tactful (t?kt' f?l) adjective
Possessing the ability to point out any or all negatives, you see in a person, in a positive way. If you are good at it, the person will believe, you are giving them a compliment and ask for more. Reading this proves that in relationships, you have learned to be tactful. Otherwise, you would be taking a very long dirt nap six-foot under.
Mary Page aka theano
Art and drawing is a living paradox. When a person does art in its many forms they draw from their experiences, their moods, their needs, and give it meaning and perspective according to their view of the world. As you show it to other people a relationship forms because no one is exactly like you, and no one has had the same experiences as you, and no one has a iron clad grip on the truth. We all have desires, prejudices, and preferences.
The discussion begins. What you thought you presented is interpreted differently by another. If the choice of medium is open enough the interpretations cross our walls and boundaries. It is suppose to create a conflict. It is suppose to make each side uncomfortable. It is in our uncomfortableness we finally speak our truth. In communicating through what ever form there is we begin to see the world through other eyes. There is an infallible eternal truth woven through out our experiences and world, but as humans we can approach the infinite but we never get to the end of it. Art forms in picture, music and writing make us face the multiple realities that exist in our world. We develop compassion and tolerance. We see the other point of view. We never have to agree with it, but we respect it because it is their reality and base they work, play, and speak from.
We are all born, we all suffer in this life to some degree because of our folly, we will all die. In esoteric, eternal moments art lets us transcend our truth in a container by bursting the bubble we wrap it in, and spill it out among the others.