Same setup as the
Plant-Deer directory, but for dragons
Essentially I wanted to make a directory of TEF deer who were dragons in the Endless Forest. They can be fully dragon, dragon-deer, or someone who transforms into a dragon from another form. And yes, kirin characters are welcome too
Please note that this is not in any way a 'herd'. I simply would like to have a reference of characters who are dragons. In addition, they don't necessarily have to be played in the Forest - if you write about this character on TEFc (for example, how I write about Anirapio yet she isn't played in-game), they count too.
How to submit a character for the directory -
Just post in the comments below, and please include the following for me:
- a link to their biography
- a link to their pictogram (if they have one)
- a reference picture (I will shrink them to fit on here if they're too big) with credit to who drew the picture
- how they were created/born/originated *optional*
- a paragraph-long description of your character's appearance, powers, personality, ect.