What do others think of your characters?
October 9, 2010 - 2:46am — Emerald
Have you ever wondered how others interpreted your characters? Of course you could always ask, but in fear of hurting your feelings or getting on your bad side, they might stretch the truth a bit.
However, here's a website that allows people to select traits they feel apply to a certain person, or in this case, a character. It is called Johari. Free to use, and also extremely simple. Users may submit their opinion anonymous if they wish to do so, or put an identity down.
I encourage you to make one, and do some for people's charries.
Here is the link to Dieu's.
Dieu's Bio.
You may pick up to six traits I believe. ^^
Please make your own and post it here so we can all give you feedback. If the outcomes aren't what you want, then that will alert you that you need to make some adjustments to how you portray your deer.
Anyway, let the fun begin. =D
This, I absolutely ADORE
I've made one for my Jester, which can be found le here if anybody is interested :3 I'll so go do Dieu's as soon as I've checked out his bio, BLASPHEMOUS I can't believe I haven't seen him around before!
... I misinterpreted your
But AHM... Once my idiot brain got the basic idea after that little mishap, I made one for Bartleby Ahm...
*scuttlesoff* I'm so sorry... >///>
*hides behind pillow*
http://kevan.org/jh/ra+qu >
>Hides behind Celeste pillow<
I'm missing two bios, and the
But I made one for Sorrel anyhow, even if her personality needs an update:
Illrose's Johari window,
Apocalypse's Johari window, Nohari window and bio.
*hide behind Celeste's pillow as well.*
Edit; added Nohari windows and bio for both. :b
Here's mine - Quad. Since
Since Quad and I act very similar, you can choose words either relating to him or me.
YES. I did well on
*goes to get a second pillow*
Here's Ace's and
*hides behind one of Celes' pillows with Illrose*
interesting site |D I'd do
I'd do one for some of my deer, but I'm not motivated enough to really care what people think of them xD;
Here we go:
*goes off and calls mattress
"Hello, I would like to order 1,000 mattresses, send them to the Endless Forest."
Did one more - Iugulare, my
Here is Talla's, but a link
I'm not good at describing my own characters so I picked things other might know best. v.v
Cool! *track for later*
Edit: Here's Rire's
This looks like a lot of fun
oAo You guys pounce when I'm
You guys pounce when I'm asleep, I swear. xD.
-rushes to complete everyones'-
Glad you all like it. =D
Some of you I have never encountered in forest, so I'm afraid I won't be able to do yours. D;
Maybe if you all put a link to your deer's bio, more people could do your Johari.
Edit: Nohari, Johari, and
Nohari, Johari, and bio for my Kheiron^^
I'd like to think anyone who
I've made a Johari and a
Unfortunately I forgot brackets would break the link. Bah. Paste these in the link box:
Johari - http://kevan.org/jh/lilly+(character+of+e.w.)
Nohari - http://kevan.org/nohari?name=Lilly+(character+of+E.W.)
[e]:What the?!... the program doubled my reply to Kheiron's and Dieu's Johari xD
I understand completely Tera.
I understand completely Tera. =D
What I think is useful of this tool though is that it gives you percentages on each trait. It can also be played as a game. Since you yourself choose six that fit your character, others try to find out what you described him or her as. o3o
Come on guys, let's get some
Come on guys, let's get some more up here. I'm in the mood to do a few. >3
Sounds like fun, count me in!
Here's the link for Bloo's Johari.
And her bio.
I really need to update that bio soon.
Edit: Nohari too plx!!
Well, Lilly's has no results
Oooh, I love this... I made
I made two for Vodun.
A dark version (negative) and a light version (positive).
Feel free to answer the one you find most entertaining (or both, haha), and don't worry about being rude~ It's all in good fun!
Edit: Oh, and a link to his bio ;D
Err, I better warn you guys
Which means, the pages I made are for «Lilly+(character+of+E.W.)».
So don't click «http://kevan.org/jh/lilly» or «http://kevan.org/nohari?name=Lilly», but instead copy [or drag to a new separator, if you use Firefox] «http://kevan.org/jh/lilly+(character+of+e.w.)» and «http://kevan.org/nohari?name=Lilly+(character+of+E.W.)».
Because I've noticed some of you have submited the results of my Lilly to that page :P
...stupid brackets. I forgot they ruin URLs. Sorry
Here's Quad's Nohari if
...this looks
Just becasue... here is jacks johari
And his Nohari
.. guess the nohari is more fitting for him xD
bio can be found on my updates.
*continuing going through the others now*
edit: okay broken links where broken
I... Uhm. I'd like to know
I'd like to know what you think of me too :'(
My Johareh
My Nohareh
[e]: ...Seems like no one sees me the same way and no one sees me the way I see myself xp
Ah! I've seen this site
There's also one where you can choose negative traits.
I don't know most of the characters posted here. ^^;
Ah well. I will start with Amary.
...the name Amary is already used? What are the chances of that? o-o;
(wow it was hard narrowing it down to six traits, some are really similar ^^; )
...uh...no nohari, I guess, because I can't find enough traits that fit. ^^;
and Oisín
and again I couldn't find enough traits for a nohari ^^;