firedance's blog

The small advantage ~Night Shade~

[=gold]“My wounds were healing..finally.

I was glad. I missed running, playing and yes even the fighting.

Fighting is what caused me my grief, but I didn’t care and now that I had scores to settle with those who hurt me. I missed it with a passion.

Being beaten was no something I could tolerate.

No it happened way too often.

In fact every fight I got in I lost.

It wasn’t fair.

I have no powers, No super strength…




I needed them and I would have them.

Somehow some way I would get them.

I knew very well I could not grow them and simple forest magic only stayed on me so long, before the casted antlers would fall off and drop to the ground.

Limitations were something that recently I had to learn to accept, but surely there had to be ways to improve one’s self.

Sure I would still be just as much a doe just as much capable of death s I had always been, but anyone could find an edge…

An advantage. Even a small one.


My advantage would come in the strangest of forms.


Not mine but another’s.

I was wandering around the grave yard lost in my own thoughts.

When fate caused me to trip.

I quickly got to my feet and looked around furiously, trying to figure out what fool dared to trip me up.

I could see no one.

Satisfied I dropped my gaze to the ground in front of me.

Something pale stuck up out of the ground.

It looked like a sharp point of some kind its jagged tip was stained red.

Was it dried blood?

Curious, I stated to dig around the sharp object, revealing the skull of a fallen deer.

I stared at it for a long time.

To tempt fate. ~Night Shade~ Content/language violence warning/ part three

read this. Parts one and two

This = Jack played by alicev
this = Night Shade played by me
this = Asaroth played by Kittycatkita
this= Kita played by Kittycatkita

done -dead- I will fix any major fails later <3

all actions are based on rp in forest
I wanted this to have art and such. but it's going to be a bit long for that..sorry plus my drawing is not at it's best right now. So if you hate my writing... now would be a good time to stop reading ;;.
The reason for doing this. Other than it was (I thought) an interesting story, was to make myself write. I feel bad for not writing as much for Night Shade as I used to. So this story of sorts is to help give a better understanding of her personality and relationships with others. For those who do not know her at all take a look
and you will see why being called fat upsets her so much X)

Part 3

[=10]How long she was out, she didn’t know

A minute an hour, it didn’t matter. She could see Jack still lying in the same spot. This fact made her feel a bit better. At least he hadn’t harmed her anymore.

She knew she had to get up now. Her son was waiting on her, probably terribly upset, poor child; she had hidden him in the tall grass and told him to wait for her. She wouldn’t be gone long.

Jack had made a liar of her. She raised her head and gave his body a cold glare. She could see no movement from him, no sign of life.

A horrible hateful thought crossed her mind.

She hoped he was dead, but she knew he was not.

To tempt fate. ~Night Shade~ Content/language violence warning/ parts one and two

This = Jack played by alicev
this = Night Shade played by me
this = Asaroth played by Kittycatkita
this= Kita played by Kittycatkita

all actions are based on rp in forest
I wanted this to have art and such. but it's going to be a bit long for that..sorry plus my drawing is not at it's best right now. So if you hate my writing... now would be a good time to stop reading ;;.
The reason for doing this. Other than it was (I thought) an interesting story, was to make myself write. I feel bad for not writing as much for Night Shade as I used to. So this story of sorts is to help give a better understanding of her personality and relationships with others. For those who do not know her at all take a look
and you will see why being called fat upsets her so much X)

Part one

[=10]Limitations limitations she was so sick of them.

You’re too small

You have no antlers

You should just run

She was so sick of it

Had she not proven herself enough already?

Would she never be respected?

Soon it seemed she would have to look up to even her own son.

Who was reaching her height already at such a young age.

She was glad he didn’t take after her. He would grow up to be big and strong.

He would never have to worry about looking up to anyone or anyone looking down on him.

Such a bitter mood she was in.

True. She had no impressive head of antlers in which to protect herself.

Unlike her mate she wasn’t a demon

She had no powers, other than ones gained from the forest.

Night Shade was a deer nothing more, nothing less.

But she did have her pride.

Her will

Her joy of the fight.

The fight…

She loved to fight

The rush, the challenge she lived for it.

The knowing eye

To see it again…..

It hurt to see it there lying in the flowers

That thing, that mask

It messed everything up

It was this sign

That told her so many months ago

It was over..

It would never work

sure he had fought hard for her

but it wasn't what he really wanted

She wasn’t what made him happy

It was the masks

It would always be the masks

His passion

He loved them enough to kill for them

This was a tragic sign..


However things change

This was now a sign of hope

Hope of a return

An apology

She wanted him to know she had seen his message

and understood it.

Atop the shiny broken pieces she lay a single golden flower

He would see it upon his return and know

That he was missed.

"Sleep well dear friend..I hope you find some peace.."

response to <-- this by alicev

I'm so not a writer ;;

>8D Nudist D8< the bio of a creeper


This bio may contain slight suggestive materials



Actions Tormented Kita and was beat up again, clothed by Illrose many times

Mental health50 % ( frustrated)

Physical health 50%(srsly got his butt kicked)


things better left unsaid

attended a dance and forced Vico to dace with him

Was beat up

Such an innocent face….

however for everyone else the tongue is missing

speaks in "Pink"


“Yes please ^^” stag


23 human about 2 deer


Being a creeper


Default pelt (nude) Owl Mask. Antlers could be any or none


He could have one that he favors over any others, however he could never be loyal


Anything that he takes a liking too. He does not have a thing for fawns . That’s too weird even for him


crazy, energetic, perverted, immature, determined


Nudist loves to be nude. Meaning no pelt.

Being pelted (clothed) makes him sad. He will cry and pout when hit with such a spell however masks and antlers are fine.

As a result of wanting to be nude he will appear most often as a mini deer so others can't put pelts on him and he can jiggle around to his heart’s content .

He is also very immature and prone to fits of rage (temper tantrums) When things don’t go his way. So it could be that he will fight when pushed to a breaking point

He will however dress up if it can benefit him somehow.
He will often dress as a potential love interests favorite doe or stag in an effort to fool them in to thinking he is their lover.

he will also stalk deer he likes.

Q and A
Q. ummm aren’t all deer nude…?
A. "hmm yes but not as nude as me hehe"
Q. Will you harass my deer?
A. “Not unless it wants me to >8D”
Q. What do you enjoy?
A. “>8D What do I not enjoy?”
Q. errr ok.. How do you like to spend your time?
A.“ mehehe playing with my toys.”
Q. toys?? I don’t want to know …
A. “>8D”

The toys

Vico – “ Such a cute stag . So shy hehe I like him very much. Oh yes he has defiantly caught my eye. He’s so helpless.”

Borislav Sorokin- "hmn old man you make me so mad you know. You will pay one day hehe your heart is too kind. it’s your week point"

Kita- "Rude doe I’ll deal with her later..such a pity."

Illrose- "You must really like dress up << rude doe.."

How could you be mad?...


Please note

This deer is not meant to be a rd. This deer will stalk, nuzzle and occasionally chase. I as a player can tell when others do not want to be bothered.

Please if you do not want to be bothered ignore him or shake your head no. I will understand ^^.


"The Drama..

The sickness…

The uncomfortable sleepless days and nights…

The pain..

It was all worth it.

I regret nothing

Welcome to the forest

Sariel ...

I will protect you with my life.”

Night Shade had a little boy ^^
something bigger will be up by tomorrow or the next day

~~ I may look like a monster {Boron} but thats not who I am..~~

Wip bio

better smaller pic will be up as soon as i get more time ^^

Name: Boron
Gender :Stag
Age: 3
Set Long mask, orca antlers (his ears), Noh pelt

“Greetings I am Boron.
Want to know a little about me do ya? Hmm. Well lets see ..

I’m sorry for my rather strange appearance... no no don’t be afraid. I’m not as bad as I look!

You see I was a normal deer once just like you.

I know I know hard to believe but it’s true.

You see I had an accident when I was younger.

I feel into some strange water that made me into the beast I am today.

Hmm what else? Oh as you can see I am very tall, I also have no antlers, however the tusks make
up for it.

Indeed they are just as useful! Of course I do not like to use them. No no I am not a fighter.

I only get a little upset when my mask is removed. You see….never mind I do not want to talk about it..”

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