October 18, 2014 - 2:40am — theano
I did not make this but you all are that talented. Gives a whole new way to think about deer dancing in the endless forest. 3 deer escaped and they are dancing around all over LOL! Please return to the endless forest before the deer hunters get you
October 10, 2014 - 5:07pm — theano
“Your growing antlers,' Bambi continued, 'are proof of your intimate place in the forest, for of all the things that live and grow only the trees and the deer shed their foliage each year and replace it more strongly, more magnificently, in the spring. Each year the trees grow larger and put on more leaves. And so you too increase in size and wear a larger, stronger crown.”
? Felix Salten, Bambi's Children
October 10, 2014 - 5:03pm — theano
“Somehow, having a deer preside over the ceremony of a werewolf and a girl seems oddly appropriate.”
? Maggie Stiefvater, Shiver
October 10, 2014 - 5:03pm — theano
“Somehow, having a deer preside over the ceremony of a werewolf and a girl seems oddly appropriate.”
? Maggie Stiefvater, Shiver
October 10, 2014 - 5:01pm — theano
Not original but how I feel about the forest
Love Makes Everything Beautiful
She Speaks:
I am merely a rose[a]
from the land of Sharon,
a lily from the valley.
He Speaks:
My darling, when compared
with other young women,
you are a lily among thorns.
She Speaks:
And you, my love,
are an apple tree
among trees of the forest.
Your shade brought me pleasure;
your fruit was sweet.
You led me to your banquet room
and showered me with love.
Refresh and strengthen me
with raisins and apples.
I am hungry for love!
Put your left hand under my head
and embrace me
with your right arm.
Young women of Jerusalem,
promise me by the power
of deer and gazelles[b]
never to awaken love
before it is ready.
June 14, 2013 - 10:01am — theano
Wrote a novel "The Grand New Delhi Escapade" and you can find it anywhere in the world at the usual online outlets if interested. I spent many hours here frolicking for years. A thank you to quadraptor and all his wonderful ways and writings. He stepped up the writing here that helped me decide to go ahead and give it a try. I hope someday he takes the next step as well and makes a book his cool stuff. Tis a great place to experiment and think here since everyone is so supportive and kind. So write on, draw on, screenshot on and Dream Big Dreams Your Way. Here is the summary.
In the adventure novel The Grand New Delhi Escapade, Sharlene McGowan has the uncanny ability of getting into trouble without trying. Losing her mom three years ago leads to her move to India to be with her well-known father, Dr. Greg McGowan. When Sharlene insists upon going to the marketplace one day, her father has important meetings at the New Delhi embassy. He asks his assistant Sajiv Karran to accompany Sharlene and keep her safe. While at the Sarojini Market, a bomb explodes at the embassy, making Sharlene and Sajiv take shelter at his cousin's home. That evening they are met by Colonel Sanjit Kapoor, an army soldier assigned to the embassy to take care of special envoys. Together they must unravel the bombing threat. Mary Page lives in Baytown, Texas. After facing numerous personal challenges, she met a young man from India on Facebook who shared the tragedy of his brother's death at a young age. The author had lost a daughter at birth. "We talked about when someone dies it is the realization of what they they miss in life afterwards. We thought about the people they do not meet, the stories they miss, and the events they never participate in. India has a different way of looking at things that helped me sort through my issues." She is writing the sequel.
February 17, 2012 - 6:17am — theano
Wrote a novel "The Grand New Delhi Escapade" and you can find it anywhere in the world at the usual online outlets if interested. I spent many hours here frolicking for years. A thank you to quadraptor and all his wonderful ways and writings. He stepped up the writing here that helped me decide to go ahead and give it a try. I hope someday he takes the next step as well and makes a book his cool stuff. Tis a great place to experiment and think here since everyone is so supportive and kind. So write on, draw on, screenshot on and Dream Big Dreams Your Way. Here is the summary.
In the adventure novel The Grand New Delhi Escapade, Sharlene McGowan has the uncanny ability of getting into trouble without trying. Losing her mom three years ago leads to her move to India to be with her well-known father, Dr. Greg McGowan. When Sharlene insists upon going to the marketplace one day, her father has important meetings at the New Delhi embassy. He asks his assistant Sajiv Karran to accompany Sharlene and keep her safe. While at the Sarojini Market, a bomb explodes at the embassy, making Sharlene and Sajiv take shelter at his cousin's home. That evening they are met by Colonel Sanjit Kapoor, an army soldier assigned to the embassy to take care of special envoys. Together they must unravel the bombing threat. Mary Page lives in Baytown, Texas. After facing numerous personal challenges, she met a young man from India on Facebook who shared the tragedy of his brother's death at a young age. The author had lost a daughter at birth. "We talked about when someone dies it is the realization of what they they miss in life afterwards. We thought about the people they do not meet, the stories they miss, and the events they never participate in. India has a different way of looking at things that helped me sort through my issues." She is writing the sequel.
January 23, 2012 - 3:08am — theano
Went to school
Attended college
Had babies, two
After 28 years
Soap Opera story
Career loss
Put out to pasture.
Refuse to go quietly
Started business
Need job
Please hire.
SEO Writing
Children's Book
Career found
Life abundantly again
(thought I had better do that here rather than send out

January 21, 2012 - 2:07am — theano
By the computer I sit down.
Watch the world form.
Information comes streaming round.
Read, Realize. Act.
Separating, my mind's eye sees.
Lies I tell to self.
Hidden desires confront.
Choices to be made.
Questions create anxiety.
New path to be walked?
Blended realities for me.
Who am I today?
An entanglement possibly.
Desperately wanting.
Contemplating taking a chance.
Satisfying me.
Make the mess enjoy the chaos.
Living or dying?
Walking toward it or run away?
INtense pondering.
Arguing endlessly with self.
It is what it is.
It will be or it will not be.
Think I will just live.
(Thinking compliments of a friend from India)
January 15, 2012 - 6:10am — theano
I hold the cup in hand
while gazing across the way
at your face.
I watch your breath enter
and marvel at your presence;
feel your life.
The warmth of the tea cup
mirrors my warm heart for you
and for us.
My eyes cast down and see
the handle and a shadow
form a heart.
Realizing I love you
I look into your dark eyes
to confirm.
I see you smile knowing
and your eyes begin to glow
and there's love.