
Celestial Tear

Who are you, I once met light
From another angle, in another time

I cry for you a celestial tear
If we were only memories from other times

Hubbird and Silver

concept designs for two of my deer Smiling


The quiet company of the forest is always comforting to us \ very few places left online where one can just exist & still be among others \
its been a few months since we lasted posted - updated Acele's Pronouns from [ They - Them ] -> [ He - It ]

[ our in game avatar doesn't have a set look - so its always a delightful surprise to glance over and see a new pelt or antlers from a passerby ]


my first proper blogpost, i painted my boy bergylt!! come find him on the water at the pond Smiling


a little sketch of reya <3


likes it here

Film Study - Bambi

Last week We watched a documentary on the art director of Bambi and his life story. Tyrus Wong was a Chinese Immigrant that lived in a period of extreme Racism in America - his style and knowledge of Calligraphy and brushwork single-handedly made the move look the way it does. We've been enraptured on the way he focused on capturing the overall feel of a piece instead of the subject inside it.

By the Creek

I started this WIP a few weeks back while the three of us were relaxing by the creek, I figured I would post it.

From left to right: Piaf, Turi (yours truly), Uitleger

I find the idea of Uitleger's candles dripping wax on their own head while they nap rather amusing.


Piaf belongs to MariaCanker

Such a lovely design, thank you for keeping Turi company in the forest.

Sketchy Fyn

Looooong legs
This is essentially just me figuring out Fynmear's design/proportions, but it's an ok sketch so I figured I'd put it here.
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