Perspicacious (ROLEPLAY)

moonsoverwater's picture
((Wanna Roleplay?

I only ever ask these things:
1.Be Literate: Minimal spelling and grammar mistakes.
2.Don't give me one or two-liners.
3.Please do not use a fan-character. I love to see what people have actually come up with on their own. <3 <3

So please, Join me!))

The forest blew with a sweet breeze, tickling the canopy in to a song of swaying leaves and branches.
Birds twittered overhead in beautiful song, and grasses swayed with the passing of bounding squirrels and rabbits. The forest smelled like the end of spring, and it crawled slowly toward summer. The scent of fresh flowers slowly would be replaced by water and baking grass, not to mention sweat. Most deer would flock to the pools. But today, it was just spring. Flowers bloomed with tantalizing scents and grasses were still moist with flavor and easily flattened by deer bodies as they slept or just congregated.

Phion, though, was alone. She housed herself in the heart of the birch forest, away from prying eyes. The forest was calm, birds tittering at her hooves as she stood to take the breeze in to her humanoid nostrils. Her wet nose twitched as the air brought scents of deer and grass. This was home. This was the home that the great Gods of the forest placed her in to guard. Light streamed through the trees, bathing her in a glow of gold before a cloud passed over, casting everything in a blue and indigo hue. Her pictogram smoldered a bit brighter in the shadows. Peering through the air, the female could not make out anything as clearly as before. it must have been an errant raincloud, a giant at that. By the time it had left, the doe found twilight had found the forest.

It was time to become active.

The doe began to move from her stock-still position, rounding a great birch and to the edge of the golden forest she silently moved.

Zera came across her friend

Zera came across her friend after escaping her brother for a few minutes. She loved him, she really did but he was quite... suffocating. She sighed gently before looking up and seeing Phion. She smiled behind thhe mask and slipped it gently off her face. There was a pang of guilt in her stomach as she thought about this act. Erza had a real dear face. No strings attached. Z shook her head slightly and trotted swiftly to her fellow child of the forest.

"Phion! Hi! Gods it's been a while!" It was true - last time they had properly spoke they had been battling Rock Hounds and other evil things.
"Looks like we've both grown" Z commented as she examined the other doe. Wow, Phion had grown into a beautiful doe - even if her powers had seared red paths down her cheeks.
moonsoverwater's picture

Zera pranced up to Phion,

Zera pranced up to Phion, causing her to don an equally-wide grin. It has been forever, Zee. You turned in to something so beautiful!Phion immediately nuzzled her friend, quite ecstatic to see her. The doe took an elk-sized step back, looking Zera over. She had grown beautifully, and had a mask now to fit her brother's face.

What have you been up to lately? So much has been going on... so many of us have grown up! She started, realizing that as her excitement grew, so did the haunting sound of her voice. It was too hypnotic for many if it got like this, so Phion took a deep, calm breath. She would need to control her voice better. Excuse my new voice... sometimes I forget to keep it in check. She grinned apologetically.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

As soon as Phion spoke, a

As soon as Phion spoke, a cold sensation began to form around Zera's eyes. A gentle mist rolled around Phion's hooves. However, upon looking closer, Z soon realised it wasn't really mist but tiny, tiny pricks of light that reminded Z of Phion's powers.

They began to dance softly around Zera and for a few moments her vision went blurry and she felt weak all over. There was a moment when Z panicked and The Voice in the back of her head murmered so low she couldn't tell what it was saying - but it was soon over.

A coldness surged through her body, clearing her vision and her mind. The tiny dots of light seemed to shy away from the doe who finally spoke.

"Don't worry about that Phi," Zera chuckled lightly at the nickname, "I have a feeling our parents won't let that come between us!" She grinned at her sister, pushing away the guilt that screamed Erza. Right now was a time she could relax without her brother.
moonsoverwater's picture

Just.. if you start to feel

Just.. if you start to feel it again, let me know, k? I don't like it, and I can't turn it off. I tried, really. She smiled. Then it hit her.

Zee, what do you do? I mean... what are you cursed with? Or gifted, if you prefer.She did not know how to phrase it. Her heart said both, or neither. Phion did not know what to do or say in this type of situation, that is for sure. Her eyes wandered, the lights disappearing as she looked down.

Zee? Do I look horrible? These burns... She muttered. They... they upset me.

Her eyes threatened her, growing hot, but she did not let them spill. Controlling her negative emotion, Phion looked up to Zera to see what she had to say.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

"Honestly? I have no idea.

"Honestly? I have no idea. These things just... come and go... I know my eyes hold my power. Our parents gave me these white pupils when I was... born? I'm still finding out but I know I can see... stuff in the water... I don't know what..." she then shook her head and began to answer Phion's other question.

"Sister... you say a curse or blessing... I know how you feel - I really do!" Z laughed venomously but nuzzled Phion "These scars define who you are, they say you are a daughter of the Gods! We are... protectors of this forest! Without your abilities where would you be? It would be... normal-er but what about the fight with the Rock Hounds and Iuglare? Could you have helped the Grand Talux without your powers?"

She stopped her rant and nuzzled her sister some more.
moonsoverwater's picture

I have no idea how you could

I have no idea how you could not know by now. No strange dreams? No time talking to mom and dad? They must have something amazing planned for you. And those hounds are wussies. Spirited One, a doe, one who was weak from surviving infection, defeated them too. She quipped, nuzzling Zera back. Oh, and Iugulare? I talked with her... tried to talk her in to being a deer like us... and she offered me a whole planet if I would allow her to use my body! That thing is crazy, I tell you. She has not seen me as an adult, though, which is good. Anarapio, you remember... the dragon? She is really only helping Iu because Iu promised her food to save her starving planet. I gave her some good mushrooms... and she said she only has to find a way to get them through this thing called "space" to bring them to her planet, and then she won't need to be here anymore. Iugulare is so alone.

This was turning in to a regular gossip-fest between the deer. If my marks are a symbol for being a Daughter of the Forest, then so be it, but I will not take them lightly. They are kinda ugly. Won't get a mate this way, that's for sure. A giggle bubbled from Phion's throat. Becoming unbalanced from her sister's nuzzles, the doe grabbed her by the ear and dragged her down as well. Both lay in the grass giggling now, before Phion began to groom Zera's neckfur.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

Zera let out a noise that

Zera let out a noise that sounded a but like hurrrrurrrr as she settled into the grooming routine. The news about the stoat bothered her but not as much as the things Phi had said about their parents having big things for her.

She managed to suppress a repulsed shudder before speaking quietly.
"Phi? W-will you stay with me? You have more experience than me in these things..."

Zera could feel the fear in her heart and it was enticing the voice in her head back. She pushed it away and nuzzled her sister for comfort. There was something Phion could bring that Erza couldn't.

((Aww... they're sitting together right now ^^))
moonsoverwater's picture

I don't know what you mean by

I don't know what you mean by more experience, but I will stay with you. We just have different experience. You have something, you just probably brush it off as normal.. or as something else. My powers.. to me they are a normal part of life. I don't think there is any need to fear what is in store... whatever that thing may be. The doe narrowed her eyes playfully, trying to entice Zera from her fearful demeanor.

It probably is big, this whatever, with a weird voice and big teeth. Like a giant squirrel. She giggled as one ran up the tree nearest them, barking an insult, saying that they too were scary and weird. Phion wondered if Zera could understand the chirps and barks around her. Maybe that was the difference. Phion learned from many teachers; Zera had far fewer.

Quietly grooming a particularly tough knot of fur at the base of Zera's neck, Phion mulled the thought over. Would she have to teach Zera? Or would mom and dad step in? The Gods worked in strange ways.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

Zera watched as her sister

Zera watched as her sister talked to the forest animals. It was making no sense to her but she smiled at the playful noises. She calmed down and leaned into Phion so she could groom at a better angle.

The night had began to reach it's peak and Zera looked up at the stars.
"This reminds me of something, y'know... Hex - the doe that hangs around the playground - said something to me like this..."

Zera quickly explained the prophecy to her sister and waited for her reaction.

((Here's the prophecy if you want to read it - you just need to scroll down a bit. Anyway, I have to run, I'll reply tomorrow Smiling ))
moonsoverwater's picture

Phion smiled at the mention

Phion smiled at the mention of the prophetess. But after hearing the prophecy, her expression alone hardened behind where Zera could see. She then asked a question of Zera, one that would mean a bit more knowledge for Phion if she was allowed. Zee? Could you tell me what your gifts are? I mean, the ones that the Prophetess knows... or... could you let me in to see them? It felt horrible asking for Zera to let her in to see the abilities. It was Phion's newfound voice that would let this happen, though she did not know how she knew.

Phion worried about her sister. She was worried that her powers, like the doe's own, would hurt her in any way. It seemed that the Gods' powers were double-edged: hurting the user and helping the forest. The decision would be easy, Hex had said, but what was the decision? And what kind of blessing would these powers bring or be? There were so many definitions. Relaxing, Phion rested her head on Zera's back, awaiting an answer that could be either detrimental or helpful to the pair of them.

((Not a problem, Bluejay. ))

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!
GingerNut's picture

Alright... may I? cx

Alright... may I? cx Interacted with her in-forest... but I'm still curious about her~
moonsoverwater's picture

Want me to start a new

Want me to start a new one?
Cause this is just a plot-development XD

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!
GingerNut's picture

Sure~ I don't want to be a

Sure~ I don't want to be a bother to your plotting D8
Or I could start if you wanted me to... I'm horrible at intros though~
moonsoverwater's picture

I will. I need the

I will. I need the muse-starter. <3

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

As soon as Phion posed the

As soon as Phion posed the question a tingling sensation began to form around Zera's eyes. It spread over her body and as soon as the last hair on the tip of her tail buzzed, it stopped. She glanced at Phion who was obviously unaware of what was happening. Their parents were telling her something and it was becoming clear what it was.

Something bad was coming to the forest - and she would be in the thick of it.

If this was the case, there was no time to wait for her powers to come out naturally. Zera nodded slowly at her sister.

"Just... Just be careful Phi... there's... something in me that can't be allowed out...."

((Remember that plot thing a while ago with the creature in Z's head? That's this. When I - or we if you want Phion involved - get round to finishing it, what will happen is that they will supress it somehow but not get rid of it Smiling ))
moonsoverwater's picture

Zee, I will be careful. I

Zee, I will be careful. I would not allow anything bad to happen to my sister. I promise. She smiled comfortingly, giving Zera a nuzzle. A light glow of green began at her tearline, creeping up in to her eyes, though you could barely see it behind the black film. She sucked in a deep breath, and relaxed every fiber of her being. Alright. Be ready, Phion. You have to do this, for your sister and the forest. A little pep-talk gave Phion the courage she required for such a journey as to go inside someone.

Alright Zee. Ready? This is going to feel really good to you. Relax and just listen. Use me as a pillow if you want... just relax and let the warmth take over... breathe in the pollen... take in the scents of the forest... make me a place to walk in your mind. The doe needed a place to walk and be in Zera's mind. She could not just go in there without any environment, or risk being swept off by her sister's thoughts. No matter how cliche' her words seemed for one who could hypnotize, they worked pretty much all the time if someone was willing.

Let me in. She commanded, and the thicket that separated Zera's mind from her began to fall away. Her specter-self quickly shot through before it closed, stopping in the clearing Zee had made her. Just to the opposite edge, Phion witnessed a bright shape. It was the opposite colors of her sister's pelt, a bright yellow on white.

Phion faced this thing, tall and confident. She awaited its response to her presence.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

The thing - Rasp - snarled as

The thing - Rasp - snarled as it saw the intruder but quickly pulled itself together. It was a deer but was neither male or female. It's ears flicked back and it pawed the ground before it spoke.

What do you want... Phion. You should not be here.

As it spoke the words appeared in the air. Words had a physical form here. It was difficult to see exactly what it looked like though it appeared to be fluid and cold like water. This thing was arrogant; this was it's domain.

I ask again, Sister - What do you want?
moonsoverwater's picture

Phion smiled grimly as the

Phion smiled grimly as the thing spoke. It was pretty upset that she had intruded, surely.

I am here to find you. It's you who is keeping Zera's powers from her. What? Are you gonnna only let her use them if she lets you take over? It's about time she got her powers. The doe taunted, proudly walking forward and in to the center of the field.

Green irises flamed behind the black film that covered her eyes. This thing was trying to control Zee. It was something she had never learned to accept and now it was trying to consume her, lock her away as was done to it.

Zee really had a way with her emotions, did she not?

Let's be simple. I am here to get her powers for her. Kindly give them up. She was really trying to make the beast laugh, so that it would lose power. It was her inner demon... wasn't it?

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

The beast did laugh but it

The beast did laugh but it was a laugh full of venom.

Keeping Zera's powers form her? No. I am her power.

It laughed again but this time it was a bitter laugh. Full of something that sounded like... disain?
It spoke quietly to Phion.

I only want to help her but she seems to not want me.

It shook it's head to rid itself of it's sentamentality.
It growled and was back to it's sarcastic and mean state.

So instead, I just have to force her
moonsoverwater's picture

Phion shook her head. The

Phion shook her head. The thing was pert of Zee. But it hated her.

The doe would just have to sew the two together.

She doesn't like your attitude. Nobody likes a hungry power. Nobody likes to be forced either. YOu don't like to be forced in to staying here. Phion took another step proudly forward. Her eyes met the form of Rasp again.

You need to stop being so pushy. If you are, and you melt back with Zee, all of us three will most definitely flourish. YOu just have to stop with the "total death " thing. Straight, honest, and to the point. That was how Phion ran things.

The white of her tail flickered in anticipation as she moved it side-to-side.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

It snarled at Phion. Getting

It snarled at Phion. Getting caught on one part rather than listen to the whole thing.

Doesn't like my attitude!? MY attitude is HER attitude. Don't you get it? We are one! We are the same being!

It cleared it's throat and began to speak more rationally, though a bit more snooty - like a child trying to prove itself,

I could get out of here anytime I want, I'll have you know! She just makes it difficult so I don't bother. And you still call me pushy. Would you call your sister pushy? I think you're being pushy.

And I don't like it.

It lunged for Phion's throat.
moonsoverwater's picture

Phion did not move, Rasp

Phion did not move, Rasp biting right through her. It was wonderful to be a specter. The doe stared at Rasp, before swallowing. Did you really think you could hurt me? I am not even really here! And you are incapable of getting out, or you would have. Maybe if you stopped the pushy and started being a little more complacent, things would be easier for you. Maybe I should help you be a little more complacent, hm? the power started to creep in to Phion's voice, silkening and sweetening it.

Rasp was a scared child, everything Zera could not let free when she was around other deer. This was an embodiment of her inner-feelings, wasn't it?

Poor Zera... her sister was repressing so much it became another entity entirely... and the feelings she repressed, also repressed her powers... they were TIED TO HER POWERS!

Phion smiled at Rasp. Okay. Listen. I know what to do now. You will be part of Zera soon, okay? I know what to do to save... both of you.

She smiled, spinning on her heels and taking off, leaping from Zera's mind and in to her own body with a small phrase: "Let me out."

Giving Zera a nuzzle, Phion layed with her sister until she awoke.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

Raso let out a small growl as

Raso let out a small growl as the doe bounded away and disapeared. She was right - but did it really want to be a part of Zera? It had had fun messing with Zera but was it really how it wanted to spend the rest of it's day? Well there was nothing it could do now; Phion had already gone along with the serene clearing. It sighed, contemplating.

The feeling the weight pressing down on her mind suddenly go, Zera's eyes flickered open to see Phion's grinning face. Not knowing what was going on, Z smiled back.

"Er...Phi? What's going on?" She asked uncertainly.
moonsoverwater's picture

Ask her to be part of you.

Ask her to be part of you. Phion spoke, smiling. Her eyes glinted with unshed knowledge as she grinned at her sister. Ask the voice in there to be a part of you. You keep repressing it, and all it wants is to be a part of you. Every time you repress your emotions, you lose your powers. You can't repress yourself anymore, Zee. Nothing. Not a single word or bit.

Phion stood, but not before giving her sister a little nibble on the ear. She would do the impossible, it seemed. She would save the forest too, just as Phion saved Quad once.

Please, Zee? Just embrace yourself... all of yourself. Phion looked off in to the distant forest, smiling.

It's your turn for some sunlight. I will be there if you stumble, but you are going to be the leader. Just embrace and practice, okay? Lots and lots of practice. The doe took a step off, but only to stand on her hind legs and grab a leaf to munch. It was hungry work, doing this.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

Zera stayed still for a

Zera stayed still for a moment, clearly shocked. That was it? How could Phion say it would be that simple?

However, she trusted her sister and nodded slowly.

"Thank you, Phi. I'll try." She grinned at her sister before getting up and begining to graze beside her.

((I'm not sure on all her powers yet, like I said, I'm thinking she can see stuff in water, like scrying or something, and, like in the Great Wolf RP, water manipulation, but I'm not sure what else or if there should be anything else. Any ideas?))
moonsoverwater's picture

Phion giggled. Don't be so

Phion giggled. Don't be so surprised! She grinned.

And Dont try. Just do it. I do not mean to be hostile, but trying won't get you anywhere. Another green leaf met her teeth as she ground it in to sweet pulp, the mash slipping down to her growling stomach. A grumble of appreciation spilled from her throat unchecked.

Trees were always so delectable.

((I would leave the scrying out of it... get a little more creative with the powers, like she could manipulate "waves" instead of just water... like water waves, sound waves, light waves... waves. Just an idea.))

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

((I really like that idea!

((I really like that idea! Thank you so much - time to try it out ^^ ))

Zera nodded again at her sister and tried it. The sensation of accepting her whole self was a little... surreal. However, not entirely unpleasant. There was a stangles scream inside her skull then a massive wave of power hit her. It seared the length of her body, every single hair standing on end, coursing with energy.

She opened her eyes to see... everything. The way the light moved translucent lines stretching every where and the way sound was moving too, translucent ripples expanding from Phi's muzzle and everywhere else. It was a bit disorienting but she could handle it.

Narrowing her eyes and letting out a grunt of concentration, Zera immagined the lines of light and sound bend away from her, letting them show the surrounding forest instead.