Note: Endriaga can generally be assumed to be resting with Phaios or hanging around in a tree nearby [but likely will not be logged in]. Not a deer as she was before, but instead a miniature dragon.
PhysicalDenotes physical fitness - wounds, illness, etc.: Healthy. [100/100]
MentalMental health determines the stability of emotional health, rationality and decision-making skills, and emotional recovery time.: Well [90/100]
EmotionalEmotional health is an indication of the state of self-perceived well-being. It is not necessarily bound by "happy" and "unhappy.": Content [90/100]
DemeanorCurrent behavior and posture/body language.: Quiet, thoughtful
How many years has it been?
Has spent the last few months with little in the way of drama. Content to be bored most of the time, although she does at times feel quite lonely. As such, she has been happily reconnecting with Illrose and Carmine when she comes across them. In particular, surprised and incredibly grateful when first Illrose and then Carmine sought her out in the deep fog of October and stayed with her for a number of days until it passed; the mist bound her senses uncomfortably and left her on edge and feeling blind, but having a steady presence greatly eased that stress.
A little more melancholy now that the snow has arrived, often lost in thought. Not really a fan of the cold. Spending a little more time around Eraline's grave when she's on her own.
The stag's ears flickered at
The doe looks thoughtful as
"Somewhat like burying. Just
Phai's brows knit together
"No," Akhenaton replied
"Really?" Phai studies him
"It depends on the human,
"Silver. The color? Like..."
"Oh, no, no. The world isn't
"Hm. That's a shame... I
"Yes...some hold the
She blinks. Power? "I suppose
Akhenaton chuckled, "Humans
"Like metal teeth?" That
"Somewhat...they're more like
Phaios grunts softly. "I'd
Oh, yeah, the weird mini with
"It'd be interesting to watch humans handle shiftshapers..." Akhenaton agreed, though his ears went back in confusion at her next words. Mother's champions? Oh...the deity she believes in.."Uncommon? I guess that would make sense...I haven't seen many around with wings in my wanderings of the forest..."
"Mhm. There were only...
[Ah, I was wondering x3 Couldn't figure out who the picto went to.]
Yep! It was her. "What did
"What did you do in your old life? And you're right about the past lives thing, I think. I didn't have wings, in mine, nor was I remotely related to an owl," he smiled at that, but it steadily died as he waited for the doe to answer.
"Ah, but owls are such
The stag chuckled, "I've got
[Congratulations, Akhen,
The doe contemplates this for several breaths, wondering how exactly one puts an entire culture into a few sentences. "Each of us had an Ankh on our chest, she begins. "Mine's faded, now," she mentions as an aside, touching her nose briefly to a lighter patch of hairs nestled among the gray on her chest, "but the fur grew in a different color depending on age and strength and ranking. Those with a gold Ankh were the Guardians; silver Ankhs were the Hondos. These were the protectors and peacekeepers of our race, each chosen by our Mother. They were granted special abilities to give them an edge when they needed it - to break up disputes and so on." Phai pauses to take a breath and re-gather herself. "Our world was peaceful at times, but there was a constant war among the gods in which we were often used to determine who would win. At one time, after our Mother died so that we might live and our grandmother took control of the land and rebuilt it, the seven Hondos and Guardians were suddenly changed. They were stripped of all rank and strength. One became angry, one suddenly coveted all things, one hardly moved at all... Some were even less pleasant than that. It was left to us, as a Challenge, to determine what had happened to them. I was simply first to figure it out and to 'cure' them. They were restored to power and I was granted a silver Ankh of my own and the title Serene Remembrance. Things were quiet for a very little while after that, until a friend went missing, and the packs' loyalties were tested."
Yay, a Wall o' Text! /happy
The stag listened with interest. He found it odd how there were so many Gods and Goddesses in the skies, yet none of them seemed to cause each other problems. "If you don't mind me asking, then how did you end up here, if you had such a high rank?"
"Ah?" She wonders aloud, not
The stag couldn't quite grasp
"In truth..." The doe
"Is your world still there,
"I don't know," she says
The stag nodded, allowing her
"I appreciate you telling me this, I don't understand too much, but it's interesting all the same. I lived in a world where there was no gray, it was either believe this, or die. To hear that there are other worlds out there...other places and things...well it allows a once closed off mind to open up a bit, to be more a sense."
"Mm... My mother called me
The stag followed her gaze,
Phaios shrugs lightly. "I've
"I guess it must," Akhenaton
"Ah... That seems sad.
Endriaga? He dismissed it, "I
Phaios 'hm's softly. "Did the
The stag took a moment,
"So... they were to guide,
"That is rather interesting,"
"Ahm... Well, I suppose, but
"That's a cruel game, to put
"At times, yes. We had to
"Oh...then it's both good and
"Yes... Things were
Akhenaton couldn't help but
Phai lets the silence hang
Akhenaton nodded, "I like
"Mm... If there's something
Akhenaton nodded, "I don't
"Hah... No. Some of the more