
Where do old deer go?

Traveling through the forest had slowed to a snail's pace. After an illness survived endurance had suffered a bit. Building up had been a problem since the weather kept blanketing the ground with the white frost. Feeling one's hooves sometimes becomes difficult. Cloven hooves have to learn to dance across crystals rather than stomp. It meant slower progress. What else is an ancient deer to do?

Finding sunbeams or a warm body to snuggle up to helped much. Warm springs often helped till one crawls out into the chilled air. Where to go depends on where the sunbeams fall. More light allows one to see the path and warmth makes the legs nimble once again. Decisions on how far to go depend on how soft the ground would feel in a thud. Napping too long may mean not enough strength to get up again.

The ancient deer picked a spot that if fallen had plenty of fresh greens to munch while rolling around in the vegetation. Crawling remains an option. Young fawns coming over for stories of long ago always helped. Nothing wrong just well used parts wearing out slowly, reviving a bit in a sunbeam and then back to the inevitable.

Where do ancient deer go when all is said and down? No bones have ever been found in the forest. Not even a hint. Does the sexy swag coat deer come out of the altar and take you there where ever there is. Do you just dissipate into thin air and become part of the forest once more? The doppleganger deer seen with a sign or not is that a shell left of some ancient deer's embodied spirit visiting a favorite glen or sleep spot once more?

Never a dead deer in the forest. Deer have disappeared into thin air. Others lay upon the ground in a deep slumber never to wake. Which is better? For me it would be slow travel of any kind rather than sleep. Always challenges, each day a new one. Ancient deer get challenged but instead of another it is their own body that and energy level that makes the daily challenge. Do I breathe or chew? Do I walk or eat?


MiciMai's picture

Meet Mici Doe/deer

Here is Mici Smiling
Made with SAI, and i wonder those white line spots.... xD
Its might not looks like 100% same as in game.
but this is way i draw her Laughing out loud

She is not ready yet in game, have to wait 1-2 days until i can complete her Smiling xD

see you in game <3

~MiciMai <3
SloupSoup's picture

test 1

SloupSoup's picture

Beast within

Vessan's picture

An open realm

I generally wanted to keep this place as a background for one of my characters but has since decided that it would be far more interestings if it was built by people who use it.

The Meglanian fields, I've been thinking as a name so far. It's indoeuropean for for/mist, still present in plenty of live languages nowdays. But! Probably every culture will have it's own name for it anyway...

The things I set down;
It's generally perpetually foggy, lightly or heavily. Nice weather is guaranteed in higher elevations. The weather is often overcast or downright gorgeous.
It's a landmass bordered by many bodies of water and inspired after europe.
-The -native- inhabitants are usually mixes between one or two species, max three. One dominant one and two accompanyting ones in lesser dominance.
-The inhabitants are culture builders and live in societies or alone.
-Culturally and namewise it's very pagan european; slavic, celtic, germanic etc.
-Clothes are crafted and worn as well...
-Also very folkloric, mistifying, at times supernatural.
-The land is perpetually tied to tef via portal obelixes that lead to the forest where the weather is nicer asdfgh...

-The place I already defined as my character's homeland is open grasslands mixed in with woodlands and pastures.

So, this is open for interpretation by people and further development, it's easy enough what's above my character's homeland is open for in-spirit-of editing and actually cool n creative 'rule' breaking is encouraged lol. This can be a homeland, a plot device, a region to go to or come from... No one barred but please be respectful of eachother.

Moodboards welcome haha.
Kumu's picture

Bio Yumi


Why is this game dying? (Maybe good news)

From the response email:

I will look into this.

The rest of the email is not worth sharing. It was made clear that the website is not a priority and overall very unhappy but fingers crossed for improvement to the website so it can be reliably used again.

As it currently is you log in then find someone to sit with. Anything happening here is so spaced out that you never notice because you log in, never move for hours, and stop checking your screen. Because nothing happens enough to warrant checking. Eventually you stop logging in but look at the map sometimes. No change.

For a game that is getting a big face lift that should be generating a lot of attention it instead looks to be bleeding out.

I see no one talking about this only people showing up less and less. Did the community collapse in on itself? Did people grow up and move on? Why still are there fewer newer players coming in? Are people angry about the remake and those special sets costing money? Is it a combination of all this?

I do not get it ;^; but there must be a way to improve on it.
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