
Blankety -blank -blank-forest

In the middle of a herd of deer raters, a sudden urge to visit a quieter space as in the forest. Taking the usual path keystroke by keystroke the gateway to the forest appeared to be in a blizzard. A total whitelisted white-out for a day. So many snowflakes a deer could not even make out the bottom of a hoof lifted in trotting across the snow. Managing to see between snowflakes theano deer remember the special cipher given by dear professor deer. Stopping underneath the tree with the tree cavern hole, theano ducked in and with her hoof scrawled the cipher code hoping the professor would find the message. Freya deer with her ferocious kitties had entered the realm frosting everything and with a bit of warmth the dear professor deer had a chance to make the blizzard move on. Curling up in her favorite position theano deer cuddle in back snuggly against the ancient tree for a well-deserved nap. Waking up a half a day later a sunbeam tickled her eyelashes and with a peek the blizzard had abated. Groups of deer made snow deer angels while others wrote things making yellow snow and a glance at the pond showed slipping and sliding deer learning figure skating. All is well in the realm
Runepelt's picture

I found my screenshots :>

I am pleased

It came early

Rutting season came early in the Texas forest... an usually cool spell in late spring and early summer with mist the central theme of every day for over two weeks... Aussie deer did a continual ramp up of the herd to tackle a larger deer herd in California forest nestled in a rich valley ringed by instructor deers from long ago. In a strategic move for the future as the waters will come up from the big pond with only a horizon the ancient instructor deer herd joined the Aussie forest herd. Unknown to the California deer the raids began. Being wiley counts so as to make the raids last as long as possible...As always in nature balance must be maintained so only that that which was taken from one... Of course to join a herd the Aussie deer and ancient instructor deer herd have been rutting up a storm----seems like a period of disruption of ecosystem for a time hmmmm development of herds from other forests imminent...136 new stags... so will it be all one dance or many dances during the rut hmmm



HeartClock's picture


come back and haunt me | masq

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Hum's picture


Olga \Biography/

