The leowolf (aka Pega) is officially on her Spring Break, so she has over a week of free time on her hands (paws?).
And she will stop speaking about herself in third person now. XD
To have something to do, I will be taking a handful of sketch requests. =] First-come, first-serve,
unless I know you well in which case ask even if the slots are filled.
Information I need from you:
Deer name: please try to keep it to no more than two. It's difficult to put more than one deer in a drawing.
Set: describe it well or provide a good reference picture
Pose: it's harder for me to draw your deer if I don't know what pose to draw them in
Extras: whatever you can think of that doesn't fit in the other categories (ie. an object with them, their picto [provide link], etc.)
Xylia (Sarie)
Pavo (Scythe)
Fei (Moonsorrow)
Masque (Fledermaus)
Lenore and Hortense (Emiva)
Sarie's Deer Family Portrait -
These are closed. Thank you to those who asked and I hope you like the results (though "like" seems to be an understatement I'm finding |D). I had fun drawing all of these! =]
.......... ohai? 8U xD Deer:
Deer: How about Xylia? c: She's... neglected. xD
Set: Peacock pelt, magpie mask (black), and beluga antlers, which are rounded, not sharp.
Pose: Something elegant... Or looking up at a firefly/butterfly/THING? 8D
Extras: uhhh anything purple is epic c: like flowers.
/end fail
I usually feel guilty
And yay, spring break! Mine starts tomorrow at 5, when I get out of work. I'm excited. XD
Deer name: Pavo
Set: Peacock pelt, Peacock mask, Great argus antlers
Pose: Your call, but standing still would be fine. Contrary to how he has been behaving as of late, he's generally an overconfident fellow, well known for his grin and exaggerated expressions.
Extras: I still haven't finished his reference sheet, (go figure), but there are a few things to note about Pavo's design. Well, one thing that I can think of as now. While he obviously regrets it now, he lost half of his left ear in a fight a few months ago. XD; His fur's also a bit unkempt and somewhat fluffy about his hooves and head.
Many thanks in advance! ^__^
If you don't mind I would
Deer name: Fei
Set: Brown plet with gold strips, Butterfly antlers, Long brown mask.
Pose: Waiting, Listening for a noise.
Extras: nothing important needed.
Im always here to listen to the bads and goods in the world
and to fix the wrongs beening done in this
dying world
dont try to tame me, it's pointless.
Brrrggg, I hate asking
Name: Masque
Set: Well, I always envision him wearing the "Gods-only" Mardi-Gras pelt/antlers and the magpie mask. But, if it's easier, you could just stick with the Argus pelt, fan antlers, and magpie mask. It's up to you, really.
Pose: Standing is fine by me, the only thing I ask is that he looks a bit disgruntled. xD
Extra: Nothing
You're awesome for taking the time to do this!
Could you do maybe Lenore
Deer name: Lenore and Hortense
Set: They are both grey, although Hortense is a little bit lighter. No antlers at all for each of them, please. And can you not give them a mask, but a normal deer face? Lenore has grey eyes, and Hortense has blue/grey eyes. Hortense is much shorter, and is silent, almost always seen at the side of Lenore.
Pose: Maybe you could have Lenore sitting down, with Hortense maybe leaning against her? OR have them just standing there, OR dfks idk. c:
Extras: Lenore is seen time to time with a grey shawl. (Because she's a widow) c:
Hugs and kisses,
Emiva <3
Alright, everyone's been
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: Look for Friends. Let Love find you.
Yayz! Thx, And take your
Im always here to listen to the bads and goods in the world
and to fix the wrongs beening done in this
dying world
dont try to tame me, it's pointless.
*worships* You are so cool
*fail* xD To pray is to
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
|D I'll put you on the next
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: Look for Friends. Let Love find you.
:B =( awww that's
your pictures are sooo beautiful<33 and i would love to have an art trade...
+*Sunfyra's Biography*+
Oh holy crap, I missed it
Whew but OK, I'm happy for the ones who got a place. =D Good luck with these! They'll be awesome! <3
Wow, that was quick! I can't
-GIRLY SQUEAL- Biographies
I can't wait to see how they
Edit: IT'S GOURGES!!! I love it! It gives her that 'leave me alone' additude that she always has.
Im always here to listen to the bads and goods in the world
and to fix the wrongs beening done in this
dying world
Really? I hadn't realized.
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: Look for Friends. Let Love find you.