Osmotiou's Rut Blog Shenanigans
Hello and Welcome to Osmotious's Rut blog!
UPDATE: WELP we are now on day 9 and i am playing catch-up with everyone as ive been sick and unable to get in the forest. lets hope these characters can make something out of the rut.
My darling husband got me sick, ive been running a fever and have tonsillitis hooray! Im basically taking medicine around the clock and will try to participate as much as i can. i hate being sick.
This little box up here will mainly be my own little update box. I work as an embryologist and will try my hardest to get in game as much as possible, but i just couldn't miss the rut! Each character has their bios and toyhouse links off to the side for easy access but each individual tab will be for a single character. The tabs are labeled with the fist letter of their name.
Some of these guys need updated bios or art, im fast at work trying to put together their toyhouse bios as well. do not fret more info will come in the coming days.

Male - He/they - Pansexual - Golden peacock stag - size between #10-17- picto
Swiggity Sootie Update on that bootie:
Day 2 : Amancer was showing shiori around the forest talking about nonsense when he caught sight of two young bucks off to the side giving him a sideways glance. As one of the young bucks approached suggesting a fight. This buck was Cennétig he looked down to Shiori and ushered her to the sidelines ensuring she was safe. He chuckled with a smirk as he flared his tail feathers out and let out a loud call accepting the others request. His opponent was a little rash in his decisions and inexperience. During their fight instead of pounding into the kid for a sure win he offered up words of wisdom. using your weight this way, getting low, widen your stance, etc. He received a few blows to the chest and shoulders and lost several (12) of his tail feathers. they now lay across the forests floor free to those who find them. The battle continued on until Cennétig fell to the ground and the other young buck Pythia came charging in to announce the fight was over. Amancer backed away bowing to them both. "Indeed that was a good fight, i look forward to seeing you fight others." he says as he turns around to be greeted by a small group of onlookers. He retired with those who wanted to join him in a small flower patch to rest. his ego is definitely hurt over the loss of his feathers. poor pretty boi.
On lookers included: Shiori,Pythia,Vidal,Briathe,Crescent and perhaps 1 or 2 more that i didnt have the chance to snap your picto from the map.
Day 11 : Since the earlier days of the season its been relatively quiet. Hes found solace in the time spent with shiori, talking to her and keeping her safe. hes grown attached to the small doe, but he wont let himself tell her. He fears heart break, hes lost too many in the passed. perhaps this life suits him better. (emotional conflicts.) Promised Shiori he'd show her his home world after the season.
He has a very sultry prince walk about him, head held high and wants to be a constant source of attention. Will flare out his tail feathers and put on a show to either impress or show dominance, similar to male peacocks fighting. Has the ability to use an array of vocal sounds ranging form elk calls to peacock calls and will use them frequently to gain others attention or favor.
Amancer isn't much of a fighter unless protecting something or someone he has claim over. Due to his rather flamboyant and promiscuous mentality he takes each interaction into consideration. If others fight over him he will get between them not wanting to see either on get hurt, and will likely end up with a broken heart.
CAN fight though if needed has large antlers that curve down on either side of his face shaped like a heart. The prongs curl off in every direction but the mane structure of the antler is great protection for his eyes and beautiful face. no touchie.
Day 2 : received minor scrapes and bruises from his spar with Cennétig, and lost a few tail feathers. His ego is more damaged from the tail feathers than anything else. health 96%
Day 6 : scrapes and bruises have healed and begun to fade, tail feathers have started to grow back, but will take some more time.
WHO THEY MET: Cennétig +, Shiori +, Crescent = , name
INTERESTED: Friends, babies, and other forms of relationships all open too and welcomed.

Female - she/they - pansexual - Little Dipper - size #17 - picto
Swiggity Sootie Update on that bootie:
Day 1 : Emorie lounged about in the forest watching everyone from her patch of purple flowers, enjoying the sun beating down on her fur. She was later joined by Star and the two laid there for hours taking a nap together ignoring the hype of the rut for now.
Day 5 : Enjoyed the company of a large herd for sometime watching the bucks fight. It was entertaining for awhile, but she grew tired of the action and fighting after awhile and returned to her flower patch to rest.
Day 9 : Emorie stumbled upon a small doe resting besides a tree and invited herself to join her. She talked to the doe thinking she was shy, but took note of the doe's actions. She remained quiet but seemed attentive as she reacted to what Emorie was talking about nodding and shaking her head. She soon realized the doe couldn't speak, but still wished to keep her company. (Phyrra is the unknown doe)
Day 12 : Woke early in the morning to a thick fog in the forest, its cool touch against her fur felt refreshing, went for a walk around the forest, resting frequently to enjoy the day.
Can be found basking in the sunny flower beds throughout the forest, and overseeing the fights. May herd, but it will take a lot to win her over as shes been around for several years. Will more than likely take on the Judge role, but could fluctuate to wildcard just for fun sparring. She wont be competing.
Seeing how she isn't like your typical doe she will partake in spars and competitive fights. Has a background in fighting from her passed although she will avoid fighting any creatures larger than her. She knows when to fight and when to avoid a situation. Will fight before running away.
Things to keep in consideration is that emorie has a venomous bite and scratch. Her claws aren't laced with venom but its more the bacteria they carry from space that causes the infections.
all damage and aliments will be accounted for here
WHO THEY MET: Starkiller +, Unknown doe =, name, name
INTERESTED: Friends and other forms of relationships all open too and welcomed.

Female - she/they - heterosexual - Peachy doe - size #16 - picto
Swiggity Sootie Update on that bootie:
Day 1 : Mom has finally kicked the peachlings out into the forest encouraging them to find friends within the festivities of the rut. Aviya had already run off and Ohada wondered the forest by herself for the first time. The two were inseparable and all the scents and sounds surrounding her were so unfamiliar. shadows dance around her making her uneasy but they assure her they mean no harm and she allows herself to be herded. she sits with others quietly on edge as the sounds of antlers clashing spook her. after some time she takes her leave sitting a distance away not as close to the action and soon after her sister joins her. the familiar scent and comfort is welcoming.
Day 2 : Ohada basked in the sunlight by herself for several hours before she worked up the courage to wondered the forest again today. she was feeling slightly more comfortable with the sounds of the rut. It was still unnerving when they were right on top of her. she would pause often to see if she could hear any familiar voices or pick up on anyone scents that she had been hanging out with the previous day. She followed a familiar earthy scent but was greeted by a scent of sandalwood. This character was rather close and all over the place, she could hear their hooves fidgeting around her until they felt them graze against her side. she blushed and welcome the nuzzle and returned it. She didn't have a chance to talk to the owner of the earthy tone but she knew they were close by. "tomorrow..." she thinks to herself. Earthy tone = Stria, Sandalwood = Cennétig
Day 4 : lounged about in the forest for several hours enjoying the sunlight and the sound of the festivities around her. She moved from herd to herd looking for others scents she knew and tried to make new friends, but was hesitant too. she looked briefly for a scent she had been picking up on the passed few days in hopes to finally introduce herself, but was unable to locate them (Stria). she retired early finding Aviya for the night.
Day 8 : She woke early in the morning getting a drink of water before finding the perfect spot to lay down and groom her fur and feathers. With the sun shinning down on her she enjoyed the warmth until she heard the approach of rather heavy hooves. A large stag stood over her in the sunlight casting a dark shadowy figure allowing her to see his outline. He asked to join her and she allowed him too. She learned quickly the bucks name was Rohan and the two laid together in the sun talking for several hours grooming each other. Rohan = fresh rain and dirt
Day 9 : went to the river to get a drink when she heard "hello there." being called from the edge of the forest. She followed the voice until she found the source, a sweet male named Numair. She joined him and the two began talking. She was eager and happy to find someone like her, someone who would understand.
Due to her poor vision she will be hanging around those she is familiar with until her feral instincts grow stronger as the rut progress, but don't let that deter you from approaching her. More often than not she will be with her sister Aviya and the rest of the peach family, but is also looking to join herds and make friends.
she wont be fighting, if anything she will flare her feather crown out and stomp the ground or kick up dirt if backed into a corner, but overall is fairly docile.
all will be accounted for but who could hurt this pretty lady. Don't do it, or do it.
WHO THEY MET: Grumpy buck=, Rohan+, Numair+, Cennétig=, Stria (haven't meet but wants too), Name
INTERESTED: Babies, Friends, and other forms of relationships all open too and welcomed.

Male - He/they - Homosexual - Opal Chimera - size between #5-17- picto
Swiggity Sootie Update on that bootie:
He will be enjoying the rut as more of a social gathering, although plans to practice sparring with others. Just dont touch his cotton candy boyfriend.
Uses his powerful wings and legs to charge at his foes and lock horns. due to his horns unique shape he will frequently try to unbalance his foes and twist them down to the ground and beat them with hsi wings and legs. He has moderate stamina and a ridiculous pain tolerance from all of the things hes gone through with the eclipse.
He is still young and trying to hone his skills so is expected to fail and get beat up. Wont back down to Cenna, brotherly rivalry.
all will be accounted
Priority:Caelestis, Cenna, Navi
WHO THEY MET: name, name, name, name
INTERESTED: Friends, and other forms of relationships all open too and welcomed.

Female - she/they - Unsure - Pumpkin babe - size #19- picto
Swiggity Sootie Update on that lack of bootie:
Day 1 : Sorana walked around the forest enjoying all the commotion. she skipped about looking to see if she new anyone when she saw this big, fluffy, guy with a bunch of others. 100% distracted by his fur and wanting to touch it she ran over and bowed, he gave her some attention and the two jumped about before settling down snuggled with the others. She had so many questions and talked elijahs ear off until she fell asleep on him and his fluff.
Day 2 : Sorana watched as the large stags but heads over the judges. she walked up to several herds and observed the fights until she grew bored of them. she returned to her home tree and rest for some time. when she opened her eyes next there was a large whitish grey stag standing ahead of her. He asked if she would like to join him and his family. Interested as she had never seen him before she said yes jumping to her hooves and followed after him dwarfed by his shadow. She found out that his name was Culzean and they talk about the rut and why some of the boys were big old meanies. she was sad that someone was mean to him and gave him all those nasty scratches and bites. As the forest settled down she bowed and thanked the stag for keeping her company as she ran off to go and find her father to retire for the night.
Day 4 : Ran around the forest and observed males fighting to impress females, was chased off by an unknown deer (stupid nameless), where she found a small herd to group with. Eventually the unknown deer left and stopped annoying her. she continued to watch the fights occasionally picking one side over the other. Eventually found Elijah and Culzean laying with a herd asleep. she laid down nearby as she knew the two bucks and felt some sort of protection near them. she felt sad and didnt want to approach them but knew she could have.
Day 9 : while exploring the forest she found a dark figure upon the hillside near the ruins. she blinked her eyes as she saw a large cat approaching her, she grew nervous but also excited. As the cat approached she could see figures in the distance taking interest in what was occurring. Three figures over look as she meets Dajjal for the first time. She was pure and sweet as she introduce herself and snuggled down to talk with him for some time. The two ended up snuggled together in the flower patch and drifted off to sleep for the night. Sorana was wrapped up in his dark fur warm and protected.
Sorana will be running around exploring the world, making new friends and enjoying being herded. Sees the rut as a social event and would love some friends and long term relationships.
None shes pure of heart and wouldn't even know what to do if someone wanted to hurt her. Protect the sweet babe.
all will be accounted, but who would hurt her!
WHO THEY MET: Elijah +, Culzean +, Dajjal +, name
INTERESTED: Friends, and other forms of relationships all open too and welcomed. No kiddies this time around.
CSS by Kamaya, you can contact me at KamayaTEF@outlook.com or add me on Skype (skymails888) if you need help with the CSS.
Add your disclaimer here.
Sig: Aihnna
godspeed, Pumpkin Babe 8'|
here b4 pumpkin baby wins all
Pumpkinbabe wins all the
a aaaaa aaa
Hello! Hello all!!
By Draak ♥
♥ !
hello all!