Night Happenings

“So tired..

So weak..

So hungry…..

As the days go by the fawn grows bigger and stronger

However I grow weaker and weaker.

The first month into my pregnancy I knew this was not going to be normal or easy.

I had been told carrying a demons fawn would be no easy task…after the fact *grumbles*

The simple pinecones and berries were no longer enough to satisfy me.

I needed more..The fawn needed more.

It needed meat

I had taken up hunting long before I became pregnant. However I had never actually killed or eaten any living thing.

I had always left that up to Asaroth. I did it for him anyway.

It was my job.

I had no interest in eating meat.

It was a strange concept for me.

But that changed.

Hunting and eating the smaller animals of the forest became a regular part of my day.

It kept the fawn healthy but held no nutritional benefit for myself.

Deer like myself are not made to eat meat.

The strange eating habits made me sick.

I had always been thin; but by month two I could tell my weight had dropped.

I saw no reason to be concerned at the time.

My body was changing adjusting..

Perhaps it was normal?

I started to show earlier than most

I blamed my small size.

I could not bring myself to believe that the fawn might just be really big.

I had never had a fawn before and didn’t know exactly what to expect and when and what was
normal and what was not.

All I knew was it was growing and healthy and I wanted nothing more than to keep it that way..
Small game was becoming scarce….

and I was in pain.

I could always tell when the fawn needed me to hunt.

I would hurt

It felt like my insides were being ripped from me.

In desperation I formed a plan

I would spell sleeping deer and turn them into little animals.

I was horrified by my actions.

And apparently so were the gods.

I awoke one morning feeling sicker and more wretched than ever, to find I had been given a new appearance

My colors were gone.

I was black as pitch.

White markings out lined my now protruding bones.

Red eyes stared back at me when I took a drink from the pond.

I looked as evil as I felt….

By month three My weight had dropped more

I was getting to heavy with fawn to hunt.

I was too tired.

Asaroth would hunt for me but it was never enough

So I started spelling more and more deer with creature spells and feeding on them

The fawn continued to grow

I continued to fade away..

My spells are even becoming useless.

I can no longer make small animals with them

They just fail..

Or I lose them

I fear I may have to resort to getting food from another source…

But I can’t bring myself to do it

No matter how bad I hurt

No matter how scarce game continues to become

I can’t

I won’t

The only thing that keeps me going is the life I can now feel moving inside me

If I die.. it will die

This is month four..

Two more to go…………”

I will say I am NOT happy with shop crashed on me 10 times…..10 and once when my picture that looked way better than this thrown together one does, was done and I lost it even though I saved I don’t know what’s going on.
Anyways the point to this was just to show what’s been happening with Night shade for the last little bit. and to kind of explain her laying around in forest. I think this whole thing is a fail lol but I’m just irritated right now. XD
Well anyways enjoy if it’s possible
Rainflower's picture

Stalking >=3

Stalking >=3
"The cruelest prison is one we make for ourselves out of fear and regret."
Serenai's picture


Icon Art © Beloved

(No subject)

Serenai's picture

(No subject)

Icon Art © Beloved





I LOVE it... amazing

I LOVE it...

amazing <3

and the drawing <3... i can so feel with you for the photoshop crushing. it _is_ annoying.

yea and it apparently does

yea and it apparently does not know what the save buttion means lol
Serenai's picture

Oh, poor dear. DDDDD:

Oh, poor dear. DDDDD:

Icon Art © Beloved
ocean's picture

Neep. o_o Good luck,

Neep. o_o
Good luck, Nightshade!
PLK217's picture

Really strange, my photoshop

Really strange, my photoshop practically doesn't crash at all...

And still, I knew I made a good decision to stay away whenever you started talks about food... Evil

"T..thank you." yep luck she

"T..thank you."
yep luck she needs it X)

PLK217 XD yea she only spells and eats sleepers that she does not know >Cool but it's still good to watch out for her XDDD she's a hungry girl *shot* j/k

she does feel bad about it though D8 lol

"...yea she only spells and

"...yea she only spells and eats sleepers that she does not know..."
"Lie! Hehe!"


" You are an exception to the

" You are an exception to the rule!"

lol sleepers AND Jack XDDDDD
DragonSparda's picture

hmmmm...maybe dragon could

hmmmm...maybe dragon could help some how with the demonishness
-dragons red eyes glow under her mask-

im sure she will not mind ;p

Night would appreciate any

Night would appreciate any help lol