
Runepelt's picture

Im tiny! :o

Please help. How do I return to normal size? :>
qiwibucket's picture

* Dauma *

Name: Dauma
Gender: Female
Species: Mule Deer/Raven Peryton
Home: Vagabond
Size: 10 on the size chart
Character: Curious
Age: Adult / Mature
Scent: A hint of pear, white cedar, gentle musk
Diet: Omnivorous
Set: NA / Mask: Magpie / Pelt: Magpie / Antlers: Swan

Instagram for sketches
Runepelt's picture

* Pahaliah *

Name: Pahaliah
Gender: Female
Species: Whitetail Deer/Barn Owl Peryton
Home: Likes to sleep in The Old Oak
Size: 7 on the size chart
Character: Friendly introvert
Age: Adult / Mature
Scent: Morning rain, fresh sprouts, delicate spices
Diet: Omnivorous
Set: NA / Mask: Barn Owl / Pelt: Golden Butterfly / Antlers: Barn Owl

Instagram for sketches

Performance on newer pc?

Hello! I'm new around here.

I tried the game out years ago when I was young, but didn't stick with it (sadly!) I gave it a go again recently with some friends and would like to keep checking in. However, I'm finding that the game is making my CPU much much hotter than I would expect and running at a very low framerate even with minimum graphics settings. I have an intel i5, nvdia gtx 1650, and 8 Gb of ram. I'm wondering if anyone can recommend some comparability settings or other things I could tinker with outside of the in game options. I would have used the search function but unfortunately it seems to be not working right now.

Any help would be much appreciated!

Love from Pipis

For some reason I can't comment on this post... Here's what I was going to say:

Thanks for the advice, everyone! Seems to be running a little more stable now. I kind of figured it came down to optimization and not knowing what to do with newer hardware. I'm sure the Unreal version will run great and I hope to have the funds for decent donation soon Smiling
rabbanim's picture
