Moose. It is only me.((Moose))

moonsoverwater's picture
For Pepper-Mill-Ranch.

Sit with me. It is all I ask, Moose. Just come and sit with me so we may talk. You can spar, if that is as you wish. I will shed the magic that cloaks my antlers so that we may. Moose! Do not taunt me. I am not one of your young friends. I am an equal to you and now it is time to listen. No, I am not going to hurt or listen to your Honeyfur. I am here for YOU.

The stag had corralled Moose in a tight area of scrub, where it was difficult to move. Standing bipedal, the Cervine-sapien pushed the moose in to a sitting position, holding him there until he relaxed, speaking gently and constantly.

Sit. Relax here, Moose. I wish only to speak with you. Listen to me and relax. You will tell me of this pain and what ails you. I will help, Moose. Tell me and I will help. However I can. I will be just as Cinch.

Rentier smiled gently. His spirit inside had known the body of Cinch. This is how he knew Moose's name. He knew Moose. He knew everything.


oooo fun rp! (please excuse

oooo fun rp! (please excuse my spelling, I'm on my mobile)
Moose' ears were laid tightly against his head and his antlers were low and swinging high. He dug his hooves into the ground and let out an angry bellow. "Don't you get the picture? I don't want to talk to you!"

Moose continued to struggle and grunt as the stag pushed closer. He knew nothing of this stag, not even his name, yet this stag was trying to push his way through his mind. Moose reared up and slammed his feet into the ground, shaking the world around him. He felt trapped, he had to get out of here.

Moose, attempting to think of something, was quickly snapped out of his thoughts as the stag mentioned Cinch. He was going to be just like Cinch Moose thought blankly to himself before rage filled him. "You know nothing about me or Cinch!" He bellowed angerly. "You will not replace Cinch, no one can! He was my other half!" Moose hissed, tears welling up in his eyes.

Moose lowered his antlers. "Now if you come any closer I'll rip you to shreds!" he threatoned, his voice shaking.
moonsoverwater's picture

I will not replace Cinch? I

I will not replace Cinch? I am Cinch, you crazy moose! How else could I know about you and your brother and your doe? Hm? Sit down. Stop being a bull moose and start being the Moose I remember. I am Cinch, Moose. I just have a different form... a different name now.

The stag pushed Moose again, gripping his antlers with the hoof-tipped hands he possessed. The deer-man grunted, pushing down.

Don't you dare treat me like a monster, Moose. I have had enough of that.

The stag let go, stepping back and away from the bull. He grunted, plopping down on his rear-end.

Moose, they call me Rentier now. You can still call me Cinch if you want... considering I remember the forest now, remember when I used to wear a red pelt.

He grunted. Rubbing his own shoulder to undo a knot from pushing on Moose's antlers, Rentier rested.

He did one thing that no smart animal would do, he looked directly in to the bull moose's eyes.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

Moose backed away and shook

Moose backed away and shook his head. He was still alive? Moose shook his head, and fell to his knees. No, no he can't be, I saw his body...

Moose quickly jumped back to his hooves, was this some cruel trick the stag was trying to pull on him? "What brings you pleasure from this? from making another deer hurt like this?" Moose growled.

Moose looked up at the stag and saw his gaze plant into his. Normally Moose would attack if any deer had done this to him, but he paused. Was this truely Cinch? But Cinch in another body, who heard of such a thing? It was a fantasy! Something does told to calfs and fawns! Or maybe this was a dream...a cruel dream to wake up to?
moonsoverwater's picture

You killed your brother

You killed your brother because he took your doe. You killed your doe because she was going to trample your brother.

The stag simply spoke, not ordering or yelling anymore. He could do nothing but wait until Moose accepted that he was also Cinch.

Moose, I killed many other deer. I am Cinch. Is it so difficult to accept that just because I am not a simple red stag anymore? The Moose I knew would not judge any stag unless they had bigger antlers than he. I went to the place outside the forest, I was hunted by those wolves, then came back to hunt with them later. I was red, then brown. I died. Now I am alive again and miss my friend... my brother. Hmph. I thought I was special before... now I know I was because I didn't have to put up with this to become your friend. I wish I had not died, but I did. I'm sorry, k?

Rentier lay flat on his back, rolling over to his stomach to sprawl out like Cinch used to do. It was his most comfortable position, something the spirit carried on to Rentier from Cinch. A heavy sigh emitted from Cinch's nose.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

Moose' eyes welled up with

Moose' eyes welled up with tears, and he walked slowly up to the stag that was sprawled out on the forest floor. He lowered his head and sat his nose on Cinch's side and inhaled his new scent. "Cinch..." Moose' words came out into a shakey whisper full of emotion. "Is it, is it really you?" he asked, a tear rolling down his furry cheek.

If this was realy Cinch, it would be his brother rising from the dead! Alive again to relive memories and have spars, to eat blueberries and splash in the pond...It would be as if Cinch had never left in the first place!
moonsoverwater's picture

Yep. Spirit of me all wrapped

Yep. Spirit of me all wrapped up in a new form.

The stag-man rolled over on to his back to grab Moose's face in his odd hands and smiled, touching his forehead to that of his brother. All eloquence lost at this point, he playfully shoved the bull's head away and rolled to two hooves, then stretched down to four. He was now much bigger than the old him, able to properly spar with, if not overtake Moose. It was not his ground-hight that would be considered here, but his bipedal-hight.

Have you been just moping around since I've been gone? You have permanent frown-lines and look massively beat up.

It was true. Moose looked like he had been stretched and someone had put dreadlocks in his pelt. He had probably not let a single doe groom him. A hrumph escaped the maw of the stag-man. His toes spread as he passed over the short distance between them, making his humanoid-face come perilously close to Moose's great muzzle.

Tell me that thing... that thing that right now is making you so mopey and down. You act like the Great Oak has stopped her singing.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

Moose couldn't actually

Moose couldn't actually believe it. Cinch was back, back from the dead! He was so full of joy and excitement he could hardly contain it! Moose' fur began to rise on his back, not from aggresion but from pure excitement. It seemed like the whole forest around him had stopped and watched as Moose' 'other-half' came back to him. It really was like a fairytale, a wonderful true one.

Moose reared playfully as the stag pushed him away and came back. He swerved as the stag came close to his face and was making his way to playfully shove Cinch back but stopped. His fur quickly fell to his back and he dropped his head, he had totally forgoten the event till now. Moose walked back over and set his head on Cinch's back and sighed. "Yes, the thing that makes me so down." he didn't quite want to talk about it, he hadn't even trusted Phobos enough to tell him, but Moose knew Cinch could be trusted completely.

"First," Moose began, "It was your death that drove me crazy and upset, not long after that my herd betrayed me and Flammel came into my life." Moose spat the name to show his irritation. "When I returned to my herd, they had moved on. Yes, we have our good times but theres still that emotional wall between us....and Swift, you knew her as Nanetta, her heart was taken away by Flammel." Mooose' fur quickly rose on his back again, this time not with excitment but with anger. "And thereis nothing I can do because the Forest acts nothing as my old home, we cannot fight over mates, so all I can do is watch and have my heart stabbed."
moonsoverwater's picture

This Flammel. His name is not

This Flammel. His name is not very nice to the mouth... who is he?

Then Rentier heard. He heard what Flammel had done. Moose had a crush. Damn!

Moose. Here you cannot make a doe like you. They get to choose their mates. You also can't get upset if one does not choose you. It just makes things... well... you just wind up feeling like someone stepped on your nose.You just gotta get over her... get over things, ya know? Move on to better things. Since obviously this doe did not feel this for you. When one falls in love, she does not care about any other stag's feelings anymore. Not at all.

The spirit writhed in Rentier, but he did not show the discontent he felt from seeing Moose feel like this. He put too much in to everything, and always wound up regretting it in the end. He needed to learn to be objective.

I know I sound all distant and like I don't care about your feelings, Moose, but that is not at all the case. This thing... it is out of your control and there isn't anything you can do about it. No use dwelling if you can't do anything.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

Moose backed away from Cinch

Moose backed away from Cinch and looked the other way. Why doesn't he understand? "The feeling of love is great, you know?" Moose said turning his head back to Cinch. "The feeling where you find out the doe would never love you the same way, that hurts. The feeling when the doe you loce falls in love with your enemy, the one you want to kill so badly, that just kills you." Moose shook his antlers angerly. "And this stag is fatally wounded right now. It would've been so easy to end his life, but I would never ever do that to Swift. I am not a murderer anymore."

Moose walked a small distance away and planted his hooves in the ground. He hated his situation, the situation that seemed to always be his life. Moose lowered his antlers and banged them against the tree standing infront of him. He let out a grunt, but continued to beat up the tree.
moonsoverwater's picture

Rentier grunted. Moose spoke

Rentier grunted. Moose spoke to him as if he did not comprehend. It was rather insulting.

Moose. You do not know how to move on, you see. All of this upset and anger just makes you feel worse. It is not healthy, nor is it productive. Be happy she has found someone she adores. Just..... HEY! The tree never did anything to you.

The stag-man grunted, shoving in to Moose's shoulder with his own.

Look at what the anger does. That tree is bleeding and gouged because you are angry that someone does not like you the exact way you like them. Life is not the most fair thing. Sometimes you get a tough pinecone, but you still have to eat. There are other things in the forest much more enjoyable than brooding like an angry crow over everything. You know that.

Sniffing the tree, the beast circled around it. It could be easy to imagine what it would look like if this was a deer, not a tough tree.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

Moose growled. "It's not

Moose growled. "It's not only that she found another mate, that I could live with, but the fact that her mate is Tandem is what gets me, Cinch." Moose snorted as he was pushed away and his fur raised, he wasn't in the mood for this, it was only a tree.

Moose turned away and made his way towards the next tree and began pounding into it. "It is only a tree Cinch." He said looking back at him. "Would you rather me pound into a real live deer? No thanks, I've already done that, I don't like what it does to me." Moose knew he wasn't being fair to Cinch, but he was too annoyed right now with himself to do anything about it. "I've already tried sucking in my feelings once and that left me with blood on my antlers. It doesn't quite work for me."

Moose quickly turned away from the tree again. He disliked the Forest even with Cinch in it. What was the good of it? Nameste... The name fluttered in his mind and his fur dropped on his back. He never held close feelings for her, but there was something she always did to him, she always kept him calm, even in the worst situations. Moose rose his head and looked off into the distance and inhaled the swift breeze that floated around his nostrils.
moonsoverwater's picture

Sure. Pound in to me, eh? I

Sure. Pound in to me, eh? I do believe that now I can take you properly. We could always fix each other up later anyway.

Rentier rolled his eyes. Moose was acting like a young buck that just lost a battle. It was grating on the stag that his brother was acting so foolishly. How many years had his antlers grown? This was pretty ridiculous, if you asked him.

I have bigger antlers than you, Moose.

The beast teased in a very serious manner. Sure, Moose could probably evenly match him, but the bull did not know that yet.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

Moose turned his head towards

Moose turned his head towards Cinch and grunted, as if to say whatever I don't give a dung right now. He was just peacful and now he wanted him to get pissed off again? Moose turned his head towards Cinch, and narrowed his eyes. Cinch seemed more irratable in this life-form, some what different with a bigger body. It annoyed him a bit, he missed being the strongest. He turned his head away again. Before he remembered what he was doing before Cinch came.

Moose turned his head back to Cinch and walked up to him, nuzzeling him. "I am leaving the Forest, Cinch." He told him, although he knew Cinch probably wouldn't take it. "I'm heading back to my old herd, I don't know if they'll kill me or not...but I feel I have to be amoung my own kind." Moose paused, he wondered how Cinch would really react to this..

Edit: Do you have bio link for this deer?
moonsoverwater's picture

What would you want with your

What would you want with your old herd? Are you not worried they will kill you after what you did? I mean... I know you are a big black bull... but you can't take on a whole herd at once. Especially not if they intend to kill you. You know that. Plus, we here are your own kind now. We're your brothers and sisters and family. What would Miss Honeyfur think?

Rentier rested his chin on Moose's back in a kind of brotherly embrace. He had just come home and Moose was wanting to leave?

Why leave everyone here who loves you to go back to a herd that probably won't even want you? That is logic like vines... all twisted up and trying to chase its own tail. I'm truly sorry if what I say is upsetting, but it is a real possibility that you probably have given a little thought to, right? I think... I think that this would be a wrong decision. Take it from someone who left the forest... and did not come back the same. If you don't come back the same... who is to say you will want to be my brother when you return?

If you return was what he wanted to say, but kept up hope. Rentier snorted in to his brother's fur, his breath a wind that penetrated the mats and warmed the spot on his skin. It was really upsetting to the stag, and he would not take it very well if his family decided to leave him.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

Moose shifted his weight as

Moose shifted his weight as his brother put his chin on him. "I'm sorry Cinch, this was planned before you came. I need to go back, brother, I just have to. I won't stay now that you're back, though. I promise you that, that is if I am not killed." Moose knew the odds were against him if he wanted to live, but he just had to go back.

Moose inhaled the sweet Forest scent and let out a heavy breath. "I plan on leaving tonight and come home in about a seven days. But if I'm not home by fourteen days..." His voice trailed off. His herd wouldn't kill him, he was their kind afterall...but with his red antlers, he'd stick out from the rest of his white-antlered family, he had to try though...for his mother. He would return to the Forest. He would.
moonsoverwater's picture

Moose, this is hard-skulled

Moose, this is hard-skulled of you. Why even go back? It will only bring hardship and bad memories.

It was very difficult for him to understand, but Rentier would make a point of asking questions and trying. If it was his brother's decision, then it was his decision and he had no choice but to accept that.

What would you go back for? To bring someone here?

Rentier did not know what to say other... he stood still and let his ears droop.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

Moose smiled. "I wish to see

Moose smiled. "I wish to see my mother one last time." he said soothingly. It was true, he did wish to see his mother. He had left without saying another word to her. Moose gently sliped out from Cinch's chin and faved his brother and sat his cheek next to his.

"I believe I must go now, the sooner I leave the sooner I will return." He said quietly to Cinch. He backed up a few paces still facing him. "Remember, I'll be back in seven days." He said smiling. He was really leaving, all the bluff leaves finally lead up to this point. His eyes would be watering, but he would return. "Goodbye for now Cinch. I shall return."
moonsoverwater's picture

Rentier sighed. Moose was

Rentier sighed. Moose was really going to leave, just as his brother's spirit had entered the forest.

It will still be the same amount of time, and with no night here, I will not be able to count days.

The beast chuckled, pressing his forehead to Moose's one last time before the departure. He would walk with him to the edge of the forest, but could not leave with him. It was the last time this particular Moose and Rentier would ever meet, it seems, since he would be altered by the time he returned.

Don't get eaten by wolves, and may your hooves not have grown soft from this place... I hope.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!