Probably will only do this once in several blue moons.
I have NO IDEA if anyone would be interested in this, but I'm going to be working on some CSS and I've had an itch to try out my new headset so if anyone wants to just like, hang out and chat and maybe ask CSS/coding questions, come on over.
May have mature language in whatever music comes on my Pandora station.
My husband has picked up this weird habit of humming at ALL HOURS so you may hear some of that in the background, and I apologize for any weirdness.
May or may not draw later.
Playing "Through the Woods" - my first run-through of the game. Warning: Horror game, although everything has been fairly mild thus far. Some skeletons and blood and trolls. Mostly atmospheric stuff.
Playing "Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition" - excellent game!
Husband is chatting in the background, I have my microphone off and won't be verbally chatting this time. Please don't be offended if I don't say hi when you come in : < If you say something I'll probably reply, though~
Going to be attempting the game on the "Hard" difficulty, in an attempt to earn one of the 7 remaining achievements I need.
Gonna play one of the Borderlands DLCs.
My fiancee is playing a game behind me, so pardon weird audio lol. I may have to turn my mic off at some point.
I got
Among the Sleep on sale, so I'll be playing through some of it today. It's an interesting indie game.
Finishing up a personal-ish project from last time, +/- characters listed
here. May or may not watch a movie at some point.
Just installed the Steam release of TDG. Let's see what's changed!
(Against my better judgement) I'm playing
Dead Space again.
I've also enabled my microphone for this one, so you can hear me scream like a little girl.
Viscera Cleanup Detail may follow, depending on time.
Ssssooo I got Dead Space yesterday and I think I'm going to start it in a few hours, being Halloween and all. [s]We're getting dinner now, and may clean for a little bit when we get home. Will update/bump at start as usual <3
I've also enabled my microphone for this one, so you can hear me scream like a little girl. Maybe. We'll see.
Okay, now that I've scared myself silly QUITE enough, switching to something still 'bloody' but much more relaxing - Viscera Cleanup Detail~
Playing Diablo III~
Playing the alpha build of
The Deer God~
Working on a picture for work.
Need to polish it up tomorrow.
Working on
this. May listen to the same song on repeat for a while because it's stuck in my head, lol. You are forewarned.

For Charr
Chrono Crusade, since I've finished the manga and haven't seen the whole series yet. Apparently the distribution company that owns it put the series on YouTube. And they let someone put a
subbed set up, too.
My 'D'
Photomanip with a really old picture of mine... yay fairies \o/
Seasonal screenshot edit. With a sort of hidden surprise. Do you see it?
Taking doodle requests again. May not be spectacular finished pieces. See the ones below for an approximate quality (I don't guarantee because it depends on time, my patience, and complexity of design).
Post requests in the LS chat box or I might miss them.
May watch a movie after a few doodles, depending on when we go get dinner.
Out to dinner. May start up again afterwards to finish this up.
Back, finishing up Nadezhda o3o
ChainArt's deer
Bunnycorn's deer
Concept for
GloomyCluster's deer
8-1-12 Online for a little
Online for a little bit.
May try and make a reference sheet or work on old stuff I always forget about.
Edit: Technical issueeeees. Back in a minute. okaywhatever I can't find the thing I wanted >/Having trouble finding the files I wanted to work with. My files are still kinda jumbled after moving to a new laptop, although I have the old hard drive accessable by USB... but it seems the files aren't there? I don't know.
I'll have to look and try again later, I guess. Frustrating.
I track? :0
12-6-12 Will be working on
Because that's probably what I'll be doing for a good while. You may want to mute.Will be working on some Christmas stuff in a little while. Have to get things set up first (5-10 minutes).
Forewarning: Hope you can stand listening to the same song over and over
Working on more Christmas stuffs.
Online now~2-18-13
May be working on some Christmas stuff still (augh school is killing me) or just goofing off, whichever floats the boat!
Online now.2-27-13
Will be working on an image for a deer's bio, maybe some other things.
May have to bring my roommate his glasses in a little while, if he ever manages to tell me where he's at >.>
Considering playing Borderlands 2 (Steam). Anyone interested in watching and/or playing with me? o3o
Working on some art for a new character.
Watching a movie 'cause I'm bored.
It's on YouTube 'cause I got locked out of the family Netflix account and I don't have a copy of the movie : <
Taking doodle requests because I'm bored. May not be spectacular finished pieces.
Edit: Still taking requests. One more, I think.
could i request siarra?
Sorry, didn't see it until
I did her anyway, but it's really simple, hope you don't mind~
oou watching! ofc this has to
Wow... this is gorgeous, her
WEEEE this was so much fun ^^
8/19/13 - Will be taking
8/19/13 - Will be taking requests again after I get everything set up. Online in a couple minutes. o3o8-30-13
Been wanting to watch Repo: The Genetic Opera the past few days for some reason. Anyone want to watch with me? (Rated R, don't get me in trouble with any parents please!)
Eee, Repo! I love Repo! I'll
Teeny Requite by Dapper.
That's one I haven't seen.
Repo is one of my favorites
As soon as I find the DVD, I'll let you know! I could've sworn it was on my desk, but it seems to be hiding.Found it! Apparently we put it where it belongs, lmao.
I also found V for Vendetta o3o May watch that afterwards, we'll see!
Wooh, Repo, love that movie.
Going to watch V for Vendetta
I do need to do some maintainence. Guesstimating 30-45 minutes.Well that escalated quickly. Things got a little crazy, but I think everyone's taken care of for now.So.
-nestles down-
9-29-13 It's the "Ivi's bored
It's the "Ivi's bored at 2 in the morning and has no idea why she's even awake" show!
beautiful art. Cant wait to
Thank you, Osmotious
Online bump~
What happens if we cant post
Oh, don't have an
Yeah, then I guess you can post here xD I just may not see it for a while
Edit: I'm probably done doodling for the night, but leave me a note here and I'll sketch something for you the next time I'm about :3
Yeah I dont have a LS
*edit: on phone currently will add link to bio when on computer.
Oh my god! that is adorable!
Os - ♥ And another~
And another~
Sorry for leaving other day
No worries! Always appreciate
Tracking. Love the movie
10-29-13 Now that some
Now that some technical issues are resolved...
Working on a Halloween-themed picture for work.
Edit: Aaaaaand take three.
Playing BioShock.
Watching Chrono Crusade
Taking requests.
Trackity track
December 9, 2013 Online
Online again
And apologies to Isaita for earlier - I had gotten offline to go somewhere. You were probably watching the automatic offline stream xD
Drawing something for work. Also surrounded by 3 needy dogs I'm petsitting for, so there may be random interruptions.
once I get some music pulled up.Bump for movie.
Online, working on artstuffs.
Happy July 4~
Playing the original Portal as soon as it finishes re-installing. 10-15 minutes.
Welp, since I played through all of the original Portal last night, obviously I should play through Portal 2 tonight!
Just installed the alpha build of The Deer God and I'm giving it a go~
More of The Deer God~
Playing Diablo III
Ssssooo I got Dead Space yesterday and I think I'm going to start it in a few hours, being Halloween and all. <3I've also enabled my microphone for this one, so you can hear me scream like a little girl. Maybe. We'll see.
Switching to Viscera Cleanup Detail
(Against my better judgement) I'm playing Dead Space again ;;
Just installed the Steam release of TDG. Let's see what's changed!
More TDG!
Music and doodling whatever comes to mind~
Taking my Christmas present (Photoshop Elements 13) for a test drive : D
Will be doing characters listed here - feel free to make a request in the comments on that blog!
Working on a personal-ish project, +/- characters listed in the aforementioned doodle blog - feel free to make a request in the comments on that blog!
Tracking this
1-9-15 Finishing up a
Finishing up a personal-ish project from last time, +/- characters listed on doodle blog. May or may not watch a movie at some point.
Movie night~ Watching Maleficent.
T. What is your name on
What is your name on Lioden?
2-8-15 I got Among the Sleep
I got Among the Sleep on sale, so I'll be playing through some of it today. It's an interesting indie game.
Eating dinner, then may play a game if anyone's interested.
I have...
Tell me what sounds interesting o3o
10-10-15 Fixed my
Fixed my tablet~~
Going to be working on some lineart and maybe some recolors for the Donation Game prizes! Maybe some other stuff, too, we'll see~
Got Procaster to work again, yaay!
Working on a re-do of a non-TEF character reference. May turn into other things when I get bored/frustrated, idk.
Working on the same reference from the other day.
Not sure what I'm going to work on. May do some requests, idk.
Steam's having a sale and I need some distraction. Will stream one/some of the games I've picked up if anyone's interested. List in main post.
7-5 & 6-16
Playing some more "Life is Strange" or whatever people are interested in.
...two hours later, Ivi realizes she never pressed "start recording"
Trackin' this B\
7-6-16 Steam's having a sale
Steam's having a sale and I need some distraction. Will stream one/some of the games I've picked up if anyone's interested. Here's a list of what I've got (a lot of them are Indie games):
New Games:
-Life is Strange [idk what to call this, Adventure/Point-and-Click/Decisions Matter?]
-Primordia [Point-and-Click Adventure]
-This War of Mine [Survival, Sim, War]
-Microcosmum: survival of cells [Survival, Relaxation]
-Epistory [Adventure]
-Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (not installed yet) [Adventure, FPS]
Old Games:
-The Deer God [Adventure, Sidescroller]
-Among the Sleep [Horror]
-Borderlands (1, 2) [Adventure, FPS]
-Botanicula [Cute Adventure]
-Dead Space [Horror, FPS]
-Sparkle 2 Evo [Survival, Relaxation]
-Sunset [ToT!]
-Trine 2 [Adventure-Puzzle? I haven't played this much]
-Viscera Cleanup Detail [Space Janitor Cleaning sim]
-Dust: An Elysian Tale [2D Adventure]
-Bioshock (1) [what even is, horror-adventure-FPS-mutation-thing]
-Left4Dead (2) [FPS, zombie]
Going to try to get some of the achievements I've missed in "Epistory"
Going to be playing "Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition"
I love this game~ It's kinda hard on my computer, though, so we'll see how it does streaming.
Going to be attempting it on the "Hard" difficulty, in an attempt to earn one of the 7 remaining achievements I need.
More Ori!
Playing a game that's new to me, "Through the Woods"
I have NO IDEA if anyone would be interested in this, but I'm going to be working on some CSS and I've had an itch to try out my new headset so if anyone wants to just like, hang out and chat and maybe ask CSS/coding questions, come on over.
My husband has picked up this weird habit of humming at ALL HOURS so you may hear some of that in the background, and I apologize for any weirdness.
May or may not draw later.
Portal & Portal 2!
Continuing Portal 2
idk what I'm going to be doing yet. Doodling, maybe playing Viscera Cleanup Detail or somesuch later.
12-21-17 Playing Shelter
Playing Shelter 2.
May have mature language in whatever music comes on my Pandora station.
My husband has picked up this weird habit of humming at ALL HOURS so you may hear some of that in the background, and I apologize for any weirdness.
May or may not draw later.