
css test - broken css save

((I know all the pictures and backgrounds went byebye. I have to fix that later. This little one will be a Challenger this year. But they don't fight, sorry combatants. Instead Ori' charms and weaves and sneaks and collects stragglers. Come on, don't resist this 'ittle face.))

css test

In's picture


Vessan's picture

Das Rotwild, Ferdinand von Raesfeld, Kurt Reulecke (realistic deer information repository)

I have a book about deer biology and husbandry.

It has many chapters.

I actually translated part of it in the TEF directory group, but that stuff was not pinged and got lost a long time ago.

I am offering to translate the book again only fragment by fragment for those that are interested.
I also only have the first part of the book.

IT goes into absolutel CRAZY amounts of details from,
what specific movements a deer makes during mating that signal that it came to insemination...
To gauging ages by tooth degredation and tooth amount.
What pose they make when they're scenting the air.
How baby fawn scent glands 'close' when danger is near and does eat grass downwind from their fawn.
How wounds, parasites and diseases affect the growth of antlers.

I will start off with antler falloff, next follows antler growth patterns.
If one needs to find the parasite growth inhibition check under the tef directory discord group under the search key word "parasites" it should be in the media channel

Links to specific posts/information sections:
all about antlers falling off
Vessan's picture


dUMB. OppoRTuniSTic OmnivORE

Future possible note, will give their name to a predator once on a full blood moon
I hope this is what you expected


Hi! I'm Catenkaa and I'm new here! I was wondering if someone could explain how this game works. It's very interesting Smiling Is there a way I can add friends in the game?
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