
A Redesign of an old old gal. (Rhoda redesign)

If any of you remember me from way back in 2013 when I was a very cringey 12 year old. Well, Rhoda was my first OC. You can see her old design on her bio but she was basically a zebra/deer/raptor hybrid, yes I know very odd. While I doubt I'll use Rhoda on TEF anymore I figured you guys would like to see how I decided to bring her back to life.

I went in a completely fantasy direction with her, making her a Kirin. There were a few things I did like from Rhoda's old design like the long tail, the claws and the red feathers. So these aspects I decided to keep, though I added some red feathers on her back as well and changed where the deadly claws are located. Basically everything else was changed about her since let's be honest, her old design was a giant train wreck lol.


Slightly different version of my doe and without the getup. Went for a more fae(fairy)/ethereal look and I hope it shows.

Joining ((Satja)

Glad to join the herd


Hi everyone, I'm somewhat alive again on this site after several years. This is my main doe character Rúnhildur. Of course I'm all about that witchy vibe.
karame's picture


Something quick while I work on something big.
Caffeine and heartache don't go well together. If you see me in forest, do drop by to hush the ache.


p's picture

My deer P

My deer, his name is P.
He is named after the shape of his pictogram.

There is old history about him having some sort of eye injury at a young age.
Chewbaccabigsis's picture

Sanguis et Aurum +Art+

Made this bloody boi on procreate

Christmas Keyboard Deer Spraypaint snowballs 1990s Ha! ASCII

Took ASCII email critter we use to send to each other when the Internet was new and we thought it was awesome hahahahahaha.

Everybody would try it and we would run to the email to see what someone had created.

1990s Internet art where it all began

El Paso had free Internet in Texas and we would flock there

Most all of it gone now. Think only one web page USA exists of the original webpages and the emails are mostly gone Yahoo earthlink

So glad it improved but everyone had fun
Colored in paint

Graffiti and ascii keyboard deer

Spray paint and old 1990s keyboard critters in the emails Smiling

For the Michael Jackson deer called Monstr hahahaha 90s are back

Wanna be starting something

Monster is in Ghost hahahaha

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