Note: Endriaga can generally be assumed to be resting with Phaios or hanging around in a tree nearby [but likely will not be logged in]. Not a deer as she was before, but instead a miniature dragon.
PhysicalDenotes physical fitness - wounds, illness, etc.: Healthy. [100/100]
MentalMental health determines the stability of emotional health, rationality and decision-making skills, and emotional recovery time.: Well [90/100]
EmotionalEmotional health is an indication of the state of self-perceived well-being. It is not necessarily bound by "happy" and "unhappy.": Content [90/100]
DemeanorCurrent behavior and posture/body language.: Quiet, thoughtful
How many years has it been?
Has spent the last few months with little in the way of drama. Content to be bored most of the time, although she does at times feel quite lonely. As such, she has been happily reconnecting with Illrose and Carmine when she comes across them. In particular, surprised and incredibly grateful when first Illrose and then Carmine sought her out in the deep fog of October and stayed with her for a number of days until it passed; the mist bound her senses uncomfortably and left her on edge and feeling blind, but having a steady presence greatly eased that stress.
A little more melancholy now that the snow has arrived, often lost in thought. Not really a fan of the cold. Spending a little more time around Eraline's grave when she's on her own.
Pica ducks her head in a
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
The doe's head tilts to one
Peering back at the fawn, she considers the question for a moment; no one had asked before, oddly enough. "It means I am Bonded to another," she replies. "She's a deer now, too, but she used to be a little dragon. Her name is Endriaga. It's red because she's red." Things were a little more complex than that, but she figures it ought to satisfy a fawn's curiosity.
Wide teal eyes squinting with
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Kaoori: *finds a mess at her
"Yes," Phai answers with a
Pica finds that pretending to
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
[Sorry for the delay in
"Pica, hm?" She chuckles lightly as the little one flits about. "You can call me Phai. Where'd you come from, little one?"
[does not know D8] To
To attention! Her ears flop forwards, and she gives the of-same a isn't-it-obvious? look.
"Pai don't know? Well," she tells the of-same importantly, "Pica comes from her mamma."
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
The doe barely contains a
Watching the of-same
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
"You can't remember?" she
About to continue talking and
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
"Flowers in her antlers, hm?
Pica huffed - she saw her
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
A quiet chuckle. "Of course
Pica wriggles with delight -
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
The doe blinks with surprise
Taking a peek from beneath her limb, she hopes the little fawn hasn't managed to completely clear the birch by now - though the shorter grass of the pine forest might make her easier to spot.
Pica stifles the urge to
The game was on!
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Getting to her feet, Phai
Ah, no! There was a bug
She stiffened with fright when she heard a sound. Her fur standing stiff, she pokes a nose out through a gap in the branches, only to catch Pai's scent. She withdrew quickly, small frame tensed.
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Lucky for Pica, Phai's focus
Mentally, Pica does the
She was would up so tight that she very nearly squealed with surprise at the loud excamation, but turned to jerking her whole body with alarm. Had Pai seen her now? But no, upon hearing Pai talk of birdies and tricks and bushes, Pica feels safer, and edges away from where the sunlight shone through the leaves. Peering through the gap though, gave Pica a boost of confidence. Pai looked puzzled on where she was, and she felt very proud at her hiding skills - after all, she had practised her skills with other of-sames to find out whether they could see her.
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
[Pica is so adorable @.@ Glad
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
"Now, where could that little
Pica was immensely relieved.
But it was a much different story in Pica's head. Don'trundon'trundon'trunstaystillstaystill... etc. Her hyperactive nature only allowed so much though, and it very much proved that she took this game very seriously. Clearing the last few leaves, Pica shook herself out before scampering ninja-style behind tree to tree, peeking out before every advance in the diraction Pai had been going. She was nearing a very fat birch tree, and Pica felt secure. So far, none had called out her name, and the birch would provide a good hiding place at the base, covering in ferns and moss as it was.
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Fortunately Phai can't see
She considers, for a moment, just jumping out and surprising the fawn like she'd originally intended, but another idea strikes her. Instead, she waits, perfectly still on the other side, for Pica to start moving again.
Creeping closer, Pica begins to feel slightly uneasy - Pai had been gone for a long while now. But she shook it off - The bigwater had a lot of hidey places, so that's why. Crouching down, Pica makes sure that her body cannot be seen from any of-same coming back from the direction of the pond before wriggling forwards on her belly to conceal herself under the fern fronds, occasionally poking out a head to sniff at the air. Was that Pai's scent? Was she coming back already? Shrinking down into the ferns, the small fawn curls up tighter and shuffles closer to the base of the fat birch.
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Phaios wonders if maybe she
A soft tap of hooves on the
Pica stiffens with alarm as Pai takes steps backwards, becoming very worried when she didn't seem to stop - but she does. And one hoof is temptingly close. Stifling a giggle, Pica pokes out one slender leg to tickle the fur on her leg (sounds weird...) before withdrawing it hastily.
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
The doe yelps with surprise,
"Why, you little imp," she laughs, fronds spilling from her jaws. "Does it count if I find you after you find me?"
All Pica managed was a squeal before Pai snapped down on the ferns with surprising speed, tearing away a clump of her cover. Caught red hooved - Pica attempted to draw her fore leg closer to her body, but there was no more room, and she admitted defeat. She crawled out, shaking out her fur as she did so before nuzzling Pai happily - "Dunno!" And it seemed quite obvious that she didn't care either way, except for the fact that it was fun.
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Yeah that whole fawn herd
rofl you gave me a good laugh
Lol poor Phai. I feel so bad
Calida - Yeah, it was quite a
Kimi - lmao, Isobel's going to be so confused with all the adult figures in her life saying opposite things xD "BUT PHAI, MIRIAM SAID I COULD!"
Waning - Haha, I get that a lot : P
PIKACHUICHOOSEYOUNiriya -Phaios chuckles quietly, bending down to nose the fawn on the head as she's nuzzled. "You're a pretty good hider!" She drops down into the ferns so she's a little closer to Pica's level. "I used to be a pretty good hider, too, where I came from. I'm not as good here, though, since I'm shaped different." She wonders in the back of her mind for a moment if Pica was one of the deer who'd come from another world, too, but leaves it to the fawn to bring it up on her own; she's well aware not everyone here liked where they came from, and sees no reason to risk upsetting little Pica for no reason.
Pika pika! That is a good
That is a good nickname. -evil laugh-
Pica feels the fur on the top of her head being rubbed, and she churrs with delight. At the comment on her hiding skills, she churrs even louder and wriggles happily. She stepped back, though to give Pai some more space and looked solemnly into her eyes as Pai describes shapes, but what Pics really picked up on was that Pai was a good hider, and this excited Pica to no end; though, she was still confused about "what shapes did Pai have? Circle? Square?" Pica wonders.
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
The doe snorts as she tries
/srsly going to bed now
NO >/ *stubborn* AND NOW
Sleep well xD
Pica gaped in wonder - then
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Phai sighs wistfullly. "Yeah,
Pica lifted one flap of an
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
An amused smile crosses her
[Ahmg hiding in the tree, rofl. Pica kills me. That deer Phai's next to in-game is dead, by the by, lol. And I'm about to hit the hay - test tomorrow ;-;]
Crazy ~and~ bored. >u> also
also wtf I thought I'd tracked this. :c
^lmao, you win a prize ALL
ALL the cookies!
[Pica was scared by Pai's
Aha! So that was how you could move much more silently - Pica was just used to putting down her hooves slowly, but this technique - this would let her move much faster and more silently! Regarding Pai with something akin to awe, she attempts this technique, delicately placing one tiny hoof after the other, though, wincing when she hears a slight frussh of grass against her hooves. "..Pica's getting there!" she 'frowns' in concentration.
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Confused her soul when
"What... is... wrong? You look..." She paused, searching for the right word. "... sick." she added after a short pause, and took one more step towards Phaios.