firedance's blog

8O Art Requests (closed) One art trade [closed] for now

1.Verycrazygirl done <3
2.spiritbone done <3
3. faunet done <3
4.Imp <3 done
5. Tobe done <3
6. Asbjorn requested by Halafax done <3
7. Vidurair done <3

..closed for now...............

Art trade

Trying this one more time. I can’t promise that it will get done fast. Sometimes I have a lot of time for things sometimes I do not, however it would not be a real long wait. If anyone is interested at all.

who are you

not trying to cause drama here just a little question ..who are you?

Night Happenings

[=gold]“So tired..

So weak..

So hungry…..

As the days go by the fawn grows bigger and stronger

However I grow weaker and weaker.

The first month into my pregnancy I knew this was not going to be normal or easy.

I had been told carrying a demons fawn would be no easy task…after the fact *grumbles*

The simple pinecones and berries were no longer enough to satisfy me.

I needed more..The fawn needed more.

It needed meat

I had taken up hunting long before I became pregnant. However I had never actually killed or eaten any living thing.

I had always left that up to Asaroth. I did it for him anyway.

It was my job.

I had no interest in eating meat.

It was a strange concept for me.

But that changed.

Hunting and eating the smaller animals of the forest became a regular part of my day.

It kept the fawn healthy but held no nutritional benefit for myself.

Deer like myself are not made to eat meat.

The strange eating habits made me sick.

I had always been thin; but by month two I could tell my weight had dropped.

I saw no reason to be concerned at the time.

My body was changing adjusting..

Perhaps it was normal?

I started to show earlier than most

I blamed my small size.

what to do?

[=10][=gold]“It seems I have much to think about and a short time to make a decision.

It’s not a decision I wish to make, but it seems that I must be the one to make it.

I will make no finale decision that much will be left to another, but I must come to some sort of conclusion first.

I never thought I would have this problem, but it seems that now I do, and I must deal with it. I have put it off long enough. It needs to end before it can hurt anyone…me…. any worse.

I guess I should start at the beginning to help myself piece it all together.”

If I had to say I had a true first love I would say it was The Collector. I still am unsure if he is fully aware
of that fact.
It’s difficult to explain why I developed a love for him..most would say it was completely crazy.

I think it was because I could always see more to him than just a mask collecting monster.

In fact I never saw a monster at all.

To me he was just a passionate misunderstood deer and I wanted to get closer to him.

I Just wanted to show him that someone cared.

I wanted to be his friend.

It was shortly after I earned his respect that I realized I had feelings for him.

Then I heard about a great ball that was to be held.

I wished so badly that he would ask me to go with him.

I did not get my hopes up though for I knew he would not be fond of the idea of dancing with a bunch of “worthless” as he calls them.

He did not ask me.

He just disappeared it seemed. I searched for days.

I was certain he was gone forever.

My heart had never hurt so badly in my life, but I never gave up my search.

Right before the ball was to start I spotted a lone stag sleeping by the pond under the willow tree.

He was mask less and wore the kirin pelt and antlers.

I looked closely at his face; even though he was sleeping he looked unhappy.

I continued to study him.

Night Terrors /Blood warning/Heavy Images

Silhouettes are so much fun XD
Please read
Ok I’m clearing the air now..please do not flame me..this is a story…
Night Shade is not dead..I wouldn’t do that XD
She did not attempt suicide
I leave it up t o you the reader to fill in some blanks..but I think I need to explain the ending..Like I said she did not try to kill herself. She got angry and charged the statue. She is unconscious nothing more. As for the latest injury..I don’t know if I will let her keep it or not yet Eye
I’m sorry for the unnecessary info above..I just do not want to upset anyone. Smiling
Overall I’m happy with this. Some parts look better than others..due to my tablet acting up at times :/ and the fact some of it was drawn at 2 in the morning XDD..

Update…Just wondering..should I try something like this(picture stories) again in the future?

Mr. evil shadow belongs to Alicev…
Confused? read Resurrection Part IV by Alicev

back XD No such thing as a quick fix ~Night Shade~

[=14]“Anxiety…leads to insanity..
And this insanity..
Leads to weakness….
Or so I found out today…or was it yesterday…
I am unsure……..
The day started like any other. I played with friends. Splashed around in the pond..the usual…
Then I took a trip to the ruins.. it was there the insanity hit me…
The old mushroom tree, I had passed it many times, never giving it a second thought, but at that moment….It looked..tasty.
I knew I would get sick, as I had witnessed the effects of the mushrooms on others.
I didn’t care.
All at once all of my depression, and anxiety came to the surface. I hid this side of me from the others so least I thought I did anyway.
I needed to take my mid of amount of friend’s comfort would help this time…
The mushrooms seemed to be an easy fix..temporary, but easy.
A gentle breeze made the leaves on the old tree rustle.

Text boxes

How do you make them?

spell data i do not want a rare item..XD

Ok I am trying to save my spell data in my email drafts…
When I go to paste the data in my spell data folder it says the file name and path are not the same..and it will not let me save the data..what am I doing wrong? I hope this is not too confusing XD

Confessions of the heart. *~Night Shade~* {mild language’s only one word XD}short story

[=14][=Kartika][center] "...There is no need to be worried.
I don't care about other, so other shall not care about me...”

”oh...I see..”
The doe turned away with a heavy heart. She didn’t know rather to be hurt or angry. It was a new overwhelming feeling to her. How one sentence, one small phrase could sting her heart so much. She walked a few steps and glanced over her shoulder. He was still standing there. Something needed to be said, and it was she who must say it. Fear had held her back for a long time, the fear of losing him forever. The fear of making him angry, but things had changed..Or at least she thought they had. ” I shouldn’t be afraid to speak anymore.” she thought to herself. ” more.” she turned to face him, casting her cold yellow eyes into his empty ones. “You know... her voice broke, and she dropped her gaze. She couldn’t look at him. It hurt to much.
”Asking me to not worry..... not to care about you..I..Is like.. me asking you to stop collecting masks!!...It will NEVER happen!”....”.Look…. I don’t care if you care nothing for me.....I DO care about you!”
She turned away again..she could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. She dropped her head. “And there is nothing that will change that....Good day Collector.”
A tear made its way down her nose. No she couldn’t let him see her cry. Only “worthless” cry, but perhaps that’s what she was.
She ran away as fast as her legs could carry her. She ran into the old oak, and fell to the ground sobbing loudly. “Damn, what have I done?!” “He had enough on his mind..and now I have ran my foolish mouth...I never know when to shut up.”
She was to tired and sad to cry anymore. What good did it do anyway? What did telling him that even do?

Losing control of your deer…

*example* You have your deer go eat a pine cone..but instead of doing that your deer runs off..usually straight to the pond..and it’s almost impossible to get it to stop. I have found ways to make it stop, but geez,It’s kind of creepy.
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