moonsoverwater's blog

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The Battle, Not The War
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Revive... Enkindle... A Gift From A Dying Man

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Moose. It is only me.((Moose))

For Pepper-Mill-Ranch.
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Eyes rest in perfect sockets, almond-shapes forming as they open from behind their lids. Dry, the lids blink to moisten the pair of beautiful orbs so they can see and tell the waking spirit behind them what the world has to show them. The spirit slips and twirls like a kite's tail inside the beast, rousing the body.

The muscles bunch and relax, becoming animated. Inside, the spirit grows happier and more restless, relishing the stretching and tightening of muscles as much as the body does. Long, thin appendages stretch toward the sky, and long, thin appendages stretch down to the earth as the beast stands. A slight moan escapes as the beast ends its morning stretch, spirit thrumming as a heartbeat behind the beast's skin and muscle.

The face of the beast parted in a yawn. A moment of blindness occurred as cheeks pushed eyes closed, before the face closed again. The pale-faced beast looked out at the world. It was new today.. his world was new! This was not good. Not at all. How would his body act in this new world?

Shuddering, the beast let out a bellow. My name is Rentier! I am awake! This is my home! It seemed to announce to every being in a wide radius from his bedding spot.

It scared the spirit, causing it to black out.

The beast stood still, frozen as if it were ice.

Floating, the spirit slowly uncurled, stretching itself to fit the body once again. A gasp came forth from the beast as it took in air. This only whistled back through its body, out a pair of nostrils somewhere between human and cervine. That was also the way one could describe this beast: Somewhere between human and cervine.

Rentier stood as tall as he could have, stretching to an amazing seven feet, not including the antlers perched on his head. They had each six points and measure four feet long from skull to tip, all as deep brown as his fur. The dark ruff at his neck shivered as he let out another long call, this time announcing his passage through the forest.
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((Gingernut)) Inquisitiveness.

The night had grown from a setting sun, setting the sky and air alight with pinpricks of pulsating radiance. Fireflies drew pictures of chemically-created light in the air, wings beating a million times a second to keep up with the light in front of them.

It was Phion whom they danced for. She had wondered what it would be like to see them all create something. Giggling, the doe asked for another picture, this time of a bird. The fireflies re-arranged themselves, moving ever more quickly to create the trick of lines that a deer saw. She smiled, thanking them. In response, the little beings covered her body in creeping, crawling kisses. They loved the doe, the fireflies, because she was like them. She was a source of light in the forest's darkness. And she did not swat at them when they got close.

Phion giggled a little louder, the light sound floating through the air like that of a nymph's laughter as they all lit up once, before flying off with a buzzling, blinking goodbye. Phion again was alone in the forest, save for a few crickets. Her eyes went to one singing a joyful song on a low blade of grass. Laying her slender neck to the earth, the doe smiled at the cricket. She asked nicely if he would allow her to sing as he played his toe-tapping fiddle. After a little persuasion, she finally was granted leave to sing. The sound was heavenly as it floated from her lips, and then the playing stopped. She had done it again. Again she had hypnotized another. Kissing the cricket, she apologized, saying that she would be content to just listen. After all, he had warned her and she was sorry.

The doe listened to the cricket's song, hardly listening to any of the forest around her...
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Perspicacious (ROLEPLAY)

((Wanna Roleplay?

I only ever ask these things:
1.Be Literate: Minimal spelling and grammar mistakes.
2.Don't give me one or two-liners.
3.Please do not use a fan-character. I love to see what people have actually come up with on their own. <3 <3

So please, Join me!))
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How To Descry Through Adult Eyes

Below the cut, with an appearance by Eventide.
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Who wears the venetian carnival antlers???\

\please provide a screenie of yourself!
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Raising Boughs and Branches

(At Vee's request, a speed writing)
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I Did Not Know My Own Strength... A journal entry by The Blackbird.

I now carry the bluebird's lifeless body with me. Somehow, I have to get it back to its family.

I tried several times to get spells from De Drinkplaatz... but only once did I become a crow. My belly had been too full of water and there had been no room for me to fly straight enough... outside the misty mushrooms you lose your magic, it seems. But now I lay on the cool stone of the bridge, trying not to retch.

His family must wonder where he has gone.

I can not bring the life back in to the bird, now, as bugs crawl over his carcass. I have vainly tried to shoo them away, but it has not worked any. I give up on that. I have even tried to drown the bugs by dipping him in the water, but that only made him stink, and not all the bugs drowned... more came. Now, he sits by me in the sunlight, the breeze ruffling his lusterless feathers. His eyes, I have closed, but I can still feel them boring in to me.

How could I, a bare spiker, have killed him? He was so beautiful.

And how do I get him to his family?
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