yeaaah 8D finally <3 my new biography. i'll added all those beautiful fan arts later <3
Changed the layout a little bit :3
see youuu
by Nishi <3
sister (Flyra), sister (Fryla), little girl Paya <33
indian-mask, the darkblue-white pelt, blue flowers on her head (without the antlers)
[(loves<3)Cataaa<3 and Paya<3] animals, flowers, the crying Ideal, the pond, to fly, coniferous forest
the pond
brash and rude deer, wolves
She is a little shy, but gets fast new friends.
She is polite and friendly to every deer, but she don’t like loud and rude ones.
She'll be there when you need help.
lived far, far away in the moon-forest
never again
Light green
hand mask, grey pelt, peacock feathers
deer, fawns, animals, the pond, playing and flying
the pond (she had arrived this place at first)
lonely deer, hurted deer, fights
She is a little bit shy, but she wants to be everyone's freind. She hates to see lonely or hurted deer and want to cheer them up. She loves playing and being in community of deer.
But sometimes she remind the accident years ago and will run away of everyone and everything
She was born in a forest one a cliff, where every night the moon was risen.
It was called the Moon-Forest.
She was really happy there and finded a beautiful mate.
Everything was really fine.
Untill the grey stag appeared. Her mate protected her and pulled him across the cliff, down, down towalls the acute Rocks.
He have been saving her live. She ran and ran and finnnaly arrived at the pond.
She swor herself to never go there again. So she lost her whole family and the one, she loved.
[=152 Stag
his mum and dad live in a different forest.
looks for a doe
the bird mask,the grey pelt and the indian-feathers
he loves to bow,( so he'll always bow twice) doe, birds, the birch forest, feathers, fawn, swimming, white pelts
the ruin, the pond
dove, squrille
stags, who fight against does, rude stags, flowers,
He is really polite (especially to does^^), he is like a gentleman. He loves to swim and hopping around. He is usually friendly, but will always protect does .He’ll never fight again them, too. His proud is imported for him, because he grew up in a strict family . His father send him out 3 years ago, to get his own herd. He can fight really well; he got fight-lessons from his father.
The fire Lady
Title :The fire Lady
they died when she was young.She grew up in a vale with lots of vulcans-the vulcanvale.
the real deer mask,the orange pelt, the fan-antlers (and long, wild hair )
hopping around, the playground, big groups of deer, animals, traveling,routine-fights, vulcans
the playground, it remind her at her childhood in the vulcanvale.
weak deer, flowers,swimming,all-too polite deer
She has got a wild and flamy temperament.
She isn't really polite and could appear a little rude, but she is usually friendly and loves to be with big groups of deer.
She has got a strong and slight body and is really proud of her childhood in the dangerous vulcanvale.She behaviores more like a stag then a doe.She also love routine or exercise-fights.
none, but is looking for someone
Cousin (Bow), Cousin (Shade)
long mask, great argus pelt, secretary bird antlers
white pelts, the Twin Gods, little deer
the Twin Gods hill
Bird (it is majestically)
red pelts, the old oak, flowers, fawns (loud and bumpy :B)
He is proud and sarcastic. ( and a little arrogant)
He loves to stand on the Twin Gods hill and
could see everything in the forest.
He has got humor, but if he had a bad day don’t put pelt or something like this on
him, he would cause you away!
a father, who lives far away from the forest.

hand mask, secretary bird pelt, key antlers, or she wears the gazell antlers
the ruin, to run though the forest, little deer and fawns,
play with her friends, sunshine
the ruin
water (the pond, crying Ideal), frogs, fishes, fog
[=12] She is a happy and friendly deer. She loves to be with her friends.
She is full of life and like to run through the forest in sunshine.
Joy is her best friend; she helps her to forget the past.
But she will never go close-by water…

Her father and her mother lived here in the forest for years.
They were happy when she got on world.
Mela, the fawn, was really pry and loved to look at frogs, fishes at every animal.
She was impressive by water and one day she fell in the
pond. Her mother kept two eyes on her, so she had seen everything.
She jumped in the pond and pulled her off the water.
Then she duck and Mela had never seen her again…
Her father lacerated the heart and runs far, far away.
by Stitches
dark red
secretary-bird mask, normal-deer pelt, zombie-antlers
Fawns, Rocks, Bats, Fights ,Hopping and Wandering (also the white pelt *ROLF* xP) Twilight and Night
The playground only Rocks...nothing what can move.
Bat they are eating...blood >]
nerved deer, Squrilles, Flowers, deer;
He won't bow.
He want to stay alone and run away or chase a deer away, who approach. He is aggressive and love to fight. When he is in good mood, he'll wear the normal-deer pelt [that, with the white points] and will play with some special deer. He loves fawn and will protect them.
When it's twilight or night/fog, he will stay a lot in the forest.
But when he's in bad mood or have been hurted he'll wear the zombie-pelt. You shouldn't come close-by him...
X [i'm using it for all of my deer; i'm just changing their set^^ ]
Hi theeere! *hugs them
This is a veeery cool biography! I loove your deer! <33
Nice deer! ^^ Roxie would
Hey there! *glomps* Met Joy
Nice bios! And... is it only me or does these fonts with that you wrote "Gender", "Age" etc. sometimes light up? O__O
Catahecassa & Payakootha
Cata & Paya & Pi'yu
~Cata it was great with you!
it was great with you! right,sun? *blush*...yes...<3
yeah!i know^^ i don't know what i did to light up these leeters! xD <333
+*Sunfyra's Biography*+
Sunflyra's in love? 83 Do
Do tell! <3
@Enkou: Tehe... I guess you
Wait a ... huh? What happened to all the pictures? O___O
Cata & Paya & Pi'yu
Cata & Paya & Pi'yu
I see them again! 8D I
Especially Sunfyra's <3
Of course! *giggles*
The little butterfly on her nose is just adorable! =D
Cata & Paya & Pi'yu
Cata & Paya & Pi'yu
Hawt Gentleman is hawt. x'3
Wow! You got two new deer...
Can't wait to see your deer in the forest!
Especially Sunfyra! <3
Cata & Paya & Pi'yu
Cata & Paya & Pi'yu
You added them! Yaay! XDD
Also, let's say Nightmare and Chism had too many mushrooms last time they were in. I don't know what happend there :"D Deer-pyramids and cloning aren't usually Chism's antics.
--Stays a lonely Seele
Wait, what. This was you?!
This was you?! D8
Cata & Paya & Pi'yu
Cata & Paya & Pi'yu
Oaah, sorry for following
He really wants to know more about him, maybe because of he remainds a bit that stag with who Roti grew up. 8>
awww no problem he's
want to go in the forest today again? C8
xD yeeaah it was mee :3 i've wrote something under pi'yu's diary too <3
Muhaw <8D He was quite sure
He'll be there again soon. <8
Edit: I.. I wanna.. apologize. Nightmare, I really want to. I didn't want that orange stag to hurt you few days ago. I didn't planned it to go like that. Please. Forgive me. -shakes-
She feels still a bit guilty about that D:
Have you read the other one I wrote about Nightie? C:
X |D My Deer
Wow deine Bio ist auch sehr
Ah ja, Munkel erinnert sich an Gentleman -^_^-
Ne, bin von der Schweiz, aber die Schweizer können auch Hochdeutsch ne ^_~ xD macht Spass jemanden zu treffen, der mal nicht englisch redet ;]
Mind if I stalk
I play Mortuusago and Evangeline. Eva is a fawn! Mort is my big baby boy~