? Get on the list anyway and show your support for TEF! <3
Serynn | Supporter <33
Moonsorrow | Supporter <33
Freyja | Supporter <33
Enkou | Supporter <33
dindra | Supporter <33
comet954 | Supporter <33
Rain | Supporter <33
JesusFreak3 | Supporter <33
Dannii | Supporter <33
Flyra | Supporter <33
IoRez | Supporter <33
MickKreiger | Supporter <33
Update: June 17th, 2009 | Ugh I have been so busy lately with real life that I've been a little slow on keeping up with updates. <3 I'm going to continue to be a bit occupied elsewhere as we ready for our summer vacation, but I'll be doing my best to keep things up to date.
On another note however I would truly like to hear any ideas that anyone else has for the project! I know that I do not have the time away from my family life to be able to run the project in any more serious a way than it is at the moment, but I am seriously dedicated to seeing it continue and I know that there are others who feel the same way.
Update: May 18th, 2009 Doe has started us a Greenleaf DA club!!! <333 CHECK IT OUT!!!
http://project-green-leaf.deviantart.com <3333 I think this is a great way to show off our wares & maybe even increase the potential for outside-the-forest buyers for forest ware! <333 Thanks so much Doe! <3333
I would gladly sign on as a
This is so great that you are taking initiative on this, I think I can speak for us all when I say we are very grateful :')
This is great, Light! I
Also I think that another great way to fund is this tip:
*If you find yourself wanting something you necessarily don't need, take the price of that object and donate that money to the forest. I find myself doing that when it comes to saving money. Something will be $10 and I'll think to myself "I really don't need that, I could use this elsewhere for something more important" and find myself with $50 the next day because I didn't buy something I didn't typically need and realize I can now afford the one thing I really do need.
Aw, I really would love to
Best of luck from me!
This is a fantastic idea! :
Forest FAQ
Tera - <3 Once we have more
Drache -
Light the Sky | Ryse | Nyadere | Hemlock
I could offer some artwork.
I can't start taking commissions immediately though but in the future. I really wish to help.
[you can count me in.]
I wish I could help, but not
I'd be more than happy to go
Though I certainly won't be able to be as quick at them as before. Have a job atm that cuts into my time. xD But I'd like to help!
*adds a section of the
Gah! Quammyartzrockmysocks! <333 *lol*
& Thanks everyone for the comments/support so far! <33 *needs to locate a good egroup/forum somethingorother to start hosting member info/hold meetings/group brainstorm once things get going more*
| Light the Sky |
Also I think it would be
Drache - one step ahead of
| Light the Sky |
Sign me up for the plushie
although I might be a maybe because I have to convince my parents to get me a paypal first
Lookie me, supportin'! *Does
Anyways, I'll keep trying to figure out Photoshop (tricky if you have no idea what you're doing) and drawing. I've wanted to donate money in the past, but now... I don't want to, just in case M&A decide to use it for something other than the forest. I hope they see this and understand how much the forest means to us.
I even set myself up a TEF
Anything that I would usually use on an impulse xD
Seening how this is somthing
'Smile, it's easier than explaning why you're sad.'
Light, I'm SO glad to see
I would like to be in the: art/crafts department
And a lot of what I get from whatever I make will go to TEF!
I could draw and sell stuff.
can i join? i could draw..in
i could draw..in real life and send the drawings by mail.I could also support this
thank you for loving our endless forest ! <3
Thanks to everyone for the
Member's list has been updated again. <3 Now back to more researching < o.o' > ugh!
| Light the Sky |
Light the Sky, I think you
Serynn - Rawr! *lol* Thank
| Light the Sky |
You can sign me up for the
--Stays a lonely Seele
I'll gladly become a
Project Greenleaf now has a
You have my full support. <3
can i join? can i be a
can i be a suporter please?
[move]TEF rocks![/move]
i support it totally! when
when someone ask to me a Comission in Deviant i will donate it to TEF <3
Listings so updated! <333
I'm still working on the coordination forum. There is a lot of information that is going to have to go in there to start off with & UGH I always forget how much work setting up a site like this is. < x.x >
| Light the Sky |
Oh,i think since you have
(i have updated mine)
I'd love to be a part of
Hugs and kisses,
Rishawyn - GHAK! I didn't
*changes it back since she doesn't want to link-break everyone who is already linked!* < O.o' > oops.
| Light the Sky |
Man..I would really love to
Sadly I'm unsure what how much help I could be. If I did help I would be on Arts and Crafts as well ^^ I'm just uncertain if I have the energy to do commissions. I guess it'll kinda depend on how the whole thing is organized? I'm curious on that point.
But um...I guess you can put my name up for Art till I can figure it out fully ^^ I suppose littler projects wont get too much in the way. I reall would like to help!
Darcy, Shyla, and Kailani's Updates/Bios
Light, I wouldn't mind
wow this really makes me
i'd love to help in the
Hugs and kisses,
Drache - Thank you! <33 I'll
kana - A chessboard?!?!? *insta-luffs!!* <33 What an awesome idea!!! If you ever do put one together I'd love to see it! <333
Emiva - Ahk! I'm sorry I missed seeing your post the first time!! You're on the list now. <33 Thank you!
| Light the Sky |
Hugs and kisses,
I'm glad to help in any way
Please add me to the
I also made a journal about
Jen - Oooh! Thank you so
| Light the Sky |
I would love to help but I
Comet - <3 Even spreading
| Light the Sky |
O8 Oh do put me down for a
Oh do put me down for a plushie designer!
I just had the best idea. O:
(For a way for me to donate, that is, so you all don't think I'm keeping something from you that could benefit project Greenleaf)
I really wish I could help,
This is such as briliant
It is so good to see so many TEF players invloved, We all believe in our forest, and trust that everyone who dwells in it will help keep it Endless and filled with new locations and interactions!
I am 100% dedicated to this idea as I am willing to help do the traditional art works including marker works and water colour penicls as some of my deer artwork is seen on the Deviant art Endless forest Fan page. I hope your team can accept me and trust that I can be reliable! :]
Good luck all Endless forest members, I hope this Project can soar onwards even higher and achieve its goals.
Please consider reading this coment, I would love to be a member of this Marvelous Project: Green leaf.
See ya~ In the forest!
Deviant art: Tweatle
I would gladly help you
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
Elm - Even if you can't
We hope it takes off as well. *found a 4 leaf-clover this morning & decides to apply it to the project* < >.< >
| Light the Sky |
I'm not terribly crafty, but
"Fragments fall and reflect the Light. Dust slowly covers my thoughts." - Yorres, Lightbringer