Updates _________ Current Stats5-21-16 /
Hello, lovelies! Thank you so much for continuing to support the Forest. I wouldn't call myself 100% back on track yet, as life seems to be full of unexpected turns, but I have totaled all of the donation proofs I've received! It looks like I owed the Forest €89 for December 2015 through April 2016. That's a nice number! But I think I owe a little interest since you all have been so wonderful - so I made it an even €100! We didn't hit the goals for the downtime months, but I'm definitely going to let that slide. May will be exempt, as well, this year. I'll see what I can do towards getting some more lineart drawn and colored, though! 3-6-16 Working on getting back on track, but not quite there yet. Thank you for continuing to send proofs! 2-7-16 I swear I haven't forgotten this. It's been a rough month over here, and for the foreseeable future I am taking care of my dog after his surgery, as he is having a lot of complications. You are welcome to keep sending proofs, and I will tally them when I am able. I may just count Jan/Feb as automatic wins since I have not been able to be as present. If you require a more in-depth explanation as to how a dog can prevent me from adding some numbers together, you are welcome to read my journal entry here. New CSS! Still playing with some of the colors, but everything's mostly together~ November Results: Back on track, with powerhouse Verdalas dealing a heavy last-minute blow to the Drops! Sorry I've run behind this month - work's been nuts after Thanksgiving! December will be properly up soon. Matching Bonuses: You all earned €35 additional for the Forest in donation matches! See the donation here (This was combined with the October match for a total of €55) This year's total so far is €1436!! October Results: The Forest took a hit this month, giving the Drops a chance to get a little bit stronger for November. They have an extra €10 this month! Matching Bonuses: You all earned €20 additional for the Forest in donation matches! See the donation here (This donation was combined with November's match) That's a grand total of €63 this month! Not too shabby! This year's total so far is €1,203!! Rule update: --You can choose someone else's deer to be colored into the prize lineart, if you do not want your own deer done. --If you don't tell me what deer you want colored within 2 weeks of winning, I'll either pass the prize to the next contributor or pick someone at whim. | /Top Donors - NovThanks to our Forest heroes: 1 - Verdalas, €150 2/3 - Ammy & Snow, €5 each 4 - Urschanabi, €3 |
Rules - Boss Battles - Prizes - Bonuses - Hall of Heroes/ / / /Basic rules /Rules may change (within reason) at any time according to necessity (in example, donation matching may not occur every month) Drupal has 130 hit points - 1 for each Euro it costs to keep the server running each month For every Euro you donate, Drupal will lose 1 HP and you get the chance to win some cool stuff If players donate beyond the €130 mark, the Overkill Meter will begin to fill and some fun bonuses will come up! To make an attack against the Drupal Drops, send proof of a donation to TEF (including your username, the date, amount, and at least the last 4 characters of the confirmation code) to I do NOT need your real-life personal information if you do not want to share it! Just a TEF username is fine! Please black out anything you do not want me to see, like this Please make donations in EUROS if possible! It makes my math easier ♥ If you wish to remain anonymous, you may do so by writing "Anonymous" instead of your username, but will be ineligible for prizes Donations proofs not sent to the above Email are not counted, even if you are on a regular monthly subscription/etc. (Sorry, I can't devote that much time to hunting down the whole community's contributions if some players don't want to participate in the game :< ) Post here when you send proof of donation! I have already had some get directed to my spam folder, and if I do not see your message before it is deleted I cannot count it! If you do not receive an Email reply verifying your donation within 3 days, please ask again here if I have received it. I may just be a little behind, or your Email may not have gone through and I may have missed your post here at the same time. Attacks will be totaled as I receive them and the health bar will usually be updated at the end of each week (Saturday or Sunday). If you wish to view more detailed statistics, you may do so here. The game ends when there is no longer enough interest to generate income for the Forest This is determined when TEF loses for 3 months in a row, or for a total of 6 months out of one year (January 1 to December 31) / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / |
First donation proof send to
I'll have to wait for sending my proof of the monthly subscriptions because i delered them all in my mail lol .
Will have to wait for the next payement .
(No subject)
okay this is an absolutely
I absolutely love this idea.
Thanks, guys
Whew, I think I've got most of the kinks worked out and my spreadsheet finally in order. Flyleaf has made the first contribution, and took a pretty good chunk out of the July Drops!
There are a couple of extra weeks for July since this is starting early, so I bet we can knock 'em out and reveal the first boss!
If you have any suggestions or notice anything out of order in the rules, etc, please let me know!
Very cool idea, I'd
Very cool idea, I'd
Just made a donation and then
Well, sent you 2 emails c: I've a monthly sub' for 3 years now.
Proof of my monthly
Aivilo, I applaud you! This
edit: What is the confirmation code? I'm looking back at my payments and the only remotely similar thing I see is the transaction ID.
I adore this idea ♥
I intend to be donating a
just keeping track of this
This is wonderful Tracking!
Wow, great surprise to come
"What is the confirmation code? I'm looking back at my payments and the only remotely similar thing I see is the transaction ID."
That should be fine. I'm just using the last 4 digits to confirm that each transaction is unique and no one cheats : P
"I intend to be donating a considerable amount to ToT and I have to ask if posting proof of it here for the meter would spoil the game?"
Not at all! It will just feed the overkill meter and maybe land you a prize as a top contributor : D
@Everyone else
Thank you, thank you, you guys are wonderful ♥
I'll be updating the spreadsheet shortly.
Doe chibi (well, mini icons) prize examples are up on the donation meter now! Working on the stags :3
I'm hoping to be able to cycle the designs every month and hopefully have 12 sets to go through each year, but we'll have to see how my schedule goes.
*Note for monthly subscribers* With the subscription proofs that are sent during this month (JUNE), I will count them towards the 3 month in a row tally, but not towards the JULY donation. The July subscription donation will count towards both the 3 month in a row tally AND the July donation.
Aw man! I wanna play but I
If Unplugged is willing to
Sent an email now.
Looks like I'll be setting up
tomorrow~It'll be bigger than future ones, since we still haven't started July haha.
Edit: Can we beat the July heat?
made by foxofthestars!
Love this.
Save the Forest AND make a
Hey Aivilo, what exactly does
This is absolutely great!
I've just sent you an email.
Signature © Draak
@Unplugged - It unlocks a
It unlocks a bonus round (boss battle) with extra prizes :3 this month's boss is July Heat.
The following month will still start over at 0.
Great idea.
Just sent an email!
Sent for June.
Do i have to send you the
Fly - Yes, in case someone
Proof send for the 29/06 .
Time to bump this
Bumping this, too!
Proof of my monthly donation
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't
Sorry I haven't been about to bump/update this for the last week of July - I'm smack in the middle of moving and don't have a computer! I expect to have things back on track next week, but this is definitely still a thing so please don't be put off by the fact it still says July up there; the August drops are a-comin' and the Forest still needs you to help fend them off!
Prizes will also go out next week or so when I can update<333
July Top 5 Donors:
1 - Verdalas, €200
2 - Flyleaf, €55
3 - Keepiru & Urschanabi, €50 each
4 - Freyja, €7
Please Email me to let me know what deer you would like to represent the Forest for the month of August! :3
Boss Battle Results:
July Heat was nearly beaten, but scraped by with €18 health remaining. So close! Maybe we'll have better luck with August.
Matching Bonuses:
You all earned €41 additional for the Forest in donation matches! See the donation here
That's a grand total of €403! Great job!
ooo, ill try to donate.. if
Little donation for August
Proof send to you .
Boop. Will try to update this
Edit: Updated!
Bump ! Where are you Guys ,
Where are you Guys , first month we were all afraid of loosing the forest and everyone donated ...
Posts were made to sell art and donate the amount .
Now , it is all quiet again .
Don't think the game is saved now ....
^^ I completely agree with
Proof of donation sent. Let's
Thanks , Guys . I see i am
I see i am not the only one who hasn't forgot about this !!
Come on , lets do it , help our Forest to live on !
Sadly, I don't have the funds
Thank you, Goddas! I'll add
Only 45 Euros until the boss battle!