moonsoverwater's blog

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The Secret Life of Birds.

~The Blackbird.~

We do not know, the lives of birds. In the forest, we can not see so high. The canopy extends so much farther than the eyes of a deer can. Even those of us with wings... they can not reach the top of the canopy, where the birds gather in a net of branches. Up there, they flit to and fro in the green and golden world.

How do I know? My friend, the bluebird, told me as much. That is how I know.

He told me, his feathers ruffling to catch the heat of the day, that it was brighter up there with the birds. You could see the sun, he told me. There was no canopy above him, just the blue sky we as deer only glimpse through the trees sometimes, and stare in to above the pond, but cannot reach like my friend the bluebird can. He can skim it, he says, and it feels like water. It feels like home to the bluebird in the trees. There is constant song unlike the ones we hear. It is a whispering song, interspersed with trills and twitters and the occasional squawk of upset or caw of a large crow come to tell of the activity of De Drinkplaats as he had seen it. There is always a shade of gold on the air, he told me. It is like the pollen that floats among the deer has dyed that air.

The place sounds beautiful, I think. Though I am only a deer, I would love to fly that high. Maybe I would be a crow or a white dove when I grow up, when I can keep our magic.

The birds have no magic, though, seeing as they do not need it. The bluebird told me how it felt to have wind beneath his little wings. He told me that he could sing. He told me that he could teach me to, but that he would only stay awhile, until I grew up, but not all the time. Right now, he said, that he had to fly away. I jumped up, hoping to catch him and bring him back, but my little teeth snapped down on his wing. He cried out, dropped to the ground.

I tried to say sorry, but he just would not reply... he would not wake up. No more would I hear of the secret life of birds.
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.:Phion: mikroús kai megálous:.

I know, it is late, but here it is.

Phion: Young and Old
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(Important plotline entry, continuation from Phion and Iugulare's meeting: "Inside....Innocent....Easy Prey.........."

This takes place in the poppies at roughly (-56,99) on the map... a place I call Aureia's Garden. This area has all kinds of flowers and saplings and trees.

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((Inside.....Innocent.....easy prey........))-Iugulare-

The fawn cried out in exhaustion and loneliness, her eyes dripping glossy tears that were beginning to wear away her skin in chapped lines. The tears were hot, they stung and she could not stop crying. Little blackened spots dotted her path where the tears littered the ground, glistening before fading in puffs of blue smoke.

Gods, the tears BURNED! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO CURSE ME, MOTHER? FATHER, WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE THIS WAY? The fawn choked, crying out to the heavens and her parents. Upset and tired, the fawn collapsed to the moss of the forest, her tears finally exhausted to nothing. Unwilling to go in to the light to replenish herself in full, Phion fell asleep in a dim ray of forest sun, slowly building strength so that she would not have too much again.

Her curse was painful, you know... She can't hold too much light at once... or she will release it and cause power to explode out of her eyes, her mind, her body, destroying anything that comes in contact with it. She knew that the powers were given to her to save the forest and its creatures, but this fumbling that she was doing in an attempt to control them was atrocious. Brush and flowers sprung up where she layed, causing the young doe to sneeze violently. Soon, the dust coated her fur again so heavily that she had to stand and shake it off, gold pluming around her like feathers. And her head itched.... her spine itched... little spikes grew like pins from her scalp and spinal-area, itching and becoming longer by the day, starting to rupture as she rubbed them on trees and showing soft down.

Feathers were a pain.... life was a pain.... being a God-Child was a pain....

another tiny cry sounded, frustratedly echoing through the forest's loneliest parts.
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Created of the Pollen Itself, and As Quiet As a Dragonfly

A continuation of 2 previous stories.

Phion Meets The Red.

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Questions regarding 3.4

Once you
a)become a stag
b)get a pelt
c)click the "play as fawn" option

Can you then keep your new pelt as a fawn?

And how do you keep your pelt when you have a mini-spell in 3.4?
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I took a walk today, to a song

Try this, today. Take a walk to a song, same pace as the song is going, and see what happens.
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She Was Born of The Forest

A continuation of New World.
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New World.

The fawn woke in a sea of amber, gold, and green. It raised its tiny head and peered around through slitted eyes, pictogram glowing faintly between its huge ears. Hundreds of spots dotted the little deer's pelt, melting the fawn in to the surroundings. Blue smoke wafted to the sky not far off, and the sound of running water could be heard. The ears caught the sounds, down to the whisper of a dove's wings overhead. They became too much to handle, and the little fawn curled back up in to a small oval.

Tears stained the freckled, white cheeks of the little one as it now realized it was alone. They dripped down its face and on to the ground in soft, barely-audible clicks as it sobbed. The world was so big and bright, the fawn could not stand to stay in it, it thought. Terror caused it to cry out, leaving the safety of the tall grasses in search of a better place to hide from the terrifying world... little did the baby deer know that it was heading straight in to the heart of the Endless Forest and all of its little wonders.

A large, gray structure soon loomed over the little beast. Its heart beat as if a bird were trapped in its chest as it peered about, only finding sleeping beings. Not knowing what the beings were, the fawn thought it was safe. There were many places to hide, so the baby started with a bed of poppies. This was not enough protection. After several spots, the fawn settled down behind a tree, in an alcove of the ruins.

After a little bit of sleeping, two awake deer found the fawn. Big, green eyes were dazzled and terrified by their bone-faces as they tried to get the little deer to play. It drove off the strange creatures by lashing out with tiny, glass-like hooves. Upset. The second feeling the little deer had after Fear.

The fawn dozed off again in the innocent little curl fawns often do, unaware of the reality it was now facing. It was alive, and would have to come out of the alcove and enter the new world.

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