
ocean's picture



:.{Recent Events For Deer}.:

UM I was going to write diaries from my deer here but I can't be bothered now 8C So I'll just write a few updates on their LIIIVES.
Alecsander's picture

Limitations [Rhys/...?]

[X] [X][X][X][X][X][X][X]


Rhys caught up with him some time after that. He sat down by him and the female companion he had gained. He recognized her from Kita. He never saw her before this point, but here she was sitting silently by him. It was a bit unsettling. Would his madness allow him to take up hand against her or was that not possible. He knew very little of how they worked. He was staring at that damn column again. Rhys was hoping he would have left it alone, but the fascination was there.
Alecsander's picture

Not Good Enough [..?]

[X] [X][X][X][X][X][X]

He tried to be social today.
He wondered how the creatures of the forest saw him.
Probably as a deer.
They were simple like that.

So he shambled his way from the ruins and sat down by the first deer he had set eyes on.
He did nothing.
He said nothing.
They ran.
Figures he'd find a 'clicky' timid deer.

Alecsander's picture

An unknown Challenge [Writers/Artists]

Blame boredom and curiosity.
In the past three days I have posted more than seven short stories featuring a character known only as '..?'
I want to see what you make out of him.

Alecsander's picture

Martha [Rhys/..?]

[X] [X][X][X][X][X]

It seemed that the boy's attraction to the ruins had not waned even in his madness. Rhys watched silently as the figure clawed it's way around the ruins trying to dislodge any untouched stone he could move. It was so very queer and he could not find the motive behind it. The place was already a shell of it's former self. Then again, so was he.

Alecsander's picture

Obesity [Rhys/..?]

[X] [X][X][X][X]

Weeks ago they had met in the forest by chance and he had questioned him of it then.
The larger stag had bore down on the carefree figure picking the flowers from the stream and asked that question. It was a frivolous vain question, but even Rhys could not deny that he took pride in his appearance. There was just one aspect that had bothered him for some time.

Alecsander's picture

Bleeding from the head [Rhys/..?]

[X] [X][X][X]

He must have known. It was impossible to ignore the injury yet he continued on through the forest as if there were nothing wrong. Really, it was a bit sad and unsettling. He use to push him to prevent any thing of this sort for being tacky, but now it brazenly ran about.

Sad really.

You'd think the child had lost it's mind.
Probably fell out.

Seed's picture

Gift-Writing-A-Thon, Week 3: For Animasoul


She loves a little madness,
the pretty girl in the white dress,
who winds in a deer-like form
in and out of light and shady patches in the woods.
She says she can’t be really hurt long,
but such a trusting heart, and so exposed –
perhaps she just doesn’t know how hurt can find her.
But then, at least her madness loves her back.

((Gah. Fail. Fail... Anyway, if I had to cut this poem down to two lines, it would be the first and the last ones, which were inspired by a little exchange I noticed under her bio. Originally they were the last two lines, but as a framing device...I kind of like this better.))
Seed's picture

Gift-Writing-A-Thon, Week 2: For Dannii

The Rose

With her soft brown pelt;
With her gentle steps and soft voice;
With her eyes like a forest from a distance, green and brown;
With her human lips just made for kissing;
With the way her heart opens easily, like a flower in the coming spring;
With all her features in the bloom of the rose.

((Gah. Bad and short. I am apparently awful at doing gifts, who knew? You deserve better, Dannii!))
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